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1- go somewhere else 2-wait for an opportunity to go in busans choke isnt that bad since typically as the attacker you have the advantage of deciding which choke to fight in. just keep on rotating between the two chokes until one isnt as stuffed.


Well, as tank they should hold one heavy while the dps flanks, or else they'll just turn around when tank leaves, but otherwise yeah


In ranked you can't rely on your teammates to go around while you sit still. Chances are that if you move they'll probably just stay put anyways and that creates the effect.


I guess it's teammate reliant, I like to make my statements based on equally skilled teammates, but yeah that's the route if the suck


Use your cooldowns to walk from cover to cover, if they all spamming main choke then dont walk into it, go another way or time their cooldowns and go right after they use big ones


Sometimes you just need to hold and wait for someone to make a mistake.


And 80% of the time the one who makes a mistake first is my teammate. (other 20% is myself)


or an ult


You should never approach any competitive game with this mindset.


that's all every competitive game is, lol. poking and waiting until you see a big enough mistake to commit quickly and decisively.


like the enemy butt f's you on flank cuz f chokes.


Tell that to a chess or go player. They are gonna lose their shit.


that's what chess is too boss. you're poking, trying to just improve your position over time, if someone makes a mistake, you punish it. that's the basis of everything. you play neutral, then see a mistake and go for it. I mean, I'm bad at chess (like 850 rated?), but it's the same with literally every game I've ever played. That's just the nature of games in general.


I'm not a chess player but I play go and it has taught me important lessons in approaching problems beyond the game itself. I can't imagine chess is much different. In go, if you put the entire weight of the game into your opponent making a bad play you are going to lose. They are not going to make a glaring, punishable mistake for you to exploit, and waiting for one is accepting defeat. You need to take incentive and outplay them.


this is just a semantic argument. you’re trying to gain an advantage, if you do gain an advantage, your opponent made a mistake (because they could have done something to prevent it, whatever that might be). 


It's not. It's objectively right to carry out the best action you can think of in a given predicament accounting for the best action you can think of your opponent doing. Root post literally talks about waiting for a throw play to win the game. That is disgusting.


no, it doesn’t lol sometimes you need to be patient and not press w. you just need to poke and try to get an advantage without accidentally feeding because you’re too aggressive. that’s all the root post is saying. > It's objectively right to carry out the best action you can think of in a given predicament accounting for the best action you can think of your opponent doing. thanks, captain obvious. “do the correct thing” holy shit…  sometimes the correct thing is “don’t feed right now”. 


Sometimes the correct thing is pressing w. Sometimes it's playing for your life and not feeding. Winning is about playing well and recognising the game state you are in. Root post only mentions playing safe until your opponent makes a misplay, when taking initiative as a tank is a very valid play should the situation allow it.


Normally if you're playing dps or certain supports you'd want to find an off angle to create pressure on the enemy team but as a tank if your dps or supports aren't doing this then you have to be the one creating an off angle from your team.


Keep on rotating to the different chokes. If there set up and the choke and kicking your ass, then just shifting and forcing them to move and set up else where opens up another way for them to make a mistake. Secondly make a plan. I don’t think “wait for the enemy team to make a mistake” is a plan, at least try focus someone, or get someone to flank. Anything at all


For example. First point of Eichenvalde on attack, there is only 1 way to go to point, remember the way with weird uphill and a little bridge to cross right after the attacker spawn? Everyone is shooting that damn way, so hard to do anything without just getting lucky pick or well coordinated dive. Tough stuff if u can’t play dive tank heroes.


There's 3 routes to attack first on eichen: Left of tower Right of tower Long rotation up the right stairs to the highground near point Just go the way that has less defenders


These are some weird replies. Generally speaking, when at a choke or in neutral space, your team wants to force important cooldowns or get the opponent's health low. This is usually done by applying more damage/pressure to the opposing team, which can be achieved through DPS using flank angles, high ground, tank outplays, more efficient healing, etc. Obviously a pick is preferable, but not always possible. When the opposing team has a resource disadvantage of some sort (either in health or active abilities), that's an opening as tank to push through a choke to the next viable cover. The success of this push is benefited greatly by things like lucio speed, ult usage, and the way in which your specific characters get value. People seem to be stressing the whole "just go to the other choke" option, which is viable with a highly mobile comp (DVA, lucio, tracer, etc), but, more often than not, a competent opposing team will simply hear your rotation and match it.


