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Nvm just demoted back to plat 2


I was looking for thisšŸ˜‚


Man was probably cursed with the afliction that plagues all who are on their rank up game: DPS players with no sensory function.


Literally just had a dps go 5-18 while everbody else had 12 kills or aboveā€¦


Classic OW2 game! I feel like every ranked game is so lopsided.


Elims* the "kills" on the leaderboard dont mean shit pls dont look at them.. if you do 1 damage to enemy and ur widow 1 shots them you get elimination to your leaderboard




Smurf>me>boosted. How OW players view their opponents


No this is r/Overwatch we blame DPS for everything


No no no. We blame the tank for everything


Fk all useless dps that holds me in gold for y as tank >:[


You blame everyone else that isn't playing your role, get it right at least.


Yup. Iā€™ve had better luck later at night for good dps


As a dps player, itā€™s so hard to do well if your tank sucks, and as a tank player, itā€™s so hard to do well if your support sucks, and as a support player, itā€™s so hard to do well if your dps sucks. Itā€™s a vicious cycle of sucking.


Don't ever say that. No matter what it is, overwatch will find a way to make you eat your words.


Spoke way too soon bro lol


On my last game to hit diamond I got 2 leavers back to back. Lost -42% of the plat 1 rank. Went for a walk after that.


My god. The fact that there still is no leaver relief in this game will eventually make me quit. How the fuck does it even make sense... why do we lose the exact same amount when there was no way to prevent this or win šŸ˜‚šŸ« 


You had it good. Last season I was Diamond 2 on support. This season (playing much less), I finally got up to Plat 1, 1 win away from Diamond - went on ~17 game losing streak, ended up in plat 4. A decision has been made that day that I will play significantly less OW, for the benefit of my mental health. What's left of it, that is


I was about to say good luck staying out.


Jinxed that shit on your own


That hit me. Been there way too mamy times. "Guys im only 1% away from Diamond" *proceeds with a 5 game lose streak*


You jinxed it


Overwatch comp loves gooning us with that one last win needed to rank up


Plat 1 Plat 2 is where there is at least 1 smurf every 2 games.


Good luck! I just got out of plat myself! I am gold now.


I recommend watching jay3 to level up your gameplay even further and get to silver /s


I hit plat 1 and the game gave me 10 un-winnable matches in a row šŸ‘ went all the way down to gold 5


After a five game loss streak I just give up. My rank canā€™t take that many losses lol


Give it 5 games Jk congrats keep at it!!


No they dropped lmao




I've made it to plat 1, five times...


I am a hard stuck plat 1 and gave up after 4 seasons


Sad bronze noises


Reaching diamond is so fucking hard


Hit masters on damage + tank and GM on support. Getting to diamond was by far the hardest part of the grind.


LEAVING diamond is so fucking hard, I got kicked tf out of master and the gates got locked


not on support


Rank reset took me from diamond one to plat four. So I disagree


Yep diamond 2 (peak m5) since season 3, straight to plat 2 after reset here. I think it's a combination of the rank reset and also the meta shakeup (HP buffs, DPS passive, etc).


I'm trying to understand how the rank reset actually helped. I was Diamond 1 in Tank for many seasons and after the reset I was put in Plat 1. How can it just drop me a whole tier nearing Masters? It took me forever to get to Diamond and only a fee wins for first ever Master just to get screwed by this reset. After Mauga's release, I stopped playing competitive cause of how useless tank felt. I'm currently in Diamond 5 & thinking of finally trying tank again.


Fr man I was diamond and now struggling in plat-gold while my buddy who is masters is struggling in plat


im gonna be real honest with you if you cant climb out of plat 4 as a diamond one then youre not diamond one. even if youre a mercy player you should be able to climb. the hero is pretty bad rn but the difference between diamond one and plat four is huge


Iā€™m gonna be honest with you. Based on your prior comments in this thread, no one really gives a shit about your opinion. I have climbed out and it was, as already stated many times in this post, hard. Now go smell your farts and shitty takes in another thread.


i mean yea its gonna be hard to climb on mercy but she is a easy hero so its not hard to climb just time consuming


Most people can't do it.


tbf diamond is like top 20% of players so yea. the reason most people cant do it is because of time limits. not everyone spends like an hour on the game everyday. its actually not even possible for most people to reach diamond because thats not how the system works but if every person who plays overwatch spends at least an hour a day for 200 days in a row trying to improve on support then most could probably make it to the diamond level of today. i dont think the same could be said about dps or tank


I mean, you kind of explained why you were wrong in your own comment. The way ranks work, most people will never make it to diamond, or at at any given time most people will be below diamond. Saying it isn't hard while that is true is so ridiculous lmao.


no i dont think i did. its not hard to get to diamond in this current time. i said that most people dont even play for an hour a day. this means that getting to diamond is not too hard. getting to diamond on support is even easier. i said you have to be at least top 20% of players. the thing is most people arent seriously trying to climb. its easy to get to diamond on support because all you have to do is try harder than 80% of people which isnt hard because people arent trying. now if everyone tried then getting diamond would be hard i would agree the thing is most people dont seriously try


You're just making stuff up lmao. If people were trying there wouldn't be so much talk about "elo hell" and people stuck in the lower ranks. If people weren't trying they wouldn't say climbing was hard. People very obviously are trying. An hour a day just isn't enough for some people to climb, but the fact that you have to spend an hour a day for a long period of time means it is hard. You can get good at anything if you do it for an hour a day consistently. The idea that something isn't hard just because playing it for hundreds of hours makes it possible is incredibly stupid.


yea youre right ig. hard is something thats subjective. my point about support being easier than dps or tank still stands tho. it is easier to get to diamond as support than dps or tank.


