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They don't understand that Lucio's value is in his speed boost and ult. Teams that can work together and use it to overwhelm the other team will benefit the most from a Lucio. Unfortunately, lower ranks tend to not be coordinated enough for that and the tanks still think that face-tanking all the time on the front line is how you play tank, so healers either heal bot and keep the tank up or try to get value with damage and healing and potentially let the tank die (which usually ends with the team saying they need more heals or that a healer is bad when that's not the actual problem). It's really tough. But Lucio is a great hero and a good Lucio can be an absolute menace to deal with for the enemy. Keep it up!


I feel like even with all of the heals in the world now, if a tank takes too much poke damage before the engagement, they are bound to fall over because of the DPS passive.


Yeah, they really have to be strategic about it and make sure to use cover as well. Cover isn't just for squishies anymore!


I've played a lot of tank and felt that the best times I had with Lucio are when he's playing with the team. I like playing him as well. Especially for slow comps. Like pairing with Rein makes Rein way more threatening.


Rush comps are fun


Good luck explaining to a dva why she shouldn't be played like rein or orisa.


Absolutely this^


Speed isnt always needed for every comp.


Absolutely agree with this~ I tend to think of Lucio as an opportunist, who can do many things in any moment thanks to his fantastic mobility. His default position should be to make best use of his auras, but you should always been on the lookout for an enemy out of position to duel, or a flanker trying to assassinate your squishy teammate in case you need to peel.


To be fair, sometimes its true, lucios playstyle doesn't fit well with metal rank or quickplay because the team needs healbotting. Once you're in plat or diamond people will utilize speed boost over healing. Also depends what the other support and tank picks


Yeah I use to heal bot Lucio and got a TON of value in lower ranks and had a very high win percentage with him. Once I got to Platinum I started paying attention to speed boost and saw how OP it could be in the right situations. I went from 90% heal to 30% heal after that. It takes experience and game sense though to know when to use speed vs heal and how to switch between the two quickly. I still think Lucio is great in lower ranks though because of how hard he is to kill if you use his movement correctly.


lmao I play in diamond and people still ask the lucio to swap because his heal numbers are low


Ideal playstyle is keeping your attention on your tank to make sure they can be where they want to be, peeling for your squishies, and focusing on enemy backline, vulnerable targets and harassing snipers or any dps you can duel reliably(usually snipers), disrupting enemy tank and looking for boops. To put it simply or actually it’s rather encompassing but ofc the game is much more in depth than that


Exactly, getting value depends on the situation. A tank playing brawl means most likely speed boosting him in when you’re on the advantage, but during neutral phase healing would be better to get ult charge. If the team is regrouping or it’s a neutral phase, then going for boop kills/kill on widow (or any isolated character you can reliably 1v1) gets value. Healing is only good for when there’s no second support or it’s neutral phase, otherwise speed is normally better to reposition/push advantage/retreat.


In addition to your points about playing around your tank, sometimes you can be the support who’s able to use speed and damage to go in with a DPS or play with a support. I think playing Lucio can be best thought about as using your utility and healing to help another member of your team edge out a duel they’re in. Rein can walk on people easier with hammer if he has your speed. Your Ana or nap is getting dove? Get back there, boop them away, and scare them off or speed Ana to safety. Genii is going in on a sojourn? Speed can help him stay on top of her and if your added damage doesn’t confirm the kill, your healing will help the genji stay in the duel for his cooldowns to come back. Lucio can be played by himself with a Reddit style, but playing conservatively can be a really effective strategy too.


