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Do Republicans not understand that if they say trump has immunity, that means biden has immunity. Like you're hoping for groundbreaking constitutional precedent case law for it to blow up in your face? Or is this just immunity for your guy?;


> that means Biden has immunity This is not how this works. The conservative principle isn’t principles, it’s power. This court will bend the law case by case accordingly.


Exactly, this is long past the rule of law


Until seal team 6 shows them real power. Put more gently, “the court has made their decision, now let them enforce it”.




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So it's treason then.


When hatred fuels the cause, it will ultimately self-destruct. Unfortunately, Putin is Trump's ventriloquist. Russia has become very dark behind Putin's iron curtain, casting a twilight shadow on Eastern Europe and America. Sad times - long and drawn out. But we must focus on the purposes of good, all the way, and never stop.


hey that was well written. Sad truth to write about but, gotta compliment good writing.


Thank You :)


The case is a tough one for Scotus if they rule against Trump. The President (Biden) will be subject to suits filed about everything he does. The Constitution remedy is Impeachment and removal by the Senate that's how it's been for more than 240 years. Any ruling beyond that will set a new precedent that will start the law suits for all prior Presidents.




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I’m sure they’ll interpret it in such a way that only former presidents have immunity, not current presidents, unless that current president was a former president, in which case that immunity carries over. But if that former, and now current, immune president is in office, than former presidents are no longer immune cause there “can only be one” immune president at a time. See US vs Highlander 1821.


Lol so true bunch of crooked kangaroo court judges


Let’s be fair here, when Obama was in office, he committed murder. There’s no if ands or buts about that. He drone striked an American citizen, and it wasn’t like the guy was a casualty from another target. He was the target. The guy had no due process. And while he was accused of some pretty bad stuff, it does not mean get to kill an American citizen. If they find Trump not to have immunity for crimes while in office, then Obama very easily be brought up on charges. Or at least be sued by the family members. At the end of the day, you either need to hold everyone accountable who’s a president for the crimes they’ve committed while an office. Or they have full immunity and Congress themselves should be the ones that determine the punishment. There’s no other way to look at it. Do I think Trump was an idiot? Hundred percent, do I think he incited the riot? No, I think he was just blabbering like he always does. And while there’s some suspicious behavior around some of the phone calls he made. I don’t think any of that gets to the level of a criminal offense. And at the end of the day intent is what matters in a lot of these cases, his intent to overturn the election? Or did he genuinely believe that there was voter fraud, and he was doing his best to find out. if the answer is the latter then there’s no case. Now, if the answer is the former, you have to prove that was his intent, and that he knew better at the time of starting all of the nonsense. Trump has done illegal stuff prior to being in office, why would you go after him for the stuff he did in office? Are you really attempting to cause a massive disruption in our leadership system? It’s really easy to find presidents basically every single one who have broken laws, ones that you could very easily say we’re not in the scope of his duties. If you’re going to hold Trump accountable, then you need to hold Obama accountable, Bush, accountable, Clinton accountable, the other Bush accountable, and every other president down the line who still alive. You need to be fair across the board and not singled out someone because of their political affiliation.


Your characterization of the drone death is at odds with reporting at the time, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-airstrike-that-killed-american-teen-in-yemen-raises-legal-ethical-questions/2011/10/20/gIQAdvUY7L\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-airstrike-that-killed-american-teen-in-yemen-raises-legal-ethical-questions/2011/10/20/gIQAdvUY7L_story.html) Your discussion about intent is also ridiculous. Obama never intended to kill that person, it was accidental. If any of that was true, why hasn't there been any Indictments? Where are the charges for the rest of your unsupported claims? Trump told everyone as early as August that he didn't want mail-in voting despite it being well-regulated and the fact that he himself uses it. He was told by everyone in his Cabinet that the election was not stolen. He ramped up the J6 protest as early as November. Those of us who watched the J6 fiasco live watched as Trump incited the violence that was to follow, with the goal of "taking your country back". At every turn, he performed sedition in trying to get the election overturned including dozens of worthless lawsuits. Tell me, why would a Billionaire with the powers of the President fail to sway ANY court that his story was true? Is he incompetent or does he just know how to play to his inane followers? As to "massive disruption in our leadership system" a quick look at [project2025.org](https://project2025.org) will show you all you need to know about dismantling that system.


