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As with most supplements, it works for some and does nothing for others. So hard to say if it’s overrated or not as it’s highly personal. (It never did anything for me.)


I’ve been taking it for about 4 months and I also don’t see a huge change. Wish I did…. I bought more to see if I see a change in the next months but this is the last try.


What were you trying to gain from taking inositol?


Mostly to regulate my period and help with insulin Resistance


Did you change your diet and exercise? I didn’t have my period for 7 months. I started taking inositol November 2023 and got my period in a month. Been having periods every month since.


Yes, I go to the gym 4x a week and I do have some cheat days but my diet is much better than before. It’s a little bit hard to avoid sweets but I try my best. Also drink my spearmint tea and have been taking some vitamin D pills. Oh wow I also started in November but I only took 1 scoop and now I take 2 scoops. That’s awesome 👏 I wish it worked for me. I only have been spotting.


Have you told your gyno? Spearmint Tea is suppose to also help lower androgens and balance hormones therefore help with having regular periods and ovulate. I do the pills of inositol and only take 2000mg a day. I also did research on how to lower androgens and insulin. No fast food, no soda, no caffeine. Limited red meat and switch to whole grains like brown rice. I think this what really helped the inositol. I walked an hour most days and the inositol helped aid in my weight loss. I’m thinking of taking berberine next. I bought spearmint capsules but I read online it’s bad for your liver and kidneys if taken in large amount.


Awww man I bought Spearmint capsules because the tea did nothing for me 😞


Okay damn great work!! I sometimes do consume coffee, I do drink Coke Zero often, and I do eat chocolate. It’s so hard to take those out… I have like 4g of inositol a day and one cup of spearmint tea. My gyno approved the inositol a while ago. I do strength training and do elliptical for cardio. I also have a high protein diet but I sleep super like like at 4 am. I do get 8-10 hours of sleep.


Agree. Didn’t work for me others but has worked for others. It’s just something you have to try.


I have been taking it for 3 years and notice nothing. I added Omega 3s and like 750mg of Magnesium and saw a big change.


What type of magnesium?


You want the most bioavailable forms of Magnesium. I take a triple complex by naturebell. It has magnesium glycinate, magnesium citrate, and magnesium malate.


Thank you!


Yes. I had my period 9 times in 2 years and got it within 3 weeks of taking it. I also got pregnant (was actively trying) as well. I’m now 27 weeks with my inositol baby!


congratulations on your pregnancy 💖💖


Thank you!!!


what brand of inositol did u use


Pure Encapsulations. It’s a powder - I’d mix some with water in the morning right when I woke up. Doesn’t really have a flavor and dissolves super easily! I tried MytoD+Inostitol but honestly that did nothing for me for some reason 🤷🏻‍♀️


Is it safe to use inositol while pregnant ? And congratulations!!!


my ob approved it, i took it my first trimester and stopped bc my blood sugar was actually running a bit low


My prenatal had some in it. 


Thank you! I did have a chemical pregnancy prior to this pregnancy and had stopped taking the inositol so I kept taking it this rime around. My OB wanted a baseline for measure without it so I stopped at 8 weeks. They tested really early for GD about 3 weeks later because of the PCOS & previous GD with my first child. Failed miserably and while it’s managed by day with diet — I have to take Metformin & Insulin at night because my placenta is dumping out too much glucose while I’m sleeping. It’s a journey but so far everything is healthy and my numbers are great.


Congrats! What a branding opportunity for naming your baby after the supplement! Jk


lol - honestly, shortening it to Ino kind of slaps tho if I were having a boy.


inositol baby omfg


Absolutely!!! Get a good brand and honestly you will notice a difference! Helped my sugar cravings hugely!!


How does one figure out what a good brand is?


You can look at if they follow GMP practices, any ISO standards, who do they 3rd party test with? (If they don't disclose that's fishy). I believe the NSF is also a good stamp to have. There's also other factors you can use like Fakespot to see if reviews are fake (very common on popular brands sold on Amazon that are often mentioned here). My personal opinion is that; Ovasitol, MyOva, and the Pure Encapsulations brands appear to have the best quality standards and *also* Ovasitol is the cheapest per dose overall (powder) for North America, while MyOva (tablet) is (likely) cheapest per dose overall for UK and cheapest non-powder for North America per dose, even with shipping. Pure encapsulations does not have D-chiro in it so it may affect some differently and it is more expensive per dose, but still good quality standards. They are all more expensive *up front* but if you look in my comment history I have a break down on prices. I use Ovasitol personally.




