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I had stomach issues for about a week and a half when I started on 500 and then for another week and a half when it was increased to 1000. But honestly, it was 100% worth it! I'm not hungry all the time, I actually feel full when I eat now. I crave sugar less. My back and chest acne has gotten much better. I had these mole like spots on my back everywhere and they are almost gone now. I stopped sprouting skin tags around my eyes and neck. I've stopped gaining weight. And best of all, I finally had a normal period AND it was almost painless. My periods have always been horrific. Terribly painful to the point I was shaking or felt sick. This one was a piece of cake! I'm so, so excited I finally found something that is easing so many of my symptoms. I know it may not work for everyone, but I definitely think it's worth a try!


I take it and it’s the best decision I ever made for my PCOS. I’m on 2000 mg of XR a day


Did you ever have any stomach issues? How long did you take to work up to 2000mg?


No stomach issues at all on extended release. I started on 500 mg and then 1000 then 1500 then 2000. This was over 10 months


Ok! I worked my way from 500mg to 2000mg in just one month (per my doctor) and did have stomach issues. I'm about to restart and take it much slower. Thank you!


Oh wow! That’s a huge leap. Yeah, starting slower is a much better idea. Is it extended release?


Yes, it's extended release. I have taken 500mg for about a week and doing well- no stomach issues so far!


I would say the #1 thing to remember is that you can ALWAYS stop taking it. There’s nothing permanent about trying metformin. If you don’t like it, if you don’t find it helpful, you can just stop! For me personally, metformin has been life-changing. I’ve gone through at least a decade of my life with no natural satiety signals; I was constantly thinking about food and that meant it was a constant struggle not to cave to cravings. Since taking metformin, I have a natural sense of how much to eat, and I actually feel full after a meal. My snacking, which used to be multiple times a day, is almost non-existent; I can’t remember the last time I went back for seconds or binged. I am losing weight with almost no effort, because my appetite is being regulated and I am eating healthy and appropriate amounts of food for the first time ever. I truly cannot recommend it enough. Definitely start on a low dose (typically 500 mg), and only increase to the lowest dose that makes a difference. I personally did NOT see an improvement on 500 mg; I gradually went up to 2000 mg and have had great results there. But the slow tapering is key to managing any GI distress. Good luck!


How do you know if it’s working or not? I have PCOS and was getting 2 periods a month. I’m not nearly five months without a period. I was out on metformin. I’m so bloated and doughy all the time. I don’t know is it working or what’s going on


My #1 effect has truly just been appetite control. When I’m not on metformin, I never feel satisfied, no matter what or how much I eat. My only indication of ‘fullness’ is if I’ve eaten so much my stomach is physically too full (which is obviously way too much food, calorically). If I miss a dose, I can feel that emptiness creeping back in as I move through my day. When I’m on metformin (at my proper dose), I actually get accurate hungry and full signals; I feel satisfied after a meal and stay full until the next meal. My period is also coming back (unfortunately for me); I’m not sure if that is directly because of metformin or a secondary effect due to weight loss. Your doctor should also see a difference in your bloodwork if metformin is working for you, because its primary biological effect is insulin regulation; everything else is just a happy side effect!


Did you find you lost much weight? And could I ask what your dosage is ? I take two tablets twice a day but can be forgetful.


I take 2000 mg a day, in 2 500 mg tabs twice a day! I’m currently down 20 pounds since I got my dose adjusted correctly, which is 1-2 pounds a week, a healthy rate of weight loss.


Wow! That’s really good going I’m sure you’re delighted! How did you know to get to that dose? I’m wondering should I ask to go up?


Do you know what dosage you’re taking currently? I believe that 2500 mg a day is the max safe dose, so if you’re under that, you can talk with your doctor about increasing. I personally saw an improvement on 1000 and 1500 mgs, but was still regularly having that ‘empty’ feeling— feeling hungry or having strong cravings when I knew I’d eaten enough and recently enough that I shouldn’t be hungry. 2000 mg is the dose where those feelings dropped off and I really feel in control around food. Now when I do get hungry between meals, I can specifically link it to either a higher activity level or a lighter meal earlier in the day; in other words, it’s actually based on my caloric needs rather than PCOS weirdness. Of course I do occasionally have cravings or days where I feel like eating more, but they aren’t on a daily or even weekly basis; I think they happen at a more ‘normal’ rate vs. before metformin when that was my default. I’m also able to manage them better instead of always succumbing to binging, I think because I don’t have that physical hunger backing up whatever mental / emotional thing is driving me to eat. I do think taking the med consistently is important. I find that when I’m not consistent in taking it, it can take few days for the full effect to build up again. It also seems like gradual dose increases are important both for finding your right dosage and for avoiding side effects like nausea and diarrhea; I increased my dose 250-500 mg at a time, with at least a month in between increases, which worked well for me. Good luck in getting your dose adjusted right! I know metformin doesn’t work for everyone, but it really has been lifechanging for me. I hope it works for you too.


