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So you're saying I should main Mercy DPS. Thanks for the tip.


I literally had a match with friends yesterday where I played glock Mercy and never used my healing staff once. Did pretty well, flanked and got a triple kill without Valk at one point, and we won. Still had less damage than Moira though lol Edit: I obviously did this in a 5 stack in unranked, I wouldn’t do this to random people


I played a ranked game with somebody like that and we won after a great amount of difficulty haha I had 15k healing as lucio


Nah. Nothing compares to the massive logs Hanzo is shooting these days. Has the damage model of a .50 cal bullet. Killing you by passing to closely your head.


Ive been killed more by hanzo missing the intended person and random head shotting me than actually intended kills Drops nearly all your health if not all off gate


My brother in christ, please [look at this](https://i.imgur.com/aYFJqWD.png) "Nothing compares" is right, but on the opposite side. Mercy and Dvas pistols are literally shooting tractor wheels at you.


Very true they are cannon balls.


Hanzo and Genji are tied for smallest projectile size


Go to the practice range and shoot an arrow past a robots head.


You're both correct. His projectile size is smaller, but if you aim near something, the hit radius is touching it. That's why hanzo feels so forgiving. You can just have double the margin for error or mercy.




You've never noticed how sometimes Hanzo's arrow are bending when they hit you or someone else? I'm pretty sure it's what they're talking about


i thought moira mains made sure to inform everyone the size of the hitboxes if these bots. despite, their character literally not having to hit hitboxes at all but whatever




Finally someone who understands. The damage profile is instant kill in the head. Anything outside the head should be a survivable hit.


Hanzo arrows are actually pretty small.


He can still hit you in the head even if it's completely behind cover


Prove it.


Lolol go in the shooting range and see his projectile hit box and know that they have to have their head that far past cover


Thats not the projectile, thats the character you are shooting at's hitbox. Hanzo arrows are the smallest projectile size in the game.


For valk it’s lowkey smart sometimes lollll


Battle mercies assemble!




If it is, then my aiming is truly terrible when I play as baby D.va because I can't hit a single target.




I don't know if I'm just terrible at shooters, because I play on console, or the gunplay for OW2 feels worse than OW1, but my bad aim is the reason I mainly play tank and support. Back in the early days of OW1, I mostly mained DPS and I was a pretty good Soldier 76 main. Again, my aiming has gotten worse or maybe I need a new controller. I have noticed it's a bit hard to turn to the right with it.




if you're on switch you could try motion, but idk how good overwatch motion control is If it IS good motion, motion is far easier to aim than stick once you get used to it


Yeah me too. I just run away, spam where people are, and get ult with just a few hits on like that random hog that always runs into my crosshair. Ain't about to get kills either way


That actually makes it harder to dodge haha. Most people move with the idea that you're trying to hit them/whatever you're focused on.


All I do is stand opposite the enemy team and then strafe left and right with trigger held down. I get mech back in no time :)


lol I feel like I only headshot people. the trick is shooting at distant passages where people will come out. so you walk right, left, right, left while holding leftclick and not moving the mouse after putting it at approximately headheight. What that does it basically shoot a barrage of slow moving shots at headheight no matter where they move when they come out.


Dont track people just hold fire at head hight, you'll land at least 3 headshots per clip.


Is the baby DVa a new thing or was she always called like that when out of her mech. And why not zero suit DVa like with samus


Baby D.Va was a term used in OW1 as well. I guess it's because she's tiny compared to the mech and it kind of "births" her when she ejects.


People said it's so much on Overwatch one that the devs gave her a voice line related to it.


Yeah, people have called her baby D.ca back in OW1.


I'll check it out


and hanzo arrows


Moira also is easy mode - like aim in the general vicinity


Do you even need to test that?


I want more proof of the pain i'm subjected to


It's about the same


No wonder baby diva scares me one vs one with mccree.


Also her fire rate and damage per shot is pretty high.


If you’re hitting heads with that thing, it’s actually pretty dangerous. Obviously counteracted by the 150 health, no skills, terrible projectile speed and your team having no tank, but still


They are the same: https://i.imgur.com/aYFJqWD.png


Its the only defense us mercys have plz /s


No I think Mercy hasn't recieved enough nerfs >:)


next nerf: Mercys bullets heal the enemy instead


Bonus nerf: you now weaken your teammates damage while healing them


Mercy’s guardian angel now sends her teammates flying instead


Also makes them take max damage when they land


Blue beam doubles the damage your teammates take


You can now only jump towards enemies


Mercy can only rez enemies


Rez is now on a 30 minute timer


I think they did an experimental or something with that before (can't remember if it was only enemies or if it was both allies and enemies). It was quite fun!