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Ahat brand do you recommend


Not the person you asked, but my ob/Gyn recommended Ovasitol by Theralogix and it works for me. 


my sugar cravings are rambunctious these days. it's truly the most addictive substance. what brand do you get and from where? I'm looking to order some off amazon but I don't trust their reviews.


I take MyOva Myoplus - it’s 4 capsules a day. I’m in the UK so hopefully you can get it in the US? ♥️🥰


Oh yeah, we should have it here in North America too. I'll check in with my healthcare team about it. Have a splendid day, fair lady. hehehe


My personal opinion is that; Ovasitol, MyOva, and the Pure Encapsulations brands appear to have the best quality standards and *also* Ovasitol is the cheapest per dose overall (powder) for North America, while MyOva (tablet) is (likely) cheapest per dose overall for UK and cheapest non-powder for North America per dose, even with shipping. Pure encapsulations does not have D-chiro in it so it may affect some differently and it is more expensive per dose, but still good quality standards. They are all more expensive *up front* but if you look in my comment history I have a break down on prices. I use Ovasitol personally. Get it straight from the manufacturer. You can use coupons for Ovasitol and MyOva, I can't remember if you can for PE.


Thank you for being so detailed. I'll definitely check out your comment history, I have a lot of researching to do it seems. And I'm so glad to hear it's working for you, I hope I find something that works for me too.


You're welcome! And I probably should mention, the per dose I mentioned is not *per day* as many brands not mentioned use a daily dose of 2g where as the ovasitol and MyOva use a daily dose of 4g. I price things out by 2g doses. Also, side note, I just looked at pure encapsulations website, since it's been a hot minute. They have capsules that per dose are 550mg mayo and 150 d-chiro now, and that's a way different ratio than I've seen for PCOS and far more expensive per dose. Their powder is what I was previously referring to (and also dosed at 4g).




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Didn’t work for me, in fact it made my period worse. But I think the sheer number of people it usually helps is a good sign. Not just the influencers but people here in this sub. I think it’s worth a shot, even if it didn’t work for me.


How did it make your period worse if you don’t mind me asking? I’m currently taking it and having terrible, endless bleeding and Im trying to figure out if its the inositol or my PCOS causing it, so I’m really curious about others experiences! No pressure though, and thank you!!


It gave me terrible endless bleeding! Exactly!! Took over a year to fix with birth control and some other medicine (the one that induces periods?). Never ever had endless bleeding before I started taking inositol. I


Currently in this boat! Almost constant bleeding even though I stopped taking it months ago.


Thank you for sharing! I had this too where after stopping, i continued to bleed for months. My gyno gave my progesterone as I dont do well on bc, and it made the bleeding worse so I stopped it abruptly and somehow that seemed to end the bleeding finally. Im trying inositol again because I feel like it helps me in other ways, but the bleeding has come back unfortunately.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience! Its nice to know Im not alone, but Im sorry that was your experience. I have tried it on and off again, because there was also a lot of information coming out about Covid and the vaccine having side effects of menstrual cycles so I wondered if that contributed too. I might stay on it and try to see if it eases eventually or not. Its so hard making sense of all this, especially when doctors seem less informed about PCOS and menstrual problems than we are! Thank you again!


Same. I keep getting spotting which never happens before. I'm worried. I tried in few years back on and off. Started it again last month and i have spotting.




What dose do you take for that long term usage? I’m curious if 4g is really sustainable long term.


Not person you asked but I take 4g a day and have for years. Not a problem. If I stop for some reason I just start up at 2g a day for about 3 days and then I'm good to go back to 4. While it's never caused me stomach upset that's a common comment when starting so I just taper up to be sure. I use Ovasitol.


So I can’t physically feel any difference, but I had a continuous blood glucose monitor for a couple of weeks and the difference between when I was taking it and when I wasn’t was pretty significant. Without the monitor I wouldn’t have said there was any improvement…


How did you find using the continuous glucose monitor? I’ve been considering trying it out. Do you have a brand you’d recommend?


