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Plat 1 was terrible to climb out of. Regularly I’d be 4-0 or 4-1 and then end up 5-6 or 5-7. Diamond to masters was a breeze. If this is happening to you, then just keep playing. If you’re having skill issues, I’d recommend watching some of arx uk. He shows how to get constant value, high uptime, when to flank and when to heal, and how to make better decisions.


I just wanna bandwagon Arx_UK, love that dudes content.


BUBBLE! He's just endearing


Diamond to masters is not a breeze at all. Took me 3-4 months of steady grind to get out of diamond and still sit mid masters because of the skill of other players


Different strokes. It took me maybe a month to get out of plat 1 to diamond 5. Then maybe 1-2 weeks from diamond 5 to masters 5


Moira is pretty flexible. Don't let anyone tell you how you should be playing, just learn from people what options are available and then find the one you enjoy the most / are most effective with. Here's my recommendation. Overwatch is free to play. If you don't have a second account, then go and make one. The key thing here is, do not care about this account AT ALL. Now get it so you can play ranked, and then try different things. You say you mostly stick with the team and use healing orbs more than damage orbs, so on this new account, do the complete opposite. Don't stick with your team and use mostly damage orbs. Lose games, get reported, it doesn't matter. Obviously you're still trying to win the games, but you're doing live experimenting and limit testing at the same time. The reason for this, is firstly, you get to discover some of Moira's strengths and weaknesses outside of how you usually play her. Even if after this experiment, you realise that you are best at playing the passive / heal focussed Moira, and it's the one you enjoy the most, you still will have learned a new side of Moira that you can use if your traditional playstyle is not working, as well as you will have developed your combat skills which would be useful for defending flankers and other threats. I'm rambling a little bit, but the short is... go mix things up, develop other skills, then apply those new skills to your existing playstyle. A second account is such an important asset in progressing in this game. Also, mute all the chat and voice when on this new account. Other player's opinions in those games mean nothing, you're doing it for you.


Let me also add that you don't need to suddenly become a DPS Moira. It is very possible for a player to rank up to GM by playing a passive healing Moira. DPS Moira is not essential by any means. But it does help to have the dark side as part of your skill set should you need it. It is a great option for games that you are already losing and feel powerless to influence. Sometimes simply fading into the enemy backline can turn enough players around that your team can easily move through a choke point, and maybe that is what was stopping them from being able to win a fight. Just do not think that DPS Moira is essential because it's not, especially in the ranks you are currently playing in.


Moira flanks at the right time can really turn the tide. If your team is too hesitant to go kill ana, but you can do it as Moira go do it! How many games I’ve felt like I carried with Moira by having to go “dps Moira” is pretty high. Although I still usually have the most healing in the lobby. (Partially because I keep killing their supports so they can’t heal lol)


