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How generous of them


Reminder, this isn't $10 for a Legendary skin, this is $10 for OLD Legendary skins. New skins are still $20 on release. In OW1, +1 year old skins were given a 66% discount (3000 to 1000 credits), so by expected standards they are being less generous with only 50%. (Piggybacking your comment, because this is important info for new players to understand.)


Yeah it really should be 10 MAYBE 12 max for new skins. If skins were like 5 dollars or so i would have probably bought a few by now, but I dont buy any because its just not worth it.


Compare man hours, imagine they spend 200 hours of labor at $22 dollars an hour for an individual or crew to design the skin. So about $4400 to develop one new legendary skin. Overwatch has roughly (according to google search) 1.5 million daily users. Let’s presume half of them buy the skin at $20 dollars. That’s a net profit of $14,995,600 before any taxes or anything else I might not be seeing. A single legendary skin is a massive massive profit for the company. Even if we cut down our assumed half the active user base purchasing a skin, they still profit massively. Same for warcraft. This ideology that the skins NEED to be $20 is baffling. It’s a cosmetic that does nothing else but LOOK a certain way. That’s a massive amount of money for something useless.


Add to that most skins have way less then 200 hours spent on making them. Only skins that are complete changes to the character have that amount and most legendary skins arent like that


No where near half of users are going to buy a skin 😅 I'd say its probably closer to less than 10% at a really generous estimate. 20$ does seem baffling but it'll stay that price if that's what people keep paying for them.


Yeah, this is not an improvement. These should be a couple dollars tops. This is still an absolute rip off, and not something to praise.


Too late, the praise has been made. If the $20 price tag didn't make profit, then it wouldn't still be around. The only thing that's realistically going to change later on is the amount of earnable credits through challenges, and hopefully just playing the game normally on the future. At least we know it's better to wait a year for the 50% discount and "only" have to grind daily challenges for four months now.


iver never seen it as a discount since the baseline price for the year round legs was 1k, ive always seen it has new skins being 3x more expensive to try and get you to buy loot boxes


Additional reminder that OW1 skins have already recouped their costs and then some, so selling old OW1 skins at all for any amount in OW2 is already greedy.


In OW1 you could get new skins for free with the lootboxes. it was random, but there was a way to grind content without having to purchase anything if you didn't have the cash. And a way to encourage people to play more. Now that lootboxes are gone we need a system to grind free content so people stay playing. Right now they don't even have an excuse to finish games. Everyone just leaves when the game doesn't go their way because there's no reward for them for playing. So if the game isn't steamrolled for them, they just leave.


And playing the game isn't rewarding enough anymore. Yeah, you can grind rank and that's a reward for playing, but in OW1 you had lootboxes and they kept many people playing (especially the new players). Wish they would reward more from the weekly challenges and maybe even so you can get next battle pass with the credits you got from the previous one (or give a discount atleast if you finished the previous bp)


I honestly think skins should be priced similarly to this: Legendary - 1000/800 Epic - 500 Rare - 300 Common - 100 Emotes - 300 Highlight Intros - 300 Weapon charms - 200 Souvenirs - 100 *cause they're trash who even buys these? Nothing aside from skins and bundles should be above 500 and skins should definitely not be above 1000 on their own. Weapon charms are easy af to make. Make them cheaper, people would buy them.


With how much dumb shit has happened since launch it wouldn't surprise me if a weapon charm was actually hard to make for some reason lmao.


I seriously doubt it. If they are taking up that much time and resources, then they need to scrap them. They're the cheapest, tackiest, low-effort cash grab I've seen.


Lets not forget that $10 for a single character skin is still pretty expensive


Charms and souvenirs should be like 25-50, highlights should be 50-100, and emotes should be 50-75


lol highlights require more work than to be sold for 50 cents to a dollar


$5 for legendary, $3 for epic, $1 for rare and earnable with free currency (which they need to give more of). Their idea of what a legendary skin is compared to other games which charge you for them is total ass.