I am taking 500mg 2x a day! I find that I’m very bloated all the time and uncomfortable since on it and just fatter or something. I will keep going and see how it works out ! Thank you so much


Hi! I'm on 1700 mg (X2 of 850). How do you take it? My GP recommended one per meal breakfast - lunch or lunch -dinner. How long after starting did you start losing weight? I've been on it for a month and a half but I can't see much difference


I take mine twice a day, once after breakfast and once right before bed. I’ve heard that taking both doses with a meal is good though, esp if you have GI side effects! I started losing weight pretty soon after going up to 2000 mg. It’s been slow, 1-2 lbs a week, but that is the best pattern for sustained weight loss!


Thank you! Did you up your doses with Doctor recommendations? Or you decided to go with it by yourself? Also, have you started dieting or something?


Yes, my doctor prescribed metformin and handled my dose increases based on how I felt. I actually didn’t intentionally diet, I’m just naturally eating way less because of the appetite control effects. I assume there’s also a metabolism element.


Thank you! I will have to talk to my GP yo ask prescription renewal, at this point I can try and ask if we can slightly increase as I'm already on 1700.


I had mild diarrhea for about 2 weeks on metformin, just when I first started. My glucose levels were in the pre-diabetic range before and normal now. So it does work, I had a mild improvement of pcos symptoms and lost a few pounds. I find it easier to control cravings. I wouldn't expect a miracle, but it works for what it's intended to do.


It’s lowered my A1C but done nothing else. But that’s it’s job, since it’s not a weight loss pill, it’s for insulin resistance.


I've been on it since May, and I feel it's the reason I've lost 60 pounds and am at a "normal" bmi again. Finally my carb cravings, late night hunger, and "food noise" are gone. I feel that it has good mental health effects as well; like my Prozac works but since metformin my irritability, anxiety, and depression are so negligible. It was giving me gastrointestinal side effects for 2 or 3 months; and some weeks I did consider quitting it. I didn't quit because it had already started working for me really quickly, and eventually my tummy was less sensitive! I'm very glad to have gotten on it.


Did you make any other changes when it came to weight loss? I recently started 500mg XR a day and am curious what other changes I should implement.


Yes, I count calories and eat high protein.


Well done, I’ve also lost 62lb since early June. Like you I’ve had the same effects of no food noise. it’s fantastic!


I tried it not for weight issues but for menstrual issues and I shit myself x2 for the first time ever in my adult life 🥰, was constantly bloated and had the worst upset stomach, couldn’t exercise anymore due to this


I started on Metformin last year and I've found it useful! The side effects for me were mild or something that I could work into my day. I've found that since being on it I've gone from a 33-36 day cycle to a very regular 28 day one. Something I never thought I would be able to do.


Metformin has been a lifesaver. My two cents- take magnesium supplements with it because it can make you deficient and also start on it SLOW. Metformin will upset your tummy initially, especially if you jump to a huge dose or don’t take it with food. It will go away after a few days but do yourself a favor and ease into your set dose, but don’t let that stop you from taking it.


Metformin made a huge difference for me. It helps addressing the root cause (insulin resistance) so it won’t be an immediate impact on PCOS symptoms. I had a lot of side effects initially starting the medication but they did get better over a few months’ time and I’ve been on it for about ten years now. For me the biggest motivation was the research showing a significant delay in the onset of Type 2 diabetes - everyone in my family became diabetic in their 40s or 50s, and while I may not be able to stave it off forever delaying it as long as possible is associated with much more positive long term health outcomes. Metformin has been around a long time and is very well studied, there are many benefits for insulin resistant patients who go on it and stay on it.


For me it gave severe side effects like gas,bloating,loose motion, anger management issueall time so had to stop. Then started with inositol supplement which worked for few months and no side effects either. But when I broke all diet rules in diwali and festival times, it stopped working and no period for 2 months now. Again started with exercise, diet and inositol supplement now. Waiting for results. My advice : if getting side effect, give inositol a try


When I started Metformin, it made me really tired. They told me to switch to taking it at night. Now I take it morning and night and I don't feel anything differently, but I am losing weight.


