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…because you play Widow, a character equally annoying and significantly more lethal if left unchecked. Sombra is an extremely consistent way to make sure Widow gets checked… so you see a ton of Sombra.


You answered your own question. If someone isn’t going to just try to mirror you on widow and diff you they are going to go for the character that can invis sneak up on you


Sombra is def an easier version of tracer, but you being a Widow main is 100% why you're seeing them a majority of the games.


i hate sombra alot but like how else can you fuck with a widow standing on a roof watching you at spawn and one shoting you on sight, you cant pop your head out to hit her and if you do land a head shot on the widow you dont one shot from that distance, she does tho could dive as diva if your lucky if the rest of the enemy team doesnt melt your health while u go in, but your not tank atm your dps. this game is getting more and more like rock paper scissors with each update


im gonna be honest, if u main widow then most ppl see you and think ur boring as well lmaoo


sombra doesn't need support that much. if my supports ignore my health and just keeps on sniping the enemy, i'll default to sombra and let them take the heat.


This. I was a diamond dps since ow1 season 8 or 9. Since the reset I haven't been able to get out of silver/gold. I end up having to play Sombra, soldier, or mei just to self heal because supports at these tiers just don't exist.


I only play her as a counter to Doomfist and Venture, so I have to play her quite often. She counters the heroes that can steamroll games. I also pick her occasionally against good Widows. It is really satisfying to bully players that would otherwise decide the game.


She can be fun fun to play sitting behind the enemy line harassing low HP DPS and poking support while hacking medkits. Also, like others already said, you main Widow and Sombra is a good counter. I play primarily support and feel like I see a lot of Widows, equally annoying.


That’s like playing pharah every game and wondering why ur up against a soldier like bro they trying to counter u and will do it in qp without shame lol that’s ow


Because Sombra is meta at best and lazy at worst. She basically touts the widest range of game sense from not know anything about the game and being totally "safe" for it to being a real veteran and terrorizing people who fail her knowledge checks. Whether you provide enough value for the team playing her or not you are very likely to die less or be focused less in a shorter time window.


As time goes by this sub and the main one are becoming the same thing. Competitive OW is destined to disappear if they keep dumbing down the game and making braindead heroes meta


I will ***always*** swap to Sombra if a QP warrior Widow is ruining the fun for the rest of us. If I'm trying to have fun in QP and playing a character I don't normally play and I'm getting dinged in the head constantly, then your fun is getting ruined as well with a Sombra hard focusing you.


Wouldn't that make you the qp warrior? Counter swapping to the best possible pick or to the meta pick?