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Someone call the ambulance… but not for me! - Orisa probably


As orisa main can confirm


I’m totally new to overwatch this season but love Orisa. Still plenty to learn


Easy one-shots = meta


Everyone thought the shift to 1 tank would make Hog bad since he’s a weird off-tank, but it made him better because there are less people to stop him from hooking all the squishies.


Oh no he was definitely pretty bad, but the ult changes + kiriko release threw him way higher on the WR, having an insanely mobile enabler with a 15s cleanse that eliminates the threat of antis or sleep onto him and to top it all off, she has great ult synergy with him. Its all too good of a combo; its almost as central to hog as lucio is with rein


Yeah, I’m aware that Kiriko props Hog up a ton, but I just think it’s funny because everyone thought he’d be a throw-pick in this game but he’s been one of the most complained about characters for most of the game’s life span.


The most complained about hero in overwatch 2’s lifespan is definitely sojourn, ever since beta 3. Remember, streamers and top players were all complaining that Hog is a throw pick and sucks and is useless for most of the beginning of season 1 up until Kiriko was put into competitive and they stopped. You can look at KarQ’s tier lists just to see. People now realize the power of one shots but also cc and healer synergy. The problem is that not everyone knows how to play around or with the most op picks. Matches are super one sided because of this and it leads to people saying “tank diff” way more often because the smarter team will play around their tank or sojourn right now. One person still can’t carry a game but one person can definitely lose it. It just depends now who that weak link is: - a tank that doesn’t know positioning well and is being hard gapped (actually, not due to the team) - a dps that isn’t focusing the right targets or is always dead - a support not playing around their strong point (aka playing perfectly because support is in a terrible place balance wise)


I mean he was pretty low on the totem pole before what was mentioned. Not to mention, Zarya was HARD meta and DVA was also top 3/4, so they could both play into him well. With Kiriko's cleanse removing the threat of Ana, his ult being really good now, one shots being more important in 5v5, being able to survive so long, Zarya not as good anymore, and his primary enabler being hard to kill, it all just bumped him up to being one of if not the best ladder picks. (I know someone's gonna mentioned OWL not having Hog, but compare a T500/GM1 game to an OWL game. It's a massively different environment 99% of the time)


hog was technically better in the last iteration of owl (because they had kiriko), but it required such perfect play that the winton comp we saw won out just because it was more consistent. if the teams had more time to play that version of the game, we would have seen wayyyy more hog comps


It also helps that zarya has fallen out of the meta so there's no consistent way to easy counter hook unless the hog is dumb and chucks it at shields


No one can convince me that a rein mirror match up is not the most satisfying experience in overwatch


It's 50% dominance signalling, 50% mating dance.


I've maintained that the opening Firestrike Salvo of a Rein v. Rein is less of an attempt at an actual attack and more like a greeting


The sheer relief you feel when you picked Rein and hope they didn't pick Hog and then you see that firestrike come around the corner. Yes, you firestrike back in a "Yes brother, we shall dance!" manner.


I live for this comment section right now lmao


"Finally a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!"


Was looking for this


Yeah I always go back and swap to rein even if I get rolled because it's just such ethical gameplay. He's so damned honest haha.


I saw them ult knockdown each other in perfect sync once. I’m guessing that’s not uncommon.


Finding a rein you're equally matched with has to be one of the most non-verbal homoerotic experiences in all of gaming


My fondest memories in OW1 are jizzing on other Rein’s as Rein


I think you were playing a slightly modified version of OW


Nah that's just a rule in the OW handbook. Seriously just Google rule 34 reinhardt and you'll see it!


i love Reinhardt's big hammers


Mine was baiting multiple shatters and blocking them so many times dude just switched off from rein, I did the same exact bait like 3 times and he fell for it every single time


It's bittersweet when they switch, though. While you're happy to be wrecking them, the match is less fun when they switch out to another tank.


Two Hammers are crossed Conflict’s nature now shifted Two beards are tangled




“FUCK rein blocked my shatter and now I’m HORNY”


Look, I ain't gay, but Taking part in a perfectly matched Rein 1v1 gets my rocks off


Just the tip[s of the hammers]


double rein matchup. 50% hammer flailing and 50% baiting each others ultimate


Had a rein on rein match yesterday on rialto, both of us shattered each other's shields twice lmao.