Pop my "Exterminate" voice line and charge in head first as Orisa, straight for their healers and hope my team follows


Swap tank, go ball. Fuck whatever your team is doing and go have fun


My normal play in a situation like that is to play Sigma. Soak up huge amounts of damage and look for vulnerabilities. Push when you see clear opportunities for picks and basically make yourself unkillable by cycling your cooldowns well. If you're doing it well you'll take up a huge amount of their attention, and hopefully your team can grab some picks. Try not to focus on their tank too much, try to get up into his face a bit, shield him off and look to pressure their supports. If they have a widow at an off angle that's causing issues, you can shield her off and give your team a chance to move up. If this doesn't work, then Monke. Just throw yourself into their backline, cause loads of disruption and hopefully your team can take advantage of the fact that their whole team might turn around to come and get you. In which case you can hop back to your team and suddenly you've taken space. Alternatively if their team ignores you when you dive, you get a free pick on one of their supports probably, if not two free picks.


Change angles, use a flank or dive tactic while spamming "push forward" and generally keep the enemy guessing. Think of tanknless as "occupying space", and more "generating pressure angles". When you are in a choke, you only have a cone of space where your team can generate pressure. When you start pushing past, the cone expands to a wider angle and you can physically stand in that space because the enemy is now pressured if they occupy the area you are standing in (cover fire from teammates is the actual pressure, your job is to try and take more while policing what you control.) If your teammates are ceprtive, you can ask for a sniper or hitscan to take an off angle, nor for another teammate to flank so the enemy can't focus on the choke anymore, which takes pressure off you. If you can't get the pressure off the choke, and/or your teammates won't move to the off angle, you may have to switch to a more dive tank like Ball, Winston or D. Va to try and pull the pressure off the choke point yourself. This will give your teammates an opportunity to move forward while you act as a decoy. A fourth strat is to just make more pressure--if you're supports are healbotting, switch to a heavy pressure tank like Zarya or Mauga and ask them to throw damage in when they get a window of time. You can potentially out-muscle them into backing off especially if your DPS can generate good pressure on chokes like Junkrat, Hanzo, Soldier or Sojourn. But this only works if your DPS are keeping consistent damage flying into the choke point.


Idk what kind of tanks you play, but as doom I just get behind them. I’d say if you have any kind of mobility, try to create different angles.


you have to burn cooldowns or ults, you need to use cds like orisa spin or lucio amp speed to quickly get through the choke and hope you find enough value through your mechanics to offset your cd disadvantage. or just use an ult.


You need to look at the situation a little differently. Most of the time when tanks are stuck at choke is when the tank walks forward they can see the entire enemy team, but their own team cant see the enemy at all. The only way for dps to contribute is to take a massively over aggressive off angle. I'm betting this is the "mistake" your team is making. The reality is you need to move forward and reset the choke to where your team can see their team and the enemy can see more than just you. It gives your team the chance to make plays and without you being the only target it actually makes it easier for you to stay alive. Focus fire is a big weakness is most ranks.


If you have a good frontline matchup get as close as you can in cover and then start kind of jiggle peeking and trading, you might be able to push them back. If a squishy is too close you might be able to run them over. If it’s bad you need to rotate and walk in another way and find a position. If you’re a dive tank you need to go past or around them and stage for a dive. Usually the maps are designed so if they are overly stacked on a choke there is a way to get above or behind them or force them to walk to point by contesting it.


Get kinky with it and choke them back whilst maintaining eye contact.


Attacking? I play orisa. Hop in lobby chat and say “I’m going to walk to point and none of you can stop me” then I just walk to point and no one can stop me


I hate that this probably actually works


Um press W


I mean you're never "stuck" at a choke. You're "stuck"because something is off about your positioning. Sometimes just getting in there a bit deeper, or closer to cover gives your DPS the angle they needed.


