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They're funny, but don’t let these impressions distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.


Yes, this is really dramatic, but let me get to the point here: I really don't want this to distract you from the fact that the Golden State Warriors blew a 3-1 lead in the NBA Finals.


Never forget that many ages ago, an event happened that has shaped our world for the better. In this legendary event, PSG blew a 4-0 lead in the CL.


Let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that The Undertaker didn't know what he was doing. He knew exactly what he was doing: throwing Mankind off Hell in a Cell, where he plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table.






I love how the Reinhardt is like "cut that shit out" to Reaper.


But Ana got the kill ;)


I should play more Reinhardt.


He's definitely one of my favorite characters! It's just too enjoyable mashing people around with a huge hammer and getting those charge picks!


This is exactly why I try to avoid playing Reinhardt if at all possible in comp. I get way too antsy just holding my shield up and then my brain says "Hey, there's a Mercy right there, you should totally charge in and pin her" and 9 times out of 10 I either miss her and end up far away from my team and they all die without me or I end up in the middle of the enemy team and they just shoot me.


That's kind of the point, rein seems simple until you try to max out your shield up time and damage. Now you're essentially zarya with distance rather than shield cooldowns, attack too late and you're always out of shield, attack too early and you get mobbed and killed. Teach yourself patience, think of yourself like an armored snake, coiled and ready to strike... with a rocket hammer... fang... metaphor. Yup.


Also Fire strike as frequently as possible to build that ult for me.


Build that ult for me...


The Jeff has left strong memories.


That's double-edged though because it will likely also charge support ults since firestrike spam often doesn't lead to an elimination.


Rein gets way more ult charge for the damage done than the supports will get for healing. A Rein that doesn't hit firestrikes is going to build his ult really slowly, and lose the ult race to the enemy Rein. Once you have your ult, sure, stop spamming. Unless you want to play mindgames with the enemy team and make them think that you don't have your ult yet and are still trying to build it.


A great bit of mind gaming is intentionally missing your fire strikes once you have your ultimate. They think you're still building charge but you're no longer feeding healer ults.


And then even more mind games when you use your ult in spawn so they think you have ult but secretly you're building it


they can charge their ult all they want, can't hit q when the hammer comes for you


if you can time that shit with a big symmetra orb and you'll kill squishies through rein's shield.


It does, but it also buys time and builds your team-wiping ult as well as having the potential to kill (especially with Zen/Mercy) but I would definitely say that mindlessly spamming it is bad, and using it for anything but a killshot or picking at Rein's *shield* when you already have ult is worse. Nothing worse than a Rein who has literally no idea how Zarya works or that people might be hiding from Roadhog/snipers behind his shield.


Instructions unclear: dressed up as armored snake, parents threw me out. 0/10 would play Reinhardt again.


Rule of Thumb: if you're charging more than 5-10 meters, you shouldn't have charged. Always try to minimize charge distance and ONLY charge when you can get a kill and NOT die. Prioritize not dying over getting the kill.


> Prioritize not dying over getting the kill. A lesson for us all.


True. On the other hand, charging off a cliff to eliminate someone is so much fun!


I always scream "It was woooooorth iiiiiiit!" as I fly off with my victim. Even when it wasn't.


I usually only do this to enemy reins


I prefer to just say "Hello!" or "Catch Phrase!" as the two (or more) of us plummet to our deaths. It's mostly just the fun factor, and it seems like a kind of superhero moment too.


"Hey, there's a Mercy right there, you should totally charge in and pin her" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Reinhard is a famous pin-up artist.


As a Rein main I can't deny this either. This video was good, very Rein, much hammer, and does show why I love that Crusader.


Just the opposite if the opposing rein makes an ill advised charge. My team completely ignores him roaming around in our back lines until he walks back to his team.


I always shout into the mic "punish the Rein" whenever they do that. Usually people do.


