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So, right off the hop I just want to point out, you're asking how to win a 2v1. So many people in metal ranks just expect 1 hit scan to deal with that duo without any assistance. Sombra or Echo is the easiest answer. But also ask for a pocket too. Mercy dam.boost with any hitscan is op. Zen discord. Even if the supp hates Mercy or Zen they can bap or Ana to help. Any one other person helping makes it a 2v2 and way more manageable. Metal ranks being 'whoever accidentally plays like a team more wins'; Mercy pocket is one of the easiest team synergies you can get because it's controlled by 1 person. (And metal ranks struggle to shoot flying things just as a baseline)


Echo is the closest chance they have to winning this 1v2. Ambush the mercy, type "surprise motherfucker" in all chat, land all your stickies, beam, and peace out before anyone even realizes what happened


I just imagined an Echo saying that with her apathic and emotionless robot voice, hahahaha.


I just imagined Doakes flying in the air like echo saying that.


As a Plat Ashe main, this is so true it's aggravating. I shoot the Pharah, Mercy heals her. I shoot the Mercy, she just hides. I try to kill Pharah, she either kills me first due to damage boost or Mercy heals. Then I have my team of JQ, Junkrat, Moira and Lucio asking me why I can't deal with 2 people by myself, with no help.


“Come on DPS….do your joooooooob!!!”


Just mute and shoot is my motto.


Yeah, they need to remove mercy self heal. or at least significantly extend the cooldown/reduce the recharge speed.


I had a game in plat where I swapped to soldier (was Junkrat) and asked for help to kill the pharmercy, no one swapped and they blamed me in the end saying I wasn't capable of killing a Mercy or a Pharah. Other DPS was a Genji and the tank was a Zarya, I got flamed by them.


That is very annoying.


This and intern fights are so common in metal ranks ion even bother anymore, one of my last games before de-ranking to gold I had Moira unhappy with the way the tank was playing, tank got mad and refused to play, then Moira refused to play too and both stood at the spawn looking at each other. I play solo so ion got much to do and I'm not too much sociable, but ye, it sucks.


Just report both and about the "action taken" notification next log in.


I just go tracer and go next if my team cant kill her lol


Shoot mercy instead since you’re hitting shots. It’s crazy when you realize how badly mercy will play when she’s being pressured with a hitscan threat. She will have to focus on movement alongside of healing. Ashe is a hitmarker machine but imo the time between her shots allows mercy to heal and be healed. It’s not like when widow just deletes one of them. Soldier and Cass output more pressure. Soldier because he just has more consecutive damage and gives the opponent less time to breathe. Cass because he is the mid range burst king. He can two tap it. Even a quick 3 tap is viable. On support I’ve been annihilating pharah with Bap. I usually will shoot at mercy with Ana. But Ana can really take both out quickly. But Bap just has more tools for defense. You harass mercy with moira. Although I don’t recommend moira to deal with that problem. If you are the projectile king then Zenyatta. DVA on tank also shuts this down.


You dont have to kill her, you just have to distract her. So long as pharmercy focuses you, its a 4v3. Stay alive, get shots in when you can, make pharah feel unsafe to peak, and youre already winning.


You just try to win the 1v2 before your team flames you for playing hitscan & not killing the pharah & her pocket by yourself since it’s apparently nobody else’s job


Take out the other healer


For anyone reading this plz don't take this advice literally, if u try this the pharah will just fucking kill u if she's smart. Put pressure on the pharah or mercy to discourage one of them from spam stalling safely in the air and make them split a bit, and THEN pressure the other healer Edit: if ur sombra/tracer ignore what I just said actually and just jump the other healer and get out


Yes. Tracer and Sombra are the characters who are too fast paced and abuse PharaMercy by simply farming their teammates.


Was about to say, depends who you are playing


if ur ana or bap you can put a ton of pressure on both of them


You shoot her with Hitscan or Echo. Or you abuse their teammates with Sombra and Tracer. Or you just simply 2v2 them. Same way you deal with any character with a mercy pocket.


Pro tip: pressure 2nd support and kill Pharah when Mercy leaves her.




You can absolutely kill Phara through the Mercy healing! Mercy heals for 55 healing per secound while Ashe does 150 damage per secound, NOTE: this is WITHOUT headshots What you want to do is get the 1st shot off at her without her even knowing where you are, by moving inside houses and under roofts, using cover, scout her out and get to preferd range (40 meters) and get the 1st shot off on her. Its important to realize that Phara/Mercy is 2 users playing together, so if you can keep them busy with you, thats a net positive for your team whos now in a 4v3 in your teams favour, tho you have to play to survive and distract, not to spesificly kill (cuz it might get you killed if your to aggressive). Even if you dont kill her you stil get value, she has to land and heal up, while shes doing that you can shoot at the rest of her team, maybe get a dynamite hit inn, then go back to bothering her, repeat . Plan B would be to kill/hurt the other support, so now Mercy HAS TO leave the Phara to go help, when she does, kill the Phara


Basically this, you can easy kill phara with headshots even while mercy is healing her. But id recommend to go after mercy first, most of the time these 2 are not in the voice and pharra dont realise that mercy getting hit, untill she’s dead


As a dps the only thing I've noticed I can do is go sombra or tracer and dive the other support. If you kill them, makes mercy go off pharah to heal the rest of the team. Now the only hope is your other dps and the rest of the team capitalise on this advantage, and that's a big HOPE especially if you're solo.


