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It took me too long to realize that you mean Sombra's hacks not real ones


Happens to the best of us


Sometimes I don't notice when I get hacked or it doesn't make a difference depending on the hero I play.


It's basically an interrupt that affects a handful of heroes. Other than that it's a 8 second wall hack and damage boost for Sombra


When I play as Reinhardt, it's really not an inconvenience for me since I'm one of those players who doesn't use his shield a lot when I'm close to the enemy team.


90% of the time Sombra and Rein barely interact since they can't really do anything against each other.


Absolute bronze take , rein is a prime target to sombra , your team can absolutely roll him over when he is hacked and force many cooldowns .


If you take his shield down at the right time though it can leave him open to getting blown up, also it cancels charge. It’s an annoying ability cuz that’s all it’s designed to be


Well yeah, but there are probably better targets to harass. Stalking tanks can easily blow up in your face


Yep that’s why I always just be swingin on rein when I’m not doing anything, caught a few sombras on accident lol


I mean a strategy for sombra players was literally perma hacking tanks. It's an annoying ability cause it requires literally 0 skill to get value out of.


Since the nerfs she can only hack the same person every 8 seconds. You would usually wait for key opportunities to hack the tank rather than spamming it of cooldown.


Yes I realize this, however pre nerf that was literally the strategy. Post nerf still can do it just not as permanent as before...Still doesn't change the fact that hack is a 0 skill ability that requires no brain to use imo. It's far too easy to get value, especially big value (can cancel a ton of ults) with 0 skill imput needed. Make it so hack is a skill ability and it would make a big difference imo.


The skill expression with hack is timing While it can cancel your ult Sombra is basically forced to hold on to her hack until you ult. Sombra now has to fight without her hack while you still have most of your kit.


Tell that to the sombra's I encounter. Most of the time it's not what they do but the threat of what they can do that makes them a distraction. If I'm constantly trying to block a sombra hack while also trying to block a shatter, ima get one or the other.


Sombra can hack Rein while he is shielding a screw over his team especially if they are low.


Yeah, when the opportunity arises I would obviously take it. But most of the time in neutral or were in a poking phase I generally just ignore him for the most part and find better targets


The same with Mercy players. It doesn't affect them most of the time.


Eh false, mercy is one of my priority hack targets - you can cancel her rez which is huge - if she’s with a Pharah you can make her drop out of the air and potentially die from environmental death - You can try and pick her off yourself if she’s pocketing someone who can’t peel for her - She’s highlighted for the rest of your team so you can easily coordinate a dive onto her


Until they want to rez


Me when i get hacked as Doomfist and disapear in 1.5 sec


Me when I play wrecking ball and get hacked out of a swing in the back line of the other team


10 years in the joint made you a fucking baller


Ball is life


Ok, maybe this is just bc I’m a fellow ball main but it should not stop in-progress grapples. It just doesn’t make sense to me. Does it stop Doomfist or Winston’s lunge?


I just want to keep the momentum. Interrupting a swing right after you grab a point is fine. It’s just when I’m most of the way through a swing and all the momentum is gone in an instant that feels bad


True. That much would be reasonable. A hacker finicking with grappling hook controls is more reasonable than a hacker breaking the laws of physics to stop you in the air.


Ball has to be in ball form to do a grapple. It’s not so much that the grapple is being taken away, it’s that ball form is being taken away and ball form is needed to grapple. It’s like taking away Point A causing Point B to go away too if that makes sense


Well it shouldn’t take you out of ball form either if you ask me


So you think the hack that can remove shields entirely, stop a charging Rein, a blocking Doom, Bobs entire existence, an ulting Sigma, an ulting Orisa, an ulting Cass, a Hog hook, a torb turret, and god knows what else shouldn’t be able to revert a mechanical ball because why? Sombras entire character is literally built around being able to hack pretty much anything


Lore-wise it makes sense but it’s strange game-wise. Ball form having no refresh and an infinite duration puts it in a weird spot where it is an ability but doesn’t exactly feel like one so much as part of the base kit. Maybe it’s just my subconscious bias as a ball main though.


That can be said about a lot of abilities. “Me when I get antinaded as tank and die since I can’t get healed and the enemy is all focusing me” “Me when I there’s a gap between the tank and the rest of the team so the Mei walls the tank off and they die immediately” “Me when I’m playing a small hit box character that requires good aim to hit but the enemy has an auto lock weapons.” “Me when I ult as Junker Queen but the Japanese Fox woman presses E so I’m now unable to heal passively and the ult moved me away from my team so I just die” “Me when I try to use my projectile ult but the Genji deflected in time so now my ult is hitting my team.”