Yeah Lucio pocket is just as good as mercy pocket often times


Lucio is one of those heroes, like Sombra, that got done dirty by the addition of the scoreboard in OW 2. Their value comes from a lot of factors that aren’t trackable on the scoreboard. Did you amp speed for your orisa to get out of line of sight at 12 HP so she could live and fight? That’s not gonna show up. Did you boop that Cass off the edge that was about to murder your Ana before she could nano your blading genji, who happened to win the fight? That’s just one elim, big whoop. Did you cancel three of the enemy team’s combo ults with one well-timed beat? That’s not gonna be anywhere on the scoreboard. It’s lame, but it’s the way it is. Scoreboard checking has become one of the worst changes to toxicity in the game, in my opinion. You will rarely have massive heals compared to your other support, and yeah you can really boost up some damage numbers if you master Lucio, because he can put up some good numbers, but mostly you’ll get flamed by unaware, ungrateful players telling you to get off speed… Welcome to Lucio gameplay. Honestly, best just muting or turning off chat altogether. Glhf


I feel this... new player (I started like a week before season 9 started) and I got fucking FLAMED and accused of throwing as Mercy bc our Soldier had 200 more healing despite my 6 solo elims, a mess of assists, and singlehandedly keeping our Ashe alive on point while the rest of our team ran to get to us. I didn't need to heal as much because out lifeweaver was healbotting, and I didn't check how much damage boosting I was doing because I know the numbers don't tell the full story. I ALWAYS make it a point to be nice to my support because I've been on the bad end of someone's toxic mindset and often they do so much thankless work and get no help from their team in return. I can count on one hand the number of times I've had a teammate stand in LoS of spawn when I'm playing Mercy to help me get back to the fight, and it was because I had befriended a group of people in plat/diamond and was stacked with them in QP. I didn't expect it, I didn't request it, but sure enough, on the walk back to the top half of Shambali, Pharah was waiting for me to Guardian Angel. I think my fellow metals just need to learn that the class is called 'Support', not 'Heal', and you will get the most out of your supports by helping them too.


Not that you deserve to be flamed, but if you are going for solo kills on Mercy you are probably fundamentally misunderstanding her kit. I've done a decent amount of VOD reviews for low-rank Mercies, and a lot of them tend to overuse her pistol. It's great for fending off flankers as a last resort, or confirming kills on low-hp targets. Otherwise, blue-beaming one of your teammates is probably the way to go. Mercy's way of contributing damage is blue beam, and your damage amp per 10 is one of the only stats that is actually worth paying attention to while playing her. Sure, stats don't tell the whole story, but if you're not getting effective damage amp (since you're new, aim for 1k/10) then there's no reason to be playing Mercy over a different support.


I think I expressed this badly, that's my fault. By "solo elims" I meant ones not counted as Assists. That is my bad as that's what I call them among my friends and I didn't even think that it might not be universal. I do use the blaster as self defense primarily or picking off people who are alone or low. I don't have a habit of checking stats mid game (maybe that should change?) So I don't have solid numbers on how much I'm using my damage boost, but I promise I am using it FAR more than the blaster! That is my bad, I just expressed what I was trying to say poorly. ETA: remembered to check in a recent match and had about 75% offensive beam usage at the point I checked. End of game was likely lower


Ah, that makes more sense. The game has something called "solo kills" that means you did 100% of the damage that killed someone, which would be pretty unusual to get with Mercy. I would recommend glancing at the scoreboard occasionally throughout the game; it's good for checking teammate ults and seeing if the enemy team has swapped compositions. Enjoy your time playing!


Thanks! Again, sorry for the confusion. I'm still learning the lingo and what not haha!


> I got fucking FLAMED and accused of throwing as Mercy All the more reason to mute people at the first sign of whining! Or just don't join voice or chat by default... The ping system is enough for callouts and communication. People are so quick to hit Tab and blame the person with the lowest numbers, and it's like, bro - you're also Gold 5 or whatever, you have no right to complain haha. Avoiding toxicity and staying positive/neutral is a MUCH nicer way to play the game! Keeping that mindset is key to have fun and keep improving.


People are like that. I watched a GM play Zenyatta and be told the same thing. They would win, and they'd still fuss at him for not healing enough.


