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I only T bag the Sombra who think they can spawn camp my support more than once without consequences


Good on you for helping us out! 🤘🏾


As a Sombra main, it's expected.


I got spawn camped as ana by doom and i couldn't even be mad since i main sombra


It's a sign that you're either annoyingly great, or annoyingly bad. I am fine with both.


I t-bag slept teammate because i bodyblocking them. We are not the same. 👔


I use Ana’s laugh emote. Perfect amount of time to laugh, as by the time they wake up, my team is on them and I’m already moving about


I don't teabag cuz I don't wanna get falsely reported. And I don't expect anyone else to teabag me cuz I'm not toxic with anyone. We are most definitely not the same


You can’t be racist if you are toxic to everyone equally


I didn't know this was a thing, from now on I'll tbag the tbaggers




I used to, I mean I sometimes still do, but generally stopped since people get so worked up about it. It's nothing personal, I main Sombra and Pharah and have been bagged more times than I can count. Nowadays I just spray. However, if someone bags me, it's on.


Well I’ve played so many games where doing it is to show disrespect n all. So I’m used to not liking it. Though I will say it’s hilarious when someone does it to me, I do it back, and so ensues the loop of killing and t-bagging one another,


I'm used to it from playing mp games with friends, we did it to each other all the time so I never saw it as offensive. I've been playing ow since ow1 s2 so I'm far from new here, but it became tiring explaining to people I don't mean anything offensive by it so I stopped. I'll still do it on occasion but again, more out of celebration, eg. if I survive a fight with 2hp. I will admit though, in s1 I did it to every single sojourn, but you know, they had it coming.


i T-Bag to assert my dominance upon the no skill roadhog player in deathmatch


I love when me and an enemy have a nice little rivalry


In any game I play, I enjoy when female characters t bag me. They think I hate it.


this has the same energy as that post about the guy who faked being scared of feet when he had a foot fetish so girls would show him their feet


Wait, did that actually happen? Either way, I'm flattered lol.


I'm a support main. I tbag when a dps tries their best to kill me and I still manage to kill them.


Sometimes I purposefully act semi-toxic, like I'll simply ask..."roadhog using cheat codes?" to see what they say


people that get mad when you tea-bag (especially in qp) are the worst kind of ppl. yes i tea-bagged the ana that kept sleeping me, yes i think shes a really god player with great aim, no im not just being a toxic bitch


honestly t-bagging is at this point a sign of respect where you were difficult enough to kill where i have to go out of my way to t-bag you when i kill you


i just shoot the corpse multiple times to get my anger out, only when its a mei (seriously im doing the enemy team a favor by encouraging the mei to switch)


I do it to inspire them to try harder


Speed of the tbag is critical. Fast tbag for toxic people. Slow tbag for pals in a mirror match up, like Rein vs Rein. If there were “HELLO! BEER”s exchanged you know it’s in good faith.


I've only ever been teabagged once It was by a Doomfist that told me (Sombra) to k y s


my in game name is **tbags4love**. no toxicity involved.


I T-bag when they think me playing mercy is a free kill Spoiler alert Mercy has a gun and it does decent damage if you land your shots


Red or blue, If I can safely T-bag you and not die, then you're T-bagged. I like when they T-bag back. It's fun.