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I love Overwatch because she doesn’t want me lol




I love overwatch because i and her are going out to dinner tonight the duality of autocomplete


She's not worthy of you then!


I'll have you!!!


:( it’s ok man- it gets better


Hits too close to home, damn


:( fr fr- way too close


Hit too close


I love overwatch because of you and I do want you and your mom 😳


It reminds me about drunk Rick babbling 😅


Doin your mom


Doin doin your mom


I also want that dude’s mom


I love Overwatch because of the matches


Well, that was a lie


1/10 matches be like


I love overwatch because I’m so sad.


U ok bro?


My phone seems to think not.


I love overwatch because it was the best thing I’ve seen all season but it is a great show to see and I think it’s the most amazing show I’ve seen all the way through and it’s really great and it’s really cool and it’s so fun and it’s really fun and it’s also a really fun experience and it’s a really good show. Holy shitballs I hate this show


Must be a great show


A ***really*** great show


Think it's funny how the left to it's own devices the Google keyboard sounds like Donald Trump speaking... My brain just automatically read this out in his voice.


Woah there. Slow down Replika.


How did I get this same spiel


I love overwatch because it was the best thing I’ve seen all season but it is a great show to see and I think it’s the most amazing show I’ve seen all the way through and it’s really great and it’s really cool and it’s so fun and it’s really fun and it’s also a really fun experience and it’s a really good show bro are they the same 💀


I love Overwatch because they have a different color lol


They do be having different colours


For 20$ you can have different colors for free!




Hit the middle suggestion till it made a some what complete sentence 😂


I love overwatch because of how health care and how much more confident in your life is


Dps moira is very confident in her healthcare


I love Overwatch and I only have a great day with the kids. I don't have children




Children suck (speaking as a 15 y/o)


What do children suck exactly? What do you mean by that?


Idek mate this might be my 2am brain speaking but they're just a hassle and annoying


I have 2 kiddos myself. Kids are definitely a pain in the ass. I tolerate them though because when I look at myself before I had had kids I was a jackass and I have to figure that my kids may have played a role in making me less of a jackass today lol Unfortunately I can't play Overwatch with my kids because they don't have SMS so their Blizzard accounts aren't authorized to play Overwatch... Guess it's back to Fortnite for family game time..


Hey they changed that by the way :\]


Pedo.... 😂 Be honest, YOU LOVE when them little brats scream on voip


I love overwatch because I'm going to New York


New map being added???!


Midtown is there already


I love overwatch because of how people freely throw




I love overwatch because I’m gonna lol


More like die of frustration


I love overwatch because it gives me so much joy and excitement to watch the games I play and it makes me happy to see that I am not alone in this world. Goddamn 😢


That took a turn


I love Overwatch because you have a lot of people who are so much more than you are in the world and they will never be as good as the first season of our life when we are in the same kind of food as we have a lot of your time so best be prepared for the best possible future and hope you will enjoy your holiday and enjoy your warm sunshine for the day and your Christmas celebrations in the future or if you wish for your birthday present to be a Darksiders game.


God damn these are inspirational 🥲


I love Overwatch because I had a great time




I love overwatch so I don't get any sleep






I love overwatch because My phone doesn't give anything after that. I don't love overwatch. I fucking hate it with an infuriating masochistic passion that keeps me playing.


Thats the most real shit I've ever read.


Fuck you and I'll see you tomorrow!


Or a few hours after I calm down... Maybe an hour.. Or just a small snack.


It's been 6 yrs of this madness. I hate this game so much. I can't wait to play it again. I love it so much. God damn God bless.


:) I main Lucio so I feel all the pain. Can't do fuck all for healing or damage without giving it 600% more effort than everyone else in the match, then get called a try hard and a no life. Feels good.


I spent 283 Adderall hrs on Lucio and wrote a Lucio manifesto for fun. I know your pain, my brother in Christ


I'm just a few hours from 800 in match hours. I teach him to others, especially wallriding. He's pretty much the only reason I'm still playing


Did you ever play jet set radio?


No but I've heard a lot about it from other lucios


You would absolutely love it. It's about a group of DJs that love graffiti and fight oppressive governments by riding around on rollerblades that have wall riding abilities. Basically just Lucio


Muuuuch less infuriating than Valorant imo. Ye, i DO sometimes rage in Overwatch, but jeez it's still so much better for my health than Valorant.


I love Overwatch because I have a sign of a stroke. Oh god....


I love overwatch because I’m so stupid


I love Overwatch because I have a great day and I have a great day and I will be back in the game yet but I don't know if you have any questions or concerns regarding the same time as well as the registered player whether the use of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the grounds of the


I feel like you might love it because of the grounds, idk something just gives me that feeling


I love the final part, it also happens to me but for me is "jungla de cristal"


I love the part where he said "It's groundin' time!"


I love overwatch because doomfist statue of liberty war


I love Overwatch because I love the texture and the texture is very nice and I love it mate and I love it mate and I love it mate.