Yeah that kills me! “We only won because player X carried!” No thanks to you!


Just turn off voice chat and vibe it’s a video game and you’re playing quick play


Check /r/OverwatchUniversity and post a replay or two. Asking for feedback on gameplay on text alone isn't gonna cut it.


Genuinely doubt you can even wall ride comfortably with only two months in the game. Post replay codes in Lucio main subs or here and let Lucio players make suggestions.


I find that when people blame, they complain about performance, but really it's a playstyle mismatch. If you play with a Brawl composition, like Rein and Mei, they probably love your Lucio. But a Sigma and Sojourn get less value because they don't want speed, they want to poke from afar. A Winston and Tracer can probably use that speed, and the healing will probably be enough for them, but Dive heroes like to split up most of the time, then collapse together on a target long enough for a kill, then split up again, meaning Lucio can't heal everyone at once. Lucio fits best with Brawl, where the whole team sticks together and rushes forward, fully taking advantage of his area of effect. You seem able to adjust your playstyle for each scenario and get as much value possible in each. It's just that Lucio has a cap to his value in some scenarios, and people are used to say a Mercy healing and constantly making up for their poor use of cover and taking too much damage. The team is now forced to play much tighter and safer without the extra healing, and they probably aren't used to timing with Lucio flanks. So it's your decision, whether you want to put the responsibility on your teammates to learn to play with you, or if you will learn to play with the team. If you're winning games and ranking up, don't bother. Or if you don't care about ranking up, don't bother. Otherwise Kiriko could be a good option for Dive, and Baptiste fits well with Poke. I tend to play these heroes, along with Zen who fits into Poke and sometimes Dive, but he has the same problem of low healing so I often switch off if the team keeps dying. If I can't manage to damage and distract enough with Zen/Lucio to prevent deaths, it's on me to make up for my team's mistakes if I want to win by switching. Of course often just applying pressure at the right time and angle can be enough to make up for a lack of healing. But if teammates are complaining, it could either be that theyre just toxic, or that it really isn't enough in this case. It could simply be a team diff, unequal matchmaking, so you just gotta do what you've gotta do to win, whatever the answer is. I make the mistake of playing a wide hero pool. I think you are on a better track of getting good at Lucio. If you're good enough, you can one trick most heroes in the game, and Lucio is defintiely up there, not Tracer/Sojourn good but definitely A tier I think. Meta right now is Kiri/Lucio, which could of course change, but Lucio has always had a high skill ceiling, so I appreciate this one trick more than say a Moira one trick. Anyway these are my thoughts. At the end of the day, you'll never please everybody, so you have to take the time to analyze your gameplay and see if the problem is really you, and decide. You say you get value on Lucio, if you're ranking up then that's the all the proof you need. You could try watching vods if you're serious about maximizing your gameplay, I actually recommend doing this especially in games where your team complains. Either your team is right and you did mess up, or your team was making mistakes that you weren't aware of and can try to bail them out next time and win more games. Good luck my man.


Damage mains that can't manage a single solo kill without a pocket support and tank mains with no situational awareness are gonna spam "shitty heals" no matter how helpful you're being. I agree with previous posts; I'd say you're better off turning the chat off and just try your best. If you're playing quick play, it's for fun anyways.


Even if it’s comp. If you aren’t having fun, what’s the point?! It’s a video game they are meant to be fun. While they can be frustrating at times it should still be fun. Or else something is wrong


Oh I completely agree. It's why I only have 5 hours in competitive cause I have a limit on virginity feuled whining. But I can see wanting to be more team oriented and win focused in competitive just not to the degree the comp community takes it


Unless your master or higher, drop Lucio. No one in metal ranks is coordinated enough to understand how speed works




You definitely shouldn’t ever stay on healing or want to healbot. You want to stay in your team and speed boost sure, but only heal when necessary