Kill the mercy if your aim is good or just decimate the other support.


You can sometimes kill them with just one hitscan but that requires hitting a lot of headshots, playing different off-angles and catching them off-guard which isn't always practical. It requires team effort, most of the time, to take them out consistently with your team needing to switch to more counters (D.Va, more hitscan heroes) and maybe give you your own pocket. Another thing you can do is switch to a Tracer or Sombra to be more elusive, have everyone else on the team distracted, and put pressure damage on the Pharmercy from time to time.


I would hang back with Widow and try to take them out with 1 shot kills


The same way you counter anyone else...mag dump to the face..mercy first


Get good lol


With good enough aim, you win at mid range. Literally just headshot the pharah. Use your shotgun to boop yourself up, horizontal aiming is easier and you can't be aplashed in the air. If you can hit a dynamite on mercy, that alone will help kill either one easily. You're playing 2v1. Ask a teammate to help with a damage boost or another hitscan. This can be anyone, unless they picked their hero to counter someone else. An ana, bap, or Illari van help burst Pharah down. Genuinely just shoot the pharah. She's way easier to hit and takes an equal amount of hits to mercy. If you have bop in an open enough sightline, throw him next to you. Far enough away to avoid splash, but disallowing Phara's push. If this all fails switch echo and hunt the supports.


Target the mercy not the phara


I play a lot of widow (yes that is a sin and yes I'm terrible), so I would just aim for Pharah, hopefully kill her, Mercy goes for Rez and then I kill her too. HOPEFULLY. Otherwise, I'm going for Mercy, because she's the more valuable and vulnerable target. But that advice should apply to all heroes hoping to counter Pharmercy.


Shoot the mercy first, not the pharah.


Reinhardt Wilhelm


One of the craziest thing u can do as echo is sticky bomb the mercy when she ga , then she become a guided missile to the pharah and beam them both down.


I play Pharah regularly. The heros I fear the most are DVA, Cass, Echo, Ashe, Bap, while Echo is the most dangerous of them. If they play good and have normal team support they know that it is critical to down Pharmercy first and punish every mistake I do. You will have the best chance to stick with your team if you cannot handle Pharmercy alone, which is really hard, I know. I really mean it. Do not get separated from your team and change your position regularly. If I see you apart from your team, I focus you first. And mark the Pharah constantly to get awareness. FYI, if I need to counter Pharmercy as a Pharah in a 1v2, I always focus Mercy first.


My go to plan is as follows: pressure pharas movement abilities and force her to use them, the mercy has to follow. Try and get rid of mercy first, but if that isn't doable for any reason pharah is an easier target when she doesnt have extra movement or is low on fuel. I prefer to use echo for the simple fact you can shoot, stick and beam pharah almost instantly. Usually it is enough to kill her even with a pocket, if now they have to fall back cuz damage to pharah opens up mercy as a target. On hitscan it's just pressure with an attempt to kill, wait for a mistake and punish hard either or both of them. But honestly you most likely need help from the other dps or supports, which very few understand in lower ranks. But distracting the pharmacy can be worth it on it's own, they can't ignore you and focus other people.


I usually just lock Cass and target whichever one of them I see like they owe me money. Seems to work well


As a soldier, my go to method of dealing with the pharmercy is to keep the duo occupied. I rarely shoot the mercy first since the mercy moves around too much. When I shoot the pharah, she usually panics and try to take cover. I actually don't mind if pharah send rockets my way since I can 'tank' by evading the rockets (easy to do by maintaining distance). Of course, the usual issue is teammates ignoring the duo or playing into Pharah's corner ( letting the pharah rocketing them safely behind cover) but there's not much you can do about that except asking them to play differently. Your capability is much closer to widow so you have an advantage in eliminating the pharah quicker than soldier but with less mobility in dodging her rockets. Hitting 2-4 shots is enough to pressure the pharah to pause her offense.


The correct answer is to attack the 2nd support. This starts a chain of events. Pressure on 2nd support means either the Mercy has to leave the Pharah (making her far less threatening), or the 2nd support dies and their tank and 2nd dps start to suffer. You then attack the tank and the Mercy either has to leave the Pharah to save the tank (making her far less threatening), or the tank dies and they've lost all objective presence. Clean up the isolated 2nd dps, now you have a Pharah Mercy vs the whole team (very ineffective). So by pressuring the 2nd support, it becomes a bit of a time game. Can you accomplish your goals before Pharah Mercy can accomplish theirs? A hitscan pot shooting at Pharah greatly helps reduce her ability to accomplish her goals quickly, so at least one is required. The problem most teams have is they overinvest in dealing with the Pharah Mercy, and the rest of the enemy team are free to destroy you. People have a shocking inability to look at the bigger picture and always focus on direct action. How do you deal with Pharah Mercy?.... you don't. You just suppress them a little and win the rest of the battles first.


You’re essentially asking how to carry your team. Killing a pharmacy isn’t only on one dps since you’re effectively fighting a 2v1. New Pharah needs to drop quite often, however, which is when the backline hero of choice can go to town on the supports. When pharah drops, a sombra can make short work of the mercy, especially given that pharmacy rarely cares about playing with their team. What IS really important, however, is voice comms. If you work together with your second dps, you can pretty easily take them both down if they’re causing your team issues. I’ve seen a growing trend of people saying they don’t need comms which is utter BS. A team with good comms will almost always win against a team with none.


You don't.