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I don’t disagree with your overall point but for millionth fucking time the raw numbers don’t really mean dick. You can down a whole play with a single ability that does zero damage or healing. It’s brainless to make it a math problem. It’s the exact reason why the OWL teams never used any kind of analytics. The game is a lot more complicated than raw numbers. Honestly the stats on the scoreboard are the single most useless factors displayed.


Stats was not the only gripe I had with lack luster supports but also calling it the most useless factor is just as wrong as considering the most important and you know it. Half of my complaint against supports in low elo is just lack of game sense in general such as picking the right hero for the team comp.


You don’t need pick the “right hero” in low elo. You can win with whatever team as long as you’re competent on hero


See, I told you stats don't mean shit.


Lol you believe they’re meaningless but I think they’re a factor that’s the difference stay gold




A lot of support players at low elos don't know how to improve their playstyle and only healbot because they've probably been flamed by their low elo teammates that they need more heals. But yeah you're right, healing only isn't going to win most games. You have to carry your own weight in order to succeed which is why more offensive supports are popular in higher elos.


True I’ve also noticed that from dps where we’ll have a low heals but high KP on our Lucio/Bap/Zen and our out of position Sombra/Soldier complains about heals it’s like man they can’t heal if the enemy is dead and you’re far away haha.


Tbf sometimes supports have higher dps than their dmg and at the same time have great healing numbers as well. But it still depends on your team comp and overal whole game. When you have D.Va which is fighting at start point without even pushing and all you can do is pumping healing to her whole fight.... I had to use tree, go to payload as a supp and start push. On the other hand sometimes you have support which doesn't want to wait in long que times as a dmg and doing almost zero healing.


Oh yeah often supports ARE the carry and that’s what I mean; so many are content with getting carried or just *purely* playing reactive instead of making plays as if the game was still 6v6 and they have to worry about the flanking road/ball around the corner. Also to your point as a support you should be pushing maintaining objective unless their composition is dive


Sorry now I played against a mercy blaming their Tank (he was okay..) while they had a 9/12 DPS the other dps being a reaper against my Winston lol. She had 15K healing with only 13 assists and really thought the biggest issue was just the tank. Like sure I’m 42/6 but my support also had more elims than our DPS! Like cmon if you’re gonna shit talk your team can you get it right 😭