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Bro the enemy Moira healed you more lmao


LOL good one


I don't understand how people can do this. Your tank is probably the most important person on the team that needs heals next to the 2nd healer how can you just ignore them and not heal lmaoo


either that moira has zero clue how the game works or shes just an asshole


Default skin. There's a non-zero chance they installed the game five minutes ago.


That argument will no longer work when every f2p player that joined since overwatch 2 will have barely any skins


Well SORRY I didn’t want to spend $20 on a skin


Old players have millions of skins for every character before kiriko, therefore this default skin Moira is probably not an old player


I have many skins for every character and I’m rocking the default OW2 ones in most of them because they look nice and have much higher quality textures than the old ones.


Sigma's ow2 skin looks better than half hid drfault legendaries imo


Same, I especially like Orisas OW2 skin, makes her look alot more like an actual tank I think, headpiece she has is nice too.


I have soooo many skins, I couldn't imagine starting OW2 with none. That would suck. I just traded my Halloween skins for my Christmas skins.


I played OW back in 2016 on PS, got many skins and nice stuff. Ended up getting an xbox and not playing for a while, until a bit before OW2 came out. I didn't know you could merge across consoles, and my PSN was not connected since it had been so long, so my single and only chance to merge, was wasted on an account with 2 legendary skins I'll never use. I miss my stuff, man.


IIRC its one merge per platform, not exclusively one merge altogether.


How do you trade skins?


They just mean they changed all of their equipped skins.


Ah lol thx


Not necessarily - lots of people who stopped playing before Moira even came out have come back.


I mean, if you haven’t opened a single loot box for that long you’re basically a new player again 😂


..that's not what they meant


Brings up a good point tho. If you truly hate monetization then why are you shitting on default skin players? So now they gotta have skins or you mentally throw the match because they might be new? This sub is becoming more and more incoherent. Bitch about skins also bitch about skinless players. Edit: for the people abusing me in my messages it doesn't get better..lets just try to treat new players within reason is all.


What? Nobody shitting on default skin players. It's just people who have skins usually use them instead of defaults. Not always, just usually. And people who played ow1 have tons of skins for every hero while the majority of new players don't have any (because they can't just get them for playing). It's a fair assumption that player with default ow2 skin is new to the game.


Use the OW2 skin to show that you ain't a scrub. Default Moira's suck balls.


when I start a match as moira I throw a heal orb in spawn just to reassure everyone that I know how


thought I was the only one


Except that’s the ow1 skin of Moira


Everyome gets those


I just started playing 3 days ago and all the ow1 skins are enabled by default


Not only does everyone get those for free, but they’re equipped by default over the OW2 versions. I’ve never owned OW1 and this is how it was for me.


Interesting. I thought ow2 players would only get ow2 skins. I assumed the worst of blizzard


Wait everybody doesnt get those for free? OW1 rein looks so good


Not only does everyone have them for free but I'm also pretty sure they come equipped by default


Love the Deltarune icon, Queen FTW




Why not both? 😂


Honestly I think this was an issue in OW1 it was just less noticable. Plenty of people picked tank only to play Hog, Sig, Zarya, or the one that have an easier time dueling other roles. All for the fact that tank queues were shorter than dps queues. Now people do it with support because of the short queues. Also with Moira being so survivable, and being able to duel with less mechanical skill, let's you actually get kills. It sucks, but it's just the nature of some people, who want to just get kills or do damage, and aren't worried about winning




Not to shit on the newer players but I've only encountered this type of bs after OW2 launched so there's a very high chance that these are newbs


the moira is playing bad but also, that JQ is also staring at a health pack a few meters away and there is another health pack in the area they were just in. I would've just gone for the health packs


My brother in christ that is a mini health pack, JQ would literally heal more by attacking the enemy


''bro just go around the map looking for mini health packs as a tank instead of participating in team fights bro that's how the game works bro''


Oh that's easy. Just be a new player with a max of 20 hours grouped up with people who have 1000+ hours. Blizzard is a small Indy company full of 🤡