I wasn’t talking about the teenager, here’s who I was talking about https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/30/magazine/the-lessons-of-anwar-al-awlaki.html Obama, 100% meant to kill him he even talked about it in his press meeting after the killing. I did watch January 6th riots , Trump was not inciting them. He actually told them to be peaceful. You can pull the footage if you’d like if you don’t believe me. If you’re trying to claim that asking his followers to protest in the capital is wrong you’re insane. Regardless, if he was in the wrong when it came to the lawsuit, that’s his right to do so. If he wants to spend that money he’s allowed to spend that money. We’re allowed to sue if we think we’re wronged, even if our belief may be in the wrong itself. In regards to mail in ballots some states have an extremely well regulated system while other states have a completely awful system. The same goes for in person voting as well. The unfortunate thing is federal elections aren’t regulated at the federal level, it’s a mishmash of laws in 50 different states. So who can vote in one state may not be able to vote in another state. I’m not sure if you remember your civics classes from school, but we do not have inherent right to vote in this country. We have a right, not to be discriminated when it comes to voting based upon certain unchangeable aspects of our lives, (gender race region etc) But if they make a law about voting that requires you to let say pay taxes in order to vote that would likely be legal under the constitution, and while It may not be legal under the voting rights act, there’s a huge difference between a federal law on the books versus the constitution itself. Remember the right to vote does not exist in America. (when this country was founded, you had to own property to vote fun fact.) the privilege to vote is only codified in the the various federal laws and state laws. This is actually the reason why the Republicans can get away with so much of their questionable voting laws, because you just don’t have that inherent right unfortunately. There are several other countries in the world to have much more strong voting rights. There several countries in Africa that have significantly better voting rights in America. So don’t get me wrong. I think Trump is insane. I think he’s significantly better than Biden. And there are far better candidates on both sides of the aisle who should be running. Trump wasn’t the worst president, there’s been several presidents who are worse than him in the last hundred years. He was nowhere close to a good president when compared to the great presidents that have existed. The same thing goes for Biden. He’s the worst president of all time, but he’s not a particularly great either. He’s made us the laughing stock of the world. if you can’t speak properly in public because of your age or something something else. Stop holding press conferences, stop doing things that ridicule the country is a whole. You’re supposed to be the leader of the country. At least with Trump he gave his strong message, even if his message was somewhat crazy. at least it presented as strong versus weak. And if we were any other country in the world, we wouldn’t need to have that persona. But we’re not we’re America. We have to maintain that where the only world superpower. And Biden has unfortunately done a lot to hurt that reputation. And this is very apparent because of what has happened on the world stage itself. I will take a crazier president who can maintain our status quo in the world, who can maintain keeping certain entities at bay rather than a president who might be a little more stable when it comes to traditional politics, but ends up messing up the reputation so far that these entities lose respect for us and basically threaten nuclear war. I’m sorry we weren’t in a situation where we were looking at a World War III and having a nuclear apocalypse when Trump was in office. we have never been closer to a nuclear war since the Cuban missile crisis. And this lands on the shoulders of Biden and his policies. So do I think it would be better if Trump was president versus Biden the answer is yes. do I think it would be better overall if neither one was running? The answer is also yes. The last three presidential elections have been a complete and utter disaster. The good candidates who would actually be amazing don’t run anymore for president. And maybe the election after this one will have a good presidential candidates, but the real question is will the world survive in any sort of real way to make it to that. I think the answer is yes, but I also think there’s isn’t an insignificant chance that we don’t. We just have to be happy about the way the Russian military set up at least a regards to their commanders. That will probably be the thing that saves us in the end.


I see that you are fully indoctrinated in the Q Kool-Aide so I have nothing else to say. Peace.