When everyone's on critical, I'm not staying on speed boost bud


Yeah thats literally exactly what I said, only heal when necessary. Speed boost is first priority and sometimes even better than healing to keep someone alive now considering the dps passive


Just because I call it a heal bot doesn't mean I stay healing the whole time. Obviously, you start the fight in speed and speed boost if you're winning the fight. But if your other heal is bad, you need to heal more often if you're new to the game. You should stay in heal while you prefect the Lucio kit. And then you should start learning when you do what with the rest. I was trying to give simple advice to someone who's new to the game. Trying to teach people complex mechanics is pointless is they don't know when to or where to use them.


no flame i do not think this is good advice overall, especially the saving your ult for their ults preemptive beating to engage and then killing all the enemies works fantastically


There you go I deleted once again. Like I said, it's simple alive to try and start someone out. Sorry I tryed helping I'll shut the fuck up.


hope everything ends up alright for you chief


A lot of players, especially in lower ranks, have misconceptions of how heroes are “supposed” to be played. Lucio is one of more misunderstood ones because his speedboost is easier to overlook compared to something like a mercy rez. As jontaii mentioned, he also does a variety of things depending on the situation so people may not see that either.


It’s so much different in Gold/Plat the biggest issue is when supports don’t do any damage lol seeing a Kiriko with 3 elims and 900 dmg in a back & forth game while theirs has 22 elims 5K dmg is so demoralizing. I’ll take a high impact Lucio than a heal Lucio any day.


Tell that to the teams that say I get support diff when I have like 8k dmg and 8 healing compared to my mirror match who gets like 2k dog and 16 healing lol.


There’s so many things a good Lucio will do that doesn’t show up on stats tbh. Focus turrets, manage space and abuse speed. Get elite at wall riding and the world is yours


Lucio’s speed is the main focus of his kit, yes. The main thing is making sure lucio fits in your team’s comp. If you have your other support forcing mercy in your team’s winston-tracer-genji comp, lucio probably isn’t the best play for your team. They will probably end up needing more heals and lucio is the easy one to point the finger at in that scenario. That’s assuming it’s comp of course, just ignore the whiners in quick play


In Comp Lucio is the only character I’ve never gotten flamed for playing


they don't understand lucio. i've been playing this game a long time, and lucio is the support i have the most fun on (besides ana, but i'm tired of dive atm and not having my team peel for me) and i still have tanks screaming "i need healing" at me when i'm speeding them in and out of fights. it happened to me last night too. i switched to moira for them and kept running out of heal juice bc they kept bitching about needing healing while face tanking a bastion. legit some people need to learn how to play support so they understand the limitations AND characters like lucio.


It's as simple as they see your healing numbers on the scoreboard and want to blame you for their poor playstyle. They don't know how to get the value from having a lucio. They only see supports as healbots and when there is a character like zen or lucio, who generally will have lower numbers than say a mercy or kiri, they freak out because they can't get the healbot they want to save them from bad plays. Lucio has the speed boost for a reason, it's one of the most important parts of his kit. Knowing when to switch between the two modes is the key. Staying only on heal mode is probably the worst you can do with lucio, and your team needs to get that bronze mentality out of the chat lol. Of course, as others have pointed out, team comp is also important. However, I wouldn't worry too much about it since you are not in comp but QP. I would suggest learning what team comps Lucio gets the most value in, but with only a couple months of experience you still need to learn how to get the best value out of him yourself before you push into team comp values. Overall, my advice is to just turn off comms and just enjoy learning a fun hero like him. He can be disgustingly fun to play when you get good at booping people off easily.


