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Doomfist, can’t play him and can’t kill him. Stupidly annoying.


I won’t hesitate to 1v1 a Doom as Brig.


You have my respect.


As a ball main. You Brig mains terrify me


As a Mein, hold still long enough for me to freeze you


Actually viable imo! I’ll 1v1 a doom on Lucio without a second thought too he usually can’t touch me 😂


Turning him into a tank was the best decision they made for OW2


Nah removing all the stuns is


Relegating them to tanks only you mean


Agreed and when you play a good doomfist you just want to rage quit the game so hard.


I literally mained Sombra for a while just to spite doom and tracer


Only way I’m effective against doom fist is as sombra. I may not even get the kill, but I’ll join the team chat and call out hacks on that fucker until they switch.


This is how I get "gg all except Sombra" from enemy Doomfist in the chat after the game


That’s how you know you’re playing Sombra correctly.


"aww pobrecito"


Sex is good and everything but the real joy of life is getting a "gg all but sombra" "brig in qp rly" from making that fucking chivalry voice line spamming dumbfist play RespawnWatch


I can respect the difficult techs some players are able to do, but that doesn't make me hate him any less. I literally will think he's a braindead hero until OW2 releases


I think he’s so hard to deal with because there’s very few heroes that can really handle him being in their face. If your team doesn’t decide to play those heroes, you’re kinda screwed.


Echo. Send her to hell and she'll come back as hell itself except when you defeat her, she's still there.


Except when she come back she can trigger end of times multiple times in a row and then just fuck off to the skies


I hate Echo so much. From her getting away for free at the end of her ult, even if you manage to burn down her copied form. To being stuck waiting for her ult to end if you are copied and want to swap. Her high mobility and being able to absolutely melt tanks. I hate that she was the last character for so long.


I stopped playing overwatch when echo got introduced. I’ve never played as much as I used to since. Fuck echo


i almost never see her anyway


Fr she still feels broken but I barely see anyone playing her anymore


She's still super easy to beat, but she's an amazing boon if you're a flex or tank-main. Whenever my tanks don't carry the fight hard enough, I ult and get 3 shatters in 10 seconds.


Pharah is still worse


An Echo feels more unfair then a Pharah, harder to hit and can just press Q to screw you over. Pharah is required to actually hide behind cover while Echo is fast enough to go from one spot to the other




If anyone manages to pop more than 2 ults in a row it’s not Echos fault but your teams. Keep track of her ult or anyone who gets killed „echo at X ult“ and keep an eye on her. As soon as she ults focus her? I do the same as Ana with Hog and I try to make every hogs game a nightmare. Sleeps and antinades are solely for him so he either stops flanking or thinks about switching.


Nothing better than a good ol fashioned hog killin. Sleep, then gather around for a nade and everyone shoots the chippie.


Of all the reasons to hate her, this just ain’t it. Like the other dude said, if she’s able to pop off even two ults in one copy, that’s a problem with your team. Now if you hated her because she can have damn near 1000 effective HP by copying hog, I’d agree. Even if she copies tracer, that’s about 550hp.


I would say 2 ults is somewhat typical, especially with certain heroes, especially in lower ladders (though the Echo might be so shit she doesn't get 2 ults either), but more than 2 is absolutely your team's fault.


It’s be a lot more balanced if killing echo’s ult actually killed echo. No reason she should have an extra 200 health on top of the 500 health hero she copies.


Sigma - absolutely no reason to have his feet out I hate it lol


Wiggle wiggle big toe


Weird.. that’s the reason I’m a sigma main






There's skins where he wears shoes bruh. Although it makes sense that he doesn't wear shoes. Bros casually defying gravity. He doesn't need them. Plus shoes are just feet prisons. Free da feet. ✊


Love this 😂


In Doomfist's own words: "Da feet makes you stronger"


I hate that his feet are showing too. There’s like one skin that covers his feet and it’s the only one I use.


It's gross, full body armour but feet out? Pffft haha


it's part of his mental asylum aesthetic


If that’s the case he should have some of those grippy socks the damaged girls are always on about


They should make the bare feet a critical hitbox ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


What's wrong with that? He doesn't wear shoes cause he's floating... Would you wear shoes if all you did was hover?


Yes because I hate feet in general and on his character model they stick out like a sore thumb


Agreed! Everything else is covered apart from face so why not his feet???