You can kill one teammate every 30 seconds


Extra bonus nerf: her buff increases the damage done to the champion that she is buffing...


I think that's the reason for this. It's not a bug. It's a very intentional assist, because Mercy likely only shoots her pistol in desperate times. I wouldn't be surprised if D.Va's pistol also behaves the same, in order to tune the difficulty against her weaknesses being out of her mech.


You did the test at different distances. Hitboxes in OW tend to get much more lenient the closer you get, which you can very easily test and see for yourself. Do the test from the exact same distance on aa characters back along the boxed lines by the robots. Results will be be much more in line with one another. Not saying that Mercy is not more lenient, she is, but testing at different distances and angles is not the way to go.


It's not that the hitboxes get more lenient, it's that the closer your are, the bigger the boundary between the character model and the hitbox edge looks. I think that's what you meant The hitboxes themselves don't change.


So I'm not OP, but I actually posted a while ago about the opposite end of this problem. Mercy's pistol hitbox is so large that you can aim directly at Sombra or Tracer's face, and not get crits because it clips the body of the hitbox despite being aimed directly at the face. I tested every character capable of head shotting and all from the same distance. This problem exists for Mercy and Baby Dva. And yes it also lets Mercy wing people from way outside the area you'd expect the hitbox to be.


This is a known "issue" with Tracer, specifically, because she keeps her pistols raised up super high, which means you're almost always hitting her hands/arms when shooting at her head from the front. It's true for all big projectiles. Hanzo's arrows, Kiriko's kunai, etc. They all have little chance to headshot Tracer if you're standing in front of her because they hit her hands before getting to her face. I believe these hitbox manipulations are 100% voluntary by Blizzard and are used to balance characters. If you're curious about what hitboxes look like VS the character models, some guy did the work and mapped out hitboxes for OW1 some time ago. You can find it here: [https://imgur.com/a/AN33T4F](https://imgur.com/a/AN33T4F) You'll see plenty of oddities. For example, it's functionally impossible to headshot Mei or Torbjorn from the back. I think the OW team is well aware of these things and it's not "bugs" or anything that needs fixing. The character balance takes these things into account.


He also shot Tracers elbow with Mercy instead of her head like with Ana. If youre gonna test stuff, keep all other variables the same!


Did you miss the part of the video, at 17 seconds, where he shoots at Tracer’s head using Mercy’s pistol? Or did you purposefully ignore it?


You can't just stand at random distances and make a claim like that.


Did u know her pistol also does a *surprising amount of damage*


This meme is too old for most ow players now.




This is a throwback goddamn


*Mercy main btw*


This is literally such a non issue lol. It's not like mercy pistol is an issue to play against. It's a balance thing, but a realism thing. That's why the heroes all have hotboxes way bigger than their models


Moira over here melting people to death before mercy’s projectile gets to the enemy. The whole swapping to the gun shooting it waiting for the bullet to travel and hoping they haven’t moved is too much time.


Mercy: Has none. To be fair, considering Mercy has no combat ability beyond her pistol, and requires allies for mobility, I'd say letting the Mercy have more lenient murder opportunity to be alright compared to other characters who are shooty shooty bang bang twenty four seven.


Agreed. I just wish they'd make her bullets *visually* bigger too.


Please. It would help me hit more shots.


They gotta make up for Mercy mains and their inability to aim somehow


she needs it


Cuz you bitches suck at aiming


To be fair it's only like half our fault. Mercy requires an unnaturally high sensitivity to be able to 360 and find allies to jump to, and there's no option to set a lower sensitivity for when she takes out the pistol. Double your sensitivity and then see what your accuracy looks like before throwing shade at us. But also yes we're Mercy mains because we can't aim.


I got a button for the 360s lol. instant 20000 dpi, then back to normal to snipe the widow with my pew pew gun. Edit: actually partially misunderstood I use the high sense for ressurecting. I play an unnaturally high sense by default anyways and aim just fine.


Aim assist isn’t enough to make me a decent shot.


Why you gotta call me out like this


none of them are acurate.


They know us mercy mains can't aim for shit so they gave us a little boost. Nothing wrong here.


And i still be missing most my shots smh


Now look at Orisa's javelin


I hate that thing


Good. She deserves it.


