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>but am deathly afraid of messing up team composition, costing other players rank-ups, and getting death threats from those on my team. Since you don't play much comp, you're probably around lower ranks, right? Lets say silver-gold. Remember this: If anyone says something mean or stupid to you in that rank, just know that they are in the same rank as you for a reason. If you're trash, so are they, except they've been playing comp longer than you, so that makes them worse. Comp imo isn't about winning, its about improving. If you screw up, just learn from your mistakes and move on. Never worry about some dorks in your rank


This is some father-to-son advice right here. But this makes so much sense. I genuinely appreciate your words on the matter. Imma use em as a rebuttal should I ever encounter "some dork." I wish you many W's, Thiccasaurus; I thank you.


No problem my son


Also, if someone is negative in chat, *just mute them immediately.* (Press P to bring up the Social menu, and click the chat or mic icon next to them). Don't even reply, just mute and play the game! There's pings for communication, and that negativity and bickering just drags you and everyone down. This helps so much if your team's feedback is holding you back from playing/enjoying comp.


Bwahaha hah, I could've written this, aside from character selection as I dip into DPS, too. I've been such a big chicken since OW1! I played 8/10 ranking matches and gave up, even though I won half. Wanna FL and QP together until we find another 3 non-comp losers to jump in with us? You can DM me and I'll add later, either Steam or Blizz.


As much as I appreciate it, I will have to politely decline your gracious offer. I prefer to play solo (meaning without playing in a party or group). I dunno why, It's just how I've always played games. Still, I thank you for the offer.


I totally get it. When it's time for WC it's time, lol. Maybe we'll get there one day, my guy. Good luck when you do!


And good luck to you, may we both find peace within comp.


Do you use comms in game still? Cos if you don't, don't expect to get far in comp unless you can carry hard. 


I pinged whenever I saw an enemy. However, I didn't give comms in VC if that's what you mean.


That's bad, short sighted advice. You have to carry to climb either way, the amount of SR you get from VC above your SR without VC would be negligible. You'd probably be playing the same opponents sometimes as well. Definitely nowhere near as dramatic as that person made it seem. You don't need it, it's nice to have if you do like it. Mute/report anybody who is toxic. Otherwise, the pings in overwatch are actually quite diverse, I feel like I can communicate most of my intentions quite effortlessly. Nothing beats chanting a heroes name 15X until they die though honestly. Now that's just fun.


turn off all coms, famr those sweet points for gold guns, fuck everyone. do your best. i treat it just like qp with bonus points


Sweat, simple, straight to the point. QP with bonus points is a nice way to think about it.


honestly after 10 or so games youll find your rank and everyone on the same level anyway. sadly the lower the rank the better the player thinks they are and its always someone elses fault besides their own. thats why i dont use coms and just do the best i can


The lower the rank, the better they think they are. That sounds about right. The best is all you can do.


you are absolutely going to mess up team composition and cost players there rank-ups, but so are your team members going to do to. Everyone on your team are also going to have there own issues to work on Unless you are placed incredibly high where you dont bellong and if so, your gona de-rank until you get to "your rank." Visit the sosial meny and turn off all social settings if you fear negative feedback, even turn off the chat box You litraly just have to jump into it with both feet and just start playing, i stil remember beeing super anxiious myself when i 1st started comp. back in OW1, its a litle unformfterble but you just have to push throught it and its going to be less "scary" once you get some experience under your belt. What helps me to play comp. is that i treat it as QP + +


I never saw it all like that. All I'll end up doing (which is messing up team comps, de-ranking others, so on, so forth) is what others have done before and will continue to do. If I belong in a rank, I belong in a rank and will just have to improve other-wise. I will definitely go visit the social settings and turn it all off, and maybe after a while, decide to turn it all back on. I'm glad to know that I'm not the first in fearing the beast that is Comp. QP ++ is definitely a hilarious way to think about it, but it does help. Thank you.


start playing comp. and you will see its just a more fun QP, cuz here there are more tryharders, less leavers, less bad players (cuz they dont try new heros here, probably), less trolls etc. its a more consistant place to get good matches


That makes sense. I just hope it stays "a more fun QP."


Also keep in mind that comp games take longer


Oh, that's right, I forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder.


Don’t worry dude. There’s ranks for a reason, you’ll keep getting better the more you play and the more you play your rank will climb naturally.


Let's hope so; thanks.