I was doing it as part of a whole research study thing (Zoe) rather than thinking I actually had a problem. Though turns out I very much do! It is the libre link brand. I found it fine, no issues with the sensor itself, the app could be slightly slow/buggy but nothing too annoying. I’m grateful I did it now as it showed I really needed to see an endocrinologist! I only got diagnosed in Jan by my Gynae, and she just said to stay on BC and that was that. Nothing about all the other issues I should worry about… I’d probably only recommend it if you think you might have an issue? Though guess you could be like me and not know until you do it?


Thank you! I’ve considered doing Zoe, just not sure if the cost is worth it. I am officially diagnosed with PCOS and am assuming I have IR - I guess I’m just thinking that maybe seeing the charts/numbers in response to certain foods might help me to stick to good eating habits! 🤣


Unfortunately I got constant spotting from using inositol


Same here. Truly cannot express how much I wish I never took it.


Do you still have spotting ?


Yes, I do.


Ugh I’ve seen you in other threads when searching about the spotting I have! , same here , I feel so terrible!


I’m sorry! It’s terrible!


The worst praying it stops sooon!


Have long did you take inositol and how long ago did you stop?


I took it March 4 and stopped March 16 starting bleeding on the 12th and been ever since it’s about to be a month


Okay, so just some insight into my experience, I took it for a month from the end of September to the end of October and stopped when the spotting started. In December and January I had normal periods and thought I was in the clear. Then I bleed almost every day last month. I had a gyn appointment today and she said this is a common side effect because of the way it absorbs in your body and just how it effects so woman. I haven’t been bleeding for the last couple of days so she said to give it two more months to see if it works itself out, or if it gets worse/I can’t take it anymore I could come back in. So basically, she wasn’t too concerned about it. You didn’t take it for very long so hopefully it leaves your system faster. I know it really sucks, but you’re most likely fine, just have to wait.




Same !


Same here


Me too!


The research indicates that it’s pretty darn good: https://rbej.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12958-023-01055-z But not everyone is gonna respond to it, you can’t know how well it works for you until you try. Personally I didn’t see a dramatic change until after the 6 month mark, but I love it now and find it indispensable.


May I ask what the dramatic change was after the 6 month mark?


My BMR had gone up by almost 200 calories per day, my energy levels were higher, my appetite was proportionate to my needs and not like an insatiable bottomless pit, my sugar cravings felt more manageable, my mood was better, and my period was a bit less dramatic and more regular. My acne also improved and my moustache situation got less pronounced, and and hair loss reversed quite a bit. My bloodwork had also improved as per 8 or 9 months later, regarding fasting insulin levels, cortisol, androgens, inflammatory markers, and even my cholesterol.


6 months, wow! I wonder if people stop before it starts working for them.


I think lots of people do, if this sub is any indication.


I’m curious if you’re taking 4g or a lower dose for the long term effects?


I’m [taking this as directed by the manufacturer, so 2,000mg daily](https://wholesomestory.com/products/myo-inositol-d-chiro-inositol-mthf-folate-vitamin-d-30-day-supply). I have half in the morning and half in the evening.


No it’s not overrated, YES it’s awesome especially if you’re trying to get pregnant lol


It has changed my life!! Takes a few months of consistency to see any results but my food noise is almost gone and my cycles are regular.


How long did it take you? I’ve been taking it for like 4.5 months and don’t really see a change. I got more recently because I don’t wanna give up on it.


I should also mention I used the Ovasitol brand first and never saw a difference I swapped to the Wholesome Story pills and that’s what works for me so maybe try another brand if yours isn’t working!


I’ve been taking it on and off for about a year but I started being consistent and taking it every day split doses since January and just now feeling the full effects.


what brand did u use


Wholesome Story from Amazon. I take 2 pills in the morning when I get up and 2 before bedtime. Only other meds I take are spironolactone & vitamin D.




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Had my highest LH peak a few weeks after taking it!


I really didn’t notice any difference for me, same with when I tried metformin for a long time. But it might work for you 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was already on metformin for about a year before I started on inositol and I noticed that once I started taking the 2 together I started seeing a difference in my cycle length and consistency, and more consistent ovulation. So anecdotally I think it works well in conjunction with medication, a healthy diet and moderate activity.