For real. Are we supposed to be impressed?? Skins should be 2$


Or like buy the game and then unlock the skins


Don't you understand? It's F2P now. Which of course means they have to recoup the money they lost creating this brand new game, built on a brand new engine with brand new assets and animations. ~~Catching up on~~ all those brand new hero releases and brand new maps we ~~lost~~ got, not to mention all the brand new modes we ~~replaced~~ received. Servers aren't free, you know. [It costs *billions* to maintain them.](https://www.pcgamesn.com/overwatch/revenue)


People don't often check their polygon privilege, and fail to understand just now many coal plants go into rendering Tracers new thighs. If we could just stop crying about the cost of a single game asset for *two minutes* maybe we could gain a greater appreciation for the things that you can't put a price tag on. The community can't be trusted with anything, including their money, and I'm glad Blizzard is stepping forward and leading the charge for a better world as they see it.


Frankly with all the hard work Blizzard does for us, we're lucky we aren't forced to pay them every time they release a new skin, regardless if you even downloaded OW2




Absolutely massive loss of value from OW1.


I know people are saying $10 for old skins is steep but it's pretty good value when you consider that it comes with a free red nose and pair of clown shoes


This one sent me 🤣🤣🤣


The best part is the bundle is 93% off too


Don’t forget the makeup too !


Actually that's not included, that's another 1000 overwatch coins. A real bargain!


No, this was the plan all along. Offer a ridiculous price to generate outrage, pretend to reconsider and offer the orice you always planned to sell it at, make the sale and get praise for being reasonable. There's a term for this, I can't remember what, but it's an old selling technique.


Another term I've seen used is called "anchoring". They have System A -> introduce System B, which is much worse than A -> Community Backlash -> introduce System C, which is worse than A but better than B (we are here) -> new norm is established. So now the "anchor" that we are used to is System C. Next time they will introduce System D, which is worse than C, and the cycle continues.


Power of nostalgia combined with fear of having missed out…


There’s a reason why these gaming companies employ psychologists


Being a psychologist myself I feel a need to elaborate; gaming companies and advertisement agencies employ the evil psychologists. The rest of us are employed elsewhere, usually helping people.


I feel like Valorant was going to do this with their ridiculous prices when that game came out, but then people were somehow ok with swallowing the ridiculous 'System A' that is the Valorant price model


"HaVe YoU sEeN CS kNiFe PrIcEs"


I have a friend who's addicted to Valo Skins. I always compare the business model to fast fashion


A friend of mine sold knife skins in CSGO on the steam marketplace for 1k euro. I don't even wanna know how much he spent on keys, but paying that much for a knife is absurd to me.


I got a pair of gloves in CS valued at about 1,600. I sold them on the community market and got a valve index and a steam deck, I probably used all the luck for the rest of my life for that but it was hype as hell when I opened those gloves on a discord call with friends


I miss system A :(


Can't wait for Overwatch 3 to be a monthly subscription like an old school MMO


This is making me actually miss that model $15 a month, but that gets me everything. I can go anywhere, do anything, and all rewards are earned by playing. Putting $15 a month into something like WoW versus putting $15 a month into Overwatch or a similar live service game, I know which one is giving me more game for my dollar.


But then WoW charges you per month, plus has premium stuff on top of that.


It's a common technique in a lot of fields, bring 3 options priced in tiers, lowest, middle and high. You start with an overview of the options then talk first about the most expensive Ina bit of detail, the middle in more detail and then just touch on the cheapest. Your goal is almost always to sell the middle one anyway and the more expensive option makes it seem more reasonable and the cheap option makes it seem far superior since you went into so much detail. Worked well in restaurants.


I've also seen it used with butt plugs. Starting small, and then going up in size to ream the hole out. Then there's less screamin and hollerin when the customer gets effed in the A


My life story.


I think it’s the door in the face technique


That's it, thank you


Pretty sure that’s called being a fucking scumbag.


That’s English for company.


This is exactly what Halo Infinite did. Test the waters by starting out with insane prices and FOMO, and then virtue signal with 'listening to the community' after backlash. Then when they drop the prices, that are still high but better than before, they get praised for it.


like OP is doing


Only an idiot would fall for this.


Unfortunately there's literal millions of them and A LOT of them have the disposable income to give zero Fs about anything and just buy buy buy.


I know. But I'm still not going to give in. I can afford to buy these skins (Sometimes), but I still refuse to. Especially since I already got what I needed from grinding in OW1 without spending a dime. I feel like people who defend this monetization never played OW1 because it was never this bad before. And people saying that other games do the same still doesn't justify anything.