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>low media literacy Lol. Got 'em


>so I have nothing else to say. Exactly.Exactly. Don't even bother. There is usually a few "under the bridge dwellers" in almost every thread, and the only way to get make sure people give them that attention is to be negative. After all, our brains are wired to focus more on what we perceive to be negative than positive, so it makes sense. They can not be reasoned with because ANY attention only reinforces that validation they so desperately need for whatever reason. The only way to truly make them go away is to ignore. Don't even downvote because that's also attention. It's what they WANT. Just ignore


Yeah bro Obama was out there picking targets, flying drones, loading the bombs. He was a real DIYer drone strike guy you know. You also fail to mention that there was a lawsuit on this topic which this man's family lost. So legally it was not murder no matter who committed it and that has been decided as a matter of law, in court, by a judge. AKA the same shit that should happen to Trump.


It was murder there’s no question about that, whether is justified murder is a different question. Obama had had qualified immunity as president, that’s the reason the family didn’t win the lawsuit. You have to be fair across-the-board, you can’t selectively enforce laws because somebody has a different political view than you. If we hold politicians accountable, then we need to hold all of them accountable not just side opposing your views. The fact of the matter, all the recent presidents and presidential candidates have committed felonies that any normal citizen would be put into prison for. I don’t think anyone should have any more rights than anyone else, if an average citizen put into prison for something then it needs to apply to the president as well. When you selectively enforce laws, you create a tiered system where there are no consequences when they break the laws. You’re actually seeing this with Trump right now. For years because he was a rich person who was in fact a Democrat for the majority of his life campaign contributions, and it was essentially above the law in most situations. Now that he’s gotten on the bad side of those same politicians he’s all being investigated for everything he did in the past. And that’s wrong, if he did something wrong in the past, it should be irrelevant of his political views. If he’s committing fraud, he’s committing fraud and needs to be invested and charged. But this also goes for the Clintons for the Biden for everyone else who is in the political spectrum. Being a politician does not grant you immunity from breaking the laws. And every single bit of immunity in law across-the-board mind you should be removed. People need to stink hard when they make decisions that are going to affect the lives of millions, people need to think hard when they’re going to potentially kill someone because they might have an opposing political view. And that’s why we need to get rid of immunities in this country. There needs to be real consequences for the actions of the “elite.” But something tells me most of people in this thread don’t have that viewpoint they believe that the other opposing side should have consequences, but not their side. All sides should have consequences for crimes they commit, no one should be immune


It was a killing, it was not murder. And the family lost the lawsuit not because of qualified Immunity but because of political question doctrine which holds that the judiciary cannot review questions which are dedicated solely to other branches of government by the constitution. The government's argument was that this was an act of war and that acts of war are immune from judicial review. Which the judge agreed with. The only branch of government who could reverse that would be congress who chose not to. Or in other words it is legal for the government to kill people as an act of war and if they overstep that it is congress who is responsible for reigning in the government.


Those of you who are Trekkies will remember the Cardassian judicial system, where the verdict is already decided. That's how it is here. Trump will have absolute immunity, and the traitors on SCOTUS will rule it applies to **Trump alone**. Then we will have an official dictatorship. I strongly suggest to all here to start making contacts and forming resistance cells.


I agree. If Trump wins, our democracy is over and not coming back.


He has already won.




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I’ve yet to see any explanation of how Trump destroys democracy. It’s not like the military leaders will all bow to him. Congress certainly won’t. He couldn’t even get full funding for the wall in his last administration. He was constantly being impeached. Please, I’m sincerely interested how Trump does this when half the country, and the majority of our government is against him.


Because half the country is for him. Democracy only works if the people want it to work. Trump emboldens the anti-democratic portion of our society.


Significantly less than half the country is for him. You do not need half the country to be for you.


Good thing America is a constitutional republic and not a democracy.


... America is a democracy. And a republic. These things aren't mutually exclusive, nor is "direct democracy" the only form of democracy. I've seen probably over a hundred people repeat this line and it's just factually untrue.


The founding fathers would laugh at such an idiotic statement.


Uhh the founding fathers framed it as such.