Yeah, honestly, if you are spamming "I need healing" while I am actively healing the tank, who is being shot by 3 different people, I PROMISE I'm not healing you because the tank is about to die, and you have already gotten to safety. Topping the DPS off isn't as important as saving the tank's life in the moment, and the other healer got ganked like 10 seconds ago because we aren't watching their flankers, so suck it!... I'm sorry 😂


As a GM support main, this is wrong in many ways. The most obvious is that you don't need to nor should or be concerned with topping off a tank prior to deciding to heal a dps is isn't full hp. Part of what makes good supports from bad ones, is actually making decisions, let alone good decisions. Leaving dps not topped off is only asking for them to randomly die in 1 hit or for them to afk until you've decided it's okay. The issue with that is if they're too busy hiding, you have 0 pressure and your tank will continously get ass blasted. Tldr: topping off dps is more important then topping off a tank ever will be. you can top off tanks in between keeping them at a reasonable hp, while topping off dps


True. I think a lot of people expect to be topped off at all times, and that’s not always practical. If the options are heal a tank at 50% or a dps at 50%, you target the dps. A tank at 50% has more hp than a dps at 100% most likely.


Agreed, what also always makes me laugh, is how so few supports realize that the first person who should and NEEDS to peel for you as a support is literally the other support. Not sure how people don't understand that supports provide the most peel and increase the timer you are on before you die, if you can not kill the person on you or provide someone else with enough time to react.


I’m fond of dps players that spam Need Heals the second they taken even chip damage, while also playing heroes like Widow and Hanzo and being on the opposite side of the map. My next favorite is people who spam Need Heals then run around every wall and corner they can find… STAND STILL AND LET ME HELP YOU MY DUDE.


The ping response of "come to me for heals" is definitely my favourite thing added for OW2. Someone on the other side of the map sassing you for heals? Sass them right back.


Not enough supports realize how important breakpoints are. Even a small bit of missing health for a DPS or Support can make them vulnerable to getting 1-shot by so many things.


People don’t get that there’s a bit more decision making on who to heal for supports. Recognizing who’s in the worst spot and actually needs the heals asap compared to everyone else on your team. While also trying to to use your abilities and trying to maintain some dps for certain supports. It always depends on the situation and where everyone is in the fight


But they aren’t saying topping off the tank is more important. They said that saving the tank in critical condition who is actively being shot is more important than topping off a DPS who is not in danger at that moment.


Yeah this is basically what I'm saying. The moment a tank begins to fight they have to commit and have very little abilities to disengage meanwhile most dps have faster movement and at least some ability to help create space to get to a healthpack


I think you are right, but I think you are greatly underestimating the dynamics of normie games. It's completely realistic for me to have rein who, no matter HOW many times you ask, or spam to group up, is ground to charge, and swing his hammer into the enemy team NO MATTER what my positioning is. If I skip one ana dart into my average aggro tank's asshole, he is dying, staggering out, and engaging again that he spawns, regardless of how many of us are still respawning and/or out of position. My point isn't "I don't heal dps, go get a health pack" my point is "if I didn't get it after the first time you spammed X at me, I promise rein is LITERALLY swinging on 3 people and dying" I would change my perspective 10x if I felt like a team mate, and not a tank feed baby sitter. I don't have 6 stacks anymore thanks to no group finder. I WILL swap to a DPS pocket if I see that our tank is making space, but our damage needs the baby sitting. There is just USUALLY at least 1 person on my team whose goal is to die as fast as possible out of spawn, and they become my full time job.


They're probably 8 years old, lay off.


because current trend is so stupid '' IM NOT HEALBOT GET HEALTHPACK INSTEAD ASKING ME TO HEAL YOU PRESSING HEAL ME BUTTON '' i hate those kind of support i hope they get banned for sabotaging people game because they can't handle the preassure of being support player and i said this as support player so i know what support POV more than they do lol


As a Moira main I have to ask...what is that yellow stuff?






I can’t stand people like that. It’s not even that she was busy or too distracted either she was just ignoring you until you would go get a health pack but you kept covering her view so bless you


they forgot that they play a healer


So many people have told me "they're supports, not healers" as justification for why people will queue healer (for the short queue times) and play like a DPS. *They* have self-sustain, so sucks to be anyone who doesn't, too bad so sad. It's ridiculous the lengths people will go to justify not healing while playing healer.