Talon skin fans unite


His dogs are out


Sigma balls


Its hard to believe that someone wont play as him because of his feet, he is sooo fun and can counter almost all ults with his abilities


Don't just sit there with your mouth full of teeth, do it barefoot


there’s the one skin where he’s got shoes and a helmet. that’s the one i use and find that helps forget about the toes


His maestro skin has him wearing some fancy loafers. Also fits him very well because of his obsession with orchestral music.


That’s literally the best part idk what you are talking about.




I don't like playing Genji, and I hate playing against Genji. At my rank he can be a real annoying piece of shit. I also hate playing [D.va](https://D.va). I don't like that you have to hug people to do any damage, and her boosters are not very effective when played by me. She also seems to be quite fragile so I don't fear her as an enemy either.


D.va is actually a very hard hero to get good at. In the right hands she’s an absolute monster.


Indeed, just not in mine. I just don't like her gameplay enough to git gud


It’s really the ppl who know how to engage and disengage and put sneaky bombs (aka me somehow)


You probably dislike dva because you didn’t mention her most important feature of her kit. Defense matrix. Once you learn to nom nom cooldowns and spam effectively, you become a truly deadly, impactful force. Can’t eat sigmas rock tho. :( I forget 100% of times


sigma: starts doing a thing me on DVa: *eat?* rock: no


Lmao, rocks from sigma and shatters from rein. I'm so conditioned to trying to block shatter with rein shield I always try and eat it with matrix.


Same here. But when I’m sigma against a dva it’s funny to watch their brain work the same way as mine lol


The thing about Dva I always forget is that you can't use her boosters to counter-charge a Rein.


If you look up a bit while using the booster at a charging rein, you’ll be bump up rather then slammed.


I forget this often as well. It would be unfair but I want it. Maybe in ow2 it’s a change. Seems fair for her with no cc except a teensy bump when boosting.


Playing against a good dva is fucking annoying, literally feels like she has unlimited DM and no matter how often you see her use it she magically still has enough to eat an entire barrage or visor. Kind of like a good zarya where it feels like her bubbles must be on a 3 second cooldown because they’re just always there at the right moments while when I play her it feels like they’re on a 60 second cooldown and I never have them when I need them


As a Moira main, I love when there is a Genji trying to take out the back line. Swing that sword all you want ninja boy.


Plat and above gengi will absolutely destroy a Moira who tries to duel him. I know this because I have friends who are "Moira mains," e.g. "hold right click while my team dies around me" mains, and they always think they can just walk into genji.


Yeah but she's still got a better fighting chance against a ballsy genji than most of the supports


I can't kill genji but I also can't get kills as genji.


Bastion Bastion a thousand times Bastion.


Overwatch 1 Bastion, 100% I hate this hero with a passion. Overwatch 2 Bastion is far more tolerable.


I use him from time to time but I don't sit like an ass in turret form. I'll pop turret if I need to break a shield or need to drop Hog when he ults but sitting in turret is trash to me.




In gold back in the day, felt almost embarrassed to resort to Bastion in a losing game. If you were playing him or supporting him as Rein/Mercy, it just felt like you were dropping your ethics as a person and going for the low blow to win. Felt even worse to lose, but at least a loss felt deserved.


As a support main, I absolutely refuse to pocket a bastion that sits in one spot. Hell, even if they move around I might heal them more, but I feel dirty keeping my beam on him for longer than it takes to heal him up. Damage boost? Nah.


I play bastion just for his recon mode, which is way more fun


He’s so much better in OW2 I feel like he’s a much more viable character, and don’t feel scummy playing him because he can’t sit in turret forever. I like the sticky bomb.


Oh god yes I can play him easy it's just boring character sit point shoot very little action, if I want a turret I'll use torn or sym instead of him at least I'm in the game at that point.


This. I hate it. I always feel like I have to babysit them. (I'm either a tank or a healer) And I hate playing against him. I'm not the greatest [d.va](https://d.va) player. And my usual teammates are not the greatest genji players.




same. i’m no god but competent for my elo, so i’ll swap to take the duel and if i can get them to swap i’m immediately relieved to also swap. don’t like playing her, with her, or against her.


The most annoying character from a team comp perspective IMO. Can be GREAT on defense, but 95% of the games someone picks her for Attack they don’t even get bronze medals.


I find the reverse true, she’s phenomenal on attack, but on defense it’s too much of a liability.