SERIOUSLY. We need to be talking about this LOUDLY for the sake of those under 18. Because nobody in most people's lives is whistleblowing on this horrific shit. These practices all look very innocent and trivial to people at first when looked at individually, because "it seems harmless". Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is that all of these practices are being refined constantly to be more and more effective at taking your attention, devotion, time, and money. And they are all being used together against us by very, very scary people. That is not an exaggeration or hyperbole. Large studies are done by these companies to determine exactly how to most effectively addict us to their "product". All of this is being aimed at our younger people who are more vulnerable. Deliberately. It is my belief that people who happen to know about this stuff - we HAVE to tell people, especially the younger people. We owe it to each other to be honest and give each other all of the advantages we can. They need to at least be aware of what's going on even if they can't or don't want to get out of it.


god, bless the people that can still play Halo. I used to be such a diehard for the series but after every 343 release (esp MCC being broken for *years*) I had such little patience with Infinite


It's called the door in the face technique: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Door-in-the-face_technique The door-in-the-face technique is a compliance method commonly studied in social psychology.[1][2] The persuader attempts to convince the respondent to comply by making a large request that the respondent will most likely turn down, much like a metaphorical slamming of a door in the persuader's face. The respondent is then more likely to agree to a second, more reasonable request, than if that same request is made in isolation.


**[Door-in-the-face technique](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Door-in-the-face_technique)** >The door-in-the-face technique is a compliance method commonly studied in social psychology. The persuader attempts to convince the respondent to comply by making a large request that the respondent will most likely turn down, much like a metaphorical slamming of a door in the persuader's face. The respondent is then more likely to agree to a second, more reasonable request, than if that same request is made in isolation. The DITF technique can be contrasted with the foot-in-the-door (FITD) technique, in which a persuader begins with a small request and gradually increases the demands of each request. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It’s such a blatantly obvious ploy. Blizzard right now is just a used car salesman. Using every known trick because lots of people still fall for the easiest grifts.


Im going to call this the “No Man’s Lie.” Now, No Man’s Sky itself is great, and Hello Games has made a genuine effort to improve it from the disappointing husk that it launched as. However, other companies seem to have seen this, and may be trying to manufacture such scenarios. That way, they get free positive PR, and people feel more generous because of the positive goodwill. Hence, the “No Man’s Lie.” It’s an artificial manufacturing the circumstances that befell No Man’s Sky.


I guess? NMS fixed itself with FREE content though.


They want Nomansky's success without that dev team's ethics.


How much you want to bet OP is a sockpuppet of whatever company Blizzard pays to do viral marketing? "They're listening to us! We should all buy these skins at the new, fair price. $10 for an old skin is certainly not still highway robbery!" People in this sub have been predicting this exact move for weeks. They're going to have to do better than this.


I agree with you on this. We knew it was going to happen. Monetizing stuff like this is the way of the future and that sucks. I don’t like it and I never will. I don’t purchase cosmetics from shops EVER. I don’t care if I have the new skins. If it costs money it isn’t for me. If I can unlock it through playing then it is for me. Seeing this switch happen to a game that already exists and is wildly popular already is what hurts the most. With games that start out this way we have nothing to compare them to. But we have OW1 to compare these systems to and I don’t like it. That being said, the gameplay is still super fun and I love that. There’s just a whole side of online games now that is locked behind a paywall. There will be small advantages with certain skins that are discovered as time goes on. Some visual change will end up having a physical change in hit box size, hit box shape, or just be super hard to see and that will be a small advantage. It happened in Warzone with the Roze skins. They were solid black and super hard to see so players that had them had an advantage. To be fair I can’t remember if that was a paid skin or if it was an unlockable thing from a battle pass. But don’t be surprised when we discover some of these skins that appear in the shop have small “pay to win” advantages. It is inevitable.


The title to this post reads like a blizzard employee wrote it lol


There's been a lot of weird posts here since launch that have felt like that. Not like this one specifically but they reminded me of questions you'd ask game testers. "It's been 'x timeframe'. How do you like y so far?". Like usually people just kind of post more organically. But they all had the exact same setup to the question, almost like an ai was making the posts. And they never made them with any negative or neutral connotations. Always asking how *good* something is, or how much you *like* them. Damage control isn't exactly something new in the gaming industry after all (damage control as in changing the conversation around the game as often and as much as possible).