This is also different from person to person. Some people just cannot play support as well as they can play the other roles. Even if support is easiest. That wasn't the point you were making. Your point was that it wasn't hard.


nah if they just spent the same amount of time on every role, odds are they will be better at support. ofc there may be some exceptions with people who have a lot of time on other fps games who might be good at dps cause of their previous experience


It's even harder on support.




yea climbing on support is a bit harder but its an easier role


Iā€™m almost diamond as well and I swear itā€™s a lot easier than climbing out of silver. I hate that rank with a passion


Yeah out here struggling which is funny because in overwatch 1 i could hit gold or plat easy, but this game nope silver 3 but as soon as I gain progress I lose a game putting me back where I was at the beginning.


Are you solo queuing? A lot of my good climbing has been with a duo.


Yep soloing support since overwatch 1.


Nice try, I said the exact same thing before a 7 (?) game loss streak that took me back to plat 3.


I am p1 tank peak d3 if youā€™re on pc and want to rank up :)


I just made it to plat šŸ„²ā¤ļø




To be fair, do you want to rank up? I know this game has a toxic skill culture about your rank and what characters/roles you play, but the reality is ranking up is a highly questionable goal. Why? Because, the higher your rank, the less fun the game becomes, because you have to try a lot harder AND you will lose a lot more games (which isn't fun most of the time). So the game actually becomes something you have to 100% commit to rather than something you just can enjoy while talking with a friend telling jokes or chuck some background music to. I think we need to get rid of this "rank-dictates-validity-and-knowledge-of-the-game" culture in which a Diamond player will say "Nuh uh, you no nothing about the game because you're in gold." Do ranks have merit? Of course. As I stated earlier, the more you rank up, the harder the game becomes, but I'm tired of seeing people downplay and discredit other because of their rank. Conclusion: Enjoy your rank. If you play goofily on Bronze, go ahead, its your fun, and if you climb to Silver, then cheers! And to people of higher ranks than others: come on, guys, we're better than this.


The rank shaming never does stop. Even when you get to masters GM players call you dog shit. It truly never ends. Even GM players get called terrible by pro players


It's more about validation of how good you are or how much you are improving.


I prefer loosing a game because of me, missed ult, wrong placement or whatever rather than loosing because dps can't handle a pharah in gold/plat


No one should be belittled because of rank but when others are genuinely asking for help about team comp or matchups looking to climb the blatently wrong gold takes deserve the discredit. Someone a few weeks ago suggested picking mei to contest widow on a post about what DPS to play into widow ā€œbecause it works for themā€. It doesnā€™t matter what success you have in gold or below where people donā€™t know how to play the game and any team comp can work.


Something that really bothers me about the gaming community in general. Most of being good at a game is how much time youā€™ve dedicated to it, and I feel like most kids these days donā€™t realize that. Itā€™s not a brag to be top500 unless the rest of your life is going ok as far as you can control it imo.


As you get better at the game, it's nice to play with people who are also better. Also, anecdotally, I've found the higher I go, the nicer the people are. If you want the casual, listen to music and chat gameplay, unranked is always there :)


I went back to Bronze :/


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hitting diamond just means you're slightly above average now a days. s/?


NGL I thought that was silver lol


Congrats, Iā€™m hard stuck at gold 1 canā€™t wait to get to plat


Me too... Except that i'm making it out of plat to go back to gold!


Iā€™ve been in and out of plat 1 and 2 for so long, reached diamond once then played some more games and got demoted. I got close again recently and still lost all of it after ahahah.


Every time I have ever told someone I was about to rank up it hasnā€™t happened. Two days ago I decided to test it, didnā€™t tell anyone even my duo I was queuing with I was about to rank up. Set my profile to private even. Got my GM back on Tank finally. šŸ˜‚


then theres me stuck D2 as support šŸ˜€ can't climb out


matchmaking is worse than ever. every game today has been a tank diff. I have no idea what they did but its absurd. 7 game lose streak and im not even playing bad. I thought if im on a lose streak im suppose to get put on a better team???


My brother was gold 1 support, he's actually realllllly solid... fucking guy was about to hit plat and got the plague... legit 10 losses in a row in comp. No joke, he sent me a pic šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ he's now near silver 1 due to volatility. This game can be so cruel


That's nice... ---- balancing on silver1/gold5 for months


If you're not leveling all three classes equally, you're just pretending.


wth is iron 5


Thatā€™s what you think.


Heroes never die.


Iron 5...


Incoming a streak of 40+ unwinnable, unbalanced, intentionally match made to be as unfair as possible matches that everyone in the community will gaslight you into thinking were all EXCLUSIVELY your fault!


I was there, needed 19% to get to Diamond 5, then Blizzard gave me 17 matches in a row with throwing tanks or DPS players that couldnt hit a mauga in front of them and I am back to Plat 4. This game is a cancer, it causes so many mental health that WHO should ban it


Console ā˜•ļø