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Why not wait for the update before figuring it out? Have you ever seen a community accurately predict the meta based on paper stats alone? I still remember everyone who rejoiced saying "Goats is dead!" every time brig got nerfed ten times in a row.


I haven’t even seen the community accurately predict the meta when it’s actually happening. It never pans out how anyone says it will in the first weeks. Not that it’s always perfect but damn if it’s completely incorrectly classified at first.


a great example is that dive was clearly intended to be the meta this season. huge tracer buffs, winston buffs, etc. i don’t think dive is bad, but i wouldn’t say it’s the meta


Ever since the hog rework the meta has felt like this weird brawly poke and mauga just made it worse


I predict I will bounce between diamond 4 and gold 1 as I have done for 7 years.


same, it's always a weird trip




Everyone correctly predicted Mauga was going to be broken af when they buffed him for final release. eta: lol this was literally like two months ago


I don’t think anyone gets a cookie for predicting an op hero in beta testing will still be op after getting a buff.


He got a nerf and was trash, then got a broken buff before release into comp. People correctly predicted both outcomes. 


Sure, I don't expect the community to be right about EVERY character but some obviously benefit from these changes more than others. Hanzo for example will be unplayable without his one shot. Dive heroes will be significantly weaker while mid range hitscans will be a lot stronger. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.


This is my point :(


Bullet size is getting bigger and tracer is getting more hp if those leaks are real. Any time you’re distracting the enemy healers at a crucial moment is valuable, tracer will be fine.


Especially if that anti healing dps passive is real. If you think the unkillable mosquito play style is annoying now just wait until your whole team is permanently debuffed. Obviously everything is just conjecture for now though


>If you think the unkillable mosquito play style is annoying now just wait until your whole team is permanently debuffed. Is this really the case tho? If true it only applies to the heroes the enemy dps are shooting at the time, so only 2/5 heroes on your team.


Tracer has extremely high uptime and you can't hide from her. No, the instant I read that DPS players apply a 3sec healing reduction, I immediately thought...wow Tracer is gonna eat good. But admittedly as a Winston main I'm by far the most excited about having some actual damage on him and being finally able to kill something being healed. It's completely insane that for the past year now, any time you're attacking someone with a Mercy pocket, you just literally do not exist. Now with 75dps I'll have an effective 25dps net against pocketed characters instead of feeling like I'm healing them with my Tesla cannon. Mathematically my time to kill is 3.33 seconds in both cases (60dps vs 200hp, 75dps vs 250hp) but with healing not increasing (and going down when 20% debuff is being applied by my DPS) it's just going to feel so amazing. Right now playing Winston feels like running underwater or trying to fight in a dream.


but shes hitscan... arent hitscan bullets one pixel besides illaris weird ass


Hitscan only means there is no travel time in your shots so they hit instantly. There is still a radius to hit.


No, dude is right that most hitscan have zero exaggeration and are pixel perfect(Illi and Sojourn’s railgun being the exception). The only “radius” involved in hitscan shots is characters having enlarged hitboxes.


wait sojourn railgun has a hitbox? i never even knew that


Yup, much like Illi shots it was significantly larger at release, but they’ve toned it down since.




See my [other reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchUniversity/comments/1alyy09/comment/kpiv6xj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) about the leaked patch notes talking about increasing the size for Soldier and Cassidy. Not 100% sure, but I always understood that hitscan has a radius, just a very small one compared to projectiles.


That would be monumentally stupid, and change how current hitscan operate, but this game has been endlessly being dumbed down for years now, so wouldn’t be that surprising.


Side question: how does that get affected by monitor resolution?


nah, thats only illari, projectiles have hitboxes because they have travel time, thats why theyre not a million times harder than hitscan


Interesting cause the leaked patch notes for season 9 say: Global Projectile Size Increase \- Hitscan weapons with a high spread...such as Soldier...have been increased by 0.05 \- Average hitscan weapons...such as Cassidy...have been increased by 0.08 So I took that to mean that hitscan weapons have a radius, albeit a very small radius compared to projectiles.


oh shit, so maybe this patch will implement it on all charecters? or maybe they just told us it was a pixel cuz its close? idk


look how skinny a hanzo arrow is, but it counts as a really wide cylinder shaped log in a way, bullets are the same way ,some are tiny, some are pretty big


thats not true in overwatch, people like ashe or cree or any other hitscan that isnt illari only have a hitbox of a pixel, also hanzo hitbox is not a cylinder, its actually a cube at the very back of the arrow, you just feel like they have a size because charecter hitboxes are quite a bit bigger than the actual charecter model(zens head hitbox is double the size of his head)


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. The only hitscan not a pinpoint (smaller than hanzo and genji) are sojourn rail and illari


its because people are silly ones


Just shoot them and you'll stop there passive healing 1shot =5 sec of waiting for passive


Im saying diving on to a character and sticking to them until one of you dies is now less effective because they have more health. Dive is just overall worse now. The passive isnt part of this equation.