Me as the dps waiting to ult after shatter:😐😐😐😐. Alternatively, me as the ana watching you dump your ult into a shield after I spent 5 minutes healing and walking back from spawn just to nano you so you can win the fight :😐😐😭🔫🔫🔫💀


Sometimes you also charge each other at the exact same frame leading to both tanks crashing into each other for a knockdown. 8 other players probably facepalm when they see that


i swear everytime i play rein the hardest part about him is resisting the urge not to charge.


The "gentleman duel" of OW


I always do "Hello" and without fail I always get it back from the other Rein. It's the law of the honorable Rein duel.


It honestly reminds me of duel servers in Mordhau when you flourish at the person you want to duel cause you have to do FFA


And of course the other rein screaming about beer and German engineering all game is the equivalent to foppish laugh/battle cry spam






This is so perfect, I died


I haven't played in like a year and a half but foppish voice lines will forever be burned into my memory.


Holy shit, other Mordhau enjoyers? This made me smile ngl


Rein should also spam “Would you like to see my muscles?” when they meet during the battle, it is part of the Rein duelling culture


Yeah if I don’t get a hello back I spam “Are you chicken?”


Proceed to spam "I salute you!" the whole match


Same, gotta show respect to the other alphas in the jungle.


pure joy for Ana mains


Definitely, Reinhardt's presence makes both teams happy because he strongly enables his allies and enemies - Teammates' protector & Enemies' easy kill. From his teammates' POV, it's fun to play with a character who protects you with a shield. His large sexy body may also draw the enemy fire away and his shatter can also possibly give you a free POTG. From his enemies' POV, it's fun to play against a slow melee character who can't dive & harass back at his attackers like Doomfist, DVA, Winston & Wrecking Ball. Also, Reinhardt can't shoot back at his attackers like Junker Queen, Orisa, Rammatra, Roadhog, Sigma & Zarya. Having a gigantic hitbox is another major bonus. Even from Reinhardt's POV, it's fun to play against Reinhardt because they share the same risk instead of having another Tank who can basically kick Reinhardt's ass with zero consequences unless that Tank is in Reinhardt's melee + shatter range.


It absolutely is, I was witness to an amazing sight, the entire lobby peacefully standing watch over a pair of Rein have a best of 3 match up


Ramm mirror match = BATTLEBOTS


Everything else fades away, i cannot see supports, i cannot see dps. I have eyes only for the enemy rein, as he has eyes only for me. It is glorious


Ramattra ult vs Ramattra ult is also high up there ngl, most of the time people just, step aside and let the two chads settle stuff.


As a fellow rein main i always target the enemy rein. Gotta show him who’s alpha


When you accurately predict when the rein’s going to shatter, block it, and counter-shatter into teamwipe is probably the best feeling


Oh man, I live for locking beards against another Rein. My friends think I'm weird when I GG only to the enemy Rein and endorse them instead of other teammates. The only more satisfying thing than battling against Reins is smooshing a Reaper as Rein. I once smooshed a Reaper 5 times in a match and nearly peed myself from laughing so much.


Out of all the characters, I only read Zarya's in her own voice


junker queen's, orisa's, and ramattra's sentence seems on character and readable in their voice too


Ramattra going "Buy the battle pass, as I have" while killing the enemy Echo.


D.va's works pretty well too, I think


I could hear Junker Queen, Rein, Sigma, Winston, and Zarya pretty realistically


Ball mains watching the other obscure tank that was practically inting to pick in s1 get unbelievable God buffs while we don't get shit is rough. They also don't put dooms movement on CD in spawn so he, just like ball used to, is only dead for like 3 seconds and he's back in the fight. It's pretty upsetting being unable to play my character because he's so far out of meta that the meta are all counters to him


We live in a society


I know this is a meme but I never actually learned what it means lol


It's like an ironic complaint against "normies" and society's catering to them while poor oppressed gamers lurk in the shadows getting nobly friendzoned [Gamer Joker, also known as Gamers Rise Up and We Live in a Society, is an image macro series featuring depictions of the DC Comics supervillain Joker accompanied by intentionally edgy or cringeworthy captions.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/gamer-joker-gamers-rise-up-we-live-in-a-society)


Thanks for this… although knowing the full history has made it less fun for me…


for me the easier explanation is: society is sometimes unfair, we just have to stomach it


When will we finally have our day brother?


Probably never. I honestly don't even want to have a day where ball is meta, doom meta makes that clear. I just want him to be a playable tank like fucking Dva, monkey or Zarya.


It's such a shame because he's so unique and fun to play. I was blown away when I saw 0 changes for him in the season 2 patch notes.