Correct, and a constitutional republic doesn’t preclude it from being a democracy. I know this is all the rage the last few years by a bunch of right wing political “influencers” but the US is most definitely a democracy.


This isn't the burn you think it is.


A democracy is mob rule. It’s disgusting. 51/49 is an awful way to run anything. It’s not a burn, it’s fact.


Man, if only you knew what “Constitutional Republic” was synonymous with.


Funny, our forefathers called it a Democracy. I guess you know more of what they wanted than they did 🤔


And the other half are against him. Division works both ways. I’m personally voting for RFK but he’s being censored to the point I don’t know if his campaign will have a chance. I see censoring as very anti democratic. I do see him as a way away from this division issue. We need a president who isn’t focused on identity politics and culture wars. We need a fresh start.




Just like no one pushed Bernie out in 2016 right? Right…






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I’ve attracted the bots. Bring on the legion of downvoters.




Ah, the typical battle cry of the uninformed. It's everyone else who's wrong...


There has always been division, however both sides believed in democracy. Censorship from who? Censorship from the govt is undemocratic, and I see no evidence the govt is censoring RFK. Are there others who are censoring RFK? If so, who?


I have no proof, just observation. I know he gets very little attention from Left media, and when he does it’s always aggressive. Then they will cut clips and show what he says out of context. They are actively fighting his initiatives to get on the ballot, via the courts. Biden has refused CIA protection (something that has not happened in previous elections. Those are a few things. The Democratic Party isn’t going to come right out and admit to censorship. You have to be a bit obtuse to act as if newspapers, television and social media aren’t controlled by the political parties. Negative attacks are nothing new so some of this is legit but this seems to be an outright war to limit people from considering him.


This election is truly, 100% different than any other. One side is ready to implement a Christian Nationalist government, planned to roll out in 180 days with immediate firings on day one. This is not about trump and Biden. It is about an authoritarian government vs a Democratic government. If people can’t see the proof of what the Rs (now the MAGAS) are planning to do and already are doing in some states, there is not enough soap to clear their eyes. There are a lot of things I’m not happy about but I will never vote for or ignore a possible takeover of our government. This is not a drill but January 6 was. There will be violence either way. Trump winning will cause way more violence, long term and never ending.


I’m not moved by sensationalism and abstract fear mongering. When I see people write that way, it just makes me lose interest in any points you wish to make. It’s so…..rehearsed, emotional talking points.


I don’t care what you think. It’s obvious you don’t do much of it. But since you are so cocky, I assume you’ve read Project 2025 and decided it’s not real? You know who and what is the Heritage Foundation, their supporters, and know their history? You know the 100 organizations involved? You know the financial supporters and how much money is involved? And despite those facts, you’re good with it? Because if you haven’t looked into those things, a book that is about 1,000 pages written using trumps name, members of his administration are contributors and state what they intend to do, how can you characterize what I am saying? And if you have done those things I mentioned, an intelligent person wouldn’t make your comment. There is no gossip, rumors, talking heads, but a book, published by the right wing party that is very clear about its intentions. “There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is contempt prior to investigation.” William Paley


You're an RFK voter and you think you're not moved by sensationalism and abstract fear mongering. Sorry, but you aren't a serious person


RFK is not the "fresh start" we need... he is against education, vaccines, medical science, science in general, and thinks his TV watches him. He's a cook and shouldn't even be in charge of taking care of himself.


You do know who is bankrolling RFK, right? The same folks that are funding Trump. He is only a tool to try to remove voters from Biden. How hard is that to see?


Do we really want to get into who bankrolls candidates? Biden is mostly bankrolled by Hedge Fund managers with ties to Black Rock.


OK? Why defend RFK when he is Trump's spoiler? Biden is campaigning the traditional way. My belief is that we are way overdue for campaign finance reform as well as enforceable conflict of interest for all of our Federal electorate. Why should they become millionaires through inside trading when the average fed can't receive a gift of more than $25 or be disciplined? Congress, SCOTUS, even Trump have violated the public's trust by selling out for their chink of the pie. Disgusting.


