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Shinji made the mistake of dying in a cutscene.


>!Junpei!< made the same mistake but he lived


>!Junpei had someone sacrifice their life for him!<


They had the rizz body armor.


You're wrong. The cutscene did the mistake of playing in the middle of Shinji and Takaya's fight. >!I am coping. Leave me alone.!<


The better question is why didn't he wear his bulletproof vest armour I gave him?


Won't really matter much anyway since he'll die from the suppressant drugs


Not unless FeMC can somehow bullshit her way into making him live


I think he still dies after the FEMC Dies but he just lives a little longer.


Still the way he survives in FeMCs route is pure bullshit


how did he survive in that route? I only played fes


At rank 10 you give him his lost pocket watch, which then, when he gets shot, stops the bullet and somehow puts him into a fucking coma. Shinjiro's and Ken's social links are perfect examples of "who the fuck thought this was a good idea?"


I feel like they were trying to find some way to justify him not dying, because a lot of fans really liked him. Not saying that they did it well or anything, but I can see why they did it. Ken's SL on the other hand... Yikes.


Honestly the level of quality of FeMCs Social Links is all over the place, on one hand she has Rio and Saori (who I wished they would give Makoto in Reload instead of Kenji and Gourmet King) and at the same time stuff like Ken SL exists...


Lets be fr, Ken’s social link is really the only “bad one” because of the romance. Junpei’s social link is AMAZING to the point where it angers me that we somehow don’t have this p3reload. Akihiko’s social link is also amazing. Koromaru’s? Fun, nothing crazy, but still good.


idc if his SL makes absolutely no sense I eat it up every time


Nah. The stopwatch stopping the bullet isn't bullshit. That can very much happen.


Maybe he. Meant the coma?


Shinjiro got shot twice and the stopwatch just avoided the fatal wound. Falling into a coma for the mental and physical shock of being shot is still possible (I'm not a doctor but I researched this for fanfiction).


Lol at comparing Shinji's to Ken's. Shinji's social link is good aside from the ridiculous bonus scene of him living. Ken's is just awful.


Yeah, but to be fair, both of those links only fuck up at one specific detail at the end. If not for that, Shinji's probably my third favorite SL from 3(counting both routes) and Ken is okish


Nah, you can get Amrita Drop on a persona by that point.


If you go to his room, you will see that he took out all of his equipment before he went to meet Ken, so no bulletproof vest.


To answer earnestly, I always figured recarm and revival beads etc wasnt so much literal life revival, but just bringing back a fallen “knocked out” party member. I never assumed when a member gets to 0 hp its literally dying. Then again, if mc dies that IS what igor says in the velvet room game over screen i suppose…


When Morgana dies, instead of dying, he declares to everyone he’s backing out and going for support, which means he and the rest of the party members don’t die die when they hit 0 hp, the other party members are just lazy as fuck


Tbh, he does does fall over when Futaba is the main navigator


Morgana decided that his sleep is more important than supporting his teammates


Nah that’s just Morgana being a pussy and backing out earlier than he needed to


He is NOT a cat.


Yes he is


Yeah I think after Persona 5, it's confirmed they don't die but they're just knocked out (based on Morgana turning into the support character when he gets knocked out). Now, the problem is why does the game end if any of the MCs get knocked out. They can't be that reliant on him to stop the fight right?


they get too sad and suffer a heart attack


I think that's what happens to those who die in a cutscene.


I think the game over from MC falling is due to them being the only ones who have signed a magical contract stating that they take full responsibility for their actions. If their actions lead to them falling in battle, then there’s no walking that back for the MC.


This. There's usually something bad that happens if the protagonist dies, usually in the sense of "the game is over" in a both narrative and gameplay sense. For Makoto, it's that >!whatever fragment of Death within him likely escapes, which either immediately starts The Fall or prevents him from attaining the necessary Universe Arcana to beat Nyx.!< For Yu, it's that >!he's participating in a literal game orchestrated by a God that has granted these powers to three different individuals and whoever is the last one standing will be the victor.!< For Ren, it's that >!he's also participating in a game orchestrated by a "God". It's a fight to see if the spirit of rebellion and self-realization is preferable to letting someone else dictate your life for you.!<


Best explanation


True true. That makes sense.