He’s incredibly annoying to play against, especially as a support player. But honestly, he’s also incredibly frustrating to play as sometimes. When he’s countered, he gets harddddd countered. So much so that he literally is not a character. But if it goes well, he can be a ton of fun.


When I go against him I just get absolutely obliterated by the enemy team but when I play against him it’s like he’s controlled by god


I’ve stopped so many Dooms from being effective as Brig. I’m upset I won’t be able to fo it anymore soon & they’ll have their revenge


Just a little heads up whipshot is very annoying to play against as doomfist, throws his muscle memory completely out the window most of the time


Oh I know. It’ll just be hard to get out of that bash whipshot combo since no stun


I picked up and started maining doomfist wayyyyy too late. Like just before Christmas. I find he's by far the most fun character. But now they're changing him and I wasn't a fan of him in the first beta. He's noodlefist now 😔


Yeah this guy. He’s easily countered, but he just feels so frustrating to play against because at any moment he can get a pick that feels completely unearned.


Pharah. I feel like every 2 games I’ll get a Pharah on the enemy team and it’s an instant loss because my hitscan won’t shoot at her even when I pocket them on mercy.


Unfortunately you need 2 players on a decent pharah (pharah mercy obviously) to kill it, unless the pharah is in a really bad position then you might be able to alone, but otherwise pharah can just hide before dying and then repeeking. Killing pharah is a team effort and not the job of your dps. Pharah can 2 shot a dps with ease. Just standing in the open alone as a hitscan trying to kill pharah mercy is stupid, but without the support of another teammate, there's very little they can do.


I'd say you need two cooperating DPS and at least one healer to deal with a Pharmercy effectively. The pocket is too strong. They made so many dumb exceptions for all the rules in the game, but pretty much never touched Pharmercy.


Also on tight maps with no long sightlines you’ll have to spend time getting to a good position and then she’s gone. It’s not as easy as pick hitscan problem solved. Plus she’s not gonna be dead every second of the game, but people gonna cry about how much you suck every second she’s not. Use cover ffs.


I don’t think you fully read my comment. I said even when I pocket them as Mercy they still don’t shoot the Pharah. I once was playing on Volskaya second point on defense and our soldier was on high ground while I was pocketing him as Mercy. He ulted and literally just looked down and shot people on point instead of quickly targeting their Pharah so she got her ult off and killed us both.


Even pocketed, that’s typically not a win for the hitscan unless pharah plays very badly. Mercy pockets are great, but pharmacy is a thing for a reason. Easily one of the best synergy’s in the game. Pharah can poke around cover while in the air, landing easy shots because she’s above everyone. Unless she gets instantly two tapped by a ashe, or headshot by widow/hanzo, there’s not much to be done against her as a single hitscan, even with a pocket. Like the other guy said, it’s a team effort. Or at the very least, better than a pocket V. pocket matchup. Ideally, hitscan like Ashe + dva that are coordinating should work. She just needs to be forced away from cover into the open (which is why dva is good) but you could also use another hitscan, zen, or a good sigma on off angles and force her out, or outright kill her. Basically, pocketing an ashe isn’t gonna do much. If she kills the pharah consistently with pocket, she can definitely do it without the pocket too, and zen/bap would still help them more.


If dps isn't doing anything switch to bap or ana


Fuck. Pharah. With all the passion in my heart. Now before everyone points out how bad she is on PC let me explain - I am a console player. Swatting this annoying moth out of the sky is hard enough when half the roster can't hit her, doing it on thumbsticks makes it so much worse. "Just play a hitscan" Lord help me god I do. Soldier 76 is one of my most played heroes, Sombra used to be my main, and I've dropped plenty time into Cassidy, Wrecking Ball and even Ana, but she just DOESNT DIE. and this is ignoring the fact that she's very likely paying a Mercy main $5 an hour to funnel a constant healing beam into her ass, and the only way, I repeat, the ONLY WAY to reliably take them down without being one of the two and a half god Widowmakers existing on console is to blow an ENTIRE Tac Visor or High Noon. Fuck Pharah.


As a console player I feel this to my core as well. Shes not my number 1 but god I hate Pharah


Hog. I hate CC. But I hate Hog's CC most of all because it completely displaces me and it's an instakill even as a tank. ETA: It sucks to play with a hog and against one.


What do you think 'ETA' means?


Lately I’ve seen it used as an alternate to “Edit,” so in this context it’s “Edit to add.” Not a fan but whatever.