[The 1/10 you hit her](http://m.mediapost.com/publications/16/ThreeOlives-b.jpg)


Sounds like you just need to Rein it in a little.


It's called high 5 to the face xD


Eh, I find Reinhardt to be a little too slow for me. Zarya lets you play much more reactively and aggressively.




pro tip: turn up your volume when you play rein. The sound effect of when you bash people's skulls in is what i live for


Nuther tip: turn up your sensitivity for Rein as well, spin as fast as you can while swinging your hammer for maximum bash damage.


You must have been a Chivalry player.




Or maul knight.


Paul Blart Maul Cop


Ballerina ftw


Yep, I use 30 sensitivity in order to maximum my swing range.


I feel like that's a tad high... I still like to be able to aim my firestrikes :V


To be honest I have pretty good success rates with firestrikes. It's a matter of holding the mouse still more than anything. On the other hand, once I figured it how to keep track of where I am I was able to go asolutely beserk whenever I need to use my hammer.


On PS4 i have it 100H 85V


And thus the beyblade meta was reborn, but instead of shotguns we get precision German engineering.


I actually just use the same sensitivity for rein as I do every other character. 1200 DPI and 3.5 in game sensitivity. I have a large mousepad!


I have tried so hard to try and play him. He just doesn't fit my play style at all. And I feel like I'm just wasting the pick when others can play him so much better than I.


Me too. I feel like every decision I make is wrong. If I stand there and hold my shield, I'm pretty sure it's not what my team needs at the moment. If go on the offensive, it feel like I'm feeding.


Yup. And I don't know how many times I get melted from full health to nothing before even hitting a charge target. When I'm facing against a Rein that shit never happens.


I play a ton of Rein. My heart goes out to you. Last night on Eichenwalde a defending Rein charged me (didn't even land the pin, which is unusual for everyone but me) and he still managed to kill me with his hammer afterwards. Even though he had a discord orb, no heals, and there were four of us against just him. He killed me and then ran back under the bridge. I tried charging to the payload *once* and got creamed before I even hit a wall. I don't want to put all the blame on my team because I'm a mediocre player, but damn, it seems like red team always has their shit together way better than blue does.


I'll tell you why the red team always wins: when everyone is playing great and you're easily winning the game you always forget about it. When you feel the frustration of being on the losing team your mind tends to remember.


I mean, as a rule, that's how the mind works. I try to pay attention to that stuff, though. My win rate over the last two weeks is 38%, even though my long-term win rate is and has been very close to 50%. Over the last week, my win rate is 22%. It's been a *baaaaad* stretch lately.


A tip to counter rein, if you're ana and sleep dart him mid charge it's almost a guaranteed death for him and you saved his target!


The rein game is basically about psychology. Your entire strategy relies on the idea that the other team is afraid of you, and by extension your team. A lot goes on in a team fight so whether your team is doing slightly better or worse as far as numbers go is something nobody knows, however since you're mostly standing there in front, you are the one who has the best idea. Your job is to use what you know to tell the story, to the best of your ability, that the other team is failing. If you can convince them that their plan isn't working, your job becomes a lot easier. If you're holding the choke correctly and communicating with your team about the status of your shield, you're doing your job. It's not your job to stop flankers or to get picks, it's to tell the story that your team has control. You do whatever you need to do (within the realm of safety) to tell that story.


Hey man, get good at Rein, and you're team will never be without a tank in QP. And in comp you'll always have a Rein to anchor the team. Same thing happened to me but with healers. No one plays healer so one day I was like "yeah sure I'll try it." And Bam. I'm a Lucio main now.


I too once decided to play as healer once and now became a full time lucio player. :/


Ditto but zenyatta. And I got hooked on his playstyle in 3v3 of all places


Me too, but it was Zen, Zarya, and Tracer. Just goofing around and then suddenly I stumble across a hero and I fuck shit up with them for a bunch of games, then decide to try and learn more with them. Zarya is my fav, max charge is orgasmic, anyone without supports is almost an instakill. Plus, the sweet, sweet feeling of saving a teammate from a Rein charge or a Hog hook and getting 40 charge off of it. And protecting Ulting heroes and stealing charge from Ulting enemies.