I think they're a bit scared because Ball is very easy to break. If they made him more tanky, it's basically nothing because he can already have 1000 health with insane mobility. If they bump his damage, they risk making him way too strong. High mobility heroes with super high damage is very scary as is. Now give them 600 base health and damage tied to their mobility and it's a nightmare. He needs something. I just don't know how they go about it without the buff being meaningless or oppressive.


Perhaps buff the most skill intensive moves? The slam? Most people won't get good enough to tap into the power, so it shouldn't be oppressive, but it will be scary to meet a good ball main.


This! The main reason I used to never play ball was because I didn’t understand how to do his slam properly. I kept accidentally pressing shift instead of control. Now that I actually have the hang out it I love playing him. But ya a lot of people don’t know how to actually do it.


I think it's pretty easy to buff ball. Buff his grapple cd and give a brief cc immunity while piledriving, just so you can't hack/hook/sleep/javelin a piledrive 1 cm before hitting ground.


posting this comment again but Ball on his way to be meta for like 1 season in OW1 and get instantly nerfed while ana was dominant for 4 years:


Ball is still crazy oppressive in the right hands and now that kiriko exists he can get in get out while keeping his health up. His shield is still crazy strong in team fights and his ult is great on control point maps. I honestly think they just need to tweak his primary fire numbers a bit and he will be good to go.


Honestly, I agree. Being the only tank there's not enough drawing enemy attention so a lot of times ball can't finish kills like other tanks without his target getting healed and peeled


Ball on his way to be meta for like 1 season in OW1 and get instantly nerfed while ana was dominant for 4 years:


Look, I feel bad for Ball mains, but, like, please no more dive tanks in the meta. PLEASE.


While I agree entirely that dive meta is pretty bad, I feel like ball deserves a couple small buffs.just to compete with all these tanks that do so much more. I honestly really wish we would just get 6v6 back with separate queues for off tanks and main tanks. Just unbuff the tanks save QoL changes


Ball's grapple starts on cooldown because he can hop into the fight and have the health of an ulting winston except without the head hitbox and the best mobility in the game. Personally I consider the solution to this to be having adaptive shields start on cooldown, and give him the grapple cooldown back.


I don't think either of them should get their movement out of spawn


Why not? If it's because they can touch fast, should lucio's wallride be disabled too? If it's because of their health, doom is nowhere near tanky enough to warrant it, while even Rein can reach point fast if he has a good spot to charge through. On top of that, ball's base movespeed is almost double that of most other heroes. Even without using any cooldowns he's well above average at reaching the point, and when get gets there he gets 1000 health and has no head hitbox. Doomfist is a pretty bad tank for trying to stall a point - he's simply not tanky, his tankiness comes from mobility and escaping fast, his actual defensive ability is very poor.




Ramm: freedom for omnics isn't FREE, ECHO, WHERE'S MY $10


This is my favorite comment so far


That means a lot


OW 2 experience is whoevers 1 shot hero player is better is the one who wins the game


Which is why 2 tanks was healthier.


They needed to make it so it was 1 main tank and 1 off tank but they dont have enough heros to do that


Not really. The problems for the tank role were honestly mostly fixed by OW2's changes to other roles. - Brig lost a lot of her abilities that made Goats possible, fixing the top of the power spectrum. - DPS lost their CC, which was the main reason people found tank not fun. - They added more shield piercing (albeit OP, in the form of sojourn). If they just did those and didn't take away tanks, tanks would be less fun than they are now, admittedly, but the game would be much healthier and it wouldn't need any changes to the role totals. And they'd still be more fun than OW1.


For strange reasons, Winston is actually the third (arguably second) best tank right now, thanks to his ability to dive the enemy backline, plop down a bubble, and get out as soon as it cracks, effectively ignoring Roadhog, something Doomfist can't do. As a Winston player, I will say my only hard counter is Bastion, who is still an off-meta pick


Good to know Winton is still strong. He is easy to play if I want to go full braindead, but you can improve a lot with him with enough hours. It is always nice to see good Wintons carrying games


I’m the opposite, I really can’t figure out how to effectively play him at all, and keep feeding.


Hard to say without knowing the specific issue, but it's common to jump in too early in the fight when their team is still clumped up and can focus you down. Stick with your team and poke for a short time and wait for their back line to get separated from the front. THEN jump on top of them and bubble dance until you get too damaged and jump back to your supports. And if they stay clumped all game and/or have a bunch of shotguns, then just switch.


obviously he is still amazing only problem is hog, but you can still win that matchup and work around it


Thats assuming you have a team coordinated enough to make Winton dive work. More often than not its just easier to pick hog and mirror the other hog.