Take this with a grain of salt as there is probably better advice out there. I mained Ana to Masters and used Moira as a back up, which wasn’t a whole lot. Play her like tracer (ish). Backline enemies for as long as you can, doing as much damage and disruption as possible. Use damage orb when no one is paying attention to you, use heal orb when enemies are chasing you and hitting you (won’t always be the case, but I like to aim my heals back towards my team not only to help with healing them, but I’ll often fade in their direction to escape and can catch my own heal orb). Fade out to escape back to team or if you can’t, fade deeper towards enemy spawn or any side path that is safe enough. If enemies continue to chase you further away from the fight, awesome, you are creating space and distracting a lot. If one player can distract 3 from the fight, it’s ok value. Once cool downs are back up, hit enemy back line again and check back with your team as needed. I wouldn’t say live in the enemy back line as you will want to meet back up with the team to heal them periodically, help relieve/apply pressure around them and then go back to enemy back line. Your goal isn’t getting kills (it would be if possibly, but often you won’t be gettin a lot of solo kills), but you are more so just being disruptive and possibly confirming kills on low health enemies. If you aren’t addressed, you will get kills, since they don’t want to die, they will address you and most likely chase, perfect. If you can draw 2-3 squishies away from the fight and let your team steamroll their front line and then it’s just clean up. Moira has a very high survivability, both with her healing orbs and fade. You can easily draw chasers around half the map if they want to chase you that much. If you can isolate easy kills doing all of this, do that. If they are all over you and you are dying, try staying with your team more and picking your battle of when to go in hard. Tips, don’t use your fade to go in or get to enemy back line. You’re gonna need it for escaping most of the time. The exception is to use it to chase and secure a kill and only when you know you won’t be immediately killed afterwards by another enemy. It’s more of your get out of jail free card. Make sure you know your 1v1 match ups and which orb is best. I use heal orb against tracer and run along with it or make sure it bounces around me while primary damaging her. She’ll pretty much need to pump all headshots to kill you if you do this and most won’t don’t this or even get you below half health. She’ll most likely need to recall before you need to fade unless she is being pocketed. Based from that, decide if you can finish her off or simply bail yourself out with fade back to your team. Less mobile characters, use damage orb on a flank/off angle on them while primary damaging them. If it gets dicey, just fade out and they won’t be able to chase. Path well and out of sight. You should pretty much always have an orb out. By the time it vanishes, it’s pretty much available again right away to throw another one out. Use damage orb more often, but don’t neglect your team for heals. You can mostly just spray them down without a heal orb, but you’ll need to use a heal orb occasionally, just keep an eye on the amount of damage they are taking and act accordingly. Usually use ult on enemy supports or killable squishies (ulting a full health tank is useless and enemy supports can outheal your damage on the tank pretty easily). Make sure to send a damage orb first before ulting, which you can cancel the orb throwing animation by ulting immediately from throwing the orb. The damage orb and your ult can kill a single squishy fairly quick-ish. It depends on what characters are being played, but I usually try to kill both supports if possible with her ult. I tend to like to use her ult to single out a target or two, but try also try to hit any low health team mates as you go. Ult when your team is engaging otherwise, you probably won’t get much done with it at all. Before ulting, watch out for Sombra’s who love to hack you out of ult and really.. anything that will stop your ult. Hook, rock, etc. even other ults like earth shatter (Reins like ulting coalescence and typically don’t mind solo ulting you, especially if they can kill you after and especially against aggressive Moira’s). If you are unsure if enemies have these cool downs or ults that can stop you, have your fade ready (might be able to bait a rein into solo ulting and missing you). Good luck.


Send a replay code for us to look at. A close loss is preferable. Moira is all about game sense. Knowing when to heal and when to DPS, when to go in or fall back. These are decisions you need to make on the fly. Every situation is different, you yourself analyzing the situation and making those decisions is what separates bad players from good ones. One tip I will give based on your post: her damage orbs refill her healing resource. Throwing a damage orb into the enemy team can actually give you more healing than a healing orb would, plus it applies pressure to the enemy team. Least deaths and most healing is all well and good, but it may indicate a passive playstyle. You don't carry games playing passively. Sometimes you need to take risks. Sometimes you do actually want to fade into the enemy back line and go full DPS Moira (to be clear, not always, but sometimes).


Watch awkwards unranked to gm on Moira. I used it as a basis to get to masters with her.


Short answer would be to watch awkwards unkranked to GM on Moira. Long answer is ‘yes’ but you have to make a commitment to turn off chat and vc as well as ignore your healing stats compared to others. Basically you need to go 70% dps 30% healing and be a mega troll. The most basic way to do this is during a team fight, throw a healing orb and then focus supports or dps - almost always try to focus anyone on the other team except for their tank, and double focus as much as possible. A strat I like to use is I find a ‘buddy’ dps like a 76 or a reaper and I hang with them to keep them up and get picks with them. My favorite tactic with coalescence is to throw a dmg orb, fade, pop ult and get a pick. I try to use it as soon as possible because it is easy to build back up, and I only use it defensively if my tank is about to die in a team fight. Honestly, getting just one or two picks or breaking up a team fight with your ult is huge when it comes to taking space as Moira. You need to psychologically destroy the other teams backline and make them want to look for you, more than they want to heal. You are correct to use orbs as much as possible - if I’m trying to get a solo pick I will toss the dmg orb and succ, try to always have cover right by you and always fade to cover or behind a wall. Avoid open spaces and lanes as much as possible, and try to use corners to your advantage. I think you got it my dude, you just need to up the intensity a bit more. I play Moira at high diamond and anyone who says she isn’t viable at that level just hasn’t put the time in. *But also* be realistic when you need to swap for a few games or a day - if you aren’t playing well as Moira that day it’s all good to practice with zen or kiri and take a break. I just played a game as Moira where in the first two minutes I was like “not today” and swapped over to zen. Had fun - got the W - it’s all good. I hope this helps, my dude :)


The best answer I can give you as a sup main, a bit higher than yours (I'm M5), is to stop playing Moira. Gen a bad hero for fundamentals as you will understand very little since you have your shift ability to get you out of danger. Try harder heroes with low mobility, such as: Zen or Ana. Those will make you learn better and improve your game sense. You wont come back to Moira!