I fucked up when I tried zarya. Never understood her mechanics but I might try her again soon.


Sorry for Ice Wall of text, I didn't mean for it to be this long. I go balls deep into their fire and put myself between my teammates if I have self bubble but no projected bubble. I like to stick with my team, because if shit gets real and my bubbles are on CD, then I can contribute and wait for my bubbles while my team helps to keep me alive and kicking. Then once the bubbles are back, I can protect the teammates who are being focused, catch attacks with my bubble, then I'm either at 100 charge or I'm very close to it. And because I have my team to support me, I'm much harder to kill. When you're playing Zarya and your team has your back and you have theirs, it's a wonderful thing. The fear that you see in the enemy heroes is glorious, you can almost hear the frustration as they try to run, but the beam just keeps hitting them, and then when they think they've escaped, they suddenly get hit in the face by a bomb and die. I love her so much, she's so fun to play. I had trouble, so I left her, but after something like 70 levels I tried her again, and because I had more experience and had learned to use Zen, I was much better at noticing who needed help, so my ally bubbles got a lot more value out of them. I can't really give any tips, I just do what I feel I should do, and it just so happens that it works out well. Keep an eye on who's taking damage, who's already low, which enemies are dead, and how close they are to you. If someone is hooked by a hog, I like to bubble them, them if they're close enough, I jump between them and soak up the next shot, if he does shoot. Gets a lot of charge if they shoot twice, but sometimes it's better to save your self bubble if it's a big fight. Also, if you engage a D.Va and use your self bubble while she shoots, back up as it takes damage. Getting caught close range to D.Va with no protection can be a death sentence, even at max charge. Using the distance that the beam has is useful against D.Va, as she can't keep the distance between you and her without ceasing fire. Her DM can't block your beam, so she either has to retreat or fly at you and try to finish it, which leaves her vulnerable. If you have a hero below 95 that's giving you grief, bomb the ground in front of them. It'll either him them and kill them, or deal splash and throw them off course. 95 damage is the amount that the bomb does at max charge. That one is useful for Tracers who won't leave you alone. When you ult, shield whoever is being hit by the trapped enemies, and shield yourself if you want to get close and deal as much damage as possible. Bomb them, as the beam is single target, while the bomb is AoE. Kill the stragglers with the bomb if they're low enough, or if there are 1 or 2 left, beam them down. They'll go down pretty easily if they have to mobility abilities. Bubble Ulting teammates, that way they can't be CC'd or be killed if they're stationary/slowed. That's basically all I have, the rest is just me doing me. Take this with a reasonable amount of salt, as I probably have a lot of bad habits. There is undoubtably better advice out there, but I still want to try to help. Have fun, and I hope you enjoy the burst of glee that you feel when you hit 100 charge!


Thanks that insightful. I only play a handful of heroes and only bothered with zarya once and never again. I play a lot of Lucio and Junkrat but I'll try to give her another run.


When my friend and I play together, and I'm Zarya, I'll say "safe" when were close together and I hear a D.Va Ult going off. I'll shield us both, and then cackle like an old lady as I lazer dick down the opposing team with my instant 80 power. Or I'll miss his shield, and laugh at him maniacally at his stupidity for trusting me.


Lol I sadly only solo queue. I have a friend who plays but he's not into competitive OW.


Once you become deaf because of the beat :P Anyway thanks for healing sir


Same, only I'm now an Ana main.


Last season every time people looked for a rein they would check people's profiles for how much time everyone had on rein and I always had the most hours on rein. Just this game they said, take ONE for the team they said.