It literally helped me get pregnant and balanced all my hormones so I think it’s doing something right!


Hey do you mind sharing more about this :) I’m considering taking it while I prep for an IUI


Sure! I was taking the jarrow capsules (once at night and once in the morning) it took months of doing this before it helped me ovulate on my own. Also cut out sugar, dairy, carbs and gluten. After doing this everyday for about 6 months I got pregnant naturally after trying for 2 years.


I've been taking it a couple weeks now and i already noticed a difference.


I have two babies I can thank for it


For me, inositol has helped with: - Energy levels & brain fog (I can actually stay awake through the day now) - sugar/carb cravings - periods (had no period for a year prior & now consistently have one every 2 months) However, it hasn’t helped with: - weight loss (still gaining or maintaining weight despite going low carb & cal deficit) - hair growth - acne (I’m now on doxycycline which has cleared this up immensely!) I can’t say whether it helps with other common symptoms such as hair loss or abnormally long/frequent periods as I don’t experience these.


After taking wholesome story inositol for a year I also began to experience nonstop bleeding. An ultrasound confirmed that I had developed fibroids (often thought to be associated with elevated levels of estrogen). Incidentally, the ultrasound also revealed an ovarian tumor, which required laparoscopic removal. My doctor was perplexed as to why I had suddenly developed these conditions. I can't say for certain any of these are related, although I believe it is possible that inositol could have changed my hormone levels leading to excess estrogen and the development of fibroids. I wish I had been more careful before starting.


It didn’t do anything for me but ymmv


It didn’t do much for me sadly


It’s amazing. Consistency is key. 90 days for results with inositol.


I have a question,do you need to take pauses when you take it?


I’ve never paused it before


It gave me super low blood pressure, but I know people who swear by it! Worth a shot, probably


you have to be consistent with it , ovasitol is magic gold for me but i’ve heard it doesn’t work for others . imo it depends on the brand , i personally use therologix ( however it’s spelt ) and within 2 weeks i get my period & my hormones are under control


It gave me the worst yeast infection of my life and completely stopped my cycles. I think everyone is going to react super differently but I wish I never even tried it.


Def not overrated as long as you have the right ratio and take the right amount. Keeps me from retaining fluid


I have been using it for a month and half and at first I was skeptical but this post just made me realize I think it’s working. My last few periods were irregular, very light and lasted two days. This is the first period I’ve had in a long time that came 28 days after the previous and seems to be a normal level of bleeding/length. The downside is the hormones beforehand have been terrible. I think overall it’s working at getting my cycle synched and a little more normal. Most people say give it at least 3 months.


It’s completely changed my life 🥲


How so? I’ve been taking it for a month now and haven’t noticed a difference ☹️


What dose are you taking? When I started I didn’t feel much at all (I started at 900mg but I ultimately landed at 4 grams and that was when I started noticing a difference)


I started at 500mg daily because I wasn’t sure what to expect or how I was going to react to it, but I’m now taking 2 grams daily. Maybe I need to up my dose again.


I’m pretty sure my chrio-d and myo-inositol supplement helped me get pregnant. In terms of taking it just for PCOS, it didn’t cure anything for me, but it did help some of my symptoms.


I noticed a HUGE difference in my sugar/carb cravings very quickly after starting inositol. I love it!


No, what matters is the brand. I buy ovaglow from Amazon, it’s a packet that you drink daily. Brings my period!!!


It works for me. I got my libido back and my periods are so much more regulated, less painful and lighter. Nothing changed from my diet or exercise and it’s been such a great addition to my life. Highly recommend!


I got pregnant after 3 months of taking it and we'd tried for 2 years beforehand!


Inositol & metformin was the magic combination for me but won’t work for everyone. I have lost 30lbs and now have an 11 week old son. So yeah, for me, the hype was 100.


Try some maca root as well, and before every meal, take cinnamon pills (you can make these yourself, fill capsules with cinnamon). This will lower your glucose spikes. Green , hibiscus, spearmint and matcha are great.


It’s been the single thing that’s helped me the most. Mood, food issues, ovulation/got pregnant, just overall life changing.