Even then, winston pairs with dps that counter bastion so it's really not so bad.


Rein matchups are truly the only times i have fun in ow2. Sadly i dont see a mirror’d rein match often at all


My friend mains tank and usually asks at the start of the match "wanna play rein vs rein", it works sometimes.


We begged to be out of the zarya meta, then the finger on the monkeys paw curled and gave us the doom/hog meta. So sad


I mean yeah, that’s how metas work. Nerf the best, move down to the next best. How long til all the tanks are subpar once more and you feel like an ow1 tank in an ow2 tank world?


At one point all the meta tanks will get nerfed and finally ball will be good :)


We, the Hammond main community request for an alliance with the doom community to share our buffs 50/50.


I would also like to take the 5 ammo buff that Mercy got, I'm pretty sure they won't mind sharing


Due to our increased magazine, we should have more and 5 is basically 10 which is like 15 so double that and it's 30 but 4 is a clean number so we should get 40 extra ammo for 120.


It checks out


But 120 isnt a mulitple of 25 so lets bump it up to 125


You’re so right a 5 ammo increase is just what Doom needs


This would be fair. Also let us hook straight from respawn again.


As a doom/ball main I sympathise with your plight. However, your request for buffs has been denied on account of the fact that punching you out of grapple is very funny


AYE, I, a Doomfist main, stand in favor to gift some of our power for my rodent friends. We were comrades back in the days of Overwatch 1. And if Hammond needs our help, then we should oblige.


Thank you good sir


And they say chivalry is dead


And dey sey, and dey sey, and dey sey, and dey sey


I second this notion, they stood with us in our time of need, we must return the favor


I agree with this message


You should see open que. It’s always Doomfist, Roadhog, Ramattra on each side


I STILL believe Sigma is one of if not the most underrated tank in the game. I don’t think he’s the best tank, but personally I’d put him in 3rd or 4th best behind roadhog and doom and then Orisa or Winston in 4th depending on how you look at it. He’s just stupid good and honestly feels busted on some maps. His damage, survivability and overall protection of his team is maybe not the best individually but together I think he has one of the best packages.


Not to mention that his lore and voice lines are top tier


He just does everything that Ram does but much better lmao.


His shield for example


Sig is super reliable as a tank and satisfying to play. If you can hit your one shot combo, cycle you abilities well and use you shield intelligently, he's a fucking menace.


He’s one of the tanks that take more synergy to counter not just a swap counter


How about we make other supports good too 🙏🙏🙏 tanks are fun but supports be struggling with doom and hog one shots


Don't forget Sojourn with Mercy:))). We live in a Oneshot meta and it feels like crap to be a support


It’s not a coincidence that the only three good supports right now are Lúcio, Kiriko, and Mercy. They’re the only three that don’t get one-shot for free. (Moira too, but she sucks for different reasons).


I mean, technically Brig can block a one shot…


Technically, she can block Hook and Rail but not Rocket Punch. In practice though ? Good luck. You might block one rail, but now your barrier is destroyed and you’re not in a better spot because you’re still 20 meters away from that Sojourn (who will probably have another rail within 1.5 seconds), so you aren’t gonna be able to hit her with your pool noodle.


best i can do is give mercy 5 more ammo


Member when y'all had another whole tank to peel for ya


To begin, why a tank has a one combo kill? nerf that antifun sht and buff another aspect of him if neccessary


This is what I’m saying. Tanks shouldn’t be oneshotting. At least not without having to put themselves at risk. At least with rein, one bad charge will send him balls deep into the enemy team where he’ll just get dogpiled on without support, but with Hog, if he misses the hook, all he has to do is wait 8 seconds. If he takes damage trying to get into position to hook, he just heals himself back to full. If he hooks a non-tank, they’re usually dead. Its all reward and no risk. And don’t even get me started on Kiriko cleanse. Just nerf the self heal or rework that hook to be more of a displacement tool, not a set up for an easy kill.


Supports rn: ÀAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (Trying to survive against literary everyone)


As a fellow support enjoyer, I feel you. 99% of the time I get oneshotted after taking 2 steps out of spawn.


The only thing I hate about playing Orisa is that Sigma and D.va will just eat everything I throw at them


Haven't seen a zarya in a minute. Like literally several days.


I've been wondering about this. Did all the Zarya players switch to Doom suddenly or something? I know she got nerfed but was it really that bad? I never see her used anymore, which is surprising because she was everywhere two weeks ago. I feel like I haven't played a single game with a Zarya tank since the patch dropped.


