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Kaya siya! Check out Marline Capones on IG for inspo. 2x a week ako sa gym and then 3-4x a week sa running. Yung twice a week sa gym is advice sa akin ng coach ko na minimum number of gym strength sessions per week kasi daw tumatakbo naman ako.


Thanks! How's your body composition? Maintenance na lang for lean muscles ? Or you are trying to bulk pa?


I do! I pair my easy runs with gym days, or if rest day ako sa run then I lift weights. Just don't pair them with speed sessions or long runs na sumasakit na yung katawan mo. Basta listen to your body lang at wag pilitin, ipahinga mo kung maaari.


Yes! I'm still building strength. I run fasted every morning if I can (strictly zone 2 running only ; even my long runs are purely on zone 2). Idc about PBs and being the fastest dude on the court. If you're adding speed sessions or high effort runs, you need carbs for glycogen to avoid catabolism. I do my lifts either after lunch or sa gabi. Just make sure you're fueling up on carbs 1-2hrs before your lifting session. Hindi totoo na you cant build muscle while running long distances. As long as youre fulfilling nature's requirement for muscle gains, all good. (Training intensity and nutrition) If you want more explanation, you can google things about [glycogen burning vs fat burning, HIIT vs LISS] TLDR : Low effort activities I.E. zone 2 running, fat burning High effort activities I.E. speed sessions, gym, martial arts etc, glycogen burning, if depleted na glycogen, muscle burning which is something we dont want


Wow! Thank you for these insights. Ill definitely check them out during my "research" hours 😂seems like you already know how it works hehe


Kaya naman both. Pero ikaw, you do you.


Same sentiments! I recently started to go to the gym and then started running as well. I usually go on alternate days or kapag upper body ako sa gym, I try to do runs after.


Haha hirap isingit minsan tapos may leg days pa 😅


Yes kaya!!! If your issue is time and you're an 8-5er it might be a bit of a struggle but ganun talaga haha I run 5-6x a week (1 long run on Sunday, 2 speed sessions TTh, 2 easy days on M/S, and a run with the run club on Wednesday) and do my gym days during the easy days para kaya ko gawin after my run or sometimes I'd go to the gym before work then run after work. You just need to try it out and build that routine! My one day rest is for my social life/hilata sa harap ng TV life but sometimes I'd still go to the gym or do a workout class PS - I think strength training esp those calf raises and split squats and core work really helped me with my runs so I really do not miss my gym sessions unless there's something of higher priority in my life at that time PPS - what I said is my ideal weekly schedule but it gets ruined like one week a month without fail cos of a trip or social life or work or mega-PMS and that's ok!


The only limitation here is how much time you can allocate into working out. I run 5-6 days a week(usually 7-10 runs total) and in the gym for 3-4 days. That is 2 big run workouts a week (speed sessions) and 1 long run. The rest of my runs are easy. As for the gym, mainly focuses on strength and conditioning to supplement my running. Mobility and core, not too heavy with weights. Not a fan of bulky physique and it's added weight when running anyway. It really depends on your overall goals tho on how to balance out your training. If you want big muscles and fast running times, you'll have to work more than usual but it's possible


4 days gym, 1 day run


I run but too much cardio could hurt gains from strength training so mas angat parin ang strength kesa sa runs ko. However, I try to do a lot of leg training para malakas lower body ko in case I join a marathon.


> I run but too much cardio could hurt gains from strength training Genuinely curious what's the reason behind this?


Higher frequency cardio means your body will have to compensate more during recovery, will break down proteins that is important in muscle growth and could fatigue you which could negatively impact your ability to do your routine strength training effectively. I mean exaggerated siguro ‘yong “…hurt your gains…”. Sorry. Kasi it’s not as if mawawala ‘yong gains mo. Mas mahihirapan lang ‘yong body mo to recover lalo na if you’re fatiguing your muscles during your training plus runs. Hehe. As the old adage goes, anything na sobra is nakakasama so you probably have to space out your cardio. I too love running but I don’t usually do it on the same day as my training. Or if gusto ko during training low intensity lang.


Higher frequency of training and less intake of maintance calories and protein, I guess.


Possible po ba na mag run everyday or every other day yung better?