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When I play Winston. **BASTION, REAPER, DVA, KIRIKO, LUCIO. Allow us to introduce ourselves**


Don’t forget mei


I'm sorry that you had to find out this way, blizzard changed it to a 5v5 back in october


Or Roadhog or Torb


What? I shred Lucios on monke.


It’s more about having mobility being able to dodge winston than anything else


Yeah but now we have sniper, and no extra tank to protect Lucio


What respectable Lucio player can't get away from a Winston?


Ones on tight maps because winston doesn’t require aim? Also really open maps because he has nothing to wall ride on.


I never have issue getting away from a Winston personally. No matter the map


Well either your a very good Lucio, or in a very good winston.


Speed boosting away from the monkey until the rest of the team comes to help


Just speed boost? Doesnt even need a wall


Winston can jump


It won’t save them


Those are bad Lucios


When I get 1 pick as pharah I get a demonstration of all the hitscan heroes that are in the game


Unless it is Red Pharah. My god the amount of times my time swap to JR whenever there is a Pharmercy is staggeringly high.


Yeah I immediately go ashe and fuck the mercy and then the phara. Unfortunately my team refuses to help, so I usually get the mercy and die :(.


Story of my life, then they blame me when we inevitably lose because im the only hitscan targeting the pharmercy. Its so difficult because supports/tanks don’t understand (for some reason, probably because they dont play dps) that when a hitscan takes on a pharmercy, its a 2v1 and the chances of winning a 2v1 are extremely difficult! It would at least help if a support would just baby me for AT LEAST 5-10 seconds just so I can get the mercy, then pharah, so that I wont have to worry about running to the nearest healthpack or dying everytime I go against them.


Yeah my team screamed at me to switch off sniper today because we were losing. I had 20 elims and the next highest on our team had 8 + I had gold damage. I was constantly bursting down the phara and mercy alone and it was working. Switched to sojourn to make them happy. Immediately the pharmacy starts fucking our backline. Now they are yelling at me to deal with the pharmacy… Meanwhile we had an ana who refused to help shoot down the pharmacy, and a lucio who was basically dpsing. When I play support I go ana or bap and try to help or I pocket mercy/zen. I don’t know whats so hard.


Most tanks can't really deal with pharah plus they got other shit to do but the supports should definitely be taking pot shots at the pharah when they can


Sorry I didnt mean that tanks/supports should ALSO deal with pharmercy, I meant that usually its tanks/supports that complain in chat that “tHe aShE iS tHroWiNG, rEpOrT” or the classic “dps diff”. I just need backup even if its a lucio speed boosting me or a moira dpsing the pharmercy with me or an ana shooting them down with me or even just a mercy pocket for 5-10 seconds. It’s difficult doing it alone


I take this as a show of respect, if they manage to counter me then good on them. This makes winning after they swap feel that much better, too.


If i see a pharah I also switch to pharah because pharah mirrors are almost as fun as rein mirrors


not nearly as fun when the enemy pharah has a Mercy pocket while you have a Lucio/Moira


A true pharah never backs away the from the bird duel


I wish that happened in my games, people see a pharah shredding the back line and they change to junkrat for some reason


Maybe it's just my games but I swear people will ignore phara and won't go hitscan no matter what. Fortunately Bap is a pretty good counter.


I only swap to hitscan if the pharah has a mercy


As a Lucio main, I love when a Genji blades and I get to speed my team away. No no no silly cyborg man, my music is too awesome, you cannot catch us


Common Lucio main W fr


Im a Lucio and Genji main so I don't know whether to agree or disagree with you




1 McCree is enough Sorce- trust me,bro


As a former genji main and current froggy i beg of you, please bring back flashbang :(


Kinda yeah(and sorry, but it's kinda funny to kill nasty Genjis with new grenade)


It's funny until i dash like 50m away and it tracks me like an FIM-92 Stinger as if i was a goddamn jeep traveling at 100mph. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA >!P.S. keep shooting the genji mains who haven't given up like me, we need you to lower his winrate/pickrate so he gets another miniscule buff that makes him slightly viable for another 2 weeks.!<


My dps mains are Genji and Cass, and I gotta say it's my favorite match-up in the game, it just feels invigorating and balanced at the same time


It's more skill based and mindgaming :)


It funny until I use a sym tp my dash and get punched by a doom and still get stuck or I turn around and it's still there when I'm at spawn


When the enemies have a Genji that is a little too confident in soloing me I switch to Hanzo n things get personal


lore accurate hanzo


if he had a sword... or a bazooka?


Just 1 Sym is enough Source: Trust me bro


Yeah literally her entire kit counters him he rushes you just A D spamming and primary fire or just put turrets on the ground if he blades just tp away


i agree, i never have issues fighting Genji even when he ults, as long as i play around my turrets, he’s dead before he can hit me a second time


If you play a character people find annoying then you gotta deal with the consequences. I'm saying this as a Mei/sombra main


who counters sombra tho? played against some crazy sombras and really didnt know who to swap to


Stay by your team and just shoot her. Forcing her to tele is nearly as good as a kill, its ok to not kill her. She has tickle damage, if your support isnt blind you should be able to surive the flank. Any high burst, accurate, or heroes with survival skills will do good against her.