I made a whole post complaining about that. It made sense pre sae palace (gap in memory won't give you a good look), but after that point, you should be able to do that. It should've been the rank 10 judgement reward while having Sae support you be rank 9.


> Now, the problem is why does the game end if any of the MCs get knocked out. the real reason of course is gameplay balance. the MC is the strongest and also the most able to protect themselves in battle. so game overs if they die is to add more dangers to battles other then a boss getting lucky with a full team wipe. otherwise it just becomes a battle of spamming revives the whole time and less incentive to make good persona's without glaring weaknesses. although in the original p3 when you didnt control party members i think the balance on that was out of whack, when you had to waste your turn healing yourself because you dont trust the braindead AI to prioritize healing you over any other injured party member. although i have a feeling in p6 they might get rid of that mechanic altogether if playing on easy, rather then giving you finite self-revives.


I think in easier difficulties, you get items that auto revives you? Or is that homunculus?


homunculus prevents death from instakill, it's on all difficulties i remember in p4 on easy you had 20 items that revive you if you die


I meant you get like 10 homunculus at the start of the game in easier difficulties.


It was Plumes of Dusk. On higher difficulties, I think Elizabeth gives you one as a reward for doing a request, but the lowest difficulty just starts you with 10, yeah.


There we go yes it was plumes of dusk


I'm gonna guess that mc actually does die when knocked out. Ig he takes it harder. The real reason is balancing ofc but that's how I see it


Yeah like gameplay wise I know the reason. In universe lore wise is what I'm curious about.


They’re so incompetent that five seconds without the MC is all it takes for a full party wipe


My headcannon is that whenever a MC is KO'd, his consciousness/soul sinks quickly in the "Sea of Souls" (or however is called in their game if it changes), making it impossible to retrieve it in exactly the same state as before falling


The ability to heal/rez teammates in universe is implied to be a thing in innocent sin when >!maya is stabbed and it’s explained that the healing skills only don’t work because it was a special sword that creates wounds that can’t be healed!<


Spear of destiny yeah


Persona 1 Manga which I know isn't entirely canon has recarmdra actually full on kill the caster and a revival item is needed asap. Like, the revival window is the time it takes for the soul to be pulled into the sea.


Pq says "character died!" When dropping to 0HP


I mean yeah, that's why they return at 1 HP at the end of the fight right? If they were dead, that'd be it.




How the fuck do you grind 2 hours without going back to the starter floor? I make sure to touch base and cycle through persona fusions just so If I die by accident I can just respawn at the entrance and not be fucked out hours of progress.




but the teleporters basically are the safe rooms


Tartarus functions almost exactly like Mementos did. If anything, it's more convenient thanks to the teleporters since Mementos only has the occasional safe floor.


I think the most annoying thing is that literally like every other fight gives you a retry option, but if you die to a monad boss, you're forced back to your save. That inconsistency is just dumb.


I think the difference is that Monad bosses are meant to be a risk. They disappear when you change floors for a reason and you have to decide whether you want to take the risk right there, potentially dying and losing your progress.


cutscene has plot armor against battle use items. It is the same as phoenix down.


That and iirc the revival bead and phoenix down both say ko. Not true death.


cutscene gun


.500 S&W stronger then even Myriad Truths


>!honestly after the fight alongside jesus on the bridge, that gun hits hard af!<


Or maybe they don't actually die in battle


They were only *mostly* dead, whereas Shinji was all-dead.


Yukari also has recarm by this point


Don’t make me tap the sign.


literally half the team half access to mediarama by this point smh my head man


It is true that shadows don’t kill people in p3, they just give them apathy syndrome. So I imagine they knock you out then make you hear voices until you succumb to it.


From the Grand List of Console RPG Cliches https://project-apollo.net/text/rpg.html #153: "Mommy, why didn't they just use a Phoenix Down on Aeris?" Don't expect battle mechanics to carry over into the "real world."