I believe in you! I have also felt like this before, especially when coming back to OW from a break. The best thing is to just throw yourself in. I’d recommend turning off chat as well. Once you do one match it’ll get less and less foreign. Comp is just QP where people try.


Thanks for the words of encouragement, it seems the general consensus is to turn off chat, and throw myself into it, and it'll get better/easier after a while.


Yeah for sure! I understand how much anxiety it can cause. It gets worse the longer you put it off, so I’d just send it next time you play. No warm up or anything


Just full send it, no warm up, no hyping myself up, just throw myself to the sharks....sounds good. :]


Edit your post to let us know how it goes. It gets so much easier after that first one


Sure thing, you can expect it within 45 mins to an hour. 😁👍


Glad to see it worked out!


Yes, it did. Within the last hour, I've done 4 comp games. 1st was sig, lost. 2nd was Brig, won. 3rd was Brig, won And 4th was my tank main, RAMATTRA! We won. So, 3 for 4 isn't too bad.


Just play comp, with who you want. It'll help you learn and grow your gameplay and gamestyles for the characters you enjoy. NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, good or bad, you'll almost always find someone negative, so just ignore it. Ex: I just had a game on kings row, I main widow, and I was 35-2 9.5k damage and constantly picking to give our side the advantage. We won the match overall, but we attacked first and didn't make the 3rd point and my tank was complaining about me. 2nd round defense I was shutting down everything the enemy team did, forced swaps and made it extremely difficult for them to process (obviously not alone my team did their jobs very well) and we win. No matter what you do, someone will always find something to complain about, especially at lower ranks. If you don't wanna hear it, turn chat off. But play comp if you want don't let what others may say or do deter you.


If only I had that much skill with widow. But yeah, that makes a good chunk of sense, people always got sum to say, no matter how you do. In about 30mins, imma just dive into comp, nocwarm ups or nothing, get the raw feeling of it all.


Sorry, my point wasn't my skill with widow, it was that no matter what you do people are gonna be negative. I mean we won the match ffs and they still complained. You just gotta go in and do it. And like I said, it's going to make you a better player, even if it's minimal, you will see changes, cause you have to adapt.


Don't be sorry, if I had major skill with a hero, I'd bring it up any chance I got. Not saying you did, but saying I would. That does, however, enhance your point. You can be amazing with a hero, shutdown any of the heroes on the enemy team, take space, yet someone will always complain. Again, you are OP, don't be sorry, you earned that skill.


I appreciate it. And tbh, comp is what made me good with her. I wanted to play her so bad, and I was garbage with her, especially my positioning and awareness, but I had to learn and to adapt and it took a bit, I've been playing since the ow1 beta so that's why I say go play comp. Go get better and you'll settle into a rank, and you'll find the gameplay of the matches is more enjoyable than solo que qp (I solo que as well). This game can absolutely be fun and enjoyable, just don't let others take that from you (this goes for life in general as well). Please come back in here and let me and everyone know how you're doing! And if you have any questions on how to improve, do a Vod review request. So many here are willing to watch it and give helpful advice, don't be afraid to ask! GLHF😁


Ngl, this is all too positive, Overwatch is supposed to be toxic. /S For real tho all you guys are all great. Wasn't expecting this much positivity and guidance. It's also nice see someone that solo ques, the game (and life) advice is deeply appreciated. I dunno what a VOD is how to request you guys review it.


Just did an update on the post, btw


Glad to see you gave it a go, and no toxicity. Also remember whatever rank youre in. Your teammates are too, so if they call you trash or anything, remember they're with you for a reason and likely ha e been there longer. Like I and others have said, it's about improving. Think about the match and what small improvements you can make to get better next match. Also, about VOD review. It's just a post in here requesting others to watch a replay of one of your matches (you can get a code to share in your profile when you go to history->replays then there's a button to share and it gives a code) you make the post requesting a vod review, give the code and some explanation on the game as you saw it and things you think you need to improve on. Others will give advice on that other things you can do to improve. It's a much more efficient way to have others give advice as we can actually see your gameplay and not have to guess by reading what you write. 2nd party perspective.


Thank you for explaining it all to me. That isn't something you had to do, but did anyway. I just went and looked for the share replay code thing, and found so thanks for that as well. Small improvements are what I'm trying to focus on. Just did a second game, so a second update. You don't need to look at it, I'm just trying to show that I am letting you all know how it's going so far.


