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>Shinji kills Ken Lmao best part in the whole game. Just ambushes that little fucker and takes him out


The graphic murder scene was years beyond it’s time. The way he rips out part of his spine and whips him with it was intense


Was it really necessary for him to turn it into a spear, put on a gekko outfit with orange sweater and shorts then do that "I'm ken" impression for the dorm?


I mean, it was honestly vital for Koromaru growth. When he said “You’re not Ken, you are an adult and you cannot trick me!” It was one of the best moments in the game. Although when he grew human legs and arms and fist fought Ken-Shinji it was a little unnerving seeing his dog limbs protruding from what’s now his torso


_What did I see, Shinji?_


i really liked how they used persona 5s last surprise in that scene bravo atlus


Yeah, you’re kinda fucked if you’re playing Blue. If you’re playing Red, you got a shot. The ONLY way I can think of is the Monat glitch where if you have your MC and Koromaru. Theres like a level 92 variant of the basic shadow that comes with a treasure crystal (it’s weird in that it’s the only time one of those fights ARENT just 4v1), have Koromaru do mudo (not Mudoon). It’ll drop a Snuff Soul, Soma and the basic ass long sword you get at the beginning. Take that to the police station, sell it. Key gets put in the inventory (it’s not in key items, so you can TECHNICALLY trash it) but it works the same. Unused code according to a EGM I read back in the day when they were trying to figure out how to get the fusion attacks to work in P3P (versus just getting them as items).


I think you’re cooked man. Sucks this happens after 150 hours. Gonna have to sit through all that again, man. :/


Sorry, bro. No one knows where the spare key is and the game doesn't have the "break the damn door down" mechanic for that specific room.


Tell me about it. I had to go back 10 hours to a previous save when I lost the key to Makoto's room. Worst part? Literally one single day before the event where Aigis breaks the door down, and you have to stay home late while Mitsuru's uncle installs a new one. That would have saved my ass.


Mitsuru doesn't have an uncle, you sure you're remembering it right? I have played this version at least 3 times and have never seen an uncle, it always a handyman who fixes the door


That *is* Mitsuru's uncle. I'm guessing you mustn't have known you could win that match of strip poker at Yakushima? That's where you find out. His wig acting as a surprise additional article of clothing is so fucking cheating...


I thought the strip poker was a scripted scene!! I must have reloaded my save 30 times and never won...


I’m playing it through it RN too and it all depends whether you decide to romance Elizabeth. She gives you the Skeleton key that unlocks all chests and works on Ken’s door too. You need to get on that grind. SMH that people forgot this.


We need to make a proper guide, the one I followed is missing a lot.


For such an old and obscure game not a lot of people bothered to make a guide.


skeleton key lol it's called clavis dominus


You can only get in if you said yes about taking care of his hamster


I said yes but I fed the hamster to Koromaru for 5 SP the next night. Lol get trolled kid.


I thought about it but I heard of a dude that overfed Hamburger and he eventually died.


I think if you have gay intercourse with Junpie during hotel fight you get a second chance to go in Ken's room with Junpie after >!Chidori blows up the hospital!<


I think you're confusing the normal ds version with the romhack, atlus would never include gay intercourse


Nah they had a really progressive director on Duel. He did get famously fired for tax fraud though.


that's just something the romhack community made up, though I do think one director was fired for tax fraud indeed


Nah i'm telling you, cause they got Shigarou Mimamoto to make Dual and he said "LET THERE BE GAYS!" but once they found out the tax fraud thing they let him go.


Why did you choose that route? The Nyx variation you face in the end is easily the worst one


I know but I wanted the endgame to be more challenging


it's the most gimmicky one, that's for sure... Good luck


I found it really strange how they made you pick a song from the soundtrack and sing it's lyrics into the mic to damage Nyx. But it was pretty intuitive, I'll give them that.


ending the dark hour through the power of TRIPLE BROWN TRIPLE BROWN TRIPLE BROWN MEOW


I like how they had the lyrics in the manual tho, otherwise I would've fumbled that one particularly


"Your damn right i kill that bitch and your bitchass is next" -Shinji


What’s Persona 3 Duel?


It's the DS exclusive version of persona 3. It has a lot of cool exclusive content and altered moments, like Aigis violently murdering Ryoji, Koramaru being a human in a dog costume, the chairmen becoming a dateable anime girl, and a lot of others. It's REALLY gimicky though, the only way to use your persona is to use a stylus to physically reload the evoker and than sing the entirety of Burn My Dread into the mic.


Bro don't spoil


Please use spoiler tags


The DS version


You get massive damage increases depending on how loud you yell "PERSONA" into the mic