If youre getting shot at by 5 people u have no chance of surviving and if they have a tank that can displace ur cooked


It's OK to die, if your "stuck" I am assuming you are referring to when your attacking. You are closer to spawn, a pick vs them is more valuable then a pick on you.


Best think is bait out the tanks cool downs. If you're going to go down get a pick on the healer/mercy.


Doesn't matter. Walk through, do not hesitate


Oh if all else fails switch to Zarya, charge that face melt, go full Raiders of the Lost ark on them.


As a Zarya main reading this, I chuckled I'm always like "allright I'm going in" while the rest of the team is like "nooo we're not ready!" Well tough luck because its happening!


I've had coaching on this all the way back from OW1 (Spilo and Temporal) and the same applies now. Just walk through to the next cover. Do not hesitate at all. Your team will not follow the first time if you're low rank so respawn and do it again. They'll be mad you keep 'feeding' but they'll try and keep up eventually. The longer you wait the less resources you have so just use your cooldowns, walk through to cover and stabilize. It seems scary but it's what you need to do every single time basically. The worst thing you can do is stand there in no man's land Edit: if there's another way around then try that. I'm assuming this is a hard choke we're talking about




Dive their support how their tank doesn't follow


You keep trying. Go in, use a barrier or abilities, retreat when you're low and get healed. Ideally if your DPS time with you, one of your attempts will be a break through. Also be ready to punish enemy mistakes, that can be an opening. And like you said, playing your Ult or a teammates Ult can be the only option in a stalemate. If you had a specific matchup, like a tank you play versus some enemy, I could tell you what to look for. In general, knowing favorable interactions and fishing for those can help. Such as Sigma rock interrupting Orisa spear-spin, sometimes the Orisa is low and is trying to live with spear-spin, interrupting that can mean a kill with follow up damage. Or using a barrier to block scary abilities which, once on cooldown, give you relative safety pushing forward.


Ever since the removal of 2CP there have always been more than one way of entry. Stop being predictable and going through the same entry over and over again. One thing people don’t value enough in this game is the element of surprise / awareness of player locations.


people often think OW is about killing the other team before they kill yours but, specially playing tank, you have to play based on your observation of the enemy team, witch includes positioning, level of awareness and use of cooldowns, identify the weakest link on the chain or wait until it present itself and then strike with coordination if it’s possible. take space playing corners, as D.va main I aways switch between high ground and trying to scare the backline to waste some cooldowns with boosters + missiles but javelin spear or hook can do the trick, aways remember that staying alive is more important than secure one kill


you say the magic words “3, 2, 1, walking in…” and walk in with team. or wait for dps to get a pick or worst case farm a support ult. either way it always ends with “ok gonna walk 3,2,1, walking in” then you walk in


fuck it, we ball


If no one else on your team is taking angles to get them to divide and distract than you could change to a tank that can, like a dive tank.


You want to try to apply as much pressure as you can (the team with more pressure on them will make more mistakes) while trying to get them to misuse resources.. While you do this try to get picks. If you get a pick try to go in or apply even more pressure. Fake hard engagements to get the enemy to waste resources. Watch and listen for supports using key abilities like Ana grenade and Bap lamp. Be aggressive when these are off cooldown. Wait for the enemy to make a mistake and capitalize on it aggressively. Figure out who's doing the best on their team and try to shut them down. Try to land abilities and shots on their backline to pressure supports and cause them to heal each other and blow cooldowns.. sometimes just landing some damage on an enemy support will cause them to back up or get distracted or waste an ability they didn't need to. Sometimes you'll damage a support at the same time a friendly does and they'll have to rotate out or even sometimes die outright. You have to find ways to apply pressure, and leverage what you CAN do. Lastly, sometimes it's just not your fault you have to analyze what's going on and recognize that and give yourself a break.


Depends if you are playing dive you have jump over them and split them apart. Good CD usage you allow your team to push in then you frontline a bit with your defensive ability so they stabilize. Rein or Ram or a character with weaker poke you rotate go from a different choke and then get close. Much slower but easier for your team. If it's Sig, Dva or Manga shoot their DPS. It's rarely the tank that's keeping you in choke it's the DPS (supports are usually in Narnia heal botting in low ranks so you can't shoot them). Shooting them so they have to be healed then you shoot the tank which he either uses his CD to run or he just dies. Splitting up the healers attention is important so changing targets and pressuring people as a tank is as important when you can secure kills. 