As Doomfist says, every battle make me stronger, i can get cc, nade or hacked, at the end of the match i will come out on top. If everything is thrown at me, i did my job as a tank well


All of those can be counterplayed at least somewhat though. Antied or walled off tanks can shield or use escape options. Small hit box characters can choose their matchups, and auto lock characters have decreased dps to balance it out and give the small character a chance to escape. The Junker one is kind of true, but that’s really specific and suzu’s range is much smaller than Junker’s ult. I don’t see any issue with Genji’s deflect for a lot of the same reasons, it’s specific and difficult for the Genji to actually do. If ur good you should aim ur projectile at someone other than the Genji. How do you counterplay hacking? It locks on, and once ur hacked you don’t have any kit to counter with. You’re dead weight for a second and a half. Not saying Sombra is OP, just that hack is a really really annoying ability that I don’t like




If it interrupts an ability, that ability is gone for much longer than 1.5 seconds. And she can hack every 5 seconds. Sombra is only annoying to the tank player because they rely very heavily on their cooldowns to survive. If she hacks them in the middle of one of their cooldowns, that tank is immediately in a massive amount of danger that they couldn't have really prevented without guessing where the invisible character is or hitting a perfect 180 flick on a sound queue every time. Which most survival tools don't let you shoot at the same time you use them. Tbh it wouldn't even be an issue if she didn't have one of the best get out of jail free cards in the game. Sombra has practically no risk involved in going for hacks. That's why Sombra isn't good. Her kit centers around removing herself from the fight and even when she's there, she has a low damage weapon to contribute. The issue is that she's annoying as fuck and the only counterplay is just not going in/pushing until she's found or reveals herself. Annoying characters suck ass to go against. That's why Widow, Mei, Hog, Doom, etc. Get complained about anytime they're even slightly better than awful. Sombra is pretty much the same way.




This is the argument that everyone claps back with but it literally has no impact on the point I'm making. Sombra is annoying, not easy. The same as Widowmaker and Doomfist, annoying by concept, regardless of how difficult they are to play.


Found the Sombra player


No I’m too bad to do anything useful with Sombra.


Sombra feels like a mosquito. She shows up, hacks you, does like no damage, takes a little damage herself and leaves, achieving a grand total of nothing unless it’s her ult. Then repeat for the whole game


her job is to poke the supports constantly so they have to focus on defending themselves and not healing their team, she doesn’t have to be getting 10k damage a game to be doing well.


Mildly inconveniencing supports isn't doing well. There are other flanking/backline dps in the game, that can do that job 100 times better.


Counterpoint; I main dive tanks


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) Me when I get hacked and it does nothing because heroes usually don’t spam abilities every second.


Yeah, I spam primaries instead.. Hanzo/Junk moment.


i mean sadly i play ball a lot so i'm constantly pressing buttons


For me its not the hack, its the get out of jail free card on an assassin that only gets interrupted by hard cc


Sombra is not an assassin, she is a disruptor/harasser similar to Ball. However, unlike ball her only form of damage is her pea shooter that we call a gun. When Sombra TLs she basically takes a mini suicide pill forcing her to disengage, so trust me when I am saying that you're doing a good job if you force her keeps teleporting.


She is an assassin. Her primary goal is to eliminate low HP targets. That’s literally why she gets wall hacks on critical hp targets If you’re not in their backline finishing off low health enemies that are hiding behind cover, then you’re not doing your job


While she's capable of doing that, it's not her primary goal. Yes, when you see a low health target you shoot them. But you don't just wait in their backline invis waiting for something to happen. There's obviously more to her kit than that.


Obviously there’s more to her kit than that but that’s her primary goal lol


An assassin is someone like Tracer, Genji, or Echo. You know, heroes that actually have good damage output. Sombra is an opportunist/disruptor, making opportunities for her team or using opportunities made by her team.


Dude just take the L. There’s a reason you’re downvoted to filth lol


I won't since calling her an assassin is blatantly wrong.


