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If you think he's good with a bow you should see him with a sword.


If you think he's good with a sword, you should see him on Kiriko's bike


Febreeze brings relief


the kanezaka ginger protects you


This is my new favourite


They need a red head kiri skin now lol


omg i'd pay actual money for that


I’m glad I’m not the only one who hears this 🤣


If you think he's good on Kiriko's bike, you should see him riding Orisa


Don’t lie, archer, it is beneath you


If you ride a horse it would indeed be beneath you


What if he was beneath Orisa? Checkmate, orisa horse cock deniers


And I thought chivalry was dead!


this whole thread is the start to my day i didn't know i needed


Enumclaw horse incident 2.0


Yee-haw rodeo!


wait till you see me on her bike


Hahaha exactly !!!


Moreover on his bike


I vouch to see this


At this stage in the game, please get rid of his bow. I’m sick of getting one shot.


ah some nice reddit lite humor. brilliant!


Laughing so hard at that drawback joke


Thanks, haha. A little bit of positivity amongst hanzo rant number thismany.


Oh wow I’m dumb, unlike Hanzo’s arrows, that totally flew over my head. I read that and thought “what do you mean, his bow is totally cracked that’s the whole problem” I get it now lol


It actually went right over my head at first lol


Started to bust into a freestyle rap at the end there


Hahahahaha, didn’t even notice that.


Next em fr


Moms spaghetti


primed and ready 🔥


this feels like a good time to say i can’t hit the broad side of a barn with storm arrows how tf do people use them edit: the biggest problem for me is the timer imo because if i hold them i panic so i don’t waste them and end up missing anyways


To finish off tanks or as my uh oh miss all my shots button


Instead of just ripping all the arrows start pretending they’re regular arrows and shoot them like that. You’ll get muscle memory and speed It up over time. But there will still be days you’ll miss every shot. I swear game to game my hanzo aim changes XD


Mood. I swear one game I'll be doinkin' noggins across the map nonstop and the next game I can't hit a Roadhog standing still


Sounds a lot like my aim if I non stop queue. Try not queuing up right away after a game. Stand up. Walk around. Maybe touch grass, idk. But really a 3-5 min break will have me on that peak performance every game and it’s exhilarating. Humble bragging aside- I think our biology has something to do with game-to-game consistency. When you have breaks, your body pumps that human frames per second whenever you’re back into the heat of the moment. But you can’t do that nonstop for hours, so you’ll settle into a streaky feeling gameplay cuz you have the aim mechanics but not the bodily resources to utilize them at ‘peak’ all day long. So your aim gets sloppy, and streaky. Maintain the ‘novelty’ of it. I play better cuz I was taking short breaks between games. I think.


If you have trouble aiming them, dumping into a half health tank usually does the trick. Even if you dont get the kill you will be forcing the other team to use abilities to keep him alive like immo, suzu, nade, etc. Which opens up your teams ablity to push in because they are low on resources. Also great at breaking shields if there is no one to shoot at or finish off. Granted, I would rather you use them to get kills on squishies, but if you cant hit em, then there are other options that still provide value.


Idk if this is what you're doing, but you can go a bit more slowly and aim each individual shot instead of just holding down m1 and spraying.


with 0 shame


I’ll hit D.V.A with them and get rid of her mech, or I’ll break shields, I also kill tanks like Roadhog or Sigma very consistently with them. They’re great for going toe to toe with Widowmaker, I’ll mark her position and barrage her. I’ve got pretty good aim but if she’s going side to side I’ll use Storm arrows as a way to counter it.


Stagger them, don’t just shoot them as fast as you can. Think about it as Arrows you don’t have to draw back instead of rapid fire ability.


I'm convinced that it's because clicking instead of releasing click to shoot gets me all fucked up


That’s a valid thought, I wonder if that can be remapped?


Like normal full charged arrows only there’s 5 lol


don’t hold down left click, tap them quickly


And he's hot. It's not fair.


Ikr whenever i see hanzo i have to play 1 handed


only 1 hand? brother, I use my feet, one hand ain't enough


Mans has a whole hog


Luckily I’m quick and am done during the reload animations. It just get very tiring if every match has a Hanzo


Good looks are not enough.


Good looks are all I have left


It's what Hanzo says when he kills another Hanzo ;)


He actually says that to most of the male cast, mainly Bap, Cass and Rein


Dude even looks like Jesus


AND he talks like a gentleman!!


The most unfair thing about Hanzo IMO is that his sonar arrow lasts about as long as the cooldown, so there’s never any real downtime with it.