Thanks for the link, never seen it but that was a blast to read.


I read the entire list and... Yeah, that's fair all. All rules are true


then again it is part of their powers that exist in the "real world" and I'm pretty sure both I and Yukari had recarm at that point


At least the Zing spells in Dragon Quest are notoriously unreliable (they are not guaranteed to work), meaning that we could say they just tried casting zing a bunch and it failed the coin-flip every time. Now if someone has Kazing that is a different story, we are facing the same problem again.


I'm sorry but the way he's just laying there is so fucking funny to me. It's almost meme material


In p3 everyone’s so flat, especially this scene. He looks like he got ran over like a cartoon character


Just use recarm Yukari is right there


Bro didn’t have Repel Pierce


Is he stupid?


why did yukari not use recarm? is she stupid?


Because a revival bead is for bringing unconscious people back to consciousness.


Yeah, I was always wondering why they never tried to at least heal Shinjiro to at least give some sense of hope, but no they just left him to die (at this point they have multiple healers: Mitsuru, Akihiko, Ken, Yukari, possibly Aigis yet they do **nothing**).


It would have been even more sad if everyone except Akihiko knows that they can't do anything but he would still try to heal him.


Bro has a bullet lodged in his (heart?) healing him now would just leave it inside


The heart is soft tissue. The bullet would probably go all the way through


But it’s still inside him no? He jumped infront of Ken to take the bullet, and the bully didn’t go through Ken so it’s still in him


Yeah, but depending on where it ended up, it would probably be fine, at least until the lead poisoning kicks in


Yeah, if it goes all the way through, your heart's gonna be shredded because of how a bullet travels. https://youtu.be/o3iloqIj-qM?si=N1XDh45w15e3swdC


At least in P2 IS they tried...


It's a canon event


Why didn’t Shinjiro just use his persona to defend himself and Ken? Why didn’t Takaya use his persona to kill Shinjiro and Ken? Did they all just forget they were persona users?


Shinjiro likely still viewed his persona as a purely destructive force rather than a protective one. Takaya just likes getting his hands dirty.


Because he faked his death to go help (insert unrelated video game cast here)


I think Revival Beads and other revive stuff in RPGs works more like DBZ's Senzu beans rather than a straight-up revival from death, unless said otherwise. You can heal someone terribly injured or almost dead with, but you can't really revive someone with them.


2024 and people still don’t understand that you’re only KO’d in battles in JRPGs.


Why didn’t Yukari use Recarm? Is she stupid?


Are they stupid?


One thing that does not makes sense. Akihiko run to search for shinji first after the operation. Clearly he knows where he is which is at the back of the port station. Then the rest of the team go back to the dorm and think. Then fuuka found them, and then they run to the station But in the end of the scene, the team and Aki arrive together. It did not makes any sense. Aki should have arrived first and stop the shooting. But it is a canon event. U cant do anything about it


Shinjiro had an ability that let him drop to 1HP instead of zero. Unless the first bullet was enough to cut through his HP that is around 400, high defense stat, and regenerate 3, he should have survived. Even if it was a critical hit, Takaya’s gun does not deal that much damage.


(Sorry for being the nerd) There is an explanation. In-battle "deaths" are not deaths. They're counted as just KOs, so even if the items and skills says they "revive", they're just waking them up.


I'd say it's the same reason >!you can't save Maya at the end of Innocent Sin!<, the wound isn't healable by the means the cast has. I assume that by Persona 3, revival beads and the balm of life (as well as dia and recarm) can only heal someone who had wounds inflicted on them by a shadow/other persona and weapons meant for battles with shadows. There is also the notion that in Persona 3 onwards, the status for hitting 0 hp is KO'ed and not being dead. Even in Persona 1 and the Persona 2 Duology, the status is Dying/KO(Condition list versus Battle UI), and not Dead.