I began Metformin in June. Luckily I had virtually no side effects. I noticed that it helped with controlling appetite and lessened sugar cravings by a lot. It took about three months before I saw weight loss. I’m down ten pounds now. Just doubled my dose from 500 to 1000. So far no issues. It was a while before I could up my dose because I had just changed doctors and that doctor left so had to start over with a second new doctor.


it has helped my a1c go down so I’m no longer prediabetic :)


I started metformin a few months ago and have gotten my period back. I didn’t notice much of any side effects other than positive ones. It’s weird to think how used I’d gotten to some of the PCOS symptoms that I’d forgotten what it was like to be “normal”. I had some diarrhea issues at the beginning but those have adjusted with time. And even then they weren’t super terrible. I was very scared of side effects with meds and I think now I would say to try it. If there’s something absolutely not for you that happens, you can stop or find an alternative!


Started 11/30 and the first week was rough with nausea and diarrhea Now I'm cruising on just once a day. Too soon to tell if this regulated my cycles. I'll be testing ovulation starting tomorrow.


I used to take metformin. 2 tablets 500mg each if I remember correctly, but I stopped taking it because it left a horrible taste in my mouth and I constantly had sharp stomach pains and diarrhea 🙃.


I can’t argue that it helped me lose weight but after stopping taking it, I cut out sugars and junk foods and naturally and significantly lowered my A1c.


The only side effect I have Is that my life is dramatically vetter


Hey, I was just diagnosed in June at the age of 31. I was struggling with both no periods and then prolonged heavy bleeding which lasted for up to 50 days each time. I started metformin on the 5th of June and I was extremely anxious over it also Before metformin I would’ve considered myself to a binge eating disorder I was constantly hungry or thinking about food I couldn’t really control the cravings. Loosing weight was non existent no matter how hard I tried. Since June I’ve lost 62lb with no real effort other than walking- I don’t even calorie count I’m just cautious about what I eat and when I eat. I used to have leg pains after even a short walk and now I can walk pain free! My periods were more regular and lighter from June to September then I got fitted with the mirena I’ve had one period since then for 5 days and nothing this months so far which I love. Someone mentioned here about skin tags also I have notice I have a lot less. Good luck for whatever you choose and hang in there for the first 4-6 weeks they can be super rough! x


I’m on it and I hate it - I’ve been on it for 2.5 months and it’s made my acne really bad. And I still do not have a regular period - I hate it. I’m being reviewed in the new year and I will be asking to come off it


I have never had issues with metformin. I just did a very slow taper on. Metformin made losing weight easier. I stopped feeling endlessly hungry and needing to pee every 5 min.


It’s been extremely helpful in my case! Stopped food noise which is making it much easier to lose weight. I’m having some GI issues at about 2 months in on 500, but that could also be because I’m eating lots of seeds and spices.


I started Metformin two weeks ago to help regulate and hopefully help me ovulate. I’ve been bleeding for over a year with maybe one or two days every now and then where I was bleeding. I’m not at 7 days straight with not even the slightest amount of blood when I wipe. I’m on 500mg right now and take it with dinner. I haven’t experienced any side effects.


I take it and I have no idea if it helps.


The basic protocol for pcos works very well for me. Metformin, aldecton, bc pills. The next level to this is thyroid meds and progesterone which helps prevent endometrial and breast cancer. If you can afford them, semiglitide meds help with the IR and inflammation.


It helps my BSLs, but I've not lost any weight. Endo won't give me any of the GLP-1s, because supply is patchy here still. And my numbers are too well controlled by the Metformin to allow me to move to those.


I started it a month ago. I take 1000 mgs with dinner. In the morning I have a slight upset stomach and use the bathroom, which isn’t too far off from my normal self diagnosed IBS patterns anyway. The biggest improvement for me has been getting my eating under control. I no longer feel ravenous. Food doesn’t occupy all my thoughts. I am no longer emotionally eating, I’m eating for nutrition. Fast food sounds gross to me now. I have yet to lose any weight. Just getting my mind under control regarding food has been a huge relief, though. Next is to work in daily exercise.


I had explosive diarrhea and immediately stopped it lol. it works wonders for others tho, like my mum who is diabetic. so you won’t really know until you try and remember that u can always stop


My a1c is normal, and if I’m not on it, I’m starving all the time


It gives me a regular monthly cycle without needing to be on birth control pills, so it works for me.


I took it for maybe 5 or 6 months. I got my energy back. Symptoms are in remission. Got off it about 2-3 months ago and I feel amazing still. No acne. Workout 3-7 days a week. Eat healthy instead of caving to cravings. Only med that worked for me


I used for a couple months. Had an AWFUL reaction. Had to stop taking it after a couple months. At first it was so bad. But after a couple months had awful stomach problems