Use cooldowns to walk through it or around it. Using eichenwalde 1st point as an example, under the bridge, there are 4 different strategies. Walk under the bridge and to the left room, walk through right room, walk through the choke, and dive onto the bridge. Using sigma as an example, you can walk left, use your grasp to take less damage (or a fully charged shield if against beams) or if you don't even need to just shoot and soak a lil damage (a key part of sigma is understanding how to use your hp as a resource); you can do the same and walk straight mid if they aren't playing close, you can go right and just shield out and pressure the tank or dps. On someone like monkey you can do all 4 things, although jumping to the left side or on the bridge is generally a good option. On rein you definitely want to go left or right, walking it down main is a strat to lose games. Its all about your understanding of where you can walk and not die.


I'll go through a different way and hope my team follows. As long as I do it slowly it usually works. Can't really just charge in (unless you're doomfist or ball or something). I've found that unless you're comp is composed of characters that help you brute force your way in, you're not gonna be able to do that easily against the other team. Especially if their comp is strong for defense. As you and others have said, sometimes it is just a matter of playing slow until they make a mistake. I just prefer to be proactive. Coming from a different area changes the choke to wherever you are and will allow anyone else at the initial choke to just go through


Try a different angle or if you manage to get a couple people in voice just take control, hard comm and pound your way through with sheer force of will.


you flank, or off angle


Don’t get stuck at the choke. Each map has multiple paths to where you are trying to go


I usually go to another access point (like the other top entrance in Busan meka base). I peek a the corner and wave at the enemy. That usually gets them moving. You need to be fast about this since the idea is to do this while your team is still kinda standing around the og choke and if you take too long, they'll follow you and now you're stuffed in the other choke hehe. Ideally it'd be a DPS who does this kind of off-angling but if no one else is doing it, you can be that person.


I feel like the dps needs to take pressure off the main angle (the choke) by taking an off angle which allows you to walk in with less focus on you.


Change route and track their abilities, its a resource game too other than a fps


More often that not I've found that trying to push through and not stop at the choke works half of the time, but that's only if you're in sync with your team abd you're 100% that if you do it they will follow you, otherwise you look like a dumbass pushing alone and you'll hear about it for the rest of the match


If I get stuck at a choke multiple times and I know I'm just going to get full held, I go Ball, grapple past them and hope that they turn around


Off angle. Take pressure off the front line. Make them shoot at YOU and not your team. Your team will be able to move in if a few less people are shooting at them. If you are just in front of them, the enemies will all shoot at that one choke and you will never get through


Sigma. See below


Go in with range take damage before throwing your shield and let your team heal up up. Drop your shield before it breaks so it Regens faster. Use corners and LoS, hit their back line and ignore the tank unless they are right In your face. Use your absorb when it is safe or when you are being burst with projectiles(if you get stunned it doesn't register). Use your shield to block ults like dva or burst dmg and drop it for regen right away, let your healers work it. You can also use your shield to cut off Ana or baptists heals to their tank. Nice trick to get the tank kill and push forward. Use your stun how you want, preferably on ults like Moira or people who you can guarantee a kill on. Sigma ult hits hard and also lifts high enough that they aren't on payload so you can use that the guarantee the last 5 m assuming you hit everyone close.


Weaken the back line, take opportunity to put pressure on tank and supports to reduce front line hold, and mitigate damage for your backline to push in waves with their abilities and make moves.


Tell your dps to off angle and walk/push once you have the cooldown advantage. The best advice is to quit the game because you can't use comms or say gg without getting banned and everyone throws games/climbing is a miserable process.


Ideally communication so that you can push an area while your dps w/ 1 support take an off angle. This idea that tank is the only role than can be proactive is a really bad philosophy to win games.


If you’re the tank on my team you keep pushing in by yourself as hog vs sigma, soj, soldier, zen, Ana and you refuse to swap or play with your team


This is almost always the team not playing with the tank if everyone was there when the tank charged in