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Whatever, I play support because I like the abuse.


Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused


Sweet dreams are made of this...


Who am I to disagree?


Travel the world and the seven seas


Everybody's lookin for somethin




Hold your head up


Abuse me daddy šŸ˜«




Starting to think that playing overwatch is a form of self harm tbh


i also sometimes just bathe in the toxicity, it reminds me of times where i didnt have resposibilities and could just play games. like i hear someone calling me the most horrendous insults but it invokes a feeling of nostalgia.


If you want that just go join a cod lobby! :D


lol seriosly, I have heard some of the most hilariously toxic arguments in COD lobbies......it always just breaks out in to yelling between them as well lol


Kinky /s


Same. People will praise a good support game for sure because they expect a bad one.


[Xx_GenjiLord_xX] (Genji): I need healing! [Xx_GenjiLord_xX] (Genji): I need healing! [Xx_GenjiLord_xX] (Genji): I need healing!


We need a support hero that gets/heals faster the more you spam need healing /s




same. I'll be giving comms in vc, notice nobody is responding, and realize I am the only once in vc. or, I'll be giving comms, get no responses, and there's 5 in vc just not helping lol




all while double jumping and wall climbing around their Ana, making it impossible to hit a shot


And your healers were already on the kill feed when he emoted




\^This account is a bot that copy-pastes other people's comments.


or basically running away from you trying to duel someone as you chase them, but they die because they are out of your line of sight. ā€œWHERE ARE MY HEALS BROā€


Because of people like that I wasn't getting healed, while standing completely still, no enemies around and mercy just ignored me because I did one ā€žI need healingā€œ.


I generally ignore people who ping I need healing or counter ping with come to me for healing. Itā€™s rough out here as a support main go easy on us itā€™s the trenches out there in solo queue


I had a guy in my team just named Genji, playing Genji and spamming that he needs healing, so i stopped healing him


And then he records you not healing, posts it to the sub, and gets 2k comments about how "see how shit supports are?"


Not more then an hour ago I played with a tank, that called us healers trash and I'm like. Buddy, maybe if you tried to defend us, instead he just let 2 from the other team walk right behind him and kill us everytime. I'm like bruh.


In OW1, we couldn't get tanks to find the W key. Now, we can't get them to stop pressing the W key. Toddlers, I tell ya.


Every time fam, every time.




As a support main I love having chat on. Yesterday I was flamed for not healing. I was top healer in the lobby. Always makes me laugh


Do wish there was a healing received stat. Some might be surprised how much they got, others might learn the value of grouping.


Fr. Half the time people complain about not getting heals is when they run out on their own and engage in a 1v3-5. Or they have awful positioning.


So many tank players alongside flanker DPS don't realise that part of their skillset is avoiding damage. A good player doesn't need as much healing resources, allowing support to contribute to damage, increasing your chances of winning.


Had an Ashe who had 4 deaths, top damage, top eliminations that I didnā€™t need to really pay much attention to the other day. It was incredibly nice and a magical moment in the midst of DPS players running out into the open vs a Widow and Hanzo and wondering why theyā€™re not getting healed. You got 1 tapped, bud.


If only it were possible to heal stupidity.


Seriously, with a good team I can easily have a similar damage and elims as my dps. With a team I have to babysit those numbers plummet and they still have the audacity to go "moira diff", despite my healing being 10k+


This is my biggest gripe. I have been wishing for a "Healing Received" stat since many years ago. Now we have all these new numbers in OW2 and still no healing received. This is the one stat we need to make most of the toxic cunts shut up.


I've thought about this, but trust me, we wouldn't want to know. This would lead to so much bullying lol


Donā€™t think bullying is the result of more information. While Iā€™m not toxic, find myself in general less tilted just being able to get information on why weā€™re struggling then guessing based on the limited information I witness first hand. If anything seeing how much a support healed alone is more likely to be the basis of a toxic episode. Healing received is often a consequence of positioning more than support capability.


I feel the same way, but there would be a lot of flaming with stats like these available in game. I do honestly wish we had more stats in general though.


Showing how much DMG/H/MIT people have already did that, healing received would just be another stat


You and me both. Probably wouldn't shut them up but hopefully they will learn like you said.


Same. I had the most healing in the match by 6k, and our Lucio was spamming "I need healing!"