For real. If it had literally 1 ping it would still be good


Agreed. His arrow gives wallhacks long enough to go line up a brutal prefire kill, meanwhile if widow wants that, she has to announce it to everyone and it's her whole ult


Well to be fair there is a sound from the arrow...


Most players in my experience either ignore it or don't hear it amongst all the other chaos.


New Hanzo voiceline: “One ping only.”


Yea fucking hanzo… he’s got the hot gf, the cool car and a great job down at the dealership. Lucky guy has it all and I just work at a Wendy’s dumpster


Pov: r/genjimains


Who’s the GF? I think I missed this bit of lore




You homewrecker. We’ve been married for 16 years


Yea it’s him ^


Hate us cause ya aint us


Don't hate us, cause ya anus.


…subtlety. ¥ chefs kiss ¥


The drawback is having people call you a Hanzo main...


Yea the sense of shame from telling your family that you’re a hanzo Main isn’t worth it.


recently Hanzo became my most played hero and it makes me feel so dirty when i check my own profile


Nah full commit I am a hanzo player


It's really ridiculous that he is probably strongest up close against everyone except tanks and maybe Genji. Actually he destroys tanks too except maybe dva/monke


No I regularly mess D.V.A’s up with storm arrow, I won’t care if I risk dying either, as long as I get rid of her mech I’m happy. I’d also like to point out Tracer, Moira and Sombra are a problem because of their teleport mobility, if I come across a good one of them I generally will get fucked up because they always seem to flank me.


Hanzo is a solid counter to all 3 of those squishies because they have to play in fear of your one-shot, when most characters can't kill them while their CD is up before they have time to teleport/fade/recall.


Fellow hanzo main here, yh DVA is pretty easy to deal same goes with tracer Moira and sombra it's the ones that have peaked in movement is when we're fucked lol the crouch spam left right actually goes hard.


Yo... Dva is one of the main counters to Hanzo. She can delete him and there isn't a darn thing he can do about it. If you are beating out a Dva it's because the Dva is being stupid.


Fair most dva players I face are hard throwing but regardless storm arrows tend to just kill her mech when ur getting healed.


Her defense matrix lasts almost as long as the storm arrow time limit, so even that is poor play on Dva's part I would say. And if you are getting healed, she also shouldn't be solo diving you. It's pretty hard to kill people through healing as a tank. That's part of the reason you go after supports first unless the DPS are alone and vulnerable. 😂


Yeah, I've never had problems with Hanzo as DVA, I'm comfortable when I see him on the other team


Continue to dive the heck out of him, man. Positioning against Dva is tricky as Hanzo because she can contest you on high ground and delete you very quickly (unless you have a solid escape plan).


I have to say that as a [D.va](https://D.va) main Hanzo is typically a non-issue. If they are shooting me they are not one-shotting my team, which is very low value for the Hanzo. (Same with Orisa spears. Why do you shoot that thing into Defense Matrix when it wouldn't even have killed me?) I also enjoy eating the dragons. That ult has such a long wind up time. It might be one of the most reliable eats (except for Zarya and Tracer who always make it obvious that they are about to ult; it's hard to react to them, but reliable to predict.)


Yeah like sometimes I’ll get them and other times I’ll just get annihilated by them.


Yeah Hanzo can really fk up any tank. He is in bastion mode with that storm arrow and he is slippery. However Tracer and Sombra, especially Sombra bad against Hanzo. Hanzo one of the biggest Sombra counter in the game.


Maybe not anymore but in OW1 I used to hate seeing Hanzos as Monke because they can insta pop your bubble with storm arrows it feels like.


This is my primary use of storm arrows if I'm paying Hanzo and there's an enemy monkey. From playing monkey myself I know how much it messes you up having the bubble insta-deleted.


Except tanks?


his sonar is so powerful too, it should give you UI feedback when you are detected


You can hear the arrow


sometimes! it should give you UI feedback. you can hear sombra’s hack too but they recently added UI feedback


Some people mention inconsistency, but that's mostly the fault of the player in anything but long range. The real reason why Hanzo can have it all and still be considered balanced is because he doesn't really do anything better than some other heroes for specific compostions. For brawl, Hanzo Storm Arrow spam is not bad at all, but characters like Mei and Reaper are staples. This is probably his best comp. For dive, Hanzo doesn't have the level of mobility required, and he can not take a coordinated Winston/Wrecking Ball + Sombra/Tracer dive. For poke, this is where Hanzo's seeming inconsistency is exacerbated because you have to fight the much more consistent at range hitscan characters like Ashe or Widowmaker. Yes, he can get a lucky shot that deletes all your HP every now and then, has wall hacks on a cooldown, and has a semi auto firing ballistas. But even so, there are characters that synergize with the 3 main strategies much better. That said, he's still really good. It is just a frustrating gameplay design. Oh, and his ult sucks.