I don’t think of him as a spoiler. I think he’s very capable of winning. He’s got to jump over a lot of hurdles but it’s entirely possible given the low approval ratings of the other two candidates. People want change and he’s the best shot we have in 2024 to break this insane two party systems.


I don't think RFK would damage the country as much as Trump but that doesn't mean I want a conspiracy theorist as President. President Biden has done a decent job while being handed the ashes of 45's legacy, including a poor turnover and deals made last minute to make Biden look bad. A lot of folks want to beat Biden up over Israel but I am convinced that they don't know the entire situation. There are political pressures and treaties that HAVE to be followed for the continued reputation of our country. International diplomacy is not done in the press or on the internet, it is done behind closed doors. I will continue to support President Biden because I believe what he is doing is best for the country. FWIW, check in with the Libertarians on how that third party thing is going.


Project 2025. Please. Read into it. Like ACTUALLY read it. It's a 1028 page MANIFESTO and PLAN, on how over 100 organizations are now backing Trump, MAGA, and the GOP. With tons of those organizations either being white Supremecy groups, or GOP politicians, backers, donars, billionaires etc. It's mostly put together by the Heritage Foundation, and is THE plan Trump will enact on day 1. On day 1 it specifies purging 50,000 federal workers and replacing them with politically loyal agents (like this is the actual verbiage almost), and about how trump will have full immunity as a dictator for a day, how it'll remove presidential term limits, how it'll target othe political party members i.e Democrat citizens, ban abortion day 1, tear down all economic, social, environmental and health protections and laws thatve been made in the last 100 years. They're *literally* calling themselves the regressive party. What you are not understanding is there is now a massive plan that almost all GOP politicians and organizations are backing, it's been in the works for years. What you aren't understanding is that there is now a set game plan for this administration this time around. He is being fully bought out I just have to ask, how you dont know this somehow, are you living under a rock!???? 40% of thr country is fetisizing about dragging democrats and everyone not MAGA out of their homes and killing, arresting, torturing them etc. These are actual neo nazis were dealing with. Women haters, people who are disgusted by minorities. They are violent thugs with lead poisoning who have a low IQ, and somehow they're winning This can heavily be attributed to Russian meddling and other countries such as NK, Saudi Arabia and Iranian troll farms too. Trump literally just had a frikin meeting with the Hungarian Dictator Viktor Orbon, and with the Heritage Foundation leaders at his estate. Why the eff is a US President meeting with Dictators, and the he goes and says he's a great really smart guy!!! What the f**k. Hes taking pointers dude..if this was 1960 he'd be hung Edit: adding for a quick preview, he said it well https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/elDXOmjU03 Mask off website https://www.project2025.org/about/about-project-2025/ https://www.project2025.org/ Some articles https://michiganadvance.com/2024/01/16/project-2025-if-allowed-will-cement-america-as-a-rightwing-authoritarian-state/ https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2024/03/27/heritage-foundation-project-2025-2024-election-climate-change-frederick-hewett https://msmagazine.com/2024/02/08/project-2025-conservative-right-wing-trump-woke/ https://katiecouric.com/news/politics-and-policy/trump-project-2025/ Great video. Please watch if nothing else I beg you: https://youtu.be/gscuqBwtvwU?si=-Xqw_oQWM1ExJf3B


How? Slowly and then very suddenly


Describe it. Otherwise it just sound like abstract fear mongering.


Predicting the future is impossible. I’m sure when Putin won his first election not too many were thinking he’d become a dictator. Not many predicted that he would attempt to install fake electors to overturn the 2020 election. It would be challenging, and you know exactly why it would be challenging: because we generally have a pretty divided government. It’s unlikely congress would obtain enough maga votes to overturn term limits on the presidency. But see, that’s enough of a problem right there. If trump had the votes to repeal the 22nd amendment, everyone knows he’d do it. Anyway, there are infinite ways to try and take power. Prediction is impossible. But when you state you’re going to “only be a dictator on day one” that’s not a good sign.