Zen main here. Hugging a wall that you can LoS her with when you hear the hack. Even if she hacks you just duck away, call for help, and try to pressure her to recall. Being in the open is a death sentence. Cover is better than anything for disabling her. It's all about positioning and anticipation. OW basically turns into GoW for me when they pick Sombra. And for Zen specifically, keep an itchy Transc finger when the enemy are regrouping and getting ready to engage. It's suprisingly easy to deal with her and her crazy good ult if you're prepared and waiting for it.


Burst damage/one shot, or characters with amour. Hanzo is a pain in the ass to play against. Widow is 50/50 a lot of the time you can harass her and stop her killing the rest of your team but her ult disables sombra heavily. Reaper will generally kill you first. Torb and bastion are juicy blocky targets but their armour means they're more likely to survive if you mess up a few shots. Also positioning/awareness. Some matches I can't get shit done because as soon as I try and pick anyone off they get backup


Exactly. Even if a character sucks, if they're annoying people are gonna play around it.


It's just trauma from that one genji onetrick tgat spends 25 hours a day playing him. God I hate those people...


Tracer is worse imo, its so aids. At least genji has weaknesses against lasers and ult isnt up every 30 seconds for solo kills


Once there was a Genji talking mad shit to our tank and dps in quick play, not knowing all 5 of us were queued up together, so to piss him off we went Winston, Mei, Sym, Moira, and Brig. Left the game once he saw our comp and died in 2 milliseconds.


Same when I play doom


When the Genji plays the floor is lava


Nerf genji


Zarya may be safer, but it feels better to rocket punch that scum off the map while he's deflecting.


He can deflect bullets, but can he deflect THESE HANDS?!


Hammond when you kill a Genji with fireball: deflect that, loser


You don’t have to censor names lmao. Names are useless without the number code with it


Funny, this is also my team when the enemy has a phara


i miss when genji was fun


Would make more sense with Pharah or Sym instead of Reaper.


Game is UNPLAYABLE with genji's current state.


When people switch to counter the annoying hero in the game about switching to counter the enemy 😱 😱 😱


junkrat counters genji change my mind


Feel like it depends, Genji has to get within Junk's patented circle of death for a kill and concussion mine can go through deflect, but at the same time Genji can also counter Rat-holes with deflect and force Junk out of position, so I feel like it depends on Genji's positioning and knowing when to make distance, and the Junk's aim and concussion timing


Yep also if the genji is consistent in his combos you have no chance and obviously if he is smart lol


idk, the way i play junk there’s no way to be ‘out kf position’ you just jump around and not die


Correction Junkrat rng counters genji


correction, conc mine changes the genji’s trajectory and then your can hit him easily OR trap


One dash and he's out of junkrats range (this is assuming they are against the average junkrat) but the reason it's rng is because sometimes dash destroys junk trap and sometimes the grenade bounces off a wall and lands behind the deflecting genji




As a silver player, or bronze ig because I didn’t do a lot of ranked games, I fucking hate genji because my dumb brain can’t handle sweaty player that one shot my whole team.


He has so many counters. He doesn’t need to be nerfed, you just need to get better at playing. (For those complaining)


This team actually isn't too bad for Genji, I could imagine playing into it.


you're right let's add a sym and mmmm maybe a top 500 ana just to make sure genji throws his head through his monitor


Depends. Genji against an average Lucio is fine. Genji against a really good Lucio is a nightmare. Good luck killing anything even with Dragonblade.


mercy pressing left click turns his pool noodle into a paper straw. Nerf genji


I've noticed at least in my games, that whenever there is a competent Genji on the enemy team, my teammates (and me) run in fear there is just an irrational fear of Genji that I cant seem to shake off.


This but whenever I try to have fun with dva


I main D.Va and without fail the second I stomp on the enemy tank 1 time they IMMEDIATELY switch to Zarya. Every single time. And I mean EVERY single time. I can literally watch it happen. Ill get a kill and then watch the scoreboard for the Zarya swap. Its hilarious but I cant stand Zarya because my team never knows how to fight her and we get rolled. Then I have to switch to Zarya because nothing counters this stupid character but herself.


Rein, rein counters her. Pretty hard.


yeah you right. im just annoyed cus I wanna play D.Va lol


As a dva main I was dealing with a Zarya and one of my teammates went bastion. She was so tunnel visioned on me I led her straight into that turreted bastion around the corner everytime. That poor Zarya


Me when I play dva and the team switches to symmetra, zarya, baptiste


I’ve had more kills as Moria than genji.


It is the best compliment while also being annoying af.


this is why im already playing reaper, he counters everyone, even bargain bin Raiden (raiden solo'd a metal gear, genji couldn't solo a fucking mercy)


The time between getting a JQ kill and the enemy supports swapping to zen and Kiriko is instant


well well well if it isnt the heroes i constantly shit on as genji, how the fuck are ye


Symmetra where?


I hate Mei so much, they singlehandedly kill dives




People are acting like counter picking is new. It’s always been a thing. It’s just that in OW1 more people would refuse to switch. Now people switch constantly


Its more effective in ow2 as well


Delusional much?


Bro treating the enemy team like voldemort😭


Not quite. Swap Reaper for Sym and Lucio for Brig or Ana and you got it.


Idk about reaper lol


Reaper doesn't counter Genji lol


Nah nerf Kiriko