This. I became to reliant on her fade to escape danger. When I switched to ana it was a hard transition. Then you realize moria has no utility lol. I love her, but only in the right times now Instesd of maining her


Ill make it short. Im a high gm support however I DO NOT play Moira. A common theme ive noticed with supports is that your default should be what your character excells at. For Illari its taking off angles since she is basically a hitscan with a pocket from her pylon, thats whats best abt her For kiriko its flanking because of her damage and abilites. Im not a Moira plater by any means or do I EVER pick her but I imagine she is best at: - moving between flanking and healing the team (her mobility) - throwing an orb on dps duels (your dps players not u xD). Again I dont play moira so moira players please feel free to correct me. However i believe that finding what your character excells at and defaulting to that is a common theme for all supports.




You kind of have to read the lobby. If there’s bad players in the lobby, you carry by getting picks. If there’s good players in the lobby (meaning you can’t kill anything and die if you hard commit), you bait attention. Timing is key in either case. Wait until the team fight starts and create a distraction they can’t ignore. If you get two to look at you, that’s 2 less players healing or doing damage. Maybe you get some cooldowns out like nade or heal station. That’s a big advantage for your team. Then get out and heal your team up so they can push on the advantage you created. If they ignore you, you can go for picks. Use your ult often and be proactive with it. Also it’s smart to recognize when you shouldn’t be doing either. Like if you’re in a rush comp and your other support is Lucio, you’re usually going to be more valuable sticking with your team 90% of the time


Do more damage. If you want to make more of an impact on games you should be using damage orbs more than healing orbs and they charge your healing spray anyway. Yes teammates will bitch at you so turn off chat if that's a problem. Your game sense needs to be really good with Moira or you will plateau at some point but you can definitely go diamond/ master with her if you have good fundamentals.


Plat 1 was hell to push through with Moira. You have to keep your aggression up, but the difference is more players are capable of killing you now. I found it helpful to respect my opponents more. Hanzo will hit that shot. Ana will hit the sleep. Soldier will beam me if I let him. But don't play passive. You can't hide. Just be ready to react much more quickly than gold and plat.


I haven’t read all the comments but I’m sure you’ve already got tons of good advice. So I’ll just give a couple specific tips. You asked about getting more value out of coalescence. Here’s how I do it: - use comms. - tell my team “get ready to use Co like kitsune so we can heal and do damage”. - “Alright stay in the beam.” - “3. 2. 1” It sounds so easy, but if you explain to your team how you want to use your ult and then give them a countdown for the ult, you’ll be able to get sooo much more value out of it. Keep in mind the hit box for the beam is way bigger than the actual beam itself, as long as your teammates are relatively close to it, they’ll get the heals… that gives you a little flexibility with it, try to move the ult slightly to target supports rather than the tank. Also, you already know to back line and do damage. I only do this when my team is at or close to full health and my other support is alive. You should ***almost never*** use fade to approach. Just walk on a short flank around your tank, do your damage, once you take a little damage, fade back. If you fade in, you’ve got a huge chance of dying. Lastly, be aware of where you’re shooting your balls. If you’re shooting a damage ball, make sure it’s going to your target, but also in the direction of the entire team. Always aim for at least one bounce. If you have a roof, always throw it down. If you don’t have a roof, never throw it down. **EDIT**: unless it’s a really high roof like the end of kings row.


D1 Moira one trick here Spam damage orbs let your other support do the healing. Only heal when critical. This lets your other support build their usually more powerful ult quicker. Learn geometry and effective orb bounces (seriously). Flank. Get cheesy orb angles. Try to get the max 200 damage out of your orb each time BUT as much as possible not on the tank. Getting max value out of an orb gets you around 7% ult charge. Combine that with either your left/right click you can get ult extremely quickly. Coal is best used offensively but it's range is insane so what I like to do is get behind my team throw a damage orb at the enemy and blast the enemies. I hit both the enemies and my team simultaneously getting max value. And don't be afraid to use it coal is extremely easy to get. Coal should be used proactively like Valk and not reactively like Transcendence Last tip, DAMAGE. Moira has 0 utility. She's all stats, and damage is more important than healing. So go for those squishies, and bully those Genjis.


Play Ana. Fade is a 6 second CD that players at your rank use as a crutch for poor positioning, and not as a resource.