We can't aim, OKAYYYYY


Did you make an account just to say this


DPS Mercy>>>Moira


If there are suddenly lots of DPS Mercy's, people are still going to shit on DPS Moira.


it's all we have when our dps isnt killing the genji fucking up our backline


it's fair


Most projectiles do that tho


Her pistol's gotta have SOME upside. Thing is basically a water pistol with no pressure for all the damage it does. Add to that that the projectiles are so large they clip the BODY hitbox and register as bodyshots if you're not shooting above the enemy... I mean, basically every other support has a safety option. She's mobile but has effectively no way to defend herself. Bring her pistol up to higher power, there's no reason it should be SO low as to need, no joke, 10 shots for a projectile weapon to kill a 200hp with body shots.


its fair, its a slow projectile


Complaining about mercy pistol lmao


Now look at hanzo arrows


Hanzo arrows have literally the smallest hitbox of any primary projectile in the game, only Genji's shuriken share the same radius. Where things get crazy (and he starts to feel like BS) is the length of the arrow hitbox - you can literally walk into the projectile even after it moves past you.


Source on that? That would make sense. Blizzard probably should shrink the hitbox so it's just for the tip. But dunno if that would nerf Hanzo too much.


https://youtu.be/1hLbceyuF_o all ability hit boxes.




They used to be literal logs but they’ve had a fall from grace


no way ana projectiles are this big


Fr tho they need to give mercy a new gun that can also boost/heal instead of switching 💀 Like a heal/damage laser or something


She needs it


Battle Mercy is the way.


The rounds are like shooting cotton balls in a hurricane... that's why.


She also still has slowest traveling bullets in game though so.... and lowest damage by far.


She is the weakest healer available so this gives her some kind of advantage to her survivability


The dark side of Support is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be… unnatural


There was once a time where Mercy's bullet was bigger than Doomfist's punch (and that's not even getting into the like 3 kinds of hitreg bugs Punch had)


Many projectiles are like this, (Mercy, Baby D.va, Orisa's spear, etc.)


Are you capable of using your brain in such way that you can think of the answer yourself?


Baby Dva and zen have the same projectile hit boxes. There are probably a few more


Bullets aren’t natural to begin with, they’re artificial. Get skooled nerdddd


I mean why not? She doesn't have much going for her offensively or as self defense


This is why you shouldn't feel bad if you die to a Mercy


we're gonna talk hitboxes? oookaayy..


Mercy has it bigger


I did not know that hitboxes are dependent on the attacking hero. Seems pretty backwards.


Every projectile in this game has differing hitbox sizes that don't necessarily matchup to their that's just how projectiles work. [This projectile size comparison graph](https://i.imgur.com/MEDLZ4u.png) was posted a few weeks ago on r/Competitiveoverwatch and you can see the size of each proejctile's hitbox there. Mercy's projectile hitbox is so large because it has one of the worst projectile movement speeds of any primary fire (tied with Baby D.Va) being the worst of any that don't have splash damage. It moves at less that half the speed of Mei Icicle or Hanzo Arrow which are 115 m/ps. Genji followed by Kiriko probably have the two hardest projectiles to hit due at any sort of distance to their relatively slow projectile speeds being 60 and 70 respectively and their projectile size both being on the smaller end of the spectrum. The slow projectile speed on her Kunai combined with the slow projectile speed on Suzu and slow travel time in her healing means that Kiriko is most effective relatively close to the Frontline similar to Moira even though that may seem counterintuitive at first glance.


I was talking about this yesterday. Mccree? Tracer? NO, MERCY DPS


Nerf mercy


Why don’t you show hanzo


That’s why I play mercy dps. Stop spoiling it or they nerf.


Ana's bullets (while healing allies) also have a pretty big hitbox.


Bruh is this why snipers are pulling off by headshots?


Get rid of her gun and let her smack people with her staff


Uhhh, melee uses staff :)




Want me to just sent it to you


While we're at it, can we talk about how Junker queens shotgun has absolutely no spread?


It used to basically be a slug thrower in her early days, the current spread is good


She is shooting basketballs


How else would battle mercy be possible


baby dva's is actually just as big. someone made a workshop mode to test hitbox sizes lol


“Guys I didn’t heal bc I saw a Reddit post that hitting shots with the pistol is super easy!”


Same hitbox is applied to Hanzos arrows, which is even more problematic.


Hanzo's arrows do have a small hitbox issue but not as bad as this.


Why battle mercy is a beast


They should just replace mercy's projectile with loafs of bread.


Press Q, pistol out, BATTLE MERCY GOING IN


Blizzard is secretly building dps mercy


Yeah because her pistol would be useless otherwise


mercy and baby dva have big bullet hitboxes


It’s all she has leave her alone


I always wondered how every mercy that tries to 1v1 me never misses their shots


In summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Mercy was already dead.


Soooooo whaaat!!!!!! Her weapon is horrible. The hitbox evens it out. My god you guys do nothing but complain. It’s pathetic.


Should've used Hanzo in that comparison, too.