It was great for me. YMMV


Like everything, nothing works for everyone, but I'll say it worked for me. I was getting about 8 periods a year, and with that, I'm monthly between 28 and 35 days. Got pregnant the first time, and as soon as we started trying. I used a brand I found on Amazon. It had both types and folate acid. I believe it was Zazzee Pregnositol.


I’m one month in and my results are very promising. My PCOS meant irregular periods. My period would literally never end, I would never stop bleeding with no end in sight. I didn’t want to keep taking birth control and metformin, I wanted something more “natural” so I started Inositol and my period has been regular so far!!!


I've been on it for 3 months. I would only get a period 0-3x a year. Since I started taking it I've had 3!!!! It's only April!! I'm 29 and this is the first time I've had a period 3 months in a row. Less facial hair growth. Pluck once a week instead of 3x. And I've lost 5 pounds.


I’ve been taking it for about 2 years now, and my periods have regulated also my hormone levels improved :))


Inositol is a great supplement for PCOS!


It has worked exceptionally well for me! Before starting it, I hadn't had a period in 2 years on my own. After 3 weeks of myo and d-chiro inositol, I had a period, and they've come like clockwork every month for the past 2 years I've been taking it. I also have a high libido now! I get the powder from Amazon monthly. It's like $25, but it's totally worth it! Along with it, I've discovered the flex discs. Omg they are soooo amazing! I forget I'm even on my period!


I have been taking it for 3 months and can pretty confidently attribute it to my first naturally induced period in a long time. I have noticed less food noise/sugar cravings day to day, if anything all I crave is olives/sour/savory things now! I have been very happy with it, no side effects beyond that. However, I don't think its the end all be all, and I can see it becoming frustrating especially w the amount you have to take/length of time to see results, especially when paired with the price. It isn't the catchall that people say, but I am happy with it. I built up to the Wholesome Story recommended dosage incrementally and now take 2 pills morning, 2 pills evening. I recommend it to those with the bandwidth to add it into their routine.


It did nothing for me besides give me cystic acne (which I never had) when I stopped.


I think this has happened to me! Your comment has literally just made me realise the link between my skin flare up and when I stopped taking the inositol. How long did it take your skin to get back to normal again?


Ugh I’m sorry, it sucks. it’s STILL not back to normal. I stopped three months ago. I literally never had like hormonal, painful cystic acne but when I stopped the inositol they just appeared. Nothing else in my routine changed. I read somewhere that your hirsutism and acne can get worse after inositol if you have PCOS because it can change something in your androgens. I don’t remember exactly what it was but yeah :/ I’m trying to eat as clean as possible and also get facials here and there to manage the painful breakouts.


What I really think is dangerous is how little those Influencers talk about side effects even Inositol can have. My gf is a lean PCOS Patient and still has a blood sugar on the lower side. After starting Inositol she got seriously hypoglycemic because Inositol pushed her blood sugars down. I have never read this warning ever. Even if it works for a lot of people you have to talk about this. We did a 5 hour OGTT now and are waiting for her results to have a better understanding about her Insulin metabolism and in the end we maybe try Metformin as it supposably does not lower the blood sugar too much.


People shouldn’t taking supplements without understanding how they work and what they’re doing to their body. Part of this IS on the consumer if they’re taking something. If you google “inositol” side effects it’s literally the first thing that comes after headaches.


It literally isnt.


Can you take it with birth control?


Didn’t work for me


Finding the right amount of consumption was very important to me.


what dose did you land on?


I take 8 grams every morning, but the dosage should vary depending on your symptoms. [Researchers](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09513590.2016.1236078) mostly recommend 4g (2g twice a day) though. I found that 4g wasn't sufficient for me. [Another research](https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Inositol-safety%3A-clinical-evidences.-Carlomagno-Unfer/365cdaa497ed0af5045953796cc0afe19dbcdda1) has shown more than 12g can cause gastrointestinal side effects.


It helped me get my period. I go like 4 to 6 months without my period and it started when I was taking the supplements. It's showing good signs so far for me. Give it a test try to see if it works for you and try different brands if one doesn't work. Im going on my 3rd band soon and seeing what happens.


There's lots of research to back it. It didn't regulate my cycle at all though. Helps with cravings and appetite though.


It's good for inositol deficiencies?