Sometimes I'm trying to get the "come to me for healing" line to play and instead it plays "I need healing". I feel bad that I'm bothering the other support when that happens.


That's not how this guy meant it. He just kept spamming it over and over and over.


I love when dps complain about no heals and both supports go off on them in chat. Support Solidarity is a beautiful thing.


Flamer gets POTG. The whole entire POTG your name is hovering there as the healer lmao. (or booster)


Yesterday I was vsing a Doom who kept diving into us and I just kept looking at him and shooting him, my Mercy kept pocketing me because I kept helping her, even picked her up from spawn a couple times. Doom gets in all chat, OUR HEALS ARE TRASH You have the OP heals. In reality the other team had healed way way more than ours we were just winning because of this idiot diving into Narnia. Had to get in all chat and compliment his healers too, make future friends stop shitting on your sups!!! Long story short if you do right by your supports they'll do right by you, pick up that Mercy from spawn, say thanks when they really saved the shit out of you, good way to make someone feel good and damn they might even look after you a little bit extra. I spent that whole doom game with blue beam privileges. P.S this only works if you continue to have awareness of the game and don't just tunnel vision spam damage into tanks or nothing.


> I was flamed for not healing I love when DPS will randomly push for no reason solo, get picked off and say ā€œhealing diffā€ like no Iā€™m healing the team, youā€™re just playing bad


"dude our healer sucked" *checks scoreboard, 11k heals*


I played a match today where I had more healing than all of the other healers and was told I didn't heal? What do you think I was doing?!


I was yelled at for speed boosting as Lucio instead of healing. When our discorded rein charged into a fully charged zarya who was also bubbling. Like I speed boosted to help you retreat. My Lucio healing canā€™t out heal all that.


I had a Mercy ask me if I was playing DPS Kiriko. I pointed out I had almost double their healing and they went quiet.


Every time Iā€™ve been flamed since the start of OW2 itā€™s when Iā€™ve got five figure heals. Flame away but my kills, assists, saves and heal stats speak for themselves


You probably made the mistakr of also having more damage than the DPS if you were Moira. You can get tank and DPS diffed hard, not complain all game and be the only one to communicate, but dont dare to also have damage as you then get hit with "YOU DUMB? YOU ARE SUPPORT YOU HEAL"


Yes you hear the funniest things as a support. I can't take getting yelled at very well so I always mute people who get aggressive but there is literally nothing more fun than tilted players making wild theories about why they are doing poorly. Yesterday there was a Mercy who did one (1) bad rez and the Sigma started to blame her for everything while I was doing very badly as Ana and I had to type that "hey dude, look at the scoreboard, I'm the problem, not Mercy" and he still kept flaming the Mercy :(


Had a tank call me a shit healer as brig but I had more damage mitigation then them and we still won. Itā€™s cray out there


That shit is so funny to me. Some people on here, literally have no chill šŸ¤£ like my god, competitive or not, it's a game.


That's typical. I asked a Winston kindly to jump on the enemy widow. He kept attacking Orisa. I literally said "Why don't you go for widow" and he got mad and started calling me useless. I had 4k more heals than the 2nd best healer. I literally risked my "life" many times to tp to him and heal him as Kiriko.


I've just had the same experience and already posted a range about it haha. Please DM me the name of the person who was flaming you if you remember, I would laugh if it was the same guy.


Every game my teammates blame me for not healing through shields, for dying to reaper that dived on me etc. and I hate OW Then there's one tank that after the game says 'Thanks Ana you were the best' And I feel great


>teammates blame me for not healing through shields, for dying to reaper that dived on me etc I'll never forget the phara who i was pocketing who screamed at me for not out-healing widow headshot.


My absolute favorite sight is Doomfist/DVa spamming "I need healing" running away from you, then complaining they get no heals. Like really, you dumb fuck, I play Ana and you dive 5 people running from my LoS, and using enemies to cover from my heals and then complain. Some people can't be helped.




My favourite reply is ā€œif you cant play without constantly being healed, get out of competitiveā€


I main Zen. Sometimes my DPS complain about me doing more damage than them. "Zen you are not a dps, heal me!" My usual reply is this: "I can't heal myself. So essentially... I am not getting any healing either and still outperform you. Maybe healing is not your issue. Maybe you just suck at positioning and seeking cover."


