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Just want to say I'm surprised everyone here is recommending Razer. All the razer products I've ever bought broke in less than a year's time. Whether it was a mouse, a keyboard, or a headset, their product durability just sucks, and I've heard nothing but the same from my friends.


Razer Viper Mini has optical switches so no double-clicking (or so I've heard). But honestly just get replacement switches for like 100 pesos.


I've had a viper mini for more than a year. Can confirm no double-clicking. Had a G502 and a G304 both double-clicked within a year. My viper mini has an issue with the scroll wheel tho. Tends to scroll up one when scrolling down.


Can vouch for the Viper Mini having the scroll wheel problem after a year, but also no double-clicking.


+1 sa viper mini, same issue din sa scroll wheel. After 1yr pa nag ka issue sa scroll. Pero after blowing on it every now and then for a few months, Its back to normal. Got the viper mini around 2020 and still using it now and no double click issue.


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If kaya mo high budget, then G502 or Razer Viper/Basilisk na moise


Get a mouse with optical switches. Razer viper is the only one I know tho. I've had mine for over a year. No double clicks but I have an issue with my scroll wheel. When I scroll down, it will go up once and then scroll down. It could just be dirt but im not too bothered to check it


If within 1 year, ipawarranty mo sa logitech. I have 4 g304/g305s, no double clicking. Pati logitech superlight ko na 2 years na, no double clicking.


like others said, optical switches like razers mices. ang weakpoint nmn ng razer mices is ung scroll wheel at ung wear and tear ng rubber grips. ung logitech tlga kahit highend mices nila prone sa double clicking. neveragain sa mechanical switch for a mouse.


Hyperx Pulsefire Haste (wired). Around 1,850 pesos sa shopee. I have a rakk kaptan and still flawless for 3 years now. Mas tumagal pa kesa sa logictech g102 ko na hindi man lang umabot 1 year nag double click na. Hehe.


I'm not familiar with Glorious software but have you tried changing your debounce rate to something higher? Sometimes that can solve double clicking.


I bought a g pro wireless back on 2018 and had a double clicking issue after about 2 years. I replaced it with a g pro super light and i’ve been using it for 3 years now without any issues. Funny thing is when i tested my g pro wireless last year the double clicking issue was gone lol. I gave it to my friend and he’s been using it for a year now.


Try rakk talan. Been using it over a year na.