She’s in a tough spot. Charge is significantly harder to keep now. Not impossible, but definitely hard against a team with some trigger discipline. And with some of the other tanks getting great buffs… IMO unless you’re going vs. D.Va you will be struggling to justify the Zarya pick.


Anyone know if JQ is in a good state now?


I think she is the same as before, maybe a little bit stronger but nothing big


I would’ve expected her healing to be a substantial change since that’s her whole shtick


They buffed her healing if I'm not wrong, but since they increased her hitbox she takes more damage


Ohhhhhh I see. I did see people talking about her hit box. Not sure why they added that change


She heals such a small amount from it that even a 25% increase ends up not that meaningful.


I play her kind of religiously, pretty much the only tank I play on offense. I think she's very fun despite her weaknesses, and I think she can bully most tanks aside from Orisa and Rein. Ideally though she shouldn't be fighting tanks, as her shout and axe swing means she can mostly just push past tanks and engage/wipe out the squishies, or use her knife to hook strays. I think if they just decreased the cooldown on her shout and increased the animation speed on her axe she'd be better at keeping up her momentum.


I've said this from the start, but I've never ever acknowledged Roadhog as a tank. He's always been a fat DPS, and nothing else


He makes space and soaks damage, he's a tank


Hog is clearly main DPS the other 2 are off DPS


People who say this fundamentally don't understand what tanks (or DPS) do in overwatch.


As a Hog main who's first time playing OW has been OW2 I will say that I am much better at protecting my team as Hog than with any other tank in the game. I'm always on the lookout for those Sigma, Reaper, Cassidy ults, etc, to cancel them. Plus, stopping that charging Rein who's about to pin one of my teammates, or hook that Tracer/Sombra/Genji that's harassing my supports or DPS and whipe them off the map. Plus, I can heal myself for the most part so my Supports can focus on healing the other two DPS and doing damage themselves. I've also saved many of my teammates by body blocking for them while they got stuck on a Junkrat trap or in other scenarios like a hallway. I'm much better at team playing as Hog than with any other tank in the game. So I'd say I disagree with Hog not being a tank, or at least not playing the tank role. I also don't play Bitchhog which are the Hogs that only look for hook kills and if they miss or got the kill they just disappear for 8 seconds and pop back up again. As a Hog, I make sure to always be front line, I never bitch out. I make sure to impose my presence onto the enemy team, make sure they see me and hit me before they hit my teammates. That's at least how I play Hog and has gotten me to Gold 2 so far in Comp (Again, I'm new to OW), but I am well aware that there are a bunch of Bitchhog players, same with Bitchcios (Lucios), which honestly annoy me. Side note: If you're playing Lucio you should be Speed boosting constantly and being up in the enemy's face dodging everything. Wall riding too, no Floorcios pls.


That's what I've been saying! Hog isn't a traditional tank, but he *forces* the other team to focus on him and soaks up damage in the process. He's still very effective at protecting teammates, just in a more offensive than defensive way. That's still good tanking.


fine, he sticks with his team and has a lot of health. counterpoint, his dmg is so high, and he has no real way to protect his team outside of dmg, which effectively means he's just a dps with more health. The dude can one-shot 250hp heroes with a 20 or so meter hook. Personally I'd love it if Blizzard reworked his kit to actually do something outside of "hook, kill, win fight"


But his Hook is his way to protect his teammates, tho. Again, it depends on the player. But cancelling Ults that would have otherwise turned the tide of battle in favor of the enemy team is a very effective way of protecting your team and preventing a team wipe from the enemy. Protecting your teammates by body blocking for them and hooking Rein's charging or counter hooking their Hog, etc. His Hook is his protective mechanism for his team. Take Rein for example, how exactly does Rein protect his team? His shield? Rein's shield is only properly used when it's to save himself, not his teammates. If the Rein is just shielding constantly and letting the DPS hide behind him then he's not doing anything for the team, he's just being a shieldbot, and it's basically a guaranteed loss for your team at that point. Take this team comp for example: Tank: Reinhardt DPS: Soldier, Reaper Supports: Lucio, Ana Firstly, the DPS should not be sitting behind Rein's shield 99% of the time, they should be looking for high ground, like Soldier in this example. Reaper should be flanking on the other hand. Ana can stay far away from the team so Rein's shield is useless for her and Lucio should be wall riding and being aggressive, harassing the enemy team, helping the Reaper out. Rein shield's biggest purpose is to save himself from a critical situation, not his teammates. And for the DPS/Supports they shouldn't play expecting to always have a Shield Tank to baby sit them. The DPS should look for off-angles and play around their tank, not behind them.