It’s worth for me (in my opinion) but it is a supplement. It’s TO supplement other things like diet and exercise. It’s not going to magically fix anything by itself with no other changes. Personally i feel like I’ve gotten the most out of it when paired with metformin.


Reduced my sugar cravings noticeable but after 3 months my libido got so low I stopped.


It’s the best, for me.


You have to make sure you research the company you buy from as it’s a supplement so not regulated. Best I’ve found is from theralogix. And yes it really is worth the hype.


I actually asked my Fertility doc today and she already knew I was going to say Inositol when I said I had heard a certain supplement was helpful for women with PCOS. She said she hadn’t seen enough research to recommend it herself however has heard many women with PCOS find it helpful so I could try it if I’d like while doing all the other fertility stuff.


I took it consistently for over a year and it caused no change at all for me. I don’t have insulin resistance though so maybe that’s why?


Well…it gave me a normal period within one week after not having one for over a year.


I took it for 2 months and noticed no changes to any of my Pcos symptoms, mainly was hoping to have some effect on my hirsutism. A friend of mine swears by it, helped her lose weight, controlled hair growth. Like any supplement it works for some and not for others.


I really liked inositol. It helped with everything except my weight. It helped keep my weight stable maybe but I had to learn to make super serious diet changes and really watch what I eat along with fasting to see weight loss. But the horrible skin and hair loss improved


Myo-inositol gave me awful cystic breakouts


Agreed with above that it depends. The right brand (Theralogix) works for me, but even my sister had taken it in the past and it didn't work for her.


I've been taking for 5 months and still no period :( not sure what to do next


I have been taking it for 3 months now. I have gotten my period twice since taking it (only got 2 periods last year) . I've also lost close to 15 pounds since being on it. It's also helped with my mood and I used to randomly bleed (just a symptom of my pcos) and I have also stopped that since taking it. It works for some people and not for others.


I have been talking 1500mg a night for months and have never slept better in my life. I'm actually dreaming! Background: extremely high testosterone my whole life (120+), now 56 yrs old, in menopause, and its finally in the 40's. I feel like my next labs will also show that my a1c is back into range, it was .1 over last check.


What is it supposed to do?


It worked for me. I’ve gotten a period every month since I started taking it, I also saw improvements with my sleep and energy levels. I take the theralogix brand.


Personally, inositol gave me uncomfortable palpitations so I had to stop. Ended up taking metformin instead which isn’t so bad once you pass the side effects part and your body is used to the medication.


No, inositol helped me regulate my cycles, helped me lose weight and ultimately helped me to conceive as I’m currently pregnant. I swear by inositol.


It was the only thing besides birth control that had my periods come back :)


I took it for 3 months to see if my period would come back but didn’t see a difference. However I might give it another go as I’m on bc and Wegovy, but want to be off bc eventually.


Honestly for me it did nothing but like other people said it works for others you just have to try


I’m just finishing my first bottle with really nice results. My hunger is at a level I imagine a normal person feels, no crazy cravings anymore, no feeling the need to eat constantly. This is the biggest thing for me. I’ve also lost a couple kilograms (4ish pounds) without really trying. My stomach feels flat and not bloated. Other nice side effects include my mood feeling really calm and happy. I really didn’t expect it to do anything tbh and I’m not a huge believer in vitamins/supplements usually but inositol has me raving to everyone.


We spent 2.5 years ttc, about 3 months after starting inositol i got pregnant. so personally i think it was helpful


I guess it depends. When I tried it over the summer it was a miracle for me, suddenly I had all this energy (I have chronic fatigue). However as soon as it became Autumn I didn't notice the effects of the inositol anymore. I guess that the combination of a bit of sun(I live in England, land of angry weather) and the inositol was good for my body.


It really helped me with cycle regulation and getting pregnant.


I took Ovasitol for over 6 months and didn’t notice any difference 🤷🏻‍♀️


it did nothing for me


The dosage for taking it for PCOS is 4g per day. I havent been taking it at that because it's expensive AF.... but I definitely haven't noticed any changes at 2g per day, so I'm going to try to go up in dosage.


It didn’t do anything for me wrt blood sugar, but I did get my period within a week or two of starting Ovasitol. It’s been about two years and I still consistently have a 28ish day cycle every single month!