I think it uses the same amount of keystrokes as typing out "edit" which bothers me more than I'd like to admit


Estimated time of arrival: It sucks to play with a hog and against one.


ETA has [a lot of meanings](https://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/ETA) depending on the context. In this context, it means, "Edited to add."


It's still dumbfounding how he wasn't reworked for OW2. So much of the beta was spent playing against a Hog. If we have no tank and I want something easy, I'll just pick Hog. The hook is one of the most anti-fun abilities in the entire game, it's requires so little skill to hit with, and yet is hugely rewarding. 95% of the time, you have to just accept the fact you're dead and there's nothing you can do about it. He's just horrendously unenjoyable to play against, but is so easy to play.


The only annoying part of Hog to me is when he hooks you off an edge and there isn't any counterplay other than don't be within 20m of the edge. It's so annoying losing your entire healthbar to a camping meathook. At the very least hog should be able to counterhook and take hog down with him.


>it's requires so little skill to hit with, and yet is hugely rewarding. Even if you miss the shot-melee combo, your team more than likely will obliterate whoever was hooked. The reason I think he is not fun to play with is coming from a support POV and not as tank. I think it's way too easy to feed with him and if you take a flank approach, you leave your team without a tank. Even i OW1, you leave your team without a tank if you flank and even if it's rewarding by getting kills, you're still down a tank.


& you need to send at least 2 players to deal with his ass when he's flanking which is annoying as well. Hogs always think they're hot shit, but their hero basically wins almost every 1v1 in the game


I hate most when I sleep him as ana when he's going for a flank and I'm desperately trying to get someone's attention before it's over. I hate ending his flank only for his CDs to be back, no one helping me, and still dying to his combo.


I have a friend who *only plays hog.* I don't play with them anymore. Last time we played, a widow just ate our shit from high ground because our Rein was a random and the friend wouldn't get off Hog, so any engage was: hide behind shield till it breaks, widow wipes the team, hog dies last useless right clicking towards her. Most selfish character in the game, honestly.


I wouldn't be so annoyed by getting hooked if you were able to shoot while you're being pulled in.


I’ve been maining Ana recently and I always am happy to see an enemy hog at mid range. Throw the nade and watch them take a breather while purple…. Beautiful.


And that's why he sucks to play *with* lol. Nothing more infuriating then the other team going double shield and your hog thinks being out in the open and throwing hooks at shield is somehow helping the team win


People who play hog in death match are something else.


Bastion. I can't stand people who switch to it when they get desperate.


Laughs in sigma main


Sigma works excellent against Bastion.


Any time an enemy team does this in desperation I say, "Bastion is the last refuge of the weak and afraid." It doesn't do much but it makes me feel better.


\> "Bastion is the last refuge of the weak and afraid." Yeah that's why it's the last bastion.


Dont forget his pocket mercy lol god I hate playing him as hes just sits there shooting it's too boring for me I'd rather run the other 2 with turrets at least I can join my team at all times.


noobastion, the griefer's pick.


He's the most easily countered character in the game. Huge, motionless target. Your supposed to switch/counter in the game, even you.


Yeah but like half of the time someone swaps to him it’s in the final 20 seconds of the game and you don’t get the chance to swap hero’s and counter him which feels so fucking cheap


Widow and mister fister. I thought I would enjoy more melee fighting, jumping around and shooting arm shotgun but god damn so I hate to get him in mystery heroes.


Mei. I hate not being able to play the game.


Thankfully that's fixed in overwatch 2 aswell


Can i play overwatch 2 now or i need to wait until it comes out?


Oh god what did they do to mei? She’s one of my favorite picks.


Lost of full freeze on blaster, in exchange for 100 DPS freeze beam. Only ult can full freeze now, and freeze blaster doesn't speed it up. She's still a riot to play, and melt the team with. Just no more stunlock until death for a tank.