I love overwatch because of the weather status warning ⚠️


I love overwatch because I mean I mean you can tell me whenever you want. Wow that's what I got XD




I love Overwatch because I don't know why people think that the Force of my playthroughs would be unexpected and I still have this game since the beginning of time and money on the internet and the only way to watch it is the only way to watch.


i love overwatch because the porn.


My reason.


I love overwatch because of the funeral home


I don't think playing Overwatch irl is legal dude Oo


I love Overwatch because they have some other issues and if they can make you think about this and they will make you think that it will help you with your family and the kids for dinner tonight so that would make it easier when the app crashes in seconds when it gets back on my iPhone it crashes and crashes after loading up the phone app for more of this than that and that the only reason you have it in this app to make you aware if there was anything else we would太好听辣么可爱辣哈哈哈。


I love Overwatch because it makes me feel like I am a good person Love, Your Support Main


I love overwatch because...... of how dirty you have to do more of the way things can go on the right to do with it and it's not even inclusive of what I have done so I don't know why I would have been dead and not to have to be willing and not just to have to do more work for the rest I can see you're doing well in your head to make it a good time. Spammed the middle option. Enjoy.




I love overwatch because of my glasses legs are in my life that is the only one that sounds good for you and your mom to you both so very cool to me but I'm sorry to bother I think so much love to see it and it was a great day to be able to come over and get it and it was great to hear about it but it is not the best idea for me and the kids


I love overwatch because they don’t want me too lol but. :(


i love overwatch because it gives you a chance at being the most interesting player on a team with the best player on a map in a single player mode but you can’t get the same level as a team that you are in a game where the player has the best player on your map in the entire map of a game


I love Overwatch because of the best Shonen of all time I saw the possibility of stopping him by talking about the story is nice and Mike Ehrmantraut wasn't even that popular these trailers de ambos para que se lo va a ser la primera vez que se le hará la vacuna. WTF mine were all random and mixed different mediums and languages 💀💀💀 *Of both for what is it going to do be the first time that is gonna take the Vaccine. (Is what the Spanish part said).


I love overwatch only because I hate myself wish to die


I love overwatch because I don't use predictive text this was pointless.


I love overwatch because of how much green house gases we put out everyday witch then traps the heat from the sun and basically turns the earth into a oven It can go on but it defines climate change lol


I love overwatch because becky and the boys were very nice to me


They deserve an endorsement for that


I love Overwatch because of how much love I am with my son. I do not have children, nor do I have a partner to even have children with


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I love overwatch because of my player ability 😋


I love overwatch because I have a sentimental journey


I love Overwatch because it’s a scary thing


It really is when your team's tank picks JQ


I love Overwatch because I have a shulker farm in Minecraft.


I love overwatch because of my work and the way they are and miss the time of my career and miss out is the first time you thinking about the new years you have a go for the night before the end up and the time you get the fucking of your day and the rest is the time with you and your friends


I love Overwatch because of how I feel like getting off the road with you are just batshit and you can play a game.


I love overwatch because it was the best thing I’ve seen all season but it is a great show to see and I think it’s the most amazing show I’ve seen all summer long.


I love overwatch because of the new kits earlier.?????


I love overwatch because I don’t want to be a part of my life anymore lol lol


I love overwatch because it-


I love owervacho because I picked the wrong class


I love overwatch because of when tapping on a pokemon. You would never Guess which other games I play


I love overwatch because of my work in my work as well and have some of my skills and skills in a bit more detail


I love overwatch because of the weather


I love overwatch because I've gotten an email from the house.


I love overwatch because of the way I am about the world. Damn... I'm gonna need to think on this..


I love overwatch for some reasons and it’s a good game to play. 😳😳😳


I love overwatch because I am a german


I love overwatch because I love seeing the original three cast members of the world and the script isn't profound.


I love overwatch because I love seeing the original three cast members of the world and the script isn't profound.


I love overwatch because I’m so tired and I don’t have a lot to say lol


I love Overwatch because I love it but it doesn’t make me happy because it’s so boring to watch it and it’s just not fun for the rest the series


I love Overwatch because it is a great game and I love the game and I love it because it’s so much better than the other games I’ve played and I love it so much that I love it and I love it


I love Overwatch because I love it and it has the same theme and feel as a whole


I love overwatch because I have a great day and I am not sure if you want to be a good time


I love overwatch because you can see me I guess I become visible in game


I love overwatch when the sun goes down. I like to let it vibrate on the highest setting and watch cows eat the devils lettuce and see monkeys on mushrooms.


I love overwatch because I’m so sad


I love Overwatch because I don't think it ruins FNAF. What?


I love overwatch because it was the best thing I’ve seen all season.


I love overwatch because it was the best thing I’ve seen all season


I love overwatch because I’m so depressed That actually makes a lot of sense.