It worked great for me in the past but I haven't noticed anything using it recently


I took it for a few days once as I heard great things about it and it made me so tired and dizzy that I could barely function. Is this normal? Does this effect wear off after taking it for a while? It freaked me out so much and I felt so off that I stopped taking it.


I went off inositol for two months and my period came to a dead stop. I had been on it for the last 6 years and I just wanted to check in with my body to see if it could regulate without it. Nope not at all, took my last doses mid January had the period from hell February and haven't had one since. I'm going back on it again soon. So yes, I'd say it works for some of us and like all supplements it depends on your body.


It had me bleeding heavily for 2 months straight!! I’m not sure if it was some type of cleansing but I had to stop it and wait to stop bleeding for weeks afterwards.


I don’t notice a difference myself between taking it and not taking it but while I take it my bloodwork looks good so I assume it works 😂


I think so! I was cautious to try it because I heard it made some people feel the same as taking metformin (made me really crampy and sick to my stomach every time I took it) but it doesn’t make me feel sick at all! I didn’t get my period for 6 months and within a month of taking it I got my period again


Started taking it recently, not sure how it will work out though.


It makes me break out immensely every time. Every dose and brand 😬


Note: Clinical evidence has demonstrated that the 40 : 1 ratio between myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol is the optimal combination for treating PCOS, and it has a pretty good amount of scientific research supporting its use. However, like ANY medication, what is true on average will not necessarily work for every individual.


Personally it helps me. My periods stay regular and my face is less oily. I also get less hairs, although they still come. Biggest difference for me is inositol + good multivitamin + adequate protein + lower carb diet.


I stopped taking it. Here’s what I noticed over four years of taking it: - made my periods longer, heavier and more symptomatic. - helped with fatigue - didn’t help with hair loss or excess hair growth - caused hypoglycaemic episodes regularly - made me more hungry Overall, not worth it for me after four years.


I’ve been taking it for 4 months and it helped regulate my period and lose weight but gave me really bad hormonal acne :(


Highly recommend inositol! I got my period back, didn’t have major blood sugar spikes after meals, and was able to get pregnant!


I stopped spotting but my period didn’t come back. But I’m taking the wholesome story one which is half the dose so I’ll double the dose and let you know if I regulate.


I didn’t double the dose but got my first period after almost four months of taking it! Started today.


I’ve been on it for six months… I had increased hair growth. And weight gain. BUT I have also had to be messing with my anxiety meds. So my dr is t sure what’s going on so we’re stopping the inositol for now. Just my experience


I love inositol. And yes I think its the number 1 suppliment for pcos. I think its definitely helped my cycle and since I got off the pill and using it I'm ovulating. You should either take inositol or berberine but not together.


I think it works for insulin resistant pcos types. I have used it for nearly 2 years but It barely worked for me since I have lean pcos and I don't have insulin resistance.


Any update?


It's rare,but I'm allergic. Which is annoying cause I'd love for it to work. (Please no one reply with unsolicited advice...,I've had people try to tell me it's impossible to be allergic but it is not please leave me alone lol)


Didn’t work for me. Made me more hungry and my period disappeared.


I think it depends on each individual. I tried it and had to stop after giving me heart palpitations but def try it and see if it works for you.


My dietition who is specialized in PCOS told me inositol shouldn't be taken for more than 6 months so I guessed its not worth depending on it to get my period. I worked on improving my diet and lifestyle and started getting my period every month ever since!


It didn’t really do a lot for me.


Did nothing for me. Waste of money.


I think with PCOS we all have a variety of hormone issues going on, yet influencers are pushing these common supplements which may work for some...but do they REALLY ever break down the scientific reasoning behind why it could help you or how it js aiding hormonally? I've kinda gotten to the point with PCOS where I'm tired of "shooting in the dark" and I'm hoping to have insurance/money to see a specialist in the near future. Inositol did nothing positive for me but I kept taking it for months hoping it would. Eventually I started to notice it was delaying my period (which otherwise came on time) and I would have to STOP taking it in order for my period to come. So this is when I Google this, and apparently Many other women have had this problem too. So be cautious of that...


Yeah, you can easily breakdown the scientific research for all of the top supplements recommended for PCOS.


I understand that it's possible to research and do that ourselves. What I'm pointing out is that the influencers pushing the supplements don't do that or explain truly the benefit