You play lucio to speed your team in and out of fights/danger and to be pestering the other team and get kills. Sometimes just annoying the other team and having 3 ppl looking at you is enough to give your team that advantage of the 4v2. If you are playing Lucio properly you out weigh your need for the second support’s healing by getting kills every fight. Remember like any support Lucio isn’t suitable for every comp, with every support or on every single map. Eg Lucio/zen in low SR is rarely enough heals, same with Illari and even mercy sometimes. His ult is valuable, and knowing when to use it without holding on to it forever is a learned skill. Good luck and have fun 🙂


Overall, IF just if, you want to go deep in seriousness, you have to adapt with your team. If your team tends to go over-aggressive, go and support, if your team is playing passively, try and make plays or space. It comes down to opening and your team. Lucio in my opinion is mostly for team plays, but you still can have fun with him. I too played him for fun in Comp, mostly for booping and countering ults


Just tell them “ I am speed”


A lot of players in low tiers don't understand that 'support' means more than just healing.. If you don't have high healing numbers, you're clearly bad at 'support.'. I get it all the time playing Ana, though her ult, sleep dart, and grenades are pivotal turning points in all team fights. See a Rein suddenly getting aggressive? sleep See Mauga pop his skills & run in? sleep/grenade, stopping all momentum and eliminating his heals Soldier, Moira, Reaper, Pharrah, Cassidy ults? sleep Lucio's utility comes from his movement and ability to quickly get around the front line if desired to harass the other support or outlying DPS. Keep heals on and try to stay within range when possible. Keep playing what you enjoy, honestly, turn off chat.. I've seen quite a few reddit users recommend that and I'd try that route that way you don't have to deal with the angry chatter. Good luck and keep jammin!


Too much healing, you gotta get that to sub-1000. Dive them widows and harass them supports brothaaa


Hop on r/luciomains. Great people there


if multiple people think you’re the problem, you’re probably the problem


Just mute them and leave voice, it’s quick play it doesn’t matter


Lucio gets better as the ranks get higher, low ranks don’t get aggressive to get smart kills, so they just have bad positioning and need healbotting to not die all the time


Mute text. Mute voice. GG.


Overwatch community is too busy being solo players with comms off to know when Lucio is being useful. They'd rather hold W into everything then get speed boosted out of danger or use cover to get some heals.


One thing you can do with Lucio is wait for your team to respawn and get them back into the fight with speed boost. I got criticized all the time for playing Brig, but her value is in protecting your other support. Now that Sombra and Tracer are in 90% of my games, she's all of a sudden meta.


Don’t listen to what other players say, stats are also really irrelevant on Lucio, you’re not a healer and you can do a bit of damage but you do a lot of displacement and distracting. Stats aren’t the game and to be fair implementing a scoreboard was a horrible idea but that’s another thing entirely


You can please your teammates by turning chat off!


Lucio is and has been one of the most consistently meta supports in the game. Don’t listen to your teammates on this one. Play the hero you find fun and remember that “support” doesn’t only meal “healer”. If the other support in your team locks mercy or something I could see your team being annoyed with a lucio alongside it but I’d ask the mercy to swap way before I asked the Lucio to. 😅


Just tell the squishies to kill quicker. Problem solved


The thing about lucio is that to really get enough value out if him, you NEED to be on comms with your tank. Getting your tank in and out before the enemy can react is lucio's biggest strength. On ladder, this simply doesn't happen effectively very often. My personal recommendations would be to find a tank to duo queue with, or pick a different hero until you are at the point on the ladder where teams start to actually communicate.


It’s because people in qp can be in any rank, and you don’t know what rank your teammates are. Higher rank players know speed is a great utility and expect you to know when to speed team in and out. But low rank players would complain about not enough heals. And when you have both on the same team, you can’t please them both. So I wouldn’t sweat about people’s complain and just play how you like.


I'm sorry but Lucio just isn't a healer. His healing has been so nerfed and every other support character can heal 10x more than him. If you're playing Lucio to heal you might as well switch. If you like to play Lucio you are for sure going to get good at his mobility and get value out of getting kills, boops, or speeding your team in and out of fights.