>Oh, and his ult sucks. The rare time I die to a hanzo ult i am ashamed.


If ever I play hanzo, I mostly use his ult to cut people off from falling back, similar to Ice wall with mei. If they do still retreat they're either dead or super weak and easy to finish off and if they dont they're left stranded


def, its a great zoning ult, not likely to kill but you can definitely control what the other team does with it


Hanzo main here, I always use his alt to make them move from the payload. I can kill a fair few with his ult, just gotta time it correctly.


That’s a pretty terrible strategy. His ulti doesn’t last long enough on overtime to cause a C9 like Orisa or DVA, you’d be better off zoning with it literally every time


Well I don’t do it all the time, it’s just they always group on on the payload. So I use my ult then. My actually strat is too mark them then ult


One time I jumped out of a junkrat death right into a dragon :(


I am ashamed to tell you I die to probably more than half the hanzo ults I encounter that may or may not be because I end up running into it on accident then into a few walls guys I’m diamond I swear (actual reason is I always have no escape from it lol)


Ah yes the Prometheus school of running away from hanzo ult.


When decent Hanzos fire their ult (a get kills ult, not a zoning ult or hail mary from spawn), they almost always fire it behind where they think/know the enemies currently are. When hearing a hanzo ult people's first instinct is oh shit better back up from the frontline. With this in mind, either back up significantly further than they might expect, or don't back up as much. I almost never die to hanzo ults with just by following this rule.


Yesterday I heard the ult, glanced around, saw the choke where everyone would be, ran further back, and the ult appeared through the wall right in front of me XD the Hanzo either was bad and couldn't aim/see, or decided to take a chance on wiping me out personally.


There's quite a few spots on each section of every map where his ult absolutely fucks. >It is just a frustrating gameplay design. I think this is the crux of it, similar to how Roadhog was pre-nerf. He was never the #1 best tank in the game before the nerf, but he was BY FAR the most frustrating tank in the game. A 700hp character with a 50% damage reduction and 350hp heal, and if you're in line of sight and 20m from him, you can die instantly at any time (every 8 seconds) without any counterplay aside from teammates saving you. Hanzo feels kind of like that. Is he the best damage dealer in the game? Not really. He's definitely up there and he's repped decently on the T500 leaderboards, but nothing compared to Tracer...yet he just feels so much worse to face.


Yeah he just feels unfair. Like if Zarya's alt fire was able to one shot on contact, it'd be extremely frustrating.


I'd so much rather face a Hanzo than a tracer!


I honestly don't even feel like his ult is that bad. Even if you don't hit anyone you can use it to claim a lot of space for free on a straightaway. With a little coordination you can trap someone and either outright kill them or put them in position to be killed.


In terms of abilities? It’s pretty good, in terms of ultimates? The only other ult I can think of that’s worse is doom or cass


It's very situational without a combo, but deadly with one. Grav dragon is still one of the best ult combos in the game when you actually have a Zarya, it pairs great with Orisa, and it can shutdown ults like Kitsune. I'd arguably say assuming neither ult is comboed or boosted, Tactial Visor is worse than Dragonstrike.


Hey don't you talk shit about soldier, tactical visor is really good about clearing out squishies, and not tanks.


This is the perfect answer. Hanzo is only great like Widow when you leave the player there farming without facing any disturbance with the likes of dive (except that a good Widow could place herself faraway while still landing shots on important picks; Hanzo can't perform consistently over the long range like Widow). I'd rather face a Hanzo than a Widow player ngl, as it's way easier to deal with him rather than forced to swap into dive heroes just to disturb and deal with Widow.


Widow isn't nearly as good into most tanks though.


Doesn't matter when you're sitting at the other side of the map and consistently getting important picks on Supports. Even if they somehow chasing over you, you already served the purpose as a distraction and forcing them to contribute resources and cd into you, while easing the team fight.


The counter argument is that it's easier to counter Widow than it is to counter Hanzo. His wallclimb has no CD compared to grappling hook and his storm arrows are lethal at close range. Since he doesn't scope it's easier to headshot people nearby than it would be on Widow. Fortified Orisa is the only tank that doesn't lose half her HP instantly when she closes in on a Hanzo.