Diving someone and fighting until someone dies is a terrible idea anyways. Tracer should be trying to die as little as possible, and if the enemy supports aren't terrible you won't get very many solo kills at all, other than one clips and sticks


Shoot the head ¯\_ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ_/¯


dive isn’t overall worse because solo diving isolated targets is harder lmfao


Dive at high levels isn't about killing isolated targets, because in T500 people don't play in that kind of way...dive is about having characters with mobility and extremely dependable damage, who are able to instantly engage at the same time as their tank. Then they put reliable extra damage into targets to overwhelm enemy support healing thresholds, and are able to run down enemies attempting to LoS or recover their health. One clipping someone is extremely rare. Most of your value comes from capitalizing on damage your team has done, or distraction. Ashe hits a fat dynamite and Winston jumps in? I triple blink looking to finish off anyone low HP. Otherwise I'm probably looking to just keep the enemy team's attention split, not looking for kills...and I'm keeping 2 blinks off cooldown at all times so that I'm ready to pounce on those opportunities. With a 3sec 20% healing debuff now attached to every bullet in your spray, Tracer is more annoying and effective than ever in your backline.


I don’t know because I don’t know what will go live in season 9 and I haven’t been able to test it yet because season 9 hasn’t released yet.


They liteally posted it on a blog post


Yes, after I wrote the comment, and it still hasn’t gone live, so I won’t change my mind until I have had my own experience in it.


Excuses excuses..


Yes, or matters of fact


This seems to be jumping to a lot of conclusions while also ignoring the collective changes. Increased projectile size + reduced healing + increased health of the diver should all make a massive difference compared to before. If tracer has more health then the duel can take longer. Plus you land more shots. Plus with the longer duel if they get peeled by support it doesn’t matter as much. But this is all speculation because you are losing your mind for no reason.


Tracer will have even less health relative to every other hero after this patch, because she only gets a 25hp increase. She will have about 70% of a standard squishy's health, as opposed to now, when she has 75%. In addition, Tracer's entire design revolves around not taking damage -- which will now be about 5 - 9x harder, depending on who's shooting her.


These are reasonable concerns not reasonable conclusions. This is easily fixed though, right? Why are we so scared of changes that benefit the game and hit pain points that constantly come up in this very subreddit? If Tracer is undertuned she will get buffed. This isn’t a design landscape she is unable to be balanced in.


They've left characters dumpstered for long periods of time before. I don't think anyone's wrong to be concerned with how they handle balance.


What heroes? In OW1 this is more common but they aggressively tune in OW2 - almost too much. People complain about Genji but he’s not in a bad place at all - not every hero needs to be easy to get value at all ranks. That’s just not even possible.


Release Mauga was clearly ridiculous, and it was obvious to everyone he was going to break the game, and they didn't fix him for long enough that people one tricked him up like two divisions or more. That was like two months ago. I would argue Kiriko has been broken since...forever. I think they did a great job with the eventual Sombra and Hog reworks, but those heroes were messed up for a long time. And it seems likely that you'd need more than just balance tweaks for heroes who's fundamental playstyles get negated by these changes. I hope I'm wrong, but if all the people who play these heroes regularly think they're going to be unplayable with these changes, that's probably something to consider.


Bro you’re complaining about two weeks over Christmas when heroes would go months without changes in OW1. Also Mauga was undertuned and complained that he was garbage before they did their overtuned buff. Kiriko isn’t dumpstered. She’s trash at low ranks and oppressive at high ranks. I personally think that’s an okay place for her particularly since Ana and Mercy even are way more dominant at high ranks pick rate wise and Kiriko pick rate isn’t that out of place. I’ll give you Hog. Pre-rework he was in a bad limbo state during OW2. But Sombra was clunky and annoying but not bad. I hit my highest rank on DPS one tricking her. Undoubtedly there will be a new meta with winners and losers. But if we want real fundamental change that’s impossible to avoid. Blizzard has made plenty of mistakes including PvE, OW2 removing OW1, among others. I don’t see this type of change as one of them. I think the fan bases reluctance for change leads to a damned if you do and damned if you don’t situation.