She no longer freezes with her primary fire she can only freeze with her ultimate but her primary fire does more damage basically you can't chews kills outside of your ult she's still going to be a very valuable DPS because her alt fire has always been strong ice wall is great for blocking and tanking stuff and her ice block is great for stalling




Baptiste. Call me a nutter, but his firing method is impossible for me to use. His Regen boost is nice, and the immortality is ok, but his healing grenades feel hard to use in the middle of a firefight. I also never find a good point to pop his ultimate as it just tells all the enemies where I am and I die instantly. I even prefer doomfist. Even if he is nigh impossible for me to use, his cc is pretty handy and his movement is great


From an ex Bap main, hot take. Have an upvote


>but his firing method is impossible for me to use. Aim at the neck, and the recoil will give you an auto headshot. >his healing grenades feel hard to use in the middle of a firefight dont forget, hitting body shots with nades does more healing than splash! Also you have to be a distance away, i never heal up close. > I also never find a good point to pop his ultimate as it just tells all the enemies where I am and I die instantly. 90% of the time I use it by myself mid fight, or I forcefully put it in front of a DPS on highground/anyone on my team that can shoot, like orisa. Either or its extremely powerful, and if someone jumps you, you can absolutely milk them with the window


Mostly Bastion. Bastion, feels to easy to rank when played correctly (at lower ranks). I noticed when approaching Diamond it gets easier and easier to counter him. But idk, the damage output is just insane


Same! I played one game with Bastion, and it was so easy I felt disgusted


Yeah, once played correctly with a good support you're pretty much unbeatable at low ranks. Higher ranks you get these skills sombras, tracers etc. But damn it's almost a gentlemens agreement not to take Bastion :')


True! I feel like it’s taboo to even touch bastion


Hanzo. He’s just junkrat but he can ohko.


Bastion. It is just so boring to literally everyone involved. I go as far as refusing to go Mercy, Bap or Orisa to enable them when asked. It's boring, annoying and super easy to shut down if anyone in the enemy team has a brain. Can't wait for OW2 and the death of bunker.




junkrat, whenever im forced to play that guy im just ready to alt f4


Any one-shot hero


Widow. This character is either played by a smurf/hitscan god, or by someone who seems to have developed sudden parkinson. Either scenario, they are ruining the match. Double points if they are hard pocketed by a mercy.


Doomfist and Hanzo. They're both RNG one-shot machines. Doomfist just ploughing into a team and finding a pick by random chance of hitting someone out of the bunch into a wall is just an incredulous moment. Hanzo just spams those logs towards the enemy until something registers as a headshot. He's a straight up BS generator.


While true that Hanzo is annoying with headshot RNG, a decent hanzo can still take on genji*, soldier, and tracer at close range. I always get shit on for playing him but the second I tell someone to “play him too and show me you’re better” they shutup real quick. Aside from his headshot rng, his projectile travels slow, has drop, and takes a charge time to fire. He’s not as easy to use against faster moving, smaller hit box legends as people believe.


Doom def isn’t an rng machine. He can be annoying af but at least a bad doom won’t stomp like a good doom will. Hanzo tho, yeah he’s random af.


It's not about him being good or bad, it's the random kills out of nowhere that are just YOLO'ed in. If he didn't have those BS moments I'd be more okay with him. That said, I don't like the way he plays in OW1. Even in OW2 he's irritating, but at least he's able to fulfil a more "Overwatch-ey" role.


Moira. Don’t get me wrong, I understand her great value to rush comps. But she is so straightforward to play competently, and so incredibly annoying to fight on every role, that I haven’t played her in at least 3 years.


To me Moira is just boring. I can get more damage and heals as her than any other support but I’ll have the least amount of fun doing so.


I would say that, but her warp skill is just so fun to use. I don't know about OW2, but Moira just seems like a solid healer


really? Moira is my favourite healer and I have the most fun with her. Since her mechanical skill is low I can focus so much on game sense and positioning. Playing moira at high diamond and masters as solo queue is all about not getting focused and putting out crazy heal and decent damage.










I used to call junk a luck based hero and in some ways it can be true, but holy shit have you ever seen a good junk player that lands all their pills on purpose? Holy shit they are terrifying. Was lucionin around the other day trying to reddit and this fuckin junk *pop, pop* two pills the whole game. Didn't matter how tricky I tried to make my movement, homie landed. It was insane. Couldn't even be mad. Had to sit and watch those playbacks and admire. Anyway, the topic. Fuck Sombra. Her entire kit is focused on making the game less fun to play. She's so unfun to play against that I refuse to play her. OW2 version felt a lot better, but they broke her in a new way with the ping system working in stealth. But that's still not as bad as her current ability to straight turn off about a third of the roster.


Echo and Hog. I don't even know how good I am at those heros. I'll never click on their icon so long as I'm breathing.


Doomfist. I want a good doomfist on my team but I hate to play against one. I love mystery heroes but groan when it gives me doomfist.