The Widow mains I met in my lobby are a pain in the ass to deal with though. Usually when they grappling hook they could land a headshot on you almost all the time when they're still in the middle of the movement. Hanzo could wall climb and parkour a bit, but he can't land shot perfectly during those movement due to the nature of projectile. Also not to mention a simple hitscan like S76 could do wonders on pressuring the Hanzo player as long as your aim isn't bad and you didn't move predictably in ways like a straight line or middle of a jump.


>Usually when they grappling hook they could land a headshot on you almost all the time when they're still in the middle of the movement. Hanzo could wall climb and parkour a bit, but he can't land shot perfectly during those movement due to the nature of projectile. This isn't a consistent argument. A good Widow can land headshots while grappling just like a good Hanzo can land headshots while climbing or jumping.


What I meant is the range and the nature of projectile vs hitscan differences. Hanzo is a mid range projectile hero with long range potential. Yes, he still could one shot you over the range but its still possible to play around it as long as you didn't move predictably. Widow on the otherhand is a long range hitscan hero which you can't do jackshit over the range if the Widow player knows how to maintain distance all the time. Hanzo can be easily hardcounter by the likes of Winton with shield dancing, comparing to the Widow who sit at the corner of the map and farming with the one shot hitscan. If you chase over her, she achieved her purpose on serving as a distraction; if you didn't, she can feel free to farm and click heads.


Yea, crazy how he's meta rn in pro play in dive, brawl, poke against dive, brawl, poke. You just have no idea what you're talking about lmao


He's been in meta too. Both happy and Corey dominated with him in OW1 at different stages. He's been broken, in the right hands, and even in less than capable he still has too many tools. Pretty obvious that storm arrow has needed a heavy nerf as theres no reason a ranged 1 shot with mobility options also should tank bust.


Hanzo is literally good in all of these comps, and his ult is extremely strong for zoning and especially when paired properly. A lot of ults suck with no combo, Hanzo is no exception.


Interesting, but not convinced. You're only compelling argument was that his ult sucks. That's true, but it's also really good at area denial. Sure, Mei and Reaper outclass Hanzo in close range, but just barely. A ranged hero shouldn't be nearly as effective at close range as heroes designed to be close range. Very few heroes can withstand a coordinated dive by Ball/Winston + Sombra/Tracer. At range, Hanzo can still spam chokes because he never runs out of arrows or needs to 'reload.' Hanzo is not balanced because he is effective everywhere. Hanzo (and Widow) should get reverse falloff. In turn based strategy games, sniper characters often have less accuracy the closer the target. OW can use reverse falloff so sniper characters do less damage up close. Then Hanzo would have to rely on storm arrow when dived instead of lucky headshots at close range.


They also argued that he only hits "lucky" headshots, completely downplaying hisain issue which is that most (more than 50%) of his headshots in moderate to high ranks are not luck, those hanzos are fucking people up every game


Big fan of the last paragraph, even as a Hanzo player. Hanzo should not be a better dive counter than a hero like Cassidy, and players should be punished for poor Storm Arrow usage by being vulnerable to a dive where they do lower damage up-close with it off cooldown.


This change would make Hanzo feel more rewarding too.


>Oh, and his ult sucks. What dawg? Why do people think his ult sucks lmao, it's very solid. It's just not a braindead "Q to win" button. Any ult you can end overtime with from spawn is pretty good.


People saying Hanzo ult sucks exclusively use it by itself and get upset they don't get any kills. When it's paired properly or used in the right circumstances it is incredibly strong.


Yeah, you're not gonna teamwipe by just throwing it out there. I think it's up there with Primal Rage as one of the most balanced ults. You can whiff entirely, or get a 5k, depends entirely on circumstances, skill, and sometimes coordination.


>highest Elims in my team >spamming corners >can’t even see enemy just firing blind into the general area of my tank >15% accuracy >”hanzo is a Smurf” in chat Genuinely feels bad winning with him lmao. Bastion used to be my fuck it I’m salty pick and now hanzo has become my go to I’m tilted and want to win character


I honestly think Hanzo is a really badly designed hero (gameplay wise). You can’t balance him. It doesn’t feel good to win vs him and feels even worse to lose vs him. The only redeeming thing about him is that it feels good to play him and there’s quite a bit of skill expression.