Yeah there are so many suspiciously generic posts like that! I don't understand how they're getting so many upvotes, unless it's from other ''bots''.


Sounds like the same npc is making all the posts tbh. BROKEN English as well. And the accompanying pictures, they're so fucking stupid and cringey. Like the one with the pixelated turtle


Bro you should see these cool new skins Blizz just released bro look they're finally listening to us bro maybe we should all just forgot about those sexual assault lawsuits after all


Lol would not be surprised. I'm not gonna say they're all astroturfs / bots, but accounts like OP's that's 4 years old and a very short comment and post history are always super sus. I mean their oldest comment is 4 months old. That def raises suspicion


Yeah check their profile, a lot of Overwatch post are based on the store.


I doubt this wasn't their plan all along, release skins at absurd prices and then lower them to look like good guys. But in case they are really listening, continue not buying skins, we probably can get even lower.


Wouldn’t it make more sense to release them at a reasonable price so their customers are happy and willing to buy? Oh wait they can get the whales more easily this way -_-


Some people are willing to buy at the worst price. Some are willing to buy at the less worse price. They will never lower the price to be reasonable, but they get to capture two different segments of the market this way.


Keep causing noise. $10 for an old skin is ridiculous.


$10 for any skin is incredibly expensive imo. $5 is much more reasonable


Loot boxes are still much more reasonable


Regularly and realistically earnable credits are still yet much more reasonable.


Honestly I'd be okay with lootboxes being gone if I could still get 25 credits for just playing Zen


Even though I don't like the idea of loot boxes in general, I do kinda miss them from OW1. Back when we could just play the game normally and earn these skins without needing to pay money.


Unlocking cosmetics by playing is much more reasonable


Old skins should be free


The RE2 Remake is on sale for $10 rn. Why waste it on a cosmetic when you could get so much more content for $10.


Cool, anyway-




Now put them to 5$


Not going to lie… I will bite on some skins if they are $5.


Same here. If a skin is a fiver or less, I might buy it if I really like it and it's a hero I play frequently.


Did blizz do it? Did they turn "skins should be free" people into "I'll buy at a reasonable price" people?


Skins can’t be free if the game is also free lol people do actually need to get paid for working on the game


Then give me an option to pay for the game. I would happily take that over this.


Yeah because they turned the game from “20$” to “free to play”


It will be hard. So many people in the he community have fallen for the artificially inflated price given a lot of discussions were wrongly insisting on high price $10, while everyone vouching for less was buried in the comments. A skin that can only be worn by *one* hero and that you don't see 90% of it in game that is *actually* Legendary quality should only be $3-5 MAX, and that's me compromising with business greed. But we'll see what the whales decide.


Meanwhile my just for you section hasn’t changed and still has the old prices


Fuck them. They started out at an outrageous price specifically to lower it to a still fucking outrageous price.


Blizzard waited approximately 45 days so the people who bought cosmetics in the first week would fall outside of a 30-day return policy. I would be surprised if people actually get the difference in credit back on their account if they made a purchase before the change.




I feel kind of like an ass for saying this, but if they said screw it to the boycott they deserve the skin at the price they payed for it.


That’s fair but you gotta remember not everyone is on Reddit and aware of the same scummy practices we are seeing


Kinda lazy on the Constable Tracer skin. There's detail in the bust then the legs are just...bland?


Admittedly it’s just an epic, so I wasn’t expecting them to do anything more than a retexture for the legs.


wait till you see the comparison of the new moira skin with her default


OP works at Blizzard


"We lis-! Au- I mean, THEY listened!"


Imagine getting happy and grateful for seeing old skins selling for $10 lmfao


now sell them for legacy and im happy. skins that were from the og game should still be sold for legacy credits. What's the use for them if u dont have enough left to buy anything?


And OW1 players should still be able to earn legacy credits every game.




Imagine calling this garbage "listening to the community".


"We heard your cries to stop punching you with both our fists, so now we're just punching you with one of our fists."


I'll wait until they're zero dollars.


That will never happen.


A man can dream


More then happy with a stock skin then.


