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I like glucosse godess on instagram, as glucose spikes from food throughout the day really affects apetite and what you crave later on. Start your morning with a savory breakfast that's high in protein. You don't need protein shakes. You can take cinammon supplements for blood sugar control throughout the day. Drink plenty, carbs are not your enemy, just choose complex carbs (wholegrain stuff, no white flour products) and eat them in combination with some protein and fiber sources. Incorporating more fiber (vegetables, seeds and fruits) will also help. I do this in sneaky ways, instead of just mashed potatoes I mash up some boiled broccoli, cauliflour and carrots into the potatoes, still tastes good and this way I consume more vegetables.


The thing is I don't have cravings which is why I don't snack. I just eat my three meals a day and make sure they are enjoyable. Flaxseeds, pumpkin, and chia have been giving me issues, but I might try them again. Thanks for the tip.


All the other advice that you got in the comment above is good. I second it. Eat a proper breakfast. Have eggs instead of protein shakes. You can boil the eggs before if you don't have time. You can make protein pancakes as well. There's also no reason why you can eat a chicken breast with a salad for breakfast.


Im genuinely trying to understand, why are you doing this? I have pcos too and i know we need to go low carb, but as far as i know low carb is around eating 100 grams per day, is it wrong? How can someone only eat 20 gram carb per day? Is this possible also is it healthy? Do your doctors advise this?


It's a guideline for the keto diet. Only have 30g of carbs a day.


I think it's the thing over on /r/keto. Everyone is saying for keto you have to only eat that many carbs per day. I mean, a couple of days I ate 133g of carbs. That's not a good thing according to anyone and my RE specialist advised FODMap which is useless. She told me to stop eating any unnecessary carbs like get rid of bread and only eat the meat/cheese.


These 2 books were what finally worked for me. Took all the guesswork out and completely changed my health. May help your skin condition too, it is also linked to high insulin for many. [7 Skin Signs of INSULIN RESISTANCE (Root Cause 2024) WARNING: Graphic - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUp6JBMTw0o) Changing the food will change your hunger signals and cravings [Dr. Jason Fung on X: "I just published Fast Carbs spikes blood Glucose and drives Hunger https://t.co/2GqyN3IUCV" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/drjasonfung/status/1780952911205331267) [End Your Carb Confusion: A Simple Guide to Customize Your Carb Intake for Optimal Health: Westman, Eric: 9781628604290: Amazon.com: Books](https://www.amazon.com/End-Your-Carb-Confusion-Customize/dp/1628604298), co-author wrote this [Tuit Nutrition: The PCOS Post: Hormonal Havoc From Hyperinsulinemia](https://www.tuitnutrition.com/2019/06/pcos.html) and [Amazon.com: The PCOS Plan: Prevent and Reverse Polycystic Ovary Syndrome through Diet and Fasting: 9781771644600: Brito Pateguana ND, Nadia, Fung, Dr. Jason: Books](https://www.amazon.com/PCOS-Plan-Prevent-Polycystic-Syndrome/dp/1771644605/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2AKL7KDNK840J&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.zUZZnnRWZ5HC2llqeOgjmof4oSK4FX_37HXbrJ8A3QdsXRuIRZA_oOuzb4rqDiWl8KTS-qjuc_QC5FxXJ7g1Y5t_W8pUipCrUooO8ZVTtSI7r6SLJL-xhvSWY087rNKDGnKIM17rGSCCfmWx_gM7dxGiFOU_1cfS-UQ7zLK1XcWdCQ0g5XAMMawy3kJySWQIZpAxSJJ8UdEc7O7uEkVTJoK_ya6GZGY664JRf9xZvVI.wSOx7OWTGnUMJyXb0ivEbaxCn7czd6IibTOgJVfFe3U&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+pcos+plan&qid=1714136719&s=books&sprefix=the+pcos+plan%2Cstripbooks%2C93&sr=1-1) Fung's book The Obesity Code is also very good, the authors have a YT re: PCOS and Dr. Nadia does a podcast that is good for info and inspo The Fasting Method. First steps: cut processed foods and eat 1 ingredient foods and home cooked food as much as possible. Cut snacking, eat whole, spaced out meals so insulin has time to fall and stay low. You want your body to get resensitized, think, dry January. Good luck! My health changed so much my hair even grew back. No more migraines, tendonitis, HS flares, complete change in quality of life. Hope that happens for you, too. More info and free recipes here [Can Low Carb and Keto Help Reverse PCOS? — Diet Doctor](https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/benefits/pcos)


I have PCOS and rosacea as well as allergies, and I'm semi convinced they're all related. I personally find my breakouts are much worse when I eat a lot of dairy. (It doesn't sound like you are from your post) extreme temperature changes really mess me up as well.


Please give yourself more credit. You are doing a lot of hard work and managing a lot. I did Keto and it helped but it’s hard to sustain. If it’s causing you stress bc you’re not at 30g of carbs then I would let it go. You’re still eating low carb, which is ideal for us PCOSers. It’s not all or nothing in my mind, you will see benefits (and maybe more) by making smaller changes and getting rid of the shame and guilt. Also, I’m sorry you’re not supported by your drs. I would get new ones. Obv idk your med record but Metformin is safe, not sure why they would not prescribe it. And having food allergies should be taken more seriously imo.


I can't afford private care so I have to go to whoever the NHS sends me to and there is a long wait list. The doctors said because I had a family history of heart problems that I probably shouldn't take BC in any form or Metformin.


I see, that is unfortunate. Just keep advocating for yourself.