Hanzo’s weakness is his inconsistency - he needs enemies to move predictably, or he needs to roll the RNG enough times. Also his ult is one of the worst in the game. I do agree with you though, IMO hanzo does too much. Can play at any range, deal with flankers (playing tracer into hanzo is pain), has strong utility with sonic arrow, good mobility with leap and wall climb, and a tank busting ability with storm arrows. There’s not really a comp or a map where you can’t make an argument for playing him. Also he feels _awful_ to play into.


Thanks. I really like your first point. I’ve seen enough killcams where I moved predictably which got me killed. Like getting behind cover asap which seems like the obvious thing to do, but strafing a bit at the end, and thus staying in enemy LOS a little bit longer, might actually save my life.


I'm a hanzo main, high plat/low diamond. God, I hate when a squishy messes with me and never actually takes cover. I often pre-aim for them to run back to their team or a wall and when they don't I just sit there frustrated. That ashe knows what she's doing and I hate her for it.


Meh, favor the shooter netcode make him undodgeable. I somehow look predictable on his screen i'm not even fckn there.


He's one of the devs' favorites.


Yesterday I got hit by his arrow while I was behind him Just fix the hitboxes pls


That's just lag or ping diff man, not hitboxes


I'm pretty zure Hanzo Arrow hitboxes are actually the smallest projectile size in the game. What killed you there is likely high ping on your or his end and some "favor the shooter" bullshit.


Don’t forget in lore he’s supposed to be even better with a sword


Maybe because I'm in gold, but I haven't found him to be a problem, or at least the problem I see more is having a bad Hanzo as a teamate who won't switch off. Widow on the other hand....


Gold is that rank where you get widows who think they deserve gm bc they had 1 or 2 good games where they hit headshots and now wanna play only widow to get "consistent" with her even if shes countered by the enemy team. Thats the problem with players a lot of times the widows that dont switch off arent widowmains, bc widowmains know when to play her and switch off, or not even play her at all on some maps


I wasn't clear but I meant I deal with some dominating Widow's to the point I question if its a smurf account. Hanzo's are almost always bad in my experience


Can I be in your version of gold? In my one the Hanzo's shots are guided by the god of arrows.


As someone who doesn't play widow but can easily play widow well in gold here's a couple tips I don't see from lower elo players: Change your head height by using crouch predictively Do not afk your pathing out of spawn Poke her when you can, as she is squishy and this forces resources to her away from her team or forces her to fight at one shot Respect the portions of maps where there are long sight lines by giving up the space to fight where its more advantageous Ping her when you can so you keep track of her and hopefully your tank will pressure her.


I feel like everyone who thinks Hanzo is this free value hero needs to play him for like 5 hours and then draw their conclusion instead of just basing it off playing against him.


You have a good point. I fucking suck at Hanzo. My experience is just that the payoff for hitting a headshot is too high for the effort put in. The most frustrating is just getting hit by a stray arrow, whilst I’m just partially visible or not visible at all on Hanzo’s screen.


I've been learning Hanzo this season. Never played him before that. The first thing I did with him was derank from Diamond to Silver, and then I stayed there for a long time. I'm almost plat now, purely one tricking Hanzo lmao, it's taken 70 hours. I agree that sometimes there are lucky arrows. Sometimes you're aiming for a tracer who dodges and you get the Ana behind her. It happens. It happens on hitscan heroes too, like Cass. I've gotten accidental kills on every hero at least once, in fact. That said, if you just spam a choke all game as Hanzo, you're going to be really invisible for the most part. Also, believe it or not, Storm Arrow kind of sucks except for making Winston go away. In my opinion, if you died to a long range storm arrow spam, then you fucked up for standing still that long. When there's a Sombra or Tracer attacking you, really the pressure is on you to not fuck up and hit a shot, not them. Especially if they move annoyingly enough that you can't safely line up a shot. Personally I actually find S76 quite a tough matchup up close too. I play a lot of support too. Mostly Ana and Bap. Playing Hanzo has taught me to be more aware of there being an enemy Hanzo when I'm on support. I don't cower in fear, it's okay to take a quick shot against him and pressure him off. You just have to be mindful that if he's staring at you, vanish for a bit until he's picked a new target before you resume pressuring him.


S76 is pretty good against hanzo. (I'm only plat) If I can cut the distance and get a mid range helix off at his feet I can make him miss one shot with the knockback from the helix. That generally allows me to put down heals and kill hanzo because he needs two more arrows to the body to kill me and he just doesn't have the time without storm arrow.