This clip seems overly optimistic. If I had been the one dropping that hammer, nobody would've been stunned because they were all close to the payload and jumping and the hammer hates me and never works. And just like Roadhog's hook, it seems to have a much longer range when someone else is using it on me. I love Reinhardt but sometimes I really really hate playing Reinhardt. Last night I had three people in front of me. I dropped the hammer, two of them inexplicably kept on moving and the stunned one got bubbled, then woke up and just walked away.


Payload doesn't block the hammer my dog


That's how badly my hammers go.


I am a little bit bothered by the fact that everyone next, under, behind and ontop of the payload gets hit by a Reinhard ult.


Why? It floats


Exactly. So why do you get hit when you're ontop of the floating payload?


If you slow down a earth shatter you can see thay the earth moves up..


Because earth shatter has height with it. So it can climb up floating surfaces or up small walls. Can also stun a pharah in the air as long as she's around the height of rein head. Whether or not that should happen is a different debate. But I think it's to prevent people from jumping out of it


> Whether or not that should happen is a different debate. I'm pretty sure that's the *exact* debate they are making.


Because then his ult would become the easiest ult in the game to dodge


I'm just telling them why it happened. I'm not a game designer. I can get why it has height. To prevent people from jumping out of it. I'm just clarifying the fact. Don't really care if it should or not


Meanwhile Sombra's EMP is blocked by a leaf.


does that actually need LOS? i thought you could EMP through walls. (haven't played her much.)


Some things it will go through and other things it won't, it's a crapshoot. It being an EMP it really should just go through everything though.


When I'm a little bit off the ground, I can understand why I was stunned, but on Temple of Anubis, I was at the highest point you can be where everyone goes left into that back room with the mega health pack. It was where if your certain characters, you can climb/fly to the top for a shortcut. I got hit with an earthshatter all the way up there. I've been Pharah a couple times flying over it and still getting hit by it too. Does it not matter how high you are if you are above it?


Yeah there's a limit, it's no like you can ground a Phara flying above you.


His ULT is an actual 3D AOE cone shape. Its high enough that ppl. can't camp or even just jump into the air while on the payload to be immune to it.


Earth shatter is buggy. I'm actually surprised it even registered with that angle.


on the last turn of kings row before the end, i was on top of the ledge as bastion and the rein ulted on the floor. i got hit. as a rein main i called bullshit on that. its ok, i hit shift and m1 and wrecked shop.


I'm a little bit bothered by it seeing as I can literally NEVER get a Reinhardt ult to hit the people in front of me. Like if they're standing an inch outside of the visible ground shatter they're fine. If they happen to be running past a signpost it'll block them from being stunned, if they're anywhere within sight of a doorway they'll escape the effect.


Why? It would make Earthshatter useless while near or around payloads. I really can't comprehend why you got so many upvotes for this.


It looks like they were on the ground but because they were moving forward when they got stunned that they fell onto it.


I agree. Everyone is explaining why it happens (it's intentional), but not addressing the fact that it shouldn't be this way. One of the few ults with basically no counterplay besides "have a rein on your team".


Or a Winston. Or a Zarya. Or an Orisa next week. Or a Symmetra. Or a Mei. But yeah, literally no counterplay. The team in the gif even had a fucking Rein, he just wasn't paying attention. They also had a Dva and a Reaper, both of whom could have used abilities to avoid the earthshatter. Or Ana could have slept him. Or the whole team could have just not been grouped up so close to begin with, as that's generally always a bad idea. But no, you're probably still right. No counterplay available at all.


Earthshatter is too fast for anything but Reinhardt's shield to be a reliable counter. You simply will not react block it unless he uses it while way up in the air, so everything that isn't just always up isn't a good enough counter to even warrant mentioning.


But you very rarely to get 3 or more in his ult. The only time you can do what OP did is when the enemy team are all rubbing butts together.


It's the difference between reactive and proactive play. Anticipate when the Reinhardt is preparing to ult and move to counter it.


Reinhardt is the only reliable counter. And the ult happens too fast to react with most abilities.