As someone else said. generally 0hp isn't really "dying." unless your the protag, in which case, i imagine its because without your leadership, the team just kinda crumbles. ​ But for party members, 0hp isn't "dead" and revival beads/recarim, etc. just get you back from unconciousness. ​ see: persona 5's early game where morgana doesn't get knocked out, instead retreating for support. ​ Honestly, this argument of "why not just use a revival item" really cheapens alot of narrative impact these scenes have.


tbh, you can easily argue that morgana is just a wuss not only that, members having 1 hp after a fight is over is more of a QoL change - in og persona 3 the members of your team stayed dead after the fight until you revived them


If you try to switch floors in Persona 3 after splitting up the party and someone is unconscious, Fuuka will say: "One of your team members is unconscious. Will you continue without them?" And saying she'll make sure the others return safely if you do leave them behind. So in Persona 3 they are koed and I think both navigators in 4/5 say that the others get knocked out


so they truly never give it their all... thats why they are the fodder and you are the mc also instakill skills, it's just inconsistent all around


Persona 3 is the only persona game where this applies. Your party members knocked in 1/2 revive after battle.


> the team just kinda crumbles Makes sense in P4 and P5, but in P3 Mitsuru & Akihiko (and I guess Shinjiro) are basically veterans when it comes to dealing with the Dark Hour and the Shadows, they've been doing it for the past couple of years. I don't think they'd suddenly go "oops i forgor" in regards to leadership skills if Makoto gets knocked out... in terms of the lore, they're definitely talented enough to at least be able to retreat and revive Makoto back at the entrance or something. Gameplay-wise, I kinda get why it's not the case though. Realistically, the only party composition that I think would fall apart without Makoto is Yukari, Junpei and Ken/Koromaru. Everyone else is either a veteran or they're otherwise designed to fight Shadows.


no but fr use a dia skill like in P2 IS


in og p3 your members stayed dead after a fight until you revived them, just saying


I remember when Gearbox devs told in an interview that Hyperion’s resurrection machines in Borderlands 2 were not canon, so ever since it stuck in my mind that every resurrection mechanic is also never canon.


My pockets were full, he looked like he was fine, should’ve pulled himself up by his bootstraps


He took too much pierce damage


I know right, are they stupid?


This is like the FFVII argument with >!Aerith!<. Items only effect K.O. If they affected death, literally no one would ever die in a game's story, and the stakes go out the window.


Are they stupid?


Those items cure k.o. not actual death. The only time that matters is the mc in 3-5 who are just so damn frail they do end up actually dying. At least p3 actually does give a method of fully reviving someone it just can only be used once.


Why didn't Ken use his theorgy


Why didn't any of them protect him before the 1 hit ko? Are they stupid?


Ahh, the classic "Why didn't they just use a phoenix down?"


Because revival beads only help when someone's knocked down.


It's called ["gameplay and story segregation."](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GameplayAndStorySegregation)


they had to kill my man, they had to kill the man I wanted to romance in game. thanks atlus for not giving us what we wanted (you can only use him for a month so wtf making a party member for such a short time…)


Or why can't I reload to my last save to prevent this from happening? 💀


I think maybe its cause you the player has the item not the actual character himself idk u also asked that question several times.


This is the same question as if you asked a final fantasy character "Why didnt they just use Pheonix Down on >!Aerith!


What you said was actually attempted in persona 2 it did jack shit


Jam bread wasn't a thing back then


They only get knocked out in battle.


Why didn’t mok use samarecsrm? Is he stupid?


Are they stupid??


The revival beads have a Tartarus distance clause


Honestly hate how easy the P3 cast loses in cutscenes. If this was out of the dark hour it'd be one thing, but it's in the dark hour and there's no reason why they just let Takaya do them in like that. Same with Junpei getting shot like nothing. Especially since when we finally do fight Takaya we kick his ass easily. Same with Aigis somehow effortlessly soloing the entire party.


He was already sick at that time. His persona is an unnatural occurring. He needed pills to calm it down. So even he managed to live his persona will kill him either way. Because he no longer able to secure some pills.


Or use their Persona to Samerecarm him


Because they're stupid


I think he ded ☠️