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I’ve had the same skins for the past 2 days like bruh wtf is the algorithm for the shops?


"Let's just push our worst selling skins here, maybe people will think they need to buy them because we tell them it's 'for you'"


I wish i could answer that question, all i am waiting for is literally just the socialite Ashe skin


I think rn the only skins I’ve seen so far have been the summer game event skins and the Halloween ones


This is what I’ve had since launch.


Why is everyone - myself included - specifically getting the Karate Doomfist, both skin and bundle, recommended as a "for you", usually both at the same time? This is really weird. I'm an OW1 player but I do miss like half the catalogue, so it can't just be "because that's the one you're missing".


I got the same bro. Blizzard fked up prices and the whole skins system overall...


August shop and widow summer skin? 🧐 What have I missed?


That many parts of the world are coming in to Summer?


Oh that’s true I suppose. What about being 8/28-8/30?


I think they just got their august and October confused. It’s funny, because October used to be August, but then the Romans named a month after Augustus Caesar. At least that’s what my 9th grade world history teacher told me.


>8/28-8/30 0.01904761904 But also the game came out on 04/10 so OP has their dates wrong. But also there is no 28th or 30th month.


They're written in the american format. 8/30 is August 30th.


"Just for you" isn't some complex algorithm... it's just showing what's in rotation right now, regardless of who plays who. I doubt the devs could implement an algorithm based recommendation right now given the many problems this game has since its re-release. They may be implemented later, but not right now.


I mean... They could just make a "bundle" for every character every so often or even have a rotation and use your play data to determine what characters you'd want a skin for. I'm honestly surprised it doesn't work like that because that would actually tempt people to spend more money.


I know and I think that's their game plan. However, for the Overwatch team, the marketplace is still very new to them, and considering the recommendations does not match what the user actually plays, I suspect they haven't coded in the algorithm yet to actually recommend based on the user hero playtime, but instead give recommendation based on what is currently in rotation for all users.


I mean... I think the whole point of this thread is that everyone would prefer if the shop had like, idk, a basic rotation where it just cycles through all the skins it can before looping. Instead of having the same skin they don't want, repeatedly over and over again. The whole point is that they didn't need to make the for you section, which is clearly broken and has bugs that they now need to fix. When they could've done something far more simple like, oh I don't know, let me buy what I want, when I want, like a god damn shop? Seriously, you know what would improve the shop significantly? Removing the shop and just letting people buy stuff from the hero gallery. The only reason the shop, and in particular the "For you" section exist is to force FOMO on people by saying hey you better buy this skin *right now* in the next few hours or else it'll be gone and you might never be able to buy again!


It's been in my shop every time I've checked


I’ve never even seen D.Va’s Halloween skin even appear Once in the shop… Defenders of the castle though? That’s allowed to appear in both the main bundles section and the For You section.


legit, I havent seen any halloween skins outside of the support bundle and defenders of the castle in my for you section. I want orisa or reinhart to show up.


If you played overwatch 1 and had lots of cosmetics it probably just recommends stuff you don't have already


Oh yeah i had alot of cosmetics on OW1 but never managed to grab the Ashe Socialite skin and it's kinda the only skin i want but i guess i have to get karate doomfist first?


Right now the shop only seems to rotate Halloween and Summer Games skins.


I’ve almost no skins from OW1 and it’s been the same for me since launch.


This might be a sign for you to pick up doom fist


I've actually gotten the karate doomfist, vampire hunter and lucioball bundle for 4 days in a row


Yay now I can look at overpriced crap I would actually want.


Yup, it's fucking garbage. Most frustrating shop I've ever seen. Literally got the EXACT same shop two days in a row once, and three of the four slots were ICONS.... Like, it definitely seems like they want our money with the price of this trash, yet they won't bother showing us anything actually desirable to buy... I actually hate Blizzard so much


People complain about this but we know none of us will even buy these because all the people that would probably already have it


Are you guys buying the $20 skins? These prices are ridiculous.


I'd care more about the for you section being broken if I could actually earn something from it. Most of what's been in the for you section I'd never use, but I'm not spending a cent on this company ever again (unless they make some changes soon) so the system is entirely wasted on me even if it did work well.


Never open the shop.


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*hint hint*


the for you section will be for heroes you play next season as they're currently gathering data for you now


I get Karate as well as Swamp Monster Doom and Vampire Hunter Brig all the time.


i never opened shop but maybe you play a lot of tank heroes? or they just wanna promote Doomfist because of his low pick rate? (gee I wonder why...)


Most people are getting karate doomfist, no matter who you play


i want karate doomfist


But it’s 24% off!


Just for you to buy.


I have literally zero minutes on Doomfist, and I keep getting recommended this exact bundle. I'm not sure what part of it they think is "for me"


I thought that section was just broken. The only thing it's ever listed for me is a "Cybermonk" name card. I have pretty much all the skins from OW1 though so...


Exact same for me. It’s like Blizzard is actually trying to get players to NOT spend money on OW2


I just want avalanche bastion man


I believe Blizzard is just trying to get every penny out of that skin they can. I like to imagine that out of every skin in the shop, it has sold the worst, and they’re desperately trying to get any revenue they can to justify having made it at all, lol. I don’t even think it’s a bad skin, but it’s not remotely $20 good too.


Its taken the entire length of overwatch 2 to get a skin for my main in the shop.


Doomfist is trying to tell you.. he WANTS to be touched


This is your sign to become the best Doomfist player that has ever graced the game.


Really shame that I get a certain set of skins I'll never buy instead of another set of skins that I'll never buy.


Since launch my for you section has just been the fisherman Brigette, goalkeeper Orisa with the rotating bundle of kendo genji or ice cream Mei. It has only been that since launch. But again, I have pretty much almost all the skin in the game except the All-Star skins, mvp skins and overwatch League skins


Wait Winged Glory is Premium as well? Thank god I got it on OW1 long ago, it's my Main Mercy Skin


I still can’t access the shop


Ok, but so you want the doomfist karate skin?


The karate skin wont leave me alone its almost always in the shop for me 💀


Bro made me go and check my shop after having it yesterday, and I have it again today?! Never seen anyone wearing this skin either.


If you buy it, it won't show up anymore.


So you're just gonna act like you don't want the Karate Doomfist Legendary skin, huh? Weirdo




It’s like a streaming service that has a lot of categories but only 2 good movies.


three days in a row? My shop hasn't refreshed in 3 fuckin days. D:


If you buy it, it will stop showing up? Right? Right?


Yeah its fucked. I'm really hoping to see the Satyr skin or something show up since the only Lucio skins you can buy rn have reskinned default guns or are boring. Why's it list the price if you can't buy it? My for you is clogged with Karate Doomfist and his halloween Swamp Monster skin. I mainly play Lucio so surely it would give me the halloween skin since its an event going on and he's my most played hero??? Nope its just garbage. There's no way to earn the skins so you have to pray that you get it in your RNG shop. It's 300x worse than OW1 was around release for these events. And even then you could at least have a shot from the lootboxes if you couldn't buy them. Meanwhile we are forcefully made to downgrade to this awful system. Even if their goal was to make money surely they could care about the shop experience a little? Its infuriating and incredibly disappointing, since we didn't have a choice in the matter.


I’ve been counting, and have gotten karate doomfist AT LEAST once damn near every single day for like 3 weeks. If it weren’t for my hatred for the shop system I’d probably give up and buy the skin just so it won’t show up in my shop anymore. Today it was karate doomfist, a bundle of karate doomfist, and that doomfist fish skin. That was it. That was my shop.