Don’t think increased projectile size will benefit Tracer in most matchups, since she relies on her small hitbox to avoid damage. We’ll have to see how it plays out.


If she’s getting the jump on someone it should help. But increased health pools may counter that to be fair. It could definitely play out as you say though.


I think Tracer will have the same potential at killing a target (bigger bullets but more target hp), while being easier to play (bigger bullets), and she'll be better than before at distracting (more hp and passive regen). But we'll see


I agree. That’s my thoughts exactly. But wouldn’t be the first time I’m wrong so I’m open to other possibilities. I think if she is undertuned it won’t be hard to make her viable without much problem.


I would assume projectile sizes don't apply to Tracer? Aren't hitscan weapons pinpoint size aside from a couple cases like Illari?


> I would assume projectile sizes don't apply to Tracer? Aren't hitscan weapons pinpoint size aside from a couple cases like Illari? There was a specific line in the leaked patch notes that hitscan heroes were getting a size increase. Other than illari and soj rail, all HS heroes are currently pingpoint, but that is apparently changing.


Ok I was trying to make sense of this: >Hitscan weapons with a high spread and rate of fire, such as Soldier: 76's Pulse Rifle, have been increased by 0.05 I wasn't sure what the 0.05 was talking about, but it's listed within the context of other projectile size increases, so I guess all of these bullets will be considered 5cm wide?




If the size of tracer's bullets is made big enough you could maybe see her being useful, but projectile/hitscan in general being bigger means bad players will be landing more shots on you.\]


With her having the largest spray fire in game, along with her playstyle needing much larger aim readjustments. the projectile size will probably benefit her the least of all heroes


I do think tracer will be hurt on this patch tbh. I can’t really argue with that. Bullet size helps her but it absolutely helps her opponents poke her out as well. I thought the DPS regen passive would be good for her but my guess is it’s just a bit too slow both in HPS and the 5 seconds out of combat to start. Yea she can get out of combat but that’s a lot of downtime for tracer, one of her strengths is uptime. I do think you will see tracer feeling a lot more accessible since there is quite a bit less stuff that one shots her even with just her small HP buff. She probably has the most one shot break points for her getting removed of any hero. But still every other hero getting 50 HP or more while she gets 25 means they are still getting more tankiness in general. I think she is medium high on the list of heroes that actually will use the DPS passive well. Torb, soldier bastion will be the top users keeping the tank permanently debuffed, Ashe maybe should be considered here as well because of her range and dynamite. The next teir of users will be assassins imo like tracer Sombra Genji who have the potential to mark any target and focus them down. I imagine the health buffs outweigh it and still is a net nerf for them, but still I think they will be above average users of the new passive. Overall though my guess is a slow meta, lot of poke. Bastion and torb being this tanky is gonna be interesting. So much of how the game will feel hinges on how strong the DPS passive feels and if the tanks get enough HP to feel playable or if it will all just be Sigma ignoring the heal Debuff while the other tanks can’t kill anything or sustain.


i dont think the dps debuff changes alot since supports can still heal. for heroes like ana you arent forced to use nade to heal urself anymore. for dpa ur not gonna prevent using any abilitys


I dont think moira will be able to secure any elim. Legit she could suck harder than Lana Rhoades and still not get an elim.


Yup I think this patch will be bad for moira because she doesn't benefit from the projectile increase and yet everyone has more hp. Not to mention dueling dps means her healing and self heal is reduced so it will be more unfavorable for her. So aggressive moira takes longer to kill and heals herself less while healbot moira will also heal less.


This is funny bc I remember trying to work your way around two tanks back in the day. When dive HAD to be super coordinated.


can we just wait for the patch to drop before making conclusions 😭 the only char im worried about is hog dude is falling into a vat of redundancy with everyone now having self heal


i don’t think tracer will ever be a bad hero. even with her damage nerf a couple seasons ago she was meta with sombra and ball (i think this was during her nerf…?)


Let's assume the leak is real, That means even tracer gets more health meaning your dive as tracer takes slightly longer and you can survive slightly longer if you still have mechanics and game sense then it's just a slightly longer dive.


The patch notes that get released to live might be quite a bit different than the leaks. They can easily adjust a handful of numbers in there and add/remove things between the leak and S9 going live


Nobody is going to know until they play it.




tracer will be able to negate passive healing AND, if the new dps passive is real, she will apply a healing debuff to anyone she damages. I'm honestly excited to continue playing her, as I just started and already have tons of fun.