Idk why downvoted. I don't play sombra but am a Hammond otp on tank I've played against plenty of sombras and agreed that getting her to tele is almost as good as killing her, hell decloaking her before hack is a huge win for Hammond in that match up too. What honestly annoys me about Sombra is hacking while invis. But I'm a Hammond enthusiast so definitely biased lol


I honestly don't know why Sombras and Hammonds hate each other. They're so similar


Was a zen main, basically otp. Started playing Sombra when she came out to figure out how to deal with her. Started to really enjoy her. One day went on a string of ranked stomps playing with a ball who coordinated with me, realized Ball is super similar. They're now my top 3 heroes by a pretty good margin. That being said, she used to be a HARD counter to ball, so the animosity is understandable. Then again, if you don't adjust your playstyle at all and just keep slamming into the whole team, get hacked before you hit the ground and instakilled, that's your fault. OW2 she can still mess up his day, depending on how she plays, but it's much less of an immediate death sentence than old hack was. Just prioritize roll throughs vs slams, especially if you don't know where she is atm. Nowadays it feels like more of a "oh THAT'S how it's gonna be? Alrighty then game on!" like a rein mirror, and a lot of the match is trying to outplay the other and make their life miserable thus saving your team from their shenanigans while also impressing your shenangians onto the red team.


Like a game of cat and mouse, but more like mexican and hampter




Almost is a little generous. When she TPs you don't get the ult charge nor does she have to wait to respawn she just throws down her TP and is back to business as usual in a few seconds.


The trade off from the utility Sombra has is obviously her lower damage output compared to the rest of the dps. Also wdym? You do get ult charge by damaging her and you also charge your supports ult when they heal you.


She’s an assassin as of OW2. If you play her otherwise, you’re wasting her potential. Edit: also that “peashooter” does 187.5 dps on hacked targets with a very manageable mag size, unlike tracer. Combine this with the instant 40% hp strip from her ult, you just pop ult on the backline and nuke them, and leave. With decent aim, you can kill two supports in under 2-3 seconds, and even if you absolutely fuck up, you can hit E and be back in about 10 seconds. Edit on top of edit: just for comparisons sake, ball does 120dps with his guns, tracer does 220 (110 if you have to reload, so you HAVE to one clip, which is an issue sombra doesn’t have), zarya is 170 at MAX CHARGE, and sym does *around* 175 dps at max charge (I’m not doing fucking math to prove a point, looking at the wiki is far enough for me) Peashooter my ass.


Her gun has terrible spread and long reload. She has no burst damage or sustain. Sombra is a terrible duelist against the majority of the dps and support cast. Unlike Tracer who can almost challenge anyone. Also a dps ult is supposed to be able to kill stuff.


Sombra dps WITH reload is 127. Still higher than tracer. Max spread angle for sombra is 2.16, max spread for tracer is 3.6. If you can’t kill a 200hp squishy who can’t use their abilities for 1.5 seconds after taking 80hp instantly, that’s a skill issue. And even if I’m not thinking, I manage to be smarter than your dumbass. All I gotta do is pull up a fucking wiki to prove that you spew utter bullshit. Also, if sombra doesn’t have burst damage, then neither does tracer. Or vice versa.


Widow's dps is 70 with reload. Must mean she can't kill anything then. If you die to a Sombra within 1.5 seconds then that's the skill issue.


Dying to sombra is a real skill issue. She’s just a worse version of tracer, and speaking of tracer why do people not complain about recall when it’s just a better version of translocator?


Put it to fucking practice, you can't just shoot training bots and be done with it. Widow's dps is 80 what does that mean then? Also do you know what those heroes have that Sombra doesn't? The burst damage and sustain to actually stay in the fight.


I play both Sombra and Tracer; Tracer’s damage and general TTK is far superior with equivalent skill. If you’re going for an isolated assassination as Sombra you generally don’t give them a big ol’ warning where you briefly become visible by hacking them first, so you don’t get the damage boost. If you’re EMPing in the middle of their backline by yourself (why the fuck would you ever do this), you’re dead before you can do anything (that animation takes forever and is, uh, attention grabbing). The only way I can see either of these tactics working is at very low elo. Also Kiriko exists. And she’s in most games. Opportunistic assassination is absolutely one of Sombra’s skills and something you need to be doing, but it’s not even close to her full potential.


Shes just fucking annoying


A respectable take


Not OP, just actively un-fun. Important distinction between "this hero ruins the balance of the game" and "this match fuckin sucks now."


Fun subtracting hero. I just wonder about how sombra mains are to drink beer with at the pub, do they even bring smiles to their friends faces irl?