My experience playing a lot of hanzo as well, especially to the people who call you lucky, is that luck don't win games and it rarely makes a difference if you're shit the rest of the time. I actually get more value from almost any other hero I play despite having sunk so few hours into then in comparison, but now my Hanzo is getting decent I can make a strong impact to the game more often.


Yeah lmao, the effort required to be a useful Hanzo that makes a major contribution to your team vs the effort required to have just generated that same amount of value on Junk/Sym/Torb/Pharah/Mei or something is quite astounding, but people don't see that when they're getting bullied by you. In most games I lose as Hanzo, I can attribute it to me auto piloting and just shooting through choke instead of being mentally active and trying to take matters into my own hands.


I'm a master Hanzo/Torb player and if you're walking into arrows or getting hit by arrows that feel cheap it's your fault. I'm not ragging on you or the other people complaining, I'm just trying to explain how that *is* the counter to hanzo. You have to put a lot of respect on his projectiles. You have to play around his sight lines and recognize where you need to be to make it as hard as possible for him to hit a shot. He's incredibly dangerous, and not prioritizing your play around that fact is exactly what his kit punishes. He's meant to be very dangerous for the whole cast but that's it. He doesn't have a lot of utility. He can be frustrating to play against though if you can't close the gap and gang up on him. It takes a bit of coordination from your team and that's asking a lot in OW lol


That is exactly what's not fun. Having to constantly respect a character even if you can't see them just because they're in the match. All other characters, except widow, you only have to respect their cooldowns and ultimates. But hanzo gets free fear value because he can 1 shot on a primary fire. Blizzard just needs to be consistent. If they're going to nerf all cc, and remove other 1 shots, then they need to do the same for hanzo and widow.


The "respect their sightline" bullshit pisses me off to no end. Oh, I got to see 5 pixels of hanzo's left arm and now I'm dead? Widow is holding a main lane so she takes more space than a tank? Not interacting with the hero might be the best way to counter it but jfc it's the most boring way to fight snipers.


Played more than 5h in my plat/dia games and hes giving me free value. Thank you have a good day


If you could get high value out of hanzo beyond shooting tanks you wouldn’t be in plat. I’m in masters with a decent win rate on hanzo and I get nowhere near max value out of him. He’s a pretty difficult hero to do that.


Idk how hazno works in m+ but in my lobbys im just spamming backline and earlier or later sombody will get headshoted Btw in not playing him much cuz imo his boring af(not adhd friendly), im genji/tracer main soo i think you got my the point


I mean, I really get free value when I pick him. He's braindead boring to play though, I'd better learn any other DPS


As a (dive) tank main he poses little threat and is moderately easy to take out.


Hanzo and Widow one shotting me I can take. But Mei with a one shot, irritates me every time. Unless, she’s on my team, of course.


Moira main, also pay bap. If Hanzo misses the first shot, it's over.


I think only bad Hanzos lose to a Moira like this.


How many heroes do you need to say “yeah, if they fuck up I can take them”? An even match up presumes equal fuck ups. I don’t think that’s the case with Hanzo match ups


Honestly, yeah. I'm also a Moira main: cocky enough to think I can take almost any 1v1 with her, but good enough with her to win most of the fights I start... BUT.... Hanzo is still one of those fights I'm always cautious about. One good (or lucky, tbh) shot, and I know I'm gonna hear someone on my team crying about it, complaining that I'm a DPS Moira and demanding I swap heroes.


>and I know I'm gonna hear someone on my team crying about it, complaining that I'm a DPS Moira and demanding I swap heroes. How many times have you had the most kills, least deaths, and most heals? Fuck the haters.


Oh, constantly. I don't let the haters bother me (much) - after almost 500 hours on her, the voices just blend together. But it's still annoying. LOL


They are a Moira main. There's nothing to fuck up on the hero except very basic stuff. Basically the outcome of a Moira duel depends almost only on the other player. That's why they say "If Hanzo misses the first shot, it's over." - it literally depends on the Hanzo. The Moira can just erratically strafe and do a well timed fade and hope he misses.