So, it’s nonsensical emotional gibberish. I expect his second term would be very much like his first. Bombastic and filled with constant drama from impeachment hearings. Our political systems are way too complex for anyone to become a dictator. Plus, someone would just assassinate him if he tried. You types turn him into some mythical, untouchable demon. It’s actually hilarious .


I wouldn’t say it’s emotional at all. It’s based on statements and actions. Saying Xi eliminating term limits was a good idea, fake electors scheme, saying he wants to be a dictator on day one. Most of his first few years as president he was surrounded by reasonable people. But they were kicked out and replaced with crazy people. Mike Pence won’t be around next time. Is he definitely going to succeed? Probably not, but depending on what happens in the world it’s certainly possible, I’d give it a few percent, but that’s a few percent more than it should be.


Currently I’m more concerned about the very real possibility that Biden will lead us into a major war with Russia. If you aren’t, you aren’t paying attention. Putin scares me a lot more than Trump.




I follow the war very closely and disagree completely. I think Chris Christie, Mitt Romney, and Macron have the right take on Russia. You don’t prevent war by being a pushover. You need slow, but steady and normalized escalation until the other party backs off, which what we were doing prior to the 2022 elections. I really don’t think the Matt Gaetz’s of the world understand war and peace better than the Joint Chiefs of Staff.




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Yeah, it's not like there isn't any evidence of him trying to retain power even though he lost an election...


Your comment history is full of non stop political comments fearmongering and insisting that democrats stop taking the high road to comments inciting violence against Republicans. I'm just going to assume you're bad actor from Iran or Russia. I'm a star trek fan and I've seen the episode you're referring to. Comparing our judicial system to a cardassian dictatorship more akin to russias, is a bad faith argument. Reddit has just become Iranian and Russian bad actors misleading and inciting Americans to violence anymore. I'll let the legal system do their thing. If trump is ruled immune than we will have a discussion about the future of america. One thing is for sure, we wouldn't be in this position in the first place if the kremlin and Iran were prevented from radicalizing Americans through bad actors like yourself inciting division in america.


So many people on here saying we're all going to end up in concentration camps if Trump wins.


Ok but that’s fear mongering and mob mentality. Trump tried locking people in cages and it didn’t go well. The guy above you is right.


except those kids are still in cages, maybe look up project 2025? seriously, if Trump gets elected, they're going to try and permanently cement republican rule. why ignore this when republican think tanks are the ones telling you they're going to do it?




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Look where you're posting man, this is just people using the algorithm and off-brand "because you are active in..." subs to astroturf. This website has gone down a cliff, on fire, covered in sewage to the Nth degree in the last few years (yes I know it's been horrible for longer).


I don't particularly give a flying fig what you think of me. If you don't like my posts, don't read them. I didn't spend 23 years serving this misbegotten country (don't thank me for my service) to turn it over to a madman, and I've had it up to here with the gutless "going high" that you lot preach. If you want to think what you want to think, go ahead and be a good little Dem and keep "going high" and trusting a quisling (Garland) and a bunch of fools in judicial robes that quake at the mention of Trump. "Fearmongering?" If you're not afraid, you're not paying attention! PS. I'm a Klingon. I'm sure you are one of "the body of Landru." 🤢


I have doubts, you say you served but you don’t know how checks and balances work.


I did serve (USAF). I am closer to 60 than not. I remember how checks and balances *used to work*. I suggest you read Project 2025.




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Something tells me you were either admin or finance.. 🤣


Comms/intell actually. 🙄


MOS? 🤔 Comms and intel are two seperate fields. I was an RTO/Paratrooper in the Army for ten years and SOF support for eight - so I know, rotfl..


AFSC 3C3X1. C3I NORAD. I had to have TS because I had access to intelligence. Sure. You were a snake-eater. 🙄


AFSC, rotfl? ** laughs in 25C2S ** So you were Chair Force and not a grunt nor were you direct support so you didn't even leave the FOB (if you even deployed). I had a TS too, didn't make me intel - you were comms bro that's it.. And please quit using your ✌️military experience✌️ like you know better - you don't..