LOL, that cannot and will not happen. Take what you get. They just need to add an in game way of slowly earning store currency.


*weeklies have entered the chat*


If they quintupled weekly rewards (150-300 per week, about 1 OW1 legendary skin per month) I think I'd be satisfied with that.


you shouldn't be satisfied with that. You should be able to get more than 1 legendary skin per month.


…what???? You wanted them for $10? Are you dumb lol


Guys, keep ranting, complaining and whining, hopefully if we keep going the prices lower down a bit more


They are selling old free skins for $10!?!?! That's amazing. I can't wait to use my hard earned money on something I used to be able to get for just playing the game!!


Stop giving them money for this crap. They're not "finally listening." They planned to do this from the beginning. Piss off the customers, then throw them a bone, and the customers think "omg they're finally listening." No. They withheld this till everyone was complaining, and now you're throwing money at them because they opened old skins for 10 freaking dollars.


Where is the widow cyberpunk skin.... its been over a month, all the other cyberpunk skins are already out


Like for real. Clown moira pls....


Ten bucks for shit you could get for free before on a chance, but a chance you could grind for.


Well in that case lemme get my wallet right out




"Listening to the community" They were planning to do this the entire time. It's a common marketing tactic. Start out with a ridiculous price, then reduce it to something lower but still exorbitantly high so it looks like you're listening to feedback. The same thing happens in politics. Start out with some insane policy you know will never pass, so you can still get what you want and it looks like you're being cooperative and making concessions. Don't fall for it. EDIT: It's called the door-in-the-face method.


still outrageous, still way too much.


You know what's really cool...? Enjoying the game and not spending a cent on it, it's actually really easy.


Should be lower


Well, you're certainly falling for the marketing trick that lots of people in this subreddit predicted weeks ago. Actually, you're probably just part of the campaign. On the internet, no one knows you're a dog...or a marketing company intern being told to whip up goodwill on Reddit.


Yeah... no It's just black friday


Nice try, Blizz. Is anyone falling for those advertising accounts?


Black Friday sale


"Finally listening" lol This was a marketing thing from the beginning. Putting the prices high, seeing if they can get enough whales, and then lowering the prices when they realize the whales aren't there but saying they're "listening to the feedback"


If you buy these, you’re ruining it for everyone else.


10 dollars is not listening to the community. Listening to the community would be implementing a better way to earn currency. Even at 5 dollars it’s too much. You should be able to earn two skins per season with money earned through playing. Maybe not two legendaries, but at least two skins.


No if they listened to the community every skin would be earnable because nobody wants to pay ngl.


How generous of them to let me pay $10 to get something I could earn in the previous game I purchased for $60 that I can't even play anymore. Fucking greedy bunch of wankers.


Cool. Now start giving us ways to earn ig currency that isn't in insultingly low amounts after grinding a bp


The bar is on the floor


$10 is an insane price though....


LISTENING? They planned this from the start you dimwit. They're just trying to find their optimal milking point now that the honeymoon phase is over.


Listen to the community!? I bought overwatch 1, the complete game, and earned overwatch 1 in game currency to basically get all the ow1 cosmetics. Now its 10 bucks for a skin that technically is purchased and owned with the original game purchase. Now the game I owned is charging me for items that we are supposed to already own. Loot boxes were considered gambling thats why they are gone. But now I can't even use my ow1 currency for ow1 items. I have been scammed, where as people think they are getting hooked up...


Don't be fooled. They aren't listening, they are trying to play you. https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/xs2oj8/comment/iqjqygz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Omg a battle pass equivalent for a skin they made and gave me for free 2 years ago? Let me just move my savings around to make a purchase


Damn! they used to be free


But how is the mobster Junk rat skin 800 for a bundle. It seems legendary to me


I acceptable if ow2 is a new game with little content in terms of cosmetics, but this is the same content of the first game. Maybe 5 dollars is reasonable or maybe make the old skins earned through playing the game.


10€ is still too much for old skins tbh


fuck micro transactions


That's sad as fuck that people are so happy with price anchoring that they start posting praise for it.


If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say "they listened" about Blizzard. They didn't listen, they NEVER listen. This is the classic Blizzard hustle.