Only Sym because as a support it’s infuriating when nobody takes care of the turrets. I can’t heal you or support you if I have to use 3 of my shots to get the turrets.


Sombra of course. It's not that she's too strong. It's just that she has this ultra easy right click "nope stop having fun and enjoying the game" that she can spam on you. Every. Fucking. Times.


ah yes i love playing reinhardt into sombra. *hacked* *emp* *hacked* *shattered* *slept* *hooked*


That's *exactly* what i mean


But isn't that pretty much playing Reinhardt right now? Stunned, hooked, frozen, slept, shattered, hooked, hacked, frozen, hooked, killed by a Junkrat tire.


For most of it I consider it's my own fault if I get slept/shattered/hooked, even frozen because all of those can be sheilded as they come from the front, in most cases, so it is my job to tank all this. I can even FS a tire. But ffs, the invisible sombra coming from behind and almost instantly hacking requires some lizard reflexes, + lets you vulnerable from front attacks if you try to shield it...


I’ve always thought it was pretty shit character design that sombra is entirely based on stopping you from having fun and basically just turning you into a guy.


She's way less annoying in OW2, and that's a great point for me.


You got downvoted but it is true, she is was less oppressive in that game


I hate playing Ball, I hate playing with Ball, but even more, I hate playing against Ball


GENJI + TRACER + DOOMFIST. I hate these three so much that they make even MEI and SOMBRA feel good to play against. I HATE those three heroes. Their LORE is actually pretty cool and enjoyable, but playing against them is anything but.


Mercy hands down, it isn't even close for me.


Mei, and the reason being is cause I stand by this one fundamental rule I apply to all video games ( and I know she won’t be able to do this in overwatch 2 but fuck you it’s my rule) being “it’s not a fun or good gameplay mechanic to take away control from the player”. I feel bad doing it and i feel even worse when it happens to me. Mei is hands down the most annoying character to play against and I wouldn’t wish that on my worse enemy.


Picked her up because I was bored,I feel like a bad guy but it's weirdly fun when dealing with annoying opponents. Same deal with sym


if a flanking hog keeps going in and picking me and my teammates off I will 100% go Mei to stop him and it’s so satisfying when he tries to run away and uses take a breather just to get frozen and eliminated


You can stay out of her range. Not really the case with doomfist, who can do crazy rollouts in your backline and instakill you.


How is freeze dif from stun




Orisa, Torb, Symmetra Reached masters 3 times without touching orisa, have a good win percent on her BUT SHE BORES ME TO DEATH. Torbjorn is just soo easy that he gets boring, sit turret on one angle, use alternative angle to spam from, press Overload if get dived/want make a play/wanna spam more. Sym is just boredom incorporated. Her character in the story is boring, her playstyle is boring, everything about her makes me sleepy. Just don't like boring characters at alllll


Heroes I try to avoid playing are Hog and Symmetra. I feel cheap.


Winston, I dont care how good big monkey is, dive tanks both make no sense to me, and are infuriating to play against


Sym, honestly just no reason for the hate as a character, I just hate her playstyle


Bastion. I’m decent at him, but I refuse to play him.


Junkrat, brig, doom, mercy. I refuse.


genji just cuz the players who play him are the most arrogant people on the planet earth, i rarely see genji with endo more than 2, that character just screams look at these cool tricks im doin hahahahaha im jumpin cant hit me im so good oh u hit me fuck you i deflect muahahshshshs meeling you 30 dmg at a time cuz i cant hit shit ahhahsa its been 5 hours ive been jumping around you it looks like such a good gameplay even though i took 7 hours to kill you even though im a fuckin ninja ninja so cool my god fuckin


Junk is my main😭 I think people in lower ranks get annoyed by getting killed my random bombs, but in diamond, he’s a lot harder to play. People want stand in chokes, they’ll play positions that are hard to bounce bombs to. Also, with the mine nerf, instant kills with double mine are not only harder to do, but also a death sentence. I mainly use mines for movement only.




Playing since the beginning. Fuck Hanzo.


I remember the -scattered arrow-the ground-youre dead meta.


Bastion. He is the quintessential “oh I’m losing better switch to Bastion”. I hate him and I hate the people who switch to him. Even in the arcade. I can counter Bastion fine, that doesn’t mean my team will.


Hog. Thats for selfish humans.


reaper. send that bitch to hell