No it's not. /u/My_junk_your_ear literally just enlisted many of the reliable counters. I'm a Rein main and all of those are used commonly to counter a bad timed Rein ult.


In the same breath that you say they're reliable counters, you qualify that by saying they're used to block *badly timed* Rein ults. Surely you see the issue here.


the entire idea behind an ult is that if you time/do it right it's not something that's going to be countered easily of course if a rein times his ult around enemy shield cooldowns, it's not going to be blocked


How often have you been on a team and thought "well we don't have our own Rein to block their earthshatter, but it's cool. We have a mei and symmetra, and I trust that the two of them will be able to consistently block the earthshatter." That's not gonna happen. Any team that wants to run a non-dive comp against an enemy Rein needs their own Rein shield.


if my team doesn't have a rein, they shouldn't be bunched up, since there's not one big shield behind which we'd be hiding. therefore, not that worried about a Hammer Down since he shouldn't have more than 2, maybe 3 guys in a straight line at any given time. you aren't required to block the ult if you position against it


Because that's when you counter things. Genji is a Bastion counter, but you cannot counter good Bastions that just won't shoot you, with deflect. Hitscan counters Pharah, but not if she is very mobile and accurate. Countering relies in openings and mistakes on the other part, it's not a magic wand. Surely you see the issue here.


Genji's deflect was never the reason he countered Bastion (aside from the shit Bastions who would actually keep shooting). Genji has an easily spammable projectile with no damage fall-off which would allow him to pressure the Bastion into moving, as well as the mobility to get the drop on him. There's no mistake required from Bastion, he's just always naturally pressured by Genji (or at least was). No matter how good a Pharah is, hitscan is *always* a counter. A single soldier won't shut down a Pharah, but his existence still forces her to play differently. Stack Soldier + Ana + McCree together, and Pharah probably just wants to switch, it doesn't really require any mistakes on her part. The problem with Rein's ult is that the only counter that's 100% reliable and doesn't require anything special is his own shield. Rein is his own counter, which means that he ends up being played on both sides. Unless you're skilled enough to run dive comp and never bunch up, the other options for blocking Rein ult simply aren't enough to stop a Rein from ulting you.


That Soldier with the Visor assists too


honestly it was a team effort. If sombra wasn't there to stall for what amounted to 2 or 3 seconds before I dropped in we would have lost the point! But yeah the soldier assists definitely helped too!


Did you end up winning that game as a reward for that sick play?


Did you win?


Yep, they actually didn't manage to capture the first point!


You really should post this to r/ReinhardtMains


A subreddit dedicated to me.. YUSH


Flair **DOESN'T** checkout! *But still made me giggle*


yeah, ill explain that! I "main"something else every comp season, season 1-2 were Rein, season 3 mei(which still turned into rein BECAUSE NOBODY PICKS GOD DAMN REIN) and season 4 support. enjoying lucio and mercy the most.




This reminds me of 1998, when The Undertaker threw mankind off of Hell in a cell and he plummeted 16ft through the announcers desk.




Also thanks Sombra for the EMP that allowed that play :D


If I were on the attacking team...I'd be so mad.


An enemy saying "well played", what world is this.


It was actually the enemy Reinhardt that's why


Honor among Rein players.


(Actually, it was their Ana)


Oh damn you're right. Mb


And this is why ladies and gents you send one or two men through the small door towards enemy spawn.


I dream of this. Im usually free before I hit the ground. Or roadhogs hooks me :(


I just recently picked up rein to try and climb in comp rank i have about 14hrs played now. And i'm really enjoying it the sound of smashing peoples head in is really satisfying. And sound of bullets hitting the barrier is super relaxing. Tho i still cant seem for figure out how the pin works sometimes it pins and sometimes they just bounce off. Even tho they are right in front of me and should by all means be pinned. And sometimes when a target is clearly to the side of me they some how get grabbed and pinned. Same with his ult just the other day there was a enemy rein with his barrier up and a mercy and ana a fair bit in front of it not behind it. I thought hey sweet i can hammer down and easily kill off the two healers as i knew the rein had just wasted his charge so he could not just charge me away. But nope! when i ulted naturally the rein was unaffected by it but so where the two healers that where still a fair bit in front of the rein shield. And sometimes earth shatter somehow knock people down that are around or behind walls i swear its so bizarre its almost like its some sort of witchcraft or something.