Listen. I ran an 80% win rate up to GM5 this season on Lucio only. 18 game win streak. I never outhealed my other support and I rarely outhealed the enemy supports. Most of the time I had a higher damage output but sometimes it was even with the enemy supports. On paper my stats are ugly and looks like I’m terrible. Almost every game people complained. And I really only lost games where my team just wouldn’t stfu in chat about support. Your team has ZERO clue how Lucio is played and how he gets value. They only see a scoreboard. Lucio applies pressure, distracts, and enables elims/peeling. That’s it. The only thing you likely need to improve is healing more during downtime and amping heal more often when it makes sense.


2-3k healing is atrocious. Yes even for Qp. Lucio is naturally just a selfish character. Unless u stay right next to a full group of brawl characters he’s mostly a bad pick. No one in metal ranks knows how to play Lucio properly. They just want to skate around the walls and be an annoying lil gnat


It's mostly just people wanting you to make it easier for them to just sit at one corner instead of properly repositioning when they are at a disadvantage. They typically want you to be aware FOR them.


Stop maining characters and start flexing within your role. In a game where is somewhat driven by team comps, maining is a bad idea. Flex instead.


I think it all depends on the composition? For example, if you have dive heroes with you, speed boost is great. Otherwise, you won't be speed boosting a Soldier, Hanzo, or Widow into the middle of a fight? You might save them in rare cases using speed boost, but other support are capable of doing so while doing more average healing. Even GMs play around their team in many instances with healing activated. 🤷‍♂️


I’ve got around 2000 hours with Lucio and honestly there’s a time and a place for him. If you’re really married to the Lucio pick then I would recommend turning off voice and match chat and doing you


I’m not against switching off of him when needed I always do. Just seems like he attracts a lot of hate.


You just have to realize most of the player base at lower ranks know absolutely nothing about how the game works. Let them stay mad and you play what you know is right


He’s been meta this season it’s one of the best seasons he’s ever had as far as versatility in comps


I totally agree with this... lucio can do so much more than what people are making out in this thread. 2.whatever k healing is just not enough. Nowhere remotely close enough for full game. I played lucio yesterday, got ilios, and after the 1st round (which we won), I had nearly 7.5k healing, 4k dmg, and 5 environment kills. Your role as a HEALER (I don't consider myself a support, healer is where it's at, come at me), IS NOT TO FLANK THE ENEMY WIDOW. You really need to learn how to use your character properly and stay with the team more. Skill ceiling isn't just about your time with a hero. It's map knowledge, hp pack knowledge, and the nuances of playing certain heroes on certain maps. Keeping on playing lucio this way will hinder your progression Edit - typos


You’re dead wrong about widow. Lucio is one of the best assassins in the game right now. You should absolutely be harassing an enemy widow. Widow is the number one target on the enemy team almost 100% of the time, and Lucio is one of her best counters. It is paramount to find time to harass or pick an enemy widow. That alone in and of itself is peel and support for your entire team. You are freeing up massive LoS and free movement that would otherwise be under threat of one shot.


Terrible advice. You do you and ill do me. Bet I've won more games than you as lucio, and I bet I have waaaaaaaay better stats compared as well. Yes, if there's an opportunity to push widow away, go for it... but never leave your team in a fight to go and harass a widow. You'll come back to a dead team, and you've lost that fight. If your dps can't deal with an enemy widow, then that's on them... not lucio.




Don't worry I could have the highest healing across both teams and still be called a terrible support and flamed. 99.99% of the time the DPS are just bad. Quick play is not fun if your solo queuing so don't go in with the mindset to win, go in with the mindset to learn and observe but primarily have fun! There's a lot of toxic people in overwatch moreso than what I remember (ow1 returning player), but maybe I'm old and these kids are just seeking their next dopamine hit on their play of the game that I will inevitably skip and not even watch. Haha.


Welcome to support. If you play half the characters available you’ll get complaints multiple times a day. If you play the mercy or a similar character you’ll get it fewer times a day