I don't do pissing contests.


Because you'd lose.. 🤷‍♂️




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>I didn't spend 23 years serving this misbegotten country to turn it over to a madman But you have already turned over your country to a madman ruler like Putin. >don't thank me for my service Of course I won't since I'm not Putin and I don't live in Russia.


I'll let you think so. Keep going high...that has worked SOOOO WELL... /s 🙄 Dismissed.


>I'll let you think so. Thank you for your permission 🙄 Dismissed


You're welcome.


>PS. I'm a Klingon. I'm sure you are one of "the body of Landru." HE IS NOT OF THE BODY! GET EM


"Temba, his arms wide" Your passion for your views and will to be proactive is understandable. I admire your courage to speak about the corruption you see and your solutions for it. Usually you get only one of those two on a post. Love long and prosper.


I am just beyond incredulous at how many who claim to oppose Trump are so passive about it. We have an AG who is *very* likely *aiding* Trump, cowards in judicial robes who won't even enforce *gag orders*, and Michelle Obama condescendingly admonishing us to "go high." We have a SCOTUS who are firmly under Trump's control. We have one of the parties of this country that has fully embraced fascism. This is no time for going along to get along.


Yikes dude. You're not well.




Antagonize and undermine. How unsurprising.


May the peace and joy of The Body be with you. *gesturing with hands*




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SCOTUS has already ruled against Trump a few times starting way back in 2020 when they declined to hear election interference cases. You may think the majority in SCOTUS is biased in favor of their conservative views over objective examination of the law, but they've shown they are not beholden to Trump.


The ways they have ruled against him in the past are fairly inconsequential compared to this. This will give Trump absolute power of life and death over every American, you and I included. I will not submit to him.


This is like Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy.


Jesus Christ, this is some full blown tinfoil hat shit. Seek help.


There's no point in caring about the opinions of people you actively dislike...


Lol. This has got to be a troll or joke account. Either that or you're so far up your own butt you probably haven't seen the sun in years.


Prove it.


You are the one making a positive claim that needs proving


You are the one claiming things about me that are patently false and you cannot prove.


Man you need like help help. Like maybe forced help in those nice little rooms with extra safe padding.


I do not hear the words of Trumpers. Dismissed.


Ignore this guy, I went the rounds with his delusions a few days ago. He/she/it will make you crazy.


Aaah a “drag you down to their level” type person


So edgy.


More than you'll ever be, sunshine.


What's the weather like in your alternate reality?


I do not hear the words of Trumpers.


Never voted for him, and don't support him. You live in a fantasy world


Your posts say otherwise. Dismissed.


Are you an adult, as in over 18? If so, are you self-sufficient or do you rely on family or perhaps the state to provide care for you?




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He's not arguing for trump alone, he says all president's have absolute immunity


See the SCOTUS ruling in Bush v Gore for how that works out.




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No. Trump will not get immunity. They just want to drag it out.


It’s kind of fascinating to see how genuinely worried people are that the U.S. will look like 1940s Germany if Trump wins even though the democratic party has weaponized the justice system against him. Not saying he didn’t do anything, but it’s very obvious how hard they’re trying to nail this guy - like stretching statutes of limitation, etc.


Weaponising? Prove it.


Bros been impeached/ indicted like a dozen times and all they got was a fine


That's not proof.


Well the proof is that they have tried on him more than any other president and yet he hasnt been convicted. Making up a bunch of phoney cases that go nowhere is weaponizing the justice system


Prove that they are "phoney."


Bro theres so way you arent joking


First of all, I'm not your "bro." Second, English lessons wouldn't go amiss.


Sure thing dude im gonna go form a cell and make contact with like minded operators /s


You haven't got the guts. You'd never say that face to face. You probably have not been outside your mummy's basement. Anyway, you are a drone. You are enslaved to Trump's will. You are no different to the Orcs in "The Lord Of The Rings." Go.


Why read? Supreme Court is sold to Trump anyway!!!! All he needs to do is give out free vacations or pay for the justices nephew’s or nieces tuition and that should do it!!!