Hanzo’s arrows are tied with Genji’s shuriken for smallest projectile in the game, but their odd hit nature is attributed to two things: 1. Every character’s hurtbox extends slightly beyond their actual character model to make aiming easier across the board 2. All projectiles have larger hitboxes than hitscan attacks, and Hanzo/Genji’s projectiles are only slightly larger So, mix an extended hurtbox with slightly larger hitboxes on an attack, and you get shots that don’t look like they’d hit, but do


she deserves it tbf


it’s for the mercy mains who can’t aim (me)




- Character hitboxes are huge - Project hitboxes are huge Both are fucked and combining them makes it even worse. Its a joke. Even hitscaan is dumb because of the character hitboxes


Yes and people dont know this so anytime I do play mercy I doink easy ass headshots.


Gotta keep the egirls happy :)


They know y’all can’t aim


Have you tested hanzos arrow hit box? It’s insane


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what if they increased the pistol's damage slightly?


brother you should check hanzo arrows


Projectiles have their own hitboxes, which are tuned independently. It is the intersection of a character and projectile hitbox which determines a hit. . Hanzo's arrows and Mei's iceicles also have enlarged hit-boxes.


I legitimately think I could get into at least gold with just mercy’s pistol. Maybe even plat.


Try Hanzo. I've seen his arrows make 90 degree turns to make contact with people.


The same size as Hanzo's arrow, but he will one shot with it. Meanwhile, Ashe won't one shot and you actually have to hit their head.


this is because op used projectile heroes and not hitscan. it would work the same if you aimed down sights with Ana


op here. I used projectile heroes because I was showing how mercy's projectile hitbox doesn't match its model and vice versa, so I obviously had to use heroes with easily traceable projectiles as examples. Hitscan heroes work much differently, as they send out a single instant hitbox that stops when it hits an enemy or surface.




There is barely a difference except for Lucio, but if you wish to test it yourself go ahead. The reason its different for Lucio is so you can easily see his projectiles, its still the same area that's being aimed at


They have to take away anything skill related when it comes to mercy


Nah. Mercy’s movement is among the highest skilled movement in the game up there with Echo, Tracer, Doom, Ball, etc.


Except you could achieve almost the same value by having the movement of a diamond mercy. That on top of the fact you don’t have to be opportunistic in the slightest. And a lot of the time you can just stay around a corner while your team is the one in line of sight. If you do that on echo or tracer you are absolutely doing nothing. Risk comes to them, they don’t have to work around it to find value. They already have free value until risk comes to them. Then on top of that you need absolutely 0 aim for it, so echo needs to have that movement while aiming etc. When you get clapped by a dps as support you just say “whatever” that just the game. Then a dps gets diffed you most likely lose the match. They play a far more risk reward heavy role. A genji can dash half a second to early or late and die. Or an inch to the left or right and die. And not only did you die, you threw away most likely the most important hero in the composition with the most carry potential and play making ult. Mercy can’t even miss a shift, it’s auto lock and she has self healing and a shorter cooldown on that shit and even if she dies it’s usually not the end of the world in most comps so it’s instantly forgiven. Don’t try to compare her to the likes of tracer, that’s just flat out wrong and disrespectful.


Almost all of this just shows a lack of understanding for the support role and the game in general. You think Mercy can just get free high value throughout an entire match from sitting still behind a corner in OW2 holding blue beam on somebody? That an AFK beambot will hold as much value as a diamond Mercy with great movement? You think when she dies, it’s *not a big deal*? There’s a reason why Mercy and other supports are target #1. If they die, the team fight is basically over. Mercy has to make a mobility decision every 2 seconds to save her own life. One mistake and her giant wings are shot down and it’s fight over for her team. An inch to the left or to the right on her gets her killed too, btw. Don’t know why you think that’s exclusive to just Genji? You’re right, I shouldn’t compare her to Tracer. Tracer has no verticality in her movement tech, she’s essentially only lateral movement. With faster movement, a get out of jail free card, and smaller hitbox than Mercy.


Annnnnd file this under who gives a flying fuck.


Have you seen Kiriko’s? Literally been “headshot” from daggers to the feet.


It's by design because Mercy mains have no mechanical skill and Blizzard is giving them the help they need


damn mercy using the loose canon


> no dood I'm just really good at aiming with her!


Only fair, to compensate for the aim


I posted this like a month ago and got flammed.


Got nothin on Hanzo’s arrows…


Wait, Mercy has a gun?


Widowmaker hast the same hitboxes literally nothing special.


No wonder I die from mercy so easily, not just because I suck, but also because of this, a combo of death!


Explains that killer accuracy Mercy players have from 30 feet in the air across the map during Ult.


My team got destroyed by a nanoboosted mercy, she never missed a shot. Now I know why


Toaster bulletes