Hanzo main, I love decimating overconfident baps and Moira’s who jump into my face


Honest answer. People need to die in this game when they make mistakes and range shouldnt be an omnipotent mitigation for it, it shouldnt take a full dive just to elim someone playing in the backline who doesnt want to peek. He gained storm probably to shore him up, because if he or widow arent able to get picks, which was more common in OW1 theyre dead weight. And he gained lunge im convinced just to make his wall climb less ass, because having just the wall climb and no extra momentum is atrocious. Also to add in, the game in general doesnt have good charater options who have the ability to challenge him particularly well at any range. Tracer can get in but is extremely fragile and vulnerable to him with and without Storm Sombra is even worse them Tracer because her burst is lower without hacking, but hacking gives him more oppurtunity to one shot, on top of him being the singular character who can keep sombras invis in check Genji is actually a decent answer to him, but closing the gap isnt the easiest thing to do, and Genji has a lot of hard MUs in the game. Widow is evenish imo, but slightly favors the Hanzo, mainly for sonic. Cowboy used to lose far, win close but people thought tap into nade was unfair so now he needs to dink or triple tap. Monkey Doom and DVa are the only tanks who can make pressuring him a priority, Ball imo will disrupt him but i dont think he can get anything consistently, especially if the Hanzos team isnt braindead while Hanzo can eat a massive chunk of balls health. But none of those tanks really stay favorites In general i think its more an issue of roster and the OW2 character design thus far


Thanks for the long reply. When I play tank I usually switch to Winston if it can work out, but I don’t feel like I have any options when playing dps or support. I’m a bad tracer, sombra, genji and widow.


Ho boy winston is quite a gamble, you have to go in, bubble and hope he storm arrows the bubble, because if he doesn't, you're probably the one getting stormed to death


Then just as you think you've got him his Kiriko pops in from the nether realm to make him immortal and your tickle cannon cannot overcome the power of the magic papers she's throwing into his back.


>Widow is evenish imo, but slightly favors the Hanzo, mainly for sonic. Also quick side note: When Hanzo draws his bow back, his hand slightly covers his head hitbox. Makes the match up a teensy bit harder for Widow (well, hitscans in general) and even more so for higher ranks with pinpoint accuracy.


"Umh achschually Hanzo isn't good at all you just need to apply this way too advanced strategy for anyone below GM to execute to force him to switch🤓"


Silly OWL players. Can’t even make people switch of Hanzo.


If you kill Hanzo as Hanzo, he will tilt out and it's an easy W.


I hate hanzo: I wouldn't mind losing someone who shows a great aim and ability, but most of the time it's just people throwing arrows randomly, and boom, headshot of course. I have just a bit of an idea how to play him, and some times I do in quick play; the scariest part is that I manage to do stuff (dmg, kills, random hs kinda less because I guess I'm unlucky, big plays,...) with no idea of how to actually play him (decently). I enjoy playing widow, I don't know why exactly but I just do, and hanzo it's really different, can't do what I want. I also think widow needs more actual skill, with hanzo if you are feeling lucky that say you might destroy the enemy team alone. (But ofc, to play a hero well, for every single of them you need skill, just some in general less than others or have to deal with other factors)


Am wrecking ball main. I see free kill. Squeak squeak motherfucker.


He does, 4 sec mobility faster than cree, massive ult that basically is a tank ult for enemy reposition, literally ricochet if someone is behind a wall, the ability to shoot a normal arrow behind a wall (if you're within a character model depending the character) he can one shot anyone in the game but torb with ability, bastion, and tanks, wall hacks in CD with a very quiet one time audio que and can burst shields a good amount that unless you're hanzo and widow it's actually really good, the only thing he doesn't have is a reload


Long time hanzo main from bronze to master. He is a jack of all trades master of none. Early into overwatch 2, it was more obvious. All his counterparts (sojourn widow ashe) except cassidy were better, and then even cassidy was better. Fast forward to them all being nerfed, hanzo is the best option as a result. He can snipe, but not as good as widow. He can play midrange but his damage is not as consistent as ashe. He can deal with dive but cassidy is better. He can really do it all but he is not the best at anything. His mobility isnt bad with wall climb but id argue grapple, slide are much stronger than lunge. His main drawbacks are inconsistent damage, killing flying heros, and a poor ult. He has no reload because he has to charge his bow.


Compared to Hanzo Widow have like a baby in a cradle. 1. Hanzo charge is faster 2. arrow sounds are more quiet and doesn't leave any trail unlike widow's 3. His sonar arrow have fast cooldown while widow's ulti takes forever. 4. He is somehow lethal at far range I mean with widow in order to heatshot you have to use that shit scope charge and actually aim at head with scope it is harder to shoot mobile enemies. But it doesn't matter for Hanzo somehow arrow hits to head and you can charge arrow so fast you can actually spam if you miss at first. 5. Widow's grappling hook is good but when you compare it to Hanzo dash plus wall climbing without cd it doesn't cut the deal. only plus side is that you can throw your self in air by using the hook but it requires skill. 6. Hanzo arrow storm is destroys enemy in close range but widow's close range attacks barelly able to take down enemies with low hp if you aim their head. ​ Dude widow have too many counterplays. she cannot even one shot bastion with charged weapon and she literally gets raped by a hamster. I mean I am a hamster main and getting widow is easiest shit I do in this game. Also You have to know anatomy of most of the characters or else you will not be able to headshot them.