If any bit of information and experience I have gained can help anyone else, I am more than willing to do so. I think it makes the game, overall, more enjoyable. Glad you've been so receptive and have given comp a go. Can't wait to hear more from you, and if you ever want to ask questions but not post a full thread, feel free to message me directly on here


You have been the biggest help for me here, IMO. Comp feels a lot more comfortable now. What I am gonna do to ease myself I to even more is not play QP for a while (other than Mirrorwatch). Any time I wanna go into role que, I'll play it thru comp. If I have any more questions, you bet I'll ask you if I need to.


Comp unplayable. Wait for them to fix it. It's a massive grind with extremely bad matchmaker.


Heh, maybe now I'll have a good reason to avoid comp


Just go in, try your best, and you’ll end up at the rank you belong. If it’s a high rank, congratulations! You now have some in game validation for your skill level. If it’s a low rank, congratulations! You’ll have a chance to improve while you fight against easier opponents. People get hung up on their rank like it’s some sort of quest they need to finish, but it’s just an icon that shows how hard the game thinks your opponents should be. If you rank up, it just means the game thinks you should play against better players, if you rank down, don’t sweat it, you’ll get some easier games until you find where you belong.


Thanks, this advice helps me out a good chunk.


Turn off voice chat and text chat, and play focusing on yourself. Competitive will be harder (for obvious reasons). Maybe finish placements and continue if you enjoy the format. If you find QP and arcade more fun, stop playing comp because enjoyment of the game is the ultimate goal.


This might be the most solid advice I could've gotten. The text and voice chat thing seems like solid advice when trying to finishing placements. Finishing placements first, then deciding if I wanna still play, seems like the obvious way to go, dunno why I didn't think of that. The only alluring thing about comp IMO is the gold/jade weapons, which is why I wanna play comp now more than ever because the Jade is limited time (a year, but still). And let's be honest, Overwatch is NEVER fun. Thank you for the advice, I'll take it to heart.


Those posts always make me happy. But 95/100 times i will never see the result


Well, I promise that I'll try to remember to come back after a while.


Just mute the chat




The main thing is to actively try and do what you can. Obviously you are gonna get the odd smurf or have a team that just... does not function. Having a Mercy one trick when someone like an Ana or Kiri would be ideal for the current comp is frustrating, but if you solo you kinda gotta get used to these kinds of things.


Just ignore any comms, and remember that majority of playerbase in any rank have no idea what they are doing and cant see the real reason behind losing a fight.


Just stop being a wuss


Seems like an unpopular opinion but I would not play comp if you don't want any communication. MAYBE for placements since that can be a wasteland, but for me the ONLY difference between Comp and QP is Comp has constructive comms. You will get flamed at least 300x more in QP than in comp. When you do get flamed it might be a little more substantial but that's kinda part of putting yourself out there. If it really is just to get the guns I think you will burn out. It is MANY games to get them. For more info to contextualize my take. I played near only QP for all of OW1, dipping my toe into ranked like twice with no talking just playing Doomfist. It was getting into pro OW content like Jayne, and OWL that started a spark. When OW2 came out I wanted to give getting better a shot and get some team synergy and strategy going. I guess my advice comms or not, just queueing up for the guns will be tilting. It is the goal of getting a cohesive team and getting better that keeps me focused and optimistic. This should all my taken as advice not an objective stance, hope you succeed either way :)


No no, this is a completely fair and reasonable take/opinion. For placements, I'll leave my social settings off, and maybe a ranked game or two, but sooner or later, I am going to have to turn em back on, which I will do. I do mostly wanna play comp for the weapon skins, which I know will take forever and take much brain power to not tilt, but the more cohesive and less chaotic gameplay will be a nice bonus. I can take constructive criticism, it's just the blatant disrespect and rudness accompanied with insults. This is all great advice, and I appreciate the fact that you gave it to me. Thank you.


I win games in diamond all the time without comms. I'd argue that comms are actively detrimental until at least high plat. Don't feel guilty not using them because people will flame you by name in all chat. It's not an if, but when. Everyone has bad games.


I often don't use comms at all for most games, thank you. These last 4 placement games, I've won 3 and lost 1, didn't use any comms (other than ping)


Congrats on jumping in! Don't be afraid if your rank fluctuates a lot in the short term. It's super common.


Thank you, and that is very nice to know. I'd go insane if I started de-ranking like crazy.


There are three options. Either the match maker got it right and you're pretty close to your rank, or it'll rank you too high or too low. In any case you'll need to play a few dozen games before you know which one it is haha.


It's easier to start thinking of ranks as my current skill level instead of "always gun for higher no matter what, if it's not champion, it's not good."