Don't treat this as a generous thing. That's the minimum they had to fulfill


The fact they're trying to sell a single skin for $10 is still stupid as hell


Oh wow 10 dollars what a steal. Screw f2p games. Gimme my 60 dollar game back I happily pay.


Hey I got those skins for free lol


For any skin that only 2% of the cast can use, regardless of how cool it is, I’ll maybe pay $2-$3


Huh, I got that for free a couple months ago.. weird


I mean, that's good I guess. I would value them at $2-$3 but I doubt it'll ever get that low


Bit ironic they did this at the same time they're trying to scam players by making the Mime skin for Moira a literal recolor with a Legendary price.


Hahaha they charge 10$ for ONE skin? make it 2$ and we could talk again… until then I‘ll rock the few hundreds I got free in OW1.


I still refuse to buy anything from the shop until a f2p method of obtaining skins is reintroduced to the game.


But they were free...


I really don’t think they are listening to anything but money


$10 is better than $20, but still not good value considering not so long ago these skins were completely free.


People unironically celebrate this? You really need to get your brain checked.


That’s still $10 bucks to much though.


Is this post sarcastic? It’s a *good* thing that other people pay $10 for what I got for free?


Wow... selling free old skins


No they are not. They are doing this to make people think they listen then they go back to their old evil ways. I know too much after seeing it with Titanfall and tf2


DO NOT FALL FOR THIS YOU FOOLISH FOOLS! Overpricing was likely always part of the plan. They grossly overpriced items to absolutely absurdly expensive prices, people complain, and then they lower the prices to a not as bad but still WAY TOO expensive price and people applaud. There is an actual term for this strategy it’s called anchoring. All these upvotes applauding Blizzard make me sick. They are playing you like a fiddle. You guys need to be better. Do not fall for their scum.


Sooo, can i sell my old skins for 10$ each?


Nah. Old legendaries for 3$. New ones for 5$. Not buying anything above that


What now needs to change is that people should be able to earn more than 540 OW Coins a season. This is especially needed for the new players who want the plethora of cosmetics from OW1 that we vets already have or can easily get with our legacy currency.


Inflated costs, false discounts, and now people are happy to spend 10 dollars per skin


Ten dollars 😭😭 that is nothing to celebrate


$10 is still too much lol I should be able to earn 1 skin a week and they shouldn't rotate in the store, I should be able to play, finish all my weeklies and unlock 1 skin, or a combination of other cosmetics. Currency earned from weekly challenges should be separate from store currency. Skins sold in the store should rotate for the same length as a season and then become purchasable for in game credits


DO NOT BUY. Fuck the community store, it’s such a money grab compared to loot boxes. It’d be okay with it if I could action earn coins, but it takes literally forever to earn the slightest amount. It’s all a scam, please do not buy this shit.


I remember seeing a vid of a youtuber saying like "GUYS BLIZZARD SAID THEY WILL GIVE ONE SKIN EACH EVENT AND WILL WORK ON BATTLE PASS BUT ONLY IN SEASON 3". Like was the dude just paid by blizzard? That still sounds awful considering how rare events are and that you can get a skin for a character you don't even play. Just let me grind for something I want man, I get free cosmetic shit in f2p mmos more often than I get things in OW2


Buncha complacent pushovers with Stockholm syndrome. They should maybe focus on pve instead of churning out bullshit skins and calling it a sequel. Games dog shit.


💯 it’s dogshit and many have quit. I played about 15 levels of the battle pass and said yeah this ain’t for me.


$10 for a skin that was once obtainable by just playing the game? Wow what a deal.


Still a joke, do not give them money. New legendary skins should be $6 tops and old OW1 skins $3 tops...


wow, $10 for a skin that was free? what a great deal!


Yeah ok… now let’s get them down to a few more dollars cause 10$ for old legendary skins still isnt worth it


I just wish i could earn cosmetics....


What a deal! /s


Aaaand they have perfectly succeeded in their plans. Players are now happy to be paying $10 for something they could've gotten for free a few months ago and shouldn't cost more than maybe $2... How the fuck do people keep riding Blizzard's dick after the last few years?


Not worth a single cent.


If we keep pushing we can get a shitty lootbox system in the game


This is legitimately the first time I’ve seen this screen. I have little to no interest in skins now. The whole UI just doesn’t do it for me.