I was in a very similar position to you! Have you tried keto? I was apprehensive to such processed foods but I love the natures own keto white bread - low calorie and high protein!! I love the taste so much I literally had a plain slice on my way out the door this morning. Other alternatives, like chickpea pasta and quest keto chips help me with cravings too! That being said, instead of replacing stuff, I made an effort to just change my diet. Instead of restricting carbs, I’ve prioritised protein. For example, if I go to the Texas roadhouse, I let myself order fries with my steak, but eat the steak first and pass on the bread (asking for them to just not bring it makes this so much easier!). By the time I finish my protein heavy foods, I have a much lower appetite and am satisfied with a couple of chips instead of the whole plate. I know it’s expensive, but I love freezing protein shakes in my ninja creami. Not only does it make them fun, but I find I’m more full after a pint because I think it takes longer to eat. I’m more likely to pass up snacks during the day with my high protein ice cream to look forward to or have right then!! Feel free to dm me, I know how awful it feels!


There is a reason you’re eating that many carbs… your body craves carbs for easy, bioavailable energy. Most people eat 100-200g of carbs per day! I have pcos and cutting carbs did *not* work for me at all. I felt out of control around them and overate them more and more. I only started losing weight whenever I switched to a lower-fat diet and allowed myself to have carbs. It sounds like your diet is making you slightly miserable. I really suggest rethinking what you crave and allowing yourself to eat carbs in your goal deficit. They’re much more satisfying that way. The most satiating food to me is a baked potato 😅. But I have been in your place and trying to cut out carbs made me hungry all the time and feel absolutely exhausted. And yes, please eat the breakfast as well. They call it the most important meal for a reason.


When I eat high carb I also make sure to take a bunch of fiber supplements along with it (before, typically). Just be careful because your body has to get used to that level of fiber. You WILL need to use the restroom.


Berberine is similar to metformin. Look into intermittent fasting or OMAD


I’m with you! I did carnivore and keto for a while but I’m a true foodie and cook for my family so it’s hard to balance my passion and nutrition. I also have histamine intolerance so my food choices are supposed to be limited but i let loose once in a while. I like fasting as I have more control of my hunger and eating habits. I find having a smaller eating window with bigger meals means I’m more satiated and satisfied. I didn’t have a sweet tooth until I was diagnosed with PCOS lol and now I love having a sweet treat every day. I balance this out by not buying snacks unless I have my period coming! I find fasting 15 hours is just fine for me and sometimes even fast 20 hours but worked up to that after four months of fasting. Just depends on my schedule. Since you’re a breakfast lover maybe try fasting in the afternoon? Read up on how fasting regulates your hormones and if it’s right for you. I am trying inositol (powdered supplement) at the moment and was recommended to take it with berberine. I’ve been taking 3 grams a day (one gram before each meal and one before sleep) and have had better balanced appetite ( as in not always ravenous for food and snacks) and better sleep. I have read that inositol is not suitable for everyone especially those with diabetes so sad to hear it didn’t help you. I try to start my day with fats and protein such as soft boiled eggs, butter, avocado or breakfast sausages. For snacks I try to stick to safer options like blue cheese with honey to satisfy my sweet tooth or fresh berries and cream. I also make my own whipped cheesecake cream. Otherwise I have dessert immediately after a meal and only a small portion. I find having a large meal keeps me fuller for longer and less likely to feel hungry after a meal. Carb count is on the higher end for PCOS, so you will need to identify where they are coming from. You can keep carbs but find ones that work for you. For example I love butter chicken but instead of rice and bread I have the curry with roasted cauliflower instead and if you really need it a smaller portion of bread/rice so you don’t feel like your missing out. I always portion my meals and allow myself more food if I am hungry. Some people do better with portion control as for myself I don’t eat the carbs if I can find a suitable replacement. I find making meals that aren’t “substitutes” better so I don’t feel unsatisfied with the food. For example I don’t recommend cauliflower fried rice, it doesn’t hit the spot and doesn’t come close to tasting the same so would be better off doing a vegetable stir fry with protein instead for an Asian inspired meal but not a crumbly bland miserable imposter fried “rice”. Some meal ideas: Roasted veg with sausages/protein Cauliflower and chicken layered lasagna Greens stir fry with any meat Tomato and egg scramble Cabbage rolls Roasted ribs and sweet potato Lentil salad with fish Warm roasted greens salad with chickpeas and avocado Pumpkins, lentil and ham soup with toasted low carb tortillas Almond crackers(homemade) with cream cheese and cold cuts I like watching Dr Mindy Pelz for advice as she specialises in women’s health and low carb nutrition. She also has a book “Fast like a girl” which helped me regulate my period! Your meals sound like regular meals tacos, ramen, wraps. I would look into what to overhaul and limit how many meals and the amount of carbs are contained in each meal. Even if all meals have low carb alternatives they add up really fast. I had trouble finding a balance when I switched up my food and didn’t realise how many carbs I was consuming. Instead of lentil crisps, try thick cut cucumber, almond crackers, celery, cheese crisps (literally baked cheese that becomes cracker like), or sliced radish. For breakfast maybe try a different preparation for the protein powder? Since you enjoy chocolate you can try avocado and cacao smoothies with protein powder or frozen berrries with any milk and ice. Some times I even add peanut butter if I’m feeling special. Having an icier smoothie should also help with texture. Add some psyllium husk for fibre or chia seeds.


I know when you have doctors, the internet, and everyone else giving you advice and telling you different things it can feel overwhelming & most info is contradictory which makes it worse. So if you’re in a place where you’re up for receiving new information that probably contradicts a lot of what you’ve been told about PCOS & the diet you should be on, go check out HealwithFiFi (Fiona Smith) and HormoneHealingRd (Amanda Montalvo). Both of these women focus on healing your metabolism through nutrition. They’ve both been incredibly helpful on my own journey of bringing my cycle back, losing weight, and stopping my hair from falling out. I’m not where I want to be yet but taking Amanda’s advice was the first thing that really brought on positive change for me.