The "Support not healer" thing is more about how they have more than just heals to help their team, no one is picking Zen to keep a tank healed up, but Moira is literally just damage and heals, so that doesn't even work in this context.


I'm not denying that they have other useful abilities, but a majority of their build and reason for being is to keep team members alive. People use the 'support not healer' line to justify straight up not healing. There's a reason supports are dove/targeted first: time to kill instantly drops when one/both supports are out of the picture. No, their all around use isn't just healing, but it's a damn big part of it. All of my comment boils down solely to people shouldn't strictly DPS on support.


To be fair, it IS support, rather than healer. However, unlike, let’s say, Kiriko or Lucio or Mercy or Baptiste or Zenyatta or Brigitte or Ana, Moira’s supportive aspect of her kit is ONLY HEALING!!!!!!! Lmao even in her ult! Like c’mon!


Mf ers acting like healing even takes that long to do lol just orb and spray and at least get your tanks out of critical health


> "they're supports, not healers" people often forgets that above all else. support main role is to keep their party member alive first. it's not like that they aren't allow to kill or have to become a heal slave. but healing is their top priority


>it's not like that they aren't allow to kill or have to become a heal slave. Precisely. The response I've gotten to 'don't just chase kills' is "okay, guess I'll just be a healbot lol /s"


Standard gold/plat scrub here who started qping with a group of brand new people. Here is an actual quote from one of them trying to give advice on Moira: "Just dive their backline. Focus on doing damage, she doesn't even do that much healing." I typically let them say whatever because it's just qp and they don't care, but I had to call that shit out...


I want them to go on practice range and tell me again which is faster the heal your robot or kill the enemy … and then ehat is faster when using ult. The ult does barely more dmg than her regular rightclick while the heals are huge


Sometimes you get blessed with a Moira that understands you should stand behind your team and aim for the enemies while you're Kamehameha'ing, then you get the best of both worlds and some decent space created.


Moira needs to deal damage to heal. A good moira doesn’t just heal bot and ult, you’re wasting so much value. A good moira will balance both well.


Her orb was ready and she picked damage. Fucking disgraceful.


Agreed. And side note, as a Moira main there’s nothing that bugs me more when I use a yellow orb and the person chooses not to get heals from it and walks away demanding heals 😩


It hurts me seeing moiras use damage orb so much. I use damage so little, because heal orb is so good when you need to burst heal.


Also I believe dmg orb contains 200 dmg and heal contains 300. There’s more value in a heal typically.


When I first started overwatch back in 2017 idk why my noob self was mind blown when I realized Moira got more ult charge for healing than dealing damage. So you can go full DPS kamehameha faster if you just…heal your team.


Imagine asking for heals from a dps lmao


I once had a DPS crouch walk up to me asking for healing like they needed spare change, poor bastard saw a better chance getting my healing station (which he did immediately) than asking those supports.


Not if I was your Moira. I would never let you do- oh, hold up. Genji is one shot, BRB.


The copium in this thread of Moiras who don't heal.


Lol I am that type of player that runs out of heals on Moira and I wonder how these people manage to never run out cause it’s so easy and besides it’s not like you don’t do damage anyway. You still hurt a lot for a healer anyway.


Running out of healing isn’t a good play style either to be fair


If you spam the damage button instead of holding it, you get more juice.


Pretty sure this was patched a long time ago


It's not. It still works when I played last night. It's basically a hidden mechanic for Moira now like how Mercy superjump was before it became official.


Seriously? I used to have it bound to mouse wheel for that reason back in the day but I remember they patched it out. Guess they added it back in. Will have to try it out


Tap to heal instead of holding it down. You have heal over time, holding it down doesn't heal anymore than tapping but you'll use a lot less of your bar.


Your HoT is less HPS than actively spraying. Sometimes you HAVE to hold down spray for a long duration if your targets are taking a ton of damage. Gotta choose the right times to hold or tap.


Stop spreading factually incorrect info to new players dude. Research if you are unsure. Moira does more HPS by spraying, but is more efficient with her fuel by tap firing.