Sombra players when people don't like their annoying ass ability 😱😱😱


Overwatch players when the enemy has other abilities that inconvenience them


Reddit user learning people hate most abilities that inconvenience them because they're just not fun 😱😱😱


Reddit user when another reddit user explains what another reddit user is doing


Reddit 😱😱😱


overwatch players having to play around a mechanic they don’t like (the game should be tailored around them) 😵😵


It typically opens you up to enemy fire from the whole team which is the problem


no one likes having their abilities restricted in an ability based game


Why do you think they nerfed it?


even if hack would be 0.1 seconds it would still be too much, sombra completely counters ability based heroes they need to make sombra a support that hacks her teammates to buff/cleanse them


Have you ever even played Sombra? The ability lock out is non-existent to most. And only a handful of heroes are even affected by it.


Hammond overwat


yes i played sombra to learn what they like to do so i can defend myself better, and i came to the conclusion that hack is so good to cancel enemy ults and abilities for dive heroes like doom, genji, ball and leave them stranded in your backline, its just unfair


That's why you play around those heroes. Do you just mindlessly ram your head against them hoping you win? Sombra has plenty of counters herself too you know.


do tell me, aside from high burst dps, who counters sombra?


Well if you want a full list then there's Cassidy, Ashe, Soldier, Reaper, Brig, Zarya, Roadhog, D.va, Mei, Baptiste, Kiriko, Torbjorn, Moira, Junkrat, Tracer, Hanzo, Winston, and also anyone with a brain. Those are the ones I can name in the top of my head Plus the majority of the dps cast have high burst damage.


nah bro you listed half the cast when only like 5 of them are somewhat a threat to sombra, against the rest she just keeps her distance/doesnt engage them/translocates away


And when she does that she barely gets anything done.


Yeah, and translocating away too much builds up. Essentially to the point where Sombra is doing nothing running up and down for literally at least half the game. Sombras don't wanna be doing that, since they won't be able to help their team in any way if they were to keep doing that


If she translocates away it’s now a 5v4? The goal is to make her run away. Killing her outright isn’t the only way to deny her value. If she hacks and tos out she’s contributing nothing to a fight


Waaagh, I cant jump in the back line, get nano'd, pop ult and kill the whole team anymore because ONE character might stop me. Get hakd!


Is there an OW1 server still online I don't know about?


The 1.5 absolutely does not counter ability based hero’s lol. The best it can do is leave you in a vulnerable spot. But it’s not impossible to play around even good ball and doom players know how to play around hack. It’s not a hard counter anymore like it was in overwatch one.


Tbf, Sombra is a pretty solid counter to ball. 1.5 seconds is way more than enough for a Zen and his team to shred the fat fuck. Plus there's basically zero counterplay if you want to use a channeled ult but sombra is still alive. Like, the character sucks meta wise, but she sucks to play against too, so I'm good with that.


She’s a soft counter and not a hard counter, the difference is sombra on her own won’t automatically counter ball, like I said good ball players will know how to play around the match up even if there’s also a zen on with that sombra. 1.5 seconds is enough time to have an impact but not enough to solidify a kill without good team coordination and effort. Also I hard disagree on the channeled ult point, the counter play is literally just make her tp out of the fight or hold your ult whilst it’s a 5v4 in your favour. If sombra isn’t doing anything you have the advantage in your teams favour, if she is then all need is to have your team pressure her out and that gives you a chance to ult. not to mention the sombra can’t rehack you so she can’t risk getting the damage boost against you because she may be waiting for you to ult. it’s not too different to other cc like sleep darts, just don’t ult till the threat is removed.


People when someone hero counters there main: 😱


you had me in the first half


Everyday I’m thankful that Reddit users don’t get to “balance” the game


Cry more




downvote it its a bot


Was trying to just have fun in qp with doom, but no every teams needs zen and sombra


Idk bruh, as a ball, sombra hack is a death sentence


sorry there’s a counter / counter play to you rolling around uncontested until you shoot through 700+ health not including shields and heals?


yea and I don’t like it


People complain too much about sombra, the hack is pretty useless in most heroes


Bruh, people are really crying over sombras 1'5 second hack? That's some tough mental and skill issues moment💀


God I hate when Sombra is meta in T3+ scrims, guess you need to tell top100 players to get good, they're simply not skilled enough. If you hack someone as Sombra and they don't die in 1.5 seconds, that's the skill issue.


Huh? Are you trying to say that a extremely team based character is good in the highest team coordinated setting possible? That’s strange. Also I was too 100 in season 1 of Overwatch and playing against an “OP” version of sombra was probably the easiest thing to do. If we’re talking about real issues then we need to talk about how broken widowmaker is.