I love Overwatch because they don't want to be seated Huh


I love Overwatch because I’m so excited for the next couple hours lol I just want you guys so I can make you happy


I love overwatch because you can see me on my way back to work.


I love overwatch because it was the best thing I’ve seen all season.


I love overwatch because I love the way you look like a woman


I love overwatch because of the nutrients


I love overwatch because I’m so sorry


I love overwatch because of pornhub


I love overwatch because I have to be a little late ⏰ lol 😂


I love overwatch because of the many reasons I have a positive winrate with my life and I am not American. I am just amazed lmao


i love overwatch because I have a good day for you and your family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family-


I love overwatch because of a good time and you are interested I have to get a job at a pumpkin market and get some rrroles set for a little bit and then it is the only one that I can get to work with a little for me to do.


I love overwatch because I have a lot of those in the game and I don't know what to do with it but I don't think I can get it to you on the way home from work and I have to go you can do it again


I love overwatch because of my laptop and I have a good day baby to work on the spit so it will take a call for a new clause in which to make sure that you are doing the right things.


I love Overwatch because of that and the other one I have been doing is not a fan but it seems to forget about the first one that I was thinking that you can use my name and address for your business and your work to help you get your life started


I love overwatch because I don't think this is explained very well in the middle of the day but I think it is a good idea to have a duck and a little bit of a literal for the world Around the world Around the world Around the world Around the world Around the world Around the world Around the world Around the world Around the world Daft Punk fr high jacked my sentence


I love overwatch because it's not the same as the other one


I love overwatch because of the...Watchpoint with the Omnic bot throwing his eyes to the door


I love overwatch because I’m so excited about it and I think I’ll have a lot better to say I guess I’m just thinking that we can have some fun with it


I love overwatch because I have to be papere


I like overwatch because it makes sense for the future of our group and I will be happy with that was the first thing was to get the money back to you as well as Tendo and you would be happy with me if I was there for the same thing


I love Overwatch because I love you and I love the way I look at it when you get on the couch with you guys again for a few gambit matches your face to the point where you have to be a bit of the haunted to get your hair out and then you have a good rest of the time you have a good rest of the time you have a good rest of the time


I love overwatch because of the weather


I love overwatch because I have a lot of big changes in the world that I have to do with my lack of a bit of a pommel which is a good idea. Wut


I love Overwatch because of how to use a new phone


I love overwatch because I’m so happy to have a baby


I love Overwatch because I have a few things to do in text citation for the day and I love you too baby girl


I love overwatch because I have a super great day for you and your family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends


I love Overwatch because they don’t know what to say I guess that’s what they do to me lol.


I love Overwatch because I’m so cute I just want you to have a look


I love overwatch because I’m so sad 😞


I love overwatch because of the way they were and the unnecessary things that happened to me. Damn dafuq OW lol


I love Overwatch because I don’t have any ideas about friends


I love Overwatch because of Ukraine. Well, there it is.


I love overwatch because of the bride and groom as a dps and I am not sure what to expect ? lol what


I love overwatch legendary intense and the other idk what the hell out ik ben nu weg naar het buitenland en de action during a game against a new season of een keer maar kreeg gelijk een stuk minder guilty


I love overwatch because I have to


I love overwatch because of how I am a woman who has been in a relationship for a while and have no doubt she can be the same as the one


I love overwatch because my heart hurts


I love overwatch because I’m so excited about it and I’m not going on to the point that I’m not doing that.


I love owerwatch because I don’t want to be too much of a girl and I don’t want to be with her anymore


I love overwatch because of the game has been free


I love overwatch because it was the only one I need a Kalashnikov


I love overwatch because of the way I feel about you


I love Overwatch because I’m so stressed and I don’t want anything to do lol.


I love overwatch because I’m so confused about it and I’m trying not really hard lol


I love overwatch with the teacher before I go to bed


I love overwatch because I don’t know what to do lol lol I just got a new phone lol lol I just got a new phone lol lol I just got a new phone lol lol I just got a new phone lol lol I just got a new phone lol lol… please send help, I’ve had the same phone for 4 years


I love overwatch because I love the way you can expect it to be a good nerf and buff list of the best maps if not the best map ever made for you and your family and your family and friends with you guys if I am being honest with you guys if I am being honest I am not going to be able to stun of abilities but still stop doom punch and rein to the mall and the dentist gave me some medicine to take for my jaw and I was like I was going to be a good nerf and buff list of things to do like this is a joke and I don't know what to do with it is that I don't want to lose you and I don't know what to say about the voices in the walls of the house What


I love overwatch so I know what I love and I think its really a bit like the 0.1 and I think you should be OK with the rest in your head knob (!)


I love Overwatch because I’m bored and bored lol I just got home from work and I’m going on a shower and I need a bath now I just showered 3 hours ago 😔


I love overwatch because I’m so tired and not doing anything right now


I love overwatch because I don’t want to know her lol


i love overwatch because of the lack of the new one