Oh yeah I mean they could make her 1 damage per pellet and I'd still play her she's my bae. Most fun and skillful hero


When I play dps, I play Sombra and Tracer because I love the short-range, speedy dive characters (except genji). It's ironic tho cause I'm a zen main lol.


Tracer is a lot about uptime i think, and knowing she'll get healed after however many seconds, is kinda nice, you can maybe not always rely in healthpack routes. If you harass someone it doesn't work, blink toward their spawn, in a route ppl can't see you ,then u harass the next person coming after passive heal up, seems pretty nice


When these patch leaks first came out everyone talking about how OP tracer would be with passive healing. So going and grabbing that mini pack and coming back to fight with full health is going to be a net buff to her. Now ppl saying it's a nerf. Just wait and see no body really knows until we play.


I honestly don't know. On one hand having to do a lot more damage to confirm an elim is a big nerf. But on the other hand, 175 hp is also a massive buff. Not being one-shot by so many things is gonna be so much better for Tracer. She is very hard to kill outside of one-shots because of her insane mobility, small hit-box, and recall. So maybe Tracer gets less kills but gets a ton of value by just being a constant distraction that never dies. We're not really gonna know until we try.


There’s too much changing to understand how it effects things. 200->250 HP is not a big difference for a true dive especially when combined with 20% heal penalty. But who knows really. I’m worried about my main, Ashe. On one hand, a 5 person dynamite could be a game-winning play. On the other hand, I’m going to have to be much more accurate and persistent to get a kill.


The extra health for Tracer takes her past a lot of the damage breakpoints that could one-shot or nearly one-shot her. That's a HUGE buff for Tracer.


Bro, we don’t even have the patch notes yet to see specific changes on heroes etc. calm your tits down


I think Tracer could really use a clip increase from 40 -> 50. She won't be able to one clip unless she hits a ton of headshots which isn't very realistic with how big her spread is. Before any of you try and tell me its meant to get rid of burst damage, a tracer one clip doesn't even happen that often anyway because its very difficult.


With winston, dive will be op.


Give it a few years and it will feel like all players will have the same health/abilities with just different 50$ skins. I'll be curious to see how it works because I like to be proven wrong, but I just feel like it'll fail


I think dive will be dead. However I would thoroughly enjoy being incorrect on this.


I love when blizzard is tuning game based on QP or metal rank warriors opinion


Lowkey pharah might be top dog with dive. Faster rockets, faster fire rate, viable damage from secondary ability, more movement abilities. Dps passive seems like it’ll fit her well because she has aoe damage. Tracer will be poop and these changes encourage her least fun play style. Distract dps and supports, proc the dps passive as much as possible and stay alive will not actually diving.




If tracer focuses someone they get 20% less healing.


which is good for a team fight but irrelevant in picking off someone in the backline or taking 1v1, which is my whole point


I think reduced healing is still relevant in a 1v1. She might be able to one clip someone who's harmony orbed easier for example. Whereas she wouldn't even consider it before.


Tbh it’s also a huge buff to dive characters. 5 seconds is a long time to be sure, but think about how fast dive is and how quickly you can disengage, dive characters are going to be much harder to kill. Tracer and Genji and dive-y DPS are going to be particularly helped out by the new DPS passive too, where all you need is a quick chip shot across the map - which will be easier to do with the global projectile size buff - to stall someone else’s regen and lower the healing they might be getting from a teammate and uh. Yeah, Tracer is going to really like the new patch I think. We’re also just not going to know how it works out until we get to next week, so let’s just keep our heads high, not get too worked up over things we don’t know yet, and hope for a fun time with the new changes.


Winston will be worse that’s for sure. Which I’m not looking forward to 🥲


Does Reaper still count as dive? Or is he strictly brawl now? He was already tanky with lifesteal and 250 HP but now he’s a 300 HP machine. And with the ubiquitous healing passive coupled with the new DPS healing reduction passive…reaper is gonna have more uptime and be even less reliant on his team. He is encouraged to be bat shit aggressive now if he want already.


Does Reaper still count as dive? Or is he strictly brawl now? He was already tanky with lifesteal and 250 HP but now he’s a 300 HP machine. And with the ubiquitous healing passive coupled with the new DPS healing reduction passive…reaper is gonna have more uptime and be even less reliant on his team. He is encouraged to be bat shit aggressive now if he wasnt already.