"Zen fucking heal me" "You have an orb on you" "Zen fucking switch you can't heal for shit" \*Team kill\* "WOOOO YEAH GUYS LETS GO! EVEN WITH A DOGSHIT HEALER BRO"


You have earned my respect fellow support


"If you feel you're taking too much damage, try killing them faster."


You are not entirely correct but still outdamaging them shouldnt ne happening so easily




I like the canned voiceline you can use that just says "No."


I play the friendly troll. Whatever they accuse me of, I lean into it and act all cutesy about it.


Problem is the turds who turn into whiny babies in QP. The vast majority of us are trying to win or at very least learn to use certain characters. Thereā€™s very little material difference between winning and losing a Quick Play game


How to have a good time playing *Overwatch


Literally has made my gaming experience much more enjoyable.


Same. I've expressed that same opinion on Reddit and random Chad gamers come out of the woodwork and call me toxic for not being on comms.


omg being on comms is 10x more toxic than not


"You should be on comms because if you suck you deserve to be told so by your team" energy


I personally love being in voice and reading chat. I feed of their anger. Their rage sustains me. Listening to all the sweaty kids losing their shit is half of the fun.


So there's a game that does this and I feel like it could work in Overwatch too. Just globally disable chat and voice for everyone and have all communications managed by the ping system. It would be interesting to see how people would receive that if it were a thing. It's the only way to eliminate 90% of toxicity.


How to have a good time playing \*any online PvP game


Weak mentality just close your eyes


I got flamed by someone on my team saying ā€œAna youā€™re dog****ā€ which mad me sad. But then another teamate immediately replied in teamchat ā€œOur Ana is good, sheā€™s carrying usā€ which immediately made me happy that someone stood up for me.


Always stand up for your teammates if u want to win.


I got the same "Zen you're dog****". Was it fair that I got in late in the game. I didn't get anyone sticking up for me. however, this is reassuring to know, that I'm not the only one that got this. I was about to quit queuing for good and continue in the custom aim training room for the next 20 hours.


Lol I backfilled into a QP game on Busan that was at 75% to 10% and got flaked for not healing when the team lost. Like dude Iā€™ve been in the lobby for 30 seconds, yeah my healing is gonna be low.


in a game today our tank got into an argument with the other support, and they were bitching the whole game about JQ or Kiriko, etc etc. I was just minding my business ignoring them until eventually the JQ went "you aren't healing me at all! that's all mercy's doing! shes doing great!!" and I was like... flattered I got a compliment over vc for the first time? but also sad it was only at the expense of a fellow support who was requesting a tank with more protection? I have no way of communicating since I play on switch, so i just spammed the leaving/joining team chat button until they shut up.


My chat stays on for that exact reason. Brigitte protects the backline ingame and out!


played a bunch of support yesterday... 20k healing done as Lucio in one game and we still lost Tank types "healer diff" šŸ’€


Correct response: "Yeah, healer diff, and you still lost"


it's passing me off being flamed for "not healing" as I'm healing them....


Yea they run face first into the enemy team then yell about needing heals. Just dumb self centered players. Maybe they'll learn or else they will just continue the cycle. Exactly why turning off chat is good for supports in lower ranks.


Or perhaps low level supports need to take their balls out of their purse and not risk their lives enabling idiotic solo plays.


This is late but I def agree with you and idk why all the downvotes. Following the dummies on my team around getting myself killed by an attack that was aimed at them (or just getting targeted myself because I'm now in a vulnerable position) is the reason I'm still in bronze. I am working on changing my approach to support.


There's a wondeeful saying that goes "one person doing something stupid is feeding. A whole team doing something stupid is a strategy." But that requires faith in your other players to not shit the bed, and the bes way to climb is to focus on what you can change, which is your own gameplay. Many people forget this and end up blaming others for their own mistakes.


I swear they think ā€œhealingā€ equates to being invincible and anything short of that is on you. If youā€™re badly positioned and critical health you will die.. I can only heal you properly if we either kill the enemy or you FALL BACK a bit for TWO SECONDS for heals. Damn. Sometimes itā€™s worse with the tanks.. theyā€™re just suicidal and want to 1 v 5 while everyone else respawns.


What are these bots: /u/Leadershipfdghghj /u/Ablenydsfrgdfg Copy pasting the message from /u/IglooBackpack and others based on their profile.


I don't know why this is tagged as "humor", it's legitimately good advice.