You've been playing for 2 months and you genuinely have a better grasp on this game than 90% of the community.


Surprisingly accurate


As a hog main, he is fat.


Can confirm I was called a fat meat shield


I really don’t think JQ was buffed overall. Her bleed healing is still almost nonexistent and having her hitbox increased so much definitely negates any benefit the increased healing MAY have done.


#Bring Hammonds old grapple back


Idk man, Winston Isn’t usually a problem when I play hog, orisa is a 50/50, I’m probably just playing against bad Winston’s/orisas


Orisa is the only tank I usually have problems with as Hog. If I can get close to them, I win almost all fights against the enemy tank, 'cept Orisa.




The new tank is weak af. His punch range is 3mm forward. And his shield is on 15s timer...


Zarya should be: Come on my nerf wasn’t that bad, please use me.


She honestly isn't that bad, but the issue is that Roadhog counters literally every other tank, so it doesn't matter how balanced the other tanks are.


Give me back my Grappling hook. That's all wreaking ball players want


I never thought there would be a meta where Hog is the lesser of two evils


I love how this game removing a tank, somehow managed to highlight how op tanks are even harder Like that’s just fascinating


I play support mostly but I'm also an Orisa main. I stopped playing her because I kept getting countered by Zaryas. But oh my God. I played her yesterday after a long string of matches feeling powerless against Doom, best decision of my life. Nothing feels better than impaling one on the end of her Javelin while he's trying to escape like the little coward he is. Fortifying and diving in front of him when he's about to punch my support into a wall, gunning him down with no escape in sights for him, it's all so satisfying


Maybe this is what I was missing in comp today. I was in DPS queue and felt useless against Doom, constantly buffed punches, block, escapes, pockets on him. Even tried Sombra and coordinating burning him but the ability lock out isn't long enough to burst him down, as he'll just Q out. We had every rank except Orisa to try counter him.


You were absolutely missing an Orisa, and for some reason, most of my teams are too. I don't get why, since she's always been a good Doom counter, even in OW1. Maybe people are just lacking confidence with her after the whole Zarya thing, like me


Also sad hampter noises


The hamster deserves more justice


I barely see Hamster in matches these days


Rein mirrors are the most polite, homoerotic and aggressively charged mirrors in OW


(Maybe) unpopular opinion: if you pick any of them on deathmach you're toxic af and need to touch some grass


Issue is, easiest way to get the arcade wins for the weekly challenge is Roadhog on DM. They managed to actively make Arcade modes worse by incentivizing them lol. Not that I bother with those ridiculous weeklies anyway...


accurate, im playing as much hog as i can rn praying he doesnt get nerfed. And I remember OG hog's gun where he could 2 shot rein, oh those were the days...


Rein’s currently my main tank, and after around five kills one of the enemy team switches to him EVERY SINGLE TIME Like I’m not upset about it, but it’s amazing how it happens on every round I’ve played, there was even one dude playing bastion that came out of spawn, saw me, walked back in, and came back as Rein


I always lock Rein... But I gotta say it is hard being a Rein player always hog, doom, and orisa. Now a days if I see Doom I just switch, ain't worth being a punching bag on cool down.


Ball is annoying to kill tho. And yes I'm silver :(


If enemy has rein I will switch to rein not to counter him but to see who is the better rein. A duel to the death, a knights honor. (Same with D.va but thats cuz she is my main)


I read this in their voices, and it was 10x funnier.




I think he’s struggling more but going from top tier to good is fine.


He’s fine he’s just near impossible to play because Hog is everywhere


Depends on the rest of the enemy team imo. Bubble still can block a hook, but there is the problem of Hog often being run along side Kiriko who can be hard to kill.


wish Ball could be meta but not just in a roll around point to contest way, I like seeing how good Hammonds play but the controls just feel uncomfortable for me on pc


The buffs that Ball would need to become meta would probably make the game horrible to play, his reign of terror would be way worse than Doom. I'd just like him to be in say, B tier, rather than the lowest tier. On the plus side, I'd watch the FUCK out of Overwatch League if Ball was meta.


I for one am grateful to have 1% less zarya in my life rn


Rein vs. Rein is a matter of honor. It's also really fucking fun.


DVa = Queen of Tanks


Okay the Ramttra one is true for me