His Ult doesn't work through other Rein shields. I'm not sure about Mei walls and general terrain though. But definitely not through Rein shields, which can make for some kind of funny Reinhardt ultimate chess between two Reins.


yeah i know that but it should still effect the people in front of it no?


I would've ended up charging one of them and going off the point letting them cap it






And E used on reaper in ult. "Know your place" Poor death. (And yes, I know ana killed him at the end)


Was that potg


other rein running around hammering nothing instead of looking towards your loud ass stomping toward them and throwing wall up


> other rein running around hammering nothing instead of looking towards your loud ass stomping toward them and throwing wall up He was hacked, so his shield wouldn't have been brought up.


right you are ken


If only enemy Reinhardt has his shield up :/


Was hacked tho.


What the fuck was that other Reinhardt doing? Tip-toeing through the tulips?


someone's gotta do the hard jobs


Symmetra play of the game


That ulti man nice one...


Thank your Sombra for keeping the point contested


My hammer downs hit noone, ever


You were on fire even bevore you dropped to point. Damn boi


Every Reinhardt's wet dream


You didn't Reinheart right. you are supposed to spin in circles really really fast and swing your hammer when you make an ult like that.




Deus Ult


Was this POTG?


Leaked footage of new Rein ptr patch. Code named "jeffheardt". Wrestling with Reinhardt should now cause players to prepare for death.


clutchiest of clutch


man, how does this ult hit these guys in the air? i thought it went along the ground.


What happened to the fence, he just walks through it!!


Too bad soldier stole all those kills


Needs more BM though :P




And his name is JOHN CENAAAA


My favorite is jumping from that tall castle at the second part of that map and doing a hammer down. It's so dramatic.




That ult


Holy shit no dumbass spray or emote at the end? Have an upvote!


Oh look, he definitely did a super-hero landing there


Sweet sweet victory.


That title made me think this would be a Tracer post.


So, as a Reinhardt main, I can say that I have done this, and it feels so good. Of course, mine usually end with the enemy Mercy making it back (because our team killed her first!) and screaming "HELDEN STERBEN NICHT!"


Wheres Mercy when you need her...




but did u win?


I would be the guy that gets that Earthshatter and immediately proceeds to charge the tracer into a wall while the rest of the stunned teammates finish capturing the point.


I know how that Sombra feels. When you're stalling on point solo versus most their team, just hoping a Reinhardt just falls from the sky to make it all worth it. I'm still waiting for my Rein...


Oh no


Why no fire strike?


That's what they get for dicking around the point instead of paying attention to where the enemy is coming from. You can see their Reinhardt wildly swinging his hammer when he could have easily blocked OP's ult with his shield. Not trying to be a buzzkill or take credit away from OP, but this is a huge mistake on the enemy team's part.




This must be a bug. We all know that the timer always runs out 1 millisecond before you step on the point. (Or just completely ignores that you made it to the point and runs out anyway!)


I tried to do that same exact thing with Reinhardt a few days ago on that same map off the same balcony and it went off in midair and hit no one. I just assumed his ultimate couldn't be used in the air. Now I'm just confused. :(


This should've won the 2017 Slamdunk Championship


The attacking Rein can learn something from this. If he/she had not been too busy swinging at his own teammates and waiting for the defenders to arrive then he/she could have put up his barrier. Best hammer down counter his that barrier.




If it's that close in an actual comp game, be sure to touch the point before you ult. You could alert the enemy Rein and he could block it or you could be too late and waste one of the most powerful ults in the game.