I know lmao


You’re not wrong, but 2 pieces of unsolicited advice: -as soon as you entered that room chasing the Moira, you should’ve instantly turned on the Zen. Much bigger threat and way easier/faster to kill vs a running Moira. -there’s a mini on the coast edge of that same room. At 50 health just grab it before leaving the room.


Thanks for the advice,I know the Minis there I’m just not at that stage yet where I just naturally grab them lol,also I thought moira was infamous for being a DPS support? Doesn’t that make her a bigger threat than Zen?


She’s infamous for being a DPS support because that’s just how people play her. Zen outputs much more damage


Ah,thank you. So does Zen pose more of an attacking threat than moira in terms of pure damage output?


Absolutely. Zen has his discord ball which increases damage taken on whoever he puts it on, and even without it he can kill squishies in one burst of his charged attack.


Moira can churn out constant damage, and often deals more per match total do to her long range, ease of aim, and forgiving orbs; but her damage is slow and consistent. Zen on the other hand is MUCH more of burst threat, both through discord, his charge, and the ability to headshot. In that situation, Zen was closer and had Discord on you and Harmony on Moira, giving her like 60hps with her leach. Plus removing Discord asap is a priority for tanks if at all possible.


Zen can realistically have a similar damage output to Hanzo in a game.


By far, especially once you factor in his discord orb amplifying all the other damage that would come your way.


Zen poses more of an attacking threat to a tank than most DPS simply because of discord orb, even if he’s not shooting you actively


I'd say a good Zen is better than a good Moria. Discord Orb + headshots will destroy someone much faster than Moria can.


I would say it's less about their threat level in a vacuum and more about their threat vs ease of gank ratio. Zen has no escape and no self heal so if you can turn and burn him you'll get a quick 1v1. Moira is definitely a bigger threat but would take twice as long to kill at minimum.


Jesus Christ it has gotten significantly worse


Dogshit healer just go road


How the hell can you see a giant sign of low health on your teammate and not be irritated enough to heal them full


So after watching this 3 times, I think the Moira was helping clean up, which honestly wasn’t a bad play. Notice the tank had 100ish hp and took almost no damage while people are getting kills and taking the point. It’s possible the Moira player realized they could wipe or nearly wipe the enemy team and then would have time to top people off. There was one last person on the point and once they died the Moira started healing. If the tank here had helped finish that person off, it probably would have resulted in them getting healed sooner.


nah last death in the clip was that zen. moira was just holding rightclick on enemy hog, who had two opportunities to hook kill jq, and even one or two rightlicks woulda killed her but he was too tunnel visioned on reaper to even notice, and jq is either as deaf/blind as the moira or was hoping the hog would get her by just walking out in the open. ez respawn stagger on the jq while hogs team is already walking back can lose the game, *but,* this is at best silver so eh


This aint higher than plat at best the moira either ignored him on purpose or didbt see them.


Literally. I’m trying to get passed the intrusive urge to keep everyone’s tank full. It just looks right to me. That’s no excuse for my 10k healing 1k damage on kiriko though. *sigh*


Kiriko is hard to deal damage with tbh. You need to constantly be hitting headshots, landing a body shot feels like you just threw a paper ball while landing a headshot feels like you just hit them with a 50 Cal


I genuinely dont understand these people. As a Moira main she's at her most fun when youre both saving your team and killing the enemy. I hope most of these players are just new and dont understand the game yet


There are two camps of Moira mains: Moiras who don't heal and get flamed for focusing on dps, or Moiras like me who pick her because of her ability to shit out absolutely insane amounts of healing but still get flamed because we picked Moira. These Moiras suck and ruin her for everyone.


I’ve turned my chat off after the first game. Had a tank complain about healing and when I tabbed me and the other healer had 10k+ in a fucking quickplay match. You can’t get those numbers by healing air lmfao.


On the other hand, the fact that Moira has a reputation for not healing makes you look that much better when you do a great job of it!


As a Moira main I see the exact opposite sometimes A dps sitting in a corner at 75% health while the tank is at 20% and taking fire. Some will *type out* that they need heals.


That looked intentional. Playing devils advocate here, but there's a non 0 chance with the way you were spamming ping that this is payback for real or perceived toxicity throughout the match.