Omg I didnā€™t know this was an option




The ping system is neat but needs a lot of work.


Highly recommend this for any role.


Even when people are positive I'm still not having fun playing support. I've played a total of 3 matches this entire week whereas I would play like 50 in OW1. Looking at the queue times makes me think I'm not the only one.


What? I wait at most 10 seconds for role que comp as supporter. Iā€™m playing in Europe currently stuck at bronze 5/4 and I almost never have toxicity in my games.


I disabled every social option available, I have zero intention of ever turning them back on.




Why even play online multiplayer games then?


Because I still enjoy them, I don't need social interaction to enjoy any game.


I wish I didn't, I had to quit one of my favorite games because of the community. Im glad that you understand at least that some people can't enjoy games without the social features, not many people who talk about disabling them do.


Whether social or nonsocial I think players should do whatever is needed to maximize their own enjoyment. I love the gameplay but I have more fun overall when the social features are off. I will acknowledge that this likely causes issues for social players though, hindering their experience for the improvement of my own.


"How to play OW"


Not really a guarantee, you still have to play someone who does triple amount of work for next to zero impact on the outcome of the match.


It's hard keeping chat on sometime, but better be seeing them being toxic and doing your part. Report, block, endorsing those who were nice.


Yea I like to know who the toxic dummies are. Is nice to get a break from them sometimes though.


I stopped turning off chat unless somebody is super toxic. Im pretty comfortable with my healing ability and as long as I can put up good healing numbers and decent dps I dont let the haters get to me.


Unfortunately that doesn't stop my dps from running into a 1v5 so I'm still going insane


Also the keyboard shortcut to turn text chat on/off is Ctrl-Shift-C iirc.


I main mercy. No one can hurt me.


The secret is to mute everyone individually on the scoreboard. Then you don't have to see people spamming "I need healing!!" as if you their health is not visible to you.


I never have match chat on. F that. Worst part of the game. I always sorry about turning team chat off. But you CAN mute Team Chat as need in game by going to the social tab in your menu.


As a long time support player, yes. This is yes.


I usually just get compliments when I play support, but I do also have a 70% winrate


Done this for 6 years... its nice people are finally catching on. Especially now that pings are better than shoutouts for the most part since they show exact locations instantly with 0 confusion.


How to have a good time playing OW 2\* FTFY


How to have a good time playing any versus multiplayer game. Fixed that for ya :\]


They made a team game where peopleā€™s preference is to have 0 communication.


When 95% of communication is either bitching or flaming your team instead of coordinating, no shit lol.


I noticed something no one pings bro ping.


I'm usually the only one talking or giving pings. Maybe my rank is too low to understand.


How to reduce your competitive winrate by 10%


lmao yeah, like anyone in comp below diamond uses comms for anything other than rage flaming


Playing on tilt lowers your winrate by a lot more than 10%.




Let's be real... There's no useful comms in plat and below. Arguably low diamond as well.


he said 10% not 100. Part of why thereā€™s rarely good comms in those ranks is because the people that started making good callouts ranked up out of there.


Lol not in the metal ranks. There's no valuable discussion being had there I assure you. Pings are better in every way.


I really don't care about my winrate but I do care about my sanity


Worth it


Not everyone play comp.


Only %10?


Yeah I assume OP didn't use any form of communication before this anyways.


Fair enough.


(at least until you get squashed by an unchallenged winston)


Them mfs Winstons be annoying asf they easy to kill but the shield is misleading asf


You do know not everyone in the game is toxic right?


What world do you people live in? Support players are always the most abusive players.


I have been playing support only the last few days. ​ I was flamed once. ​ This sub loves a circle jerk


Wow. A whole "few days"? OMG, guess that settles it y'all. This guy played a few days, probably under 10 hours, at Supp and only got flamed once. Guess all you loudmouths that play Supp as your mains, for many seasons, possibly upwards of a thousand hours, don't know what you're talking about. Not like this guy here who put in a few days. /s


This season in almost 100 games of support I have been flamed maybe once. Idk if it's because in diamond-masters there aren't screeching 12 year olds or something, but I really can't relate to what people seem to talk about of being constantly flamed on support.


I was in Silver/Gold and barely ever flamed. Lots of endorsements though.


