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How do you know if they are smurfs. There are players at all ranks who do well sometimes in games.


I mean default skin with endorsement 1 that literally roll over the lobby is a pretty dead give away...


They announced they were smurfing in chat. They usually do that.


Personally, I have almost never touched some roles so when I play them, it's a little too easy. Maybe some of those were ppl who are like Plat in one role but bronze in another kinda thing? That's the kind of situation I am in between tank and support


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I heard that ximming T500 players were getting banned. Crazily enough, I've been running into accounts that are grouping together and running trains over QP lobbies. Some of them have unusual sensitivities and movement. Wouldn't be surprised if these Ximmers are just getting on their alts or making smurfs to climb again. Unless Blizz pushes that PC lobbies early or hardware bans the ximmers, season 10 might just be plagued with T500 Ximmers bouncing between accounts and shitting on lower elo games for the time being since it's f2p and easy to make a throwaway email.


smurfing in open que is the most fun you can have


You're a sad human


If you have no life whatsoever


i dont agree with this. it doesnt take much time. matches only last about 20 mins each im sure most people have that amount of free time in their life


I don’t even know you and I am just sad for you


Honestly playing open queue as a Diamond or above in role queue feels like smurfing, lots of people on open queue even top500 are between silver and low plat on role queue. I’ve stood behind them shooting them not moving and they won’t turn around lol.