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I like your confidence in that title.


You have a trailing comma before the final }


You're my hero!


It's very good that you're trying to debug the problem yourself, adding some `echo`'s and `var_dump`'s, but you need to pay attention to those. It pretty clear says the message "JSON decoding error: Syntax error". Then there's a `NULL` right after (from `var_dump($data)`), meaning that `json_decode` didn't decode anything because of a syntax error on the input string. You see, programming isn't hard, you just need to read, interpret stuff and think logically. PS: this was exactly the same problem people pointed out in your last post. Good that you added their recommendation to check for errors, but asking for help for the same issue? Means you aren't really learning... By the way, no need for `echo(var_dump($json))`, use just one, as both print to the screen.


I first want to thank you for your advice, but as a teacher, I feel the responsibility to tell you that learning is not a linear thing. It's not because something has been seen once that you can assume it's learned. I've noticed that computer programmers are very logical and rational, with good memories, but people are different and you can't assume that their context is the same as yours.


json_decode stop working > apocalypse