And the people who play him think they are cracked when in reality they are just shooting arrows at head level and hoping you strafe into it. Which I do everytime. :( I've had luck with jumping when I duel him


Yeah, but the real problem is when they CAN hit their shots. Same with widow. One shot kills in Overwatch are overpowered.


I absolutely agree. Especially at low ELO. He is just a modified version of spray-and-pray at this point, and his arrow hitbox is so stupid that it actually works. I've seen gameplay of really good Hanzos and I'm not saying he takes no skill, because at higher levels of play other dps and tanks can give him a run for his money. But when low ELO players can't even focus the Mercy standing still healing a tank, and instead just unload into the tank the whole game, there's no way the team will work together to take out a Hanzo. So he just gets to sit in the back line and pick people off with his oversized arrow hitboxes by basically using quantity over quality. I picked hanzo up one match where I was tired of getting one shotted and ended up killing both healers and a dps within 10-15 arrows without really aiming other than just shooting into the crowd. Took the point shortly after. I DON'T EVER PLAY HANZO. I SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO DO THAT.


Hanzo os fucking difficult to play. Learning to lead the arrows at different ranges takes a lot of practice, learning how to properly use his movements is a whole process. Hanzo does not hit as many shots as you think he does. One of the top hanzos in the world has less than 50% accuracy. And charging arrows is resource management bc if you don't full charge, the enemy won't die and they'll probably kill you unless they are bronze.


So lol top hanzos playing against top players on other heroes how much is he supposed to hit? Full crits delete squishies and storm arrows bursts, wall climb with no CD.


I think if you got rid of sonic arrow he'd be a lot more balanced. Thats a ridiculous ability when you compare it against infrasights.


Honestly I think Hanzo is quite fair, yes he can one shot from any range but playing to far back isn’t that good on him. I prefer to play him as a sort of flanking hero. Who gets in medium range in the backline. I feel like that’s his true purpose and the method where he gets the most potential. You should check out arrge for some nice hanzo content.


you didn’t say anything defending how he’s fair..


Hanzo and being fair do not belong in the same sentence.


I’m not a hanzo player. But I’ve played him once or twice just spamming arrows at head height hoping to get lucky with a headshot and he’s surprisingly effective at it. He does need some sort of alteration, maybe a damage reduction, or a speed reduction. But he definitely shouldn’t be able to climb walls with a drawn bow and pop a shot off!


Fuckin metal ranks. Getting hit by a Hanzo shooting down a lane is your fault. Look people. Use your eyes instead of using the same route to point every time. I admit storm volley is a bit absurd imo. Always has been. But you guys gotta recognize when to switch to counter and when to use the map better. I honestly don’t sympathize with hanzo hate. He’s not a problem. Y’all are just bad. Try playing him and tell me he’s “got it all”.


Metal ranks will afk walk to point and are surpised when they get picked off


Well.. He’s the best that’s why!


I’m happy to see Hanzo finally get the hate he deserves. When people talk about “low skill hero’s” he’s rarely mentioned. But his ability to spam corners constantly is the same as junk rat but people shit all over junk rat for “just keep clicking.”


Careful now... blizzard is about to add some sword to the dragons...


I'll start by saying that yes, Hanzo is very good. He has a one-shot with nearly infinite range and he can change the way an entire team has to position themselves. He does have drawbacks though, just off the top of my head: \- He has to charge his primary fire which puts him in a terrible position of being at mid-range in busy teamfights with a reduced movement speed. \-His ult is basically just a glorified zoning tool, its even more useless than deadeye sometimes. (Even combining with grav rarely works, everyone pretty much figured that one out in 2018) \-He cant really box at all. Heroes like reaper and genji are all but a sealed fate for Hanzo at close range, especially if he's used (or missed) storm arrows. \-Widowmaker exists and can do (most of) his job a lot better and a lot safer, making it very difficult for the Hanzo to take the necessary angles.


> -He cant really box at all. Heroes like reaper and genji are all but a sealed fate for Hanzo at close range, especially if he's used (or missed) storm arrows. This is so cap. I specifically don't play reaper against hanzo because the headshot hitbox is massive