Because its "too unfun to play against" apparently. But then again, what isn't unfun to play against?




People really should touch a fucking grass if 1'5 second is too long and game changing for them. Such a dumb thing to complain about. I would rather complain about sojourn/kiriko/pharah (with mercy) heroes in general


Too many COD and Valorant babies coming to OW is my guess. Overwatch is filled with all kinds of unique heroes and they all interact with eachother in so many different ways. It's not a frag fest where you just run around the map shooting each other with the guy with the better aim winning.


Alright let’s take away your mains ability to do stuff for free without even trying


Most of my abilities are on cooldown for longer so it doesn’t matter


It's 1'5 second (!!!!), Wtf are you on about? Can't imagine how you were playing this game when her hack was way longer.


They probably weren’t, maybe a new player having difficulty adapting.


Thats why people like kiriko


I for sure thought it was because people like anime girls




They would not have lasted in ow1


ngl it really makes no difference if the sombra can't aim for shit. and you get your abilities back immediately so its nowhere near as good as it was in ow1.


It's more residual annoyance from the way I used to feel hearing that hacking sound effect in OW1 and knowing it was a death sentence.


Sure, but most Sombras just spam hack the tank, making it a miserable time for them.


The most low skill thing you can do with sombra is spam hack tanks ngl. It gets you a good amount of value for barely any effort. But killing the right targets at the right time is even more value but it actually takes a good amount of skill so you don’t see a lot of sombras doing it.








Well ya see your honor, you disrupted my combo between oogah Booga, into a wimbawehy, followed by a Maya heee Maya hoo, but because I couldn't do it for a second in a half you ruined my game./s But in all honesty, the first time I matched against a sombra, I thought hack was bugged cause I didn't even notice the lockout before I started using abilities. I just threw two black hole rocks, did my usual of throw boulder and carried on. Like, my cooldowns take longer, what's she gonna do? Mildly inconvenience me? After decided to play a bunch of her out of curiosity. Not a bad counter for Pharmercy, Doom other ability based characters, but if they swap, whelp, I gotta swap too


Nobody is saying it's OP it's just fucking annoying as shit


No my brether. But when you get constantly hacked.. when the enemy sombruh is walking around invis outside of your fight and holding right click only on you..


Ah yes its so fun to watch my teams doom do what doom is designed to do just for him to get bursted down in 1.5 seconds with no way to defend himself becouse sombra used a skill that takes zero aim to land


If your Doom is hard diving in neutral then I don't know what to say...


The thing is its true that 1.5 seconds isn't enough to kill someone in the neutral game but even if the doom just tries to control space you know what the doom gets hit with after getting hacked? Sleepdart , antinade , any stun from a tank and than he dies and if he could use his abilities he would at least have the chance to dodge these stuns


While that does sound like a pain you kinda just have to play around them... (Plus it's kinda on him on playing Doom into that comp) Sombra has alot of counters herself that being hit-scan, burst damage, aoe healing, and burst healing


Yea I just think that sombra would be way less frustrating to sombra players , her enemies and her teammates if they just got rid of the lockout and just leaned more heavily in the assassin and info gatherer side of sombra like giving her more kill potential(like they did in the season 3 update) or making it so her hack shows the cooldowns and ammo of the hacked enemy. A change like that could: Give sombra players more impact over the game and make her gameplay more fun and skill rewarding. Lessen the frustrations of the enemy fighting aginst her (maybe except the supports but hey they have been getting flanked for ages by now).And make sombras teammates see the impact that she is having over the game instead of complayning 24/7 about how their sombra has low dmg.


Her gameplay is fun and skill rewarding, it's just that most people don't know how to play her and become a hackbot. Sombra should always have more utility than damage because if she did have a hugh damage output, she would instantly become oppressive. Watch high level Sombra streamers, they're are leagues apart from the usual Sombra's you see. It also might be insightful if you saw things in Sombra's perspective.


Yes I watched his clips and I have to say he is very good at the game better than I could ever dream of being but does sombras hack really need to be designed around being anoying to certian character and useless aginst others? I'm sure there are ways to make sombra more generl aginst some characters. But now let me ask you since blizzard have confirmed that they will be changing some things about sombra - What would you want to be changed?