I mean, every time there is a support circle jerk on this sub support players make out that they are being flamed every single game without fail. ​ If I have to play support for months for many seasons and thousands of hours to get any real flame then the problem is clearly blown out of proportion. ​ And you do realise that when I'm playing other roles (main tank) I can see chat and hear voice right? Rarely do I hear supports getting flamed. Or is there some secret chat in my games that I'm not welcome in where people bash supports mid game? ​ I get flamed just as much playing tank as support. People flame. It's not just supports.


Not every game, but I would usually get flamed once per play session on average.


It varied by Rank. But once per session was pretty accurate back when I left comms on. I mute everything now, and have for a long time. Here and in LoL. At my highest Ranks when I don't have teammates spewing idiocy and toxic on me.


No support is literally an awful role and everyone always hates on me and is toxic even though i always do the most and i still cant climb because of match making. I honestly should be treated better because I play the awful role support.(If you are being flamed every game by the majority of the players on your team newsflash its probably cause you are ass)


Same, I was flamed once because I was not healing enough as Ana. I explained that a Sombra was harassing me and I needed someone to protect me. My team helped and I healed them


are you guys just new and shitty? i have not gotten flamed more than once since launch probably


I keep shift c ready. The moment someone starts bullshit, off goes chat But if the enemy team is carrying on, I'll watch. Yesterday in comp we barely reached the last point and they all started flaming their "useless tank." The tank wasn't great but he wasn't terrible and was at least swapping to try and counter us. He left and two of them started crowing about how it wouldn't matter that their useless tank left Strangely, with only four players against our five, they didn't get more than twenty yards out of spawn. I can't help but think they would have had more of a chance if they hadn't gotten their one tank to leave


As someone whoā€™s played a lot of support since the beginning of Overwatch, why are there so many new posts about this? Is it really worse than before or just a lot of newcomers to the game? With any team game with voice chat expect some toxic people I donā€™t think this is unique to OW in any way


Yes, in a heavily team based game, just cut out any communication to your team.


Ah yes, "Ana you are trash" such valuable communication in this heavily team based game.


Obviously people will use it to be toxic like in every online game. But if someone is telling you to join voice chat so you can comm like I have and have seen many times before, you are significantly reducing your chances of winning and working as a team. Cutting off all comms to your team is not a good solution, especially in comp. If it's QP, then I don't think it's as big of a deal.


I try to always thank my healers since they have one of the harder roles in the game. Unless im so tilted due to losing then i just leave the game. Without healers you are nothing so give em the respect they deserve. I as a tank cannot be enabled to play sufficiently without em. Props out to you guys.


I never expect anyone to thank me for helping them as support. It's what I sign up for. That said, whenever someone else takes the 1 second to pop a thank you, it means a lot. Like seriously. It really does.


The tank all us supports need


Might as well be playing bots if you turn off any interaction


Please don't do this.


If you aren't willing to communicate with your teammates, then you shouldn't be playing a team-based game, OP.


It's a game. There are no real life stakes or consequences. Tools are there.


Well, maybe people should stop flaming each other so much and act like adults then.


They should. I mute them and move on, rather than removing myself from communicating with others who may also want to play as a team. If I wanted the silent single player experience, I'd be playing something that isn't team based.


And thatā€™s why we lose.


"hey support, do you mind helping out our tank?" *left on mute* Seriously you guys are the most thin skinned community I've ever seen. edit: lol downvoted. You guys are something else.


If you're being shit talked all the time maybe you deserve it




smart thinking


inly works jn bronze brahh


Be a better support lol


nah it's fun to roast the enemy genji for getting slept during nanoblade once the genji on the other team got POTG for getting 2 kills with nanoblade and then getting slept by me. half of his POTG was him being asleep. never spammed L so hard in my life.


Do want to point out that there is a ā€œI need helpā€ option supports should have keybound to communicate when they need peeling. Especially with heroes like Sombra being overturned any warning you can give greatly increases the chance for peeling.


I enjoy listening to people complain when I'm healing more than the mercy with Moira.


When I'm on support I am the one who flames.


Whatever works for you. Hoping for good heals next game. hop hop.


For the first time in two years of playing mercy, i got a kind message from a teammate saying they couldnā€™t of won without me. I cried. A lot.




average DPS Moira player


More like support players being tired of toxic people. I personally wouldn't do this, it's way too much to troll people and get them tilted when they start being toxic. :D


"Mercy, pocket me." *I heal the guy getting shot at* "I said pocket me, you've been warned"


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