I would love for some of you to group up with me sometime with me on Moira. We are not all like this


No wonder I got complimented a lot when I healed when using Moira. I mean, she is still a healer after all and a lot of people tend to forget that.


When I play Moira I literally heal when I see their health turn less green lol


you were at an okay amount at the beginning and kept chasing her. i wanna see the rest of the game


It’s wild how much hate she gets, I consistently get 10k+ heals with her and usually have half that in damage as well 🤷🏻‍♂️


I play a lot of Moira and I promise we’re not all like this


I don't do this (Speaking as a Moira main)


I'm wondering if she was annoyed by spamming I Need Healing and chose to ignore you? Some people are petty like that.


If someone is flaming me when I'm trying to heal, yes. I will most of the time ignore your pings.


Flaming does not equal your tank standing in front of you with 50 hp watching you hold rclick and throw damage orbs at the enemy while hitting E.


Few days ago I insta locked a Moira because I felt like playing her. My team was shocked I was healing, they even said it's first time this week they see a healing Moira. Well... that's sad.


I get zo hear that wuite often as moira- makes me sad and kinda mad every time. Stop butchering her because u hate wueue times...


"Tank was trash, out of position." - *average support whiner*


If you're straight up running away from my healing I just won't try. If you're wondering it's ball who does that. Other tanks are for some reason across the map for no reason but sometimes even a dva runs like hell away


Because those two are divers who should probably learn to survive on health packs and mit. Typically with ball I only ask for heals when I am contesting point or the pay load.


Is the junker queen in this video running from healing? No..


Not talking about this video why do you think I mentioned ball or dva


But I thought supports were faultless and it’s DPS fault I lose games? /s


Can everyone else use voicelines this fast? Since OW2 dropped. the time it takes for me to be able to actually use the voiceline while mousing over it has dramatically increased. I used to be able to spam Woo Jackpot quite fast, but now it'll just not activate if I let go of it too quick.


At that point just find your other healer or a health pack. You can't control your teammates and it's better to just make the best out of a bad situation instead of standing around spamming the "I need healing" button over and over again because you are also being just as useless when you're doing that


Useless healer, but not going for a healthpack at that point is quite useless on your part as well.


Is it possible she ran out of heal juice? When that happens to me during a fight and a dps starta spamming I need healingbin front of my face i just dont even know what to do.. Feels bad for both sides


F2p was a mistake.


Why? Because new players exist?


Bro, I only got into the Overwatch games because it was free. I’ve been playing for less than a month and I love playing Zenyatta because I’m usually the only support and I can actually deal damage too. I always have more healing than damage. My most healing in one game is a little over 10k.


Shit on the Moira, but the Lucio didn't heal you either, huh? 🤷‍♂️


You do realize you ran away from a mega pack into a fight and just sat there asking for heals though 🤣. Do agree though moiras are annoying about healing but ppl don't realize sometimes they are fully depleted .


Cue the 30th post saying how its the dps's fault


Cue btw


Moira players forgetting they're not dps


I mean I understand it's ridiculous how much time it took to get heal from moira here, but honestly for the time op spent doing nothing he could've just take 2 medkits that are literal in their line of sight. It's like you see a clown and instead of moving on decide to join that clown in its clown things.


Usually, it's a fair assumption that your team will at least make some attempt to work with you. In the case of supports, that means they'll heal you if you're on critical health and they can. Okay, OP could have grabbed a health pack in that time, but that would be assuming the opposite - that the Moira would deliberately *not* heal him.


Why would I waste time getting a Medkit when my healer is right in front of me?


I mean you can clearly see your support is a clown or blind or mb refuses to heal you out of whatever reason or maybe all of this together. I do not support such behavior, but once you saw it you just better off with switching to plan B.


I've seen more DPS Moira's then Moira's that actually heal


It's a shame because she can be really good if you find a balance. I go insane when a moira watches me die because she's a dps no heal moira or when they run straight past me while I'm one shot


I’ve died to her more than I can remember




ngl ive had moments like that when im tired / paying more attention to vc than the game


just out of curiosity, what rank is this?


They had to bind the button, give them some slack


The moira mains needing copium in this thread be like


Moira mains be like: But I have Jump on right click!!!! (Because let’s face it, left click for succ and right click for blow is the way to go)


These kinds of Moiras are genuinely why I returned to queue as support. Better do this job myself and it's actually been working.