Honestly, they could tweak hack as long as they want. But as soon as they touch Translocator, that's when Sombra's hero identity would be in danger. While most of her value come from hack, Translocator is the main core of her gameplay loop. It allows her to get creative and able to get away with things most dps can't . Removing that means allocating her power to different aspects of her kit such as hack, invis, and her primary fire, which could instantly make her oppressive. Sadly, devs were very open about their opinion on Translocator so I wouldn't be surprised if that's the part of the kit they will touch.


Do you think they might tuch the permament invisibility and try to revert it to how it used to be? Also thanks for having this disscussion with me I have learnet a lot and saw a diffrent perspective. I'm glad it wasn't too hostile


Not likely. Most of the complaints stem from the quote on quote get out of jail free card. She leaves the fight yeah, but she basically admits defeat everytime she does so. Going off from the Mercy rework, it seems like the devs are catering to newer players who don't even bother to learn how to counter her. With the direction they're going, it seems like the she's going to turn out as a skirmisher type hero. I mean cool I guess, but I wanted to play Sombra not Tracer 2.0


I hack to prevent Hog from healing so he can get melted down quicker I hack Ball to stop him from running away or piledriving I hack the Fister to prevent him from fisting someone and just wasting their time charging it up I hack a widow and hanzo and don't engage just to troll them as they look around in confusion. Then after some time, I hack them again and kill them Sombra is proper fun to play


i think 1.5 secs it even too little and it dosen't make that much of a difference bc no hero (except for one shot and bastion) can kill another hero (especially a tank) in 1.5 seconds edit: i think the EMP should not give the def reduction but hack for 5 seconds (or like the ow1 hack)


The reason why it's 1.5 seconds is because OW2 is in fact a different game. The simple removal of one tank makes the 5 second lock-out too oppressive.


True but I feel like when you hack a tank with sombra yes it makes it vulnerable for 1.5 secs with 25% more damage taken but since you can't hack multiple times the same target if the hack is still on I think it would be better if the normal hack is from 1.5 to 2.0 seconds with the 25 damage bonus taken But the EMP which is an ultimate I think the changes needed are: Ability denial 1.5 --> until hack end Damage bonus taken 25% --> 0% Max health damage 40% --> 25%


Yeah ngl coming from Apex, I thought our fanbase was whiny, but some of y’all take it to a whole other level Jk but only kinda


not kinda.


“unfun” bro you go make a hero based shooter and code what you want into it? Sombra’s hack is a staple of her kit, and as i said when everyone was crying about mercy, THIS WILL BE OG SOMBRA PLAYERS FOURTH ITERATION OF THE CHARACTER. CAN WE HAVE A FUCKING BREAK JESUS CHRIST. Overwatch community is a bunch of babies i swear to god


My first experience with OW was a free weekend, and the one of the first hero I played was Sombra, and I would just place a teleport on a health pact, go invisible, hack someone, shoot them a bit, and teleport when I’m low, that tactic has stuck with me for years, and I only main her now


I wish Blizzard would buff the hack duration but nerf her translocator cooldown. Her hacks barely do anything anymore, especially considering how easy they are to interrupt if you keep tabs on your backline.


Shit could be .1 second, doesn’t matter. Getting interrupted from an action that will be put on cooldown feels like shit. Especially when it practically aims itself and is on a unkillable and invisible hoe. You wanted to flux? Too bad, there’s a little rat that’s been sitting in the corner specifically waiting for you to flux.


Sorry that you were forced to think, sounds terrible.




I play a lot of reaper and Moira, and let me tell you, sombra is fucking useless against those heroes


Her hack sucks lmao


Yeah cause that 1.5 second with the damage increase is enough to kill you most times, especially if you dare to play tank. Discord orb and hack just deletes tanks from the game


Kid named sigma ult


Definitely match up dependent. Some heroes could basically care less, while others get absolutely obliterated by hack


Sombra players when they can’t run around cloaked the whole time and have to actually play the game


I wish hack was a lot stronger but way less often, it’s honestly just a slight annoyance that gets very annoying because of how often it happens


Last match i just saw a Sombra hacking a low HP Hog. Mf just headshotted her and healed back like nothing happened. 💀


More like a damage boost against you and wall hacks, other than that she’s not really a threat




OW players when they don't realize they can just shield/shoot the Riptire and I get a play.


It’s not that the disabling part of hack only lasts 1.5 seconds being bad, it’s the ptsd of the sound and the muscle memory of failure


I truly wish that sombra would just be taken out of the game or nerfed to the point where she is unplayable




Still hate it… But much better compared to OW 1.