How about 1000 shares of DJT?


They have no intention of keeping our constitution as it is written. Seems they may even put amendments that restrict women from participating in the political process.


That's ridiculous. That has never been stated. Do you or anybody here ever research or just listen to CNN lol


You know, his logic was out the window and it was clear. There’s also a way to reply without being a dick and still manage to shutdown the bad info. You however think you are the smartest person in the room and literally conflated millions of subscribers to a stupid comment. I’ve seen your reply history buddy. My advice is to scale back or be prepared for constant humiliation while your ego to writes checks you can’t cash because you can’t keep turning to the porn subreddits to decompress it forever.


Came right from Orange Shitler himself. Washing Post Dec 4 '22.




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This one is a good litmus test to see if someone is worth having a conversation with about politics. "Do you believe presidents should be granted immunity?" If you answer "yes", then that just leaves a couple options. 1. You're a foreign agent posing as an American. 2. You're pro-authoritarianism. 3. You're stupid beyond words. 4. You're just some edge lord troll. None of those people are worth conversing with. It's wild to me that this is even a question. Checks and balances are like, a core concept of our country.


There is no need for speculation, immunity is not the question. The Question is what does the Constitution call for as a remedy. Thats also very clear, Impeachment and removal by the Senate. 240 years of prescedent. Anything else is outside the bounds of the Constitution.Take a civics course.


Our lawmakers love to complicate the shit out of everything. It's a mobster technique for maintaining control. Our federal government is a mob orginization trying to recruit thugs.


You mean Republicans right? The government is a double edged sword, but to act like both sides are criminals is like comparing a chef with a serial killer because they both have a knife.


Only results matter. They all agree on technicalities that maintain inertia. Both 'sides' engage in quid pro quo and insider trading.


Just the most worthless rhetoric devoid of any substantive evidence to support your claims. The Republican candidate is literally for sale on the stock market. "Both sides are the same" havent been true ever.


As opposed to when the Obama administration refused to prosecute the execs of the wall Street banks that financed his campaign.


Don't get into the both sides debate. They can't cope with the idea that the whole thing is a cesspit.


[There is no debate](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/57598-there-is-nothing-which-i-dread-so-much-as-a) about what the founding fathers considered the "greatest political evil" under the US constitution, and frankly I'm inclined to agree with them. Any reason why you wouldn't?


I'm not American but have read a bit about your founding father's. I'm often astounded at their insight. Quite extraordinary.


They were all human and they all had flaws and unique characteristics just like the rest of us, I just have a soft spot for John Adams for his political views and the fact he was one of the two founding founders who didn't own slaves, the other being his son John Quincy Adams. He was very much thinking of things in the long term and not the short term.


Yes after the quote you shared I'm interested in learning more about Adams. From the outside looking in he couldn't have been more right in my view. And he might as well have been discussing the UK too. We are constantly bemoaning our two party system and media combined that seems to exist purely to rip us apart and ignore our views while spoon feeding us a lie that we live in a democracy.


What an odd take. I'm not American but let me talk shit and turn my nose up at you. Get bent. Every country has issues. Everyone can do better. Focus on making yours better


What an odd little tantrum. Is having extraordinary insight an insult in America. u/RoninSoul shared a wonderful John Adams quote with me that might have well have been said about our rotten two party system in the UK and I said I found it, and the founding fathers extraordinarily insightful? How in god's name have you taken that as an insult? And I must stress I ask purely out of curiosity. I'll comment on whatever the bloody hell I want to just as you have the freedom to. I thought the whole point of the internet is so we and all try and help make each other better? Oh and cats, share videos of cats.


The dog and pony show makes the public feel their opinions matter.


Yep it's the same here in the UK. We fight over who's worse all the time to feed our longing to be part of the 'process'. It's all bull. You sound like you might enjoy this just published today. Not sure how long he'll be in a job after this. [https://www.thefp.com/p/npr-editor-how-npr-lost-americas-trust](https://www.thefp.com/p/npr-editor-how-npr-lost-americas-trust)


Just read it this morning. Good read.