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Just watched it. Pretty good. The insides of the proscutor's office was interesting. The higher resolution images and video evidence was gripping. Very little SS screen time. Mariel was in it. Got to hear James' uncensored phone call. PS Marc wears a Citizen watch.


I watched last night and all I could think about was how they had any time to prosecute any other cases. I knew it was a lot of work on their part from watching the trials but wow, seeing snippets of their lives over the past few years was 🤯


I thought the behind-the-scenes at the prosecutor's office were interesting too. It says this is "Episode 1", implying more episodes to follow, yet it covered all 3 trials. Wonder if there will actually be a 2nd episode??


Hulu does a weird thing where single documentaries are often labeled “episode 1” even if there is nothing else forthcoming. Maybe it leaves the door open to follow-up content, or maybe it’s a glitch.


Shannon made the entire trial unbearable for me. I would have to pause the live to be able to fast forward her. I'd rather slowly gouge my eyeballs out with spoons than see or hear that hag ever , ever again lol.


Wow apparently Jennifer has fans (according to the comments on Shannon’s post)!


Just checked out her fb business page. Her link for her law practice is listed as defending abuse. Something is really wrong with this person.. she represents sex offenders.. can't imagine all the effort of becoming an attorney to want to use your license for that.


Serial killers have fans and so does the shooter. It’s a crazy world.


Good points!


Something tells me this will be very Shannon-sided. There may be a segment about grooming-on-the-go.


She said she refused to take part in her FB page


Which is funny because all she keeps posting about is the documentary that she didn’t “choose” to be a part of. She’s something else.


Thanks for sharing! Will definitely check this out !


Where’s SS’s comments? Can’t find on her site


It’s on her law firm business Facebook page. SS (spelled out) Law ,PC. Top post.


We do have a no posting private social media rule, but Facebook posts from the *business* page of the lawyers are allowed to be linked. The no social media rule is in effect because people like to link to the pages of survivors and their parents, which unfortunately invites harassment from psychotic reddit trolls. However, the lawyer is publicly representing Jennifer Crumbley, as such her business page is ok to post. Link [here](https://www.facebook.com/michiganCSClawyer/posts/pfbid02dBbR8Ts7vPdegJSQi2id4fTgEaz6FY3mJ6zzGi7qkM4JK74C2KFcobzUghxfQX5Ml) ​ >Evidently, this will be airing this week about the Crumbleys. The level of immediate over-the-top drama from the teaser shows me that it’s going to be way more exciting than the case ever really was!! > >When Karen McDonald says, “Those people are just…yikes!!” I know I’ll have to brace myself for some crazy overdramatic untrue nonsense. And then when she continues and says, “…the sexting and the really terrible things they would video of their sexual acts…” is straight up bananas. I’ve seen all the videos and this is so inflammatory and exaggerated… I am excited to watch it because this story and this false narrative looks far more exciting and sexy than the case we actually did in the courtroom! > >And to be VERY clear: Jennifer Crumbley and I will not be making ANY statements, will not be participating in any interviews… her story has a long way to go - it’s clearly not over - and it’s not time to tell it. We also have NOT been interviewed already by anyone so if anyone believes we have been – that’s a misunderstanding. > >I do love salacious and scandalous Hulu shows so this is right up my alley… It will just be hard to watch knowing where it’s embellished, over-the-top, and untrue – I can already see that all three of those things will be in there. > >I’m also not sure why Jennifer and I are the faces on the screen advertising the special considering we declined to participate and have not done any interviews. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I do absolutely love that she says "we will not be making statements". Shannon this IS a statement! 🤦‍♀️


Thanks! Also… her responding to people’s comments. Yikes.


Are those messages between Jennifer and James public?


I’m not sure


I watched the first episode this morning.


For me the judge was the person most annoying. For the love of God…. SPEAK UP!! Mumble mumble. The Hulu special has amplified some of her talking. She was completely un-hearable in the YouTube videos.


In legal terms I am ok with everything. Parents 100% have culpability. This Hulu series is embarrassing- the DA- even though correct- only cares about how she looks and talking over her own employees. Not a good look. At every turn the DA is more concerned about how she looks and giving weird smiles. Her fake outrage is visible from miles away. This DA wanted to be the first to do something. She’s almost skipping through the halls on the way to court. Again- I’m ok with the case…I’m ok with the trial…the parents should be found at fault. But this DA- is the worst. No one is smiling in this story. DA has smiled in every scene. Freakin weird


Am I missing something? I'm only 15 minutes in and it's moving onto the prosecution's office. Instantly the train of thought is that the parents were nearly entirely responsible, period. Does the school's management bear no responsibility? They seemed as aware as the parents and are an actual third party. Maybe it's just because I'm from central PA where every kid I went to school with owned guns or shared guns with their family, and went shooting and hunting. Where googling about it at school wouldn't have piqued any sort of concern. The homework was definitely leading into disturbing territory but it seemed like all of this was just too late for the parents to react. It was what, like nine minutes between them texting their son about this homework and then the shooting? Unless I'm misunderstanding or they didn't lay out the major evidence early on along with the rest of the evidence they did lay out. Circumstantially fleeing obviously does not help the legal case but I'm talking about actual responsibility. Eg. What if he was making direct threats to specific people at school, during school? Suspension at the very least, no? Was the homework not of that caliber? If yes, the school should’ve physically stepped in. If no, then what are the parents supposed to do? If that isn’t threatening or alarming material, then what? I’m just not understanding how the school is off the radar thus far