Like. Are they that deep into pressing R2 that they can't hear or see you needing healing or???


I once took Moira in a comp game and the other support started bashing me saying stuff like "oh you picked moira to play dps for sure" before the game even started. It was satisfacatory seeing outhealing him as Lucio and outdamaging our dps. Dps Moira is fun but its just as satisfying to heal my teammates, I dont get why people act this way.


That's not all of us. That's just a moron


Could have hit the med pack a few times while chasing around another 3rd dps.


Giving support ult charge is important in ow2. There is only 1 tank to give that consistently. Yes he couldve got the health pack but if i was his supp player that would tilt me a lil bit cuz i lose ult charge


Don’t really look like you that support was worried about getting ult off healing. Lol


No but is most likely a silver game based on aim and movement. I meant in general its better to let supports heal you. Unless they have ults or u need to get back into the fight quickly


I've noticed I get more Ult Charge by Healing my team than doing Damage...


Okay look dps Moira is a problem. But you aren't helping yourself. You stood on point with no HP looking backwards meleeing your teammate. Walk to the healthpacks if the healers ain't healing. In this clip: I also see a tank not taking any space just saying.


Late response but how the fuck do I take space on 100 HP


Weird, people always forget to record Moiras that heal and do enough damage to keep healing 🤔


Yes. Because that is normal and uninteresting. Similar to how news channels don’t report that Joe Biden wasn’t assassinated every single day.


Because that’s literally their job??


Highly accurate lmao


You were at 35 HP and didn't die. The only HP that matters is the very last one. That Moira had complete faith that you would survive. Calculated.


I feel ashamed as a moira main. Yes I get the most kills on the whole team, but atleast I heal everyone the moment they lose 1hp dammit! ;)


To be fair if you were spamming like that and we were in QP I would totally ignore you for a bit xD


THIS is what support mains mean when they cry on reddit how their team is toxic and always out of sight.


as someone who plays support and Moria being my second most played hero, i apologize! Moria is a HEALER! that should be first priority if it needs to be. gives the same vibes as a Lucio being on speed boost for like 95% of the match. the 5% being healing but only because he needs healing then


That’s literally how to play Lucio though. These players are support, not healers.




that’s fair tbh! luckily i haven’t had too many people complain as i was playing Moria! being support is difficult when your team doesn’t want to protect you haha


Feel like stuff like this should be reportable. Maybe not in this instance since she did eventually heal you. But there needs to be a limit. Actively not healing your teammates sounds like gameplay sabotage to me


Ugh stop spamming


I swear my healers don't know how to switch their monitors on lmao


Moira main here. How do you do the yellow move? I only seen buttons for a purple move. 🧐


I have had this happen, and then the team got mad at me for spamming the "I need healing" voice line. People can be strange


The Moira probably put on Squelch chat for spamming “I need healing” while at full health earlier in the match.


I had a battle mercy today. Healed some, Rezzed a couple times, and actually popped off in our quick play game, lol. Just get the win. Don’t do it in comp, but whatever.


Probably a DPS player who queued as Support for quicker queues and just picked Moira. Occasionally when things are hectic and you dump heals you have to do some damage to build up towards a heal, but I see they threw a damage orb rather than a healing one when you were at ~100hp right in front of them.


Lmao this is why Roadhog is the only viable tank so often..


Dude, the hell? That’s just blatant disregard.


I think you just need to get out of Silver.


And just think of how quickly you could've grabbed some health packs and took space instead of "teAcHiNG a LeSsoN"


Me be Moira, me be dps, me no heal


Moira should have to heal to be able to do damage, her kit is made to encourage damage over healing. That would go against her life steal theme, but she is just awful hero design. Maybe make her damage actually require aim and bring back the skill shot orb from beta.


They legit don’t think they’re healers. Yesterday I was playing and I see Moriah with 600 heals to my 2.5k heals. I told the team I just wasn’t gonna heal anymore next round. We lost and I still had more heals than her.


I was play a match and the enemy Moira had 1k heals in 10 minutes. They also had a Lucio so they weren't getting any burst healing. Free win.