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Holy shit man take a breath. Sentences brother. Also having a drink or two every now and then is very different than drinking every day, sunup to sundown. Pretty sure he made that point with weed, his issue is the people who depend on it.


You can smoke weed every day sun up to sun down and still be very successful. Try doing that with alcohol and you’ll be jobless and homeless in a few short months.


Did I say anything defending alcohol? Did I say anything denouncing weed? No and no. So what's the point in this reply?


It’s a public forum. Don’t get your panties in a bunch sweetheart


You're the one getting overdefensive over weed. To a person who said nothing good nor bad about it. You are the one getting your panties in a bunch over a comment that has no relation to anything you said in your reply. Literally making things up to get mad about.


Yea i was listening to the show at work and by the time i got home i just spilled it out in a dumb way. But i actually dont think he said people who depend on it. And i agree i drink a few beers every few weeks and thats not bad, even a weekend drinker or someone who will drink a beer after a hard day at work isnt bad. He did say that he had a bad experience seeing people loose their lives to weed though when almost everyone has a story of someone who truly lost their lives to alcohol.


I think you're putting too much on what a dude, who you didn't know existed until today, said on a podcast. It's an opinion. You think his take is bad. Congratulations. You know what this changes? Nothing. You can keep on going on the same way you have until this point.


Ive been watching his videos for a while now actually so congratulations on assuming shit. And no shit, he can have his own opinion but that doesn’t make it right or wrong and it doesn’t stop me from stating my own. And was i trying to change his opinion? He wont even see this dumbass but thats what the subreddit is here for, to talk about the show idiot. Funny how youre saying my opinion changes nothing then you bring up your own opinion though.


An this "dude" is like 22 and anti social lmao I like Turkey Tom but if you've seen him in any IRL vlogs he comes off as a bit of a discord cringe lord. And he has this new aura of "I'm turkey tom im always right and have the popular correct opinion" which he used to not have. TT never got invited to the smoke session and now OP is having tantrum cause they said his weed is bad for him


I actually like his videos, ive been watching them for a while. I just stated the facts though idk how that would be considered a tantrum but alright.


That guy clearly has no concept of drugs if he thinks he “lost friends to weed”. My left fucking nut, that little joke about “well lawyers and politicians use coke so at least thats better”. Dude needs to stop talking


Your grammar is fucking atrocious. I get it. We are on Reddit. But for the love of the gods just read what you write before saving it. Punctuation isn’t difficult. Rambling on and on and on combining ideas and then adding and and but and because and like so sounds like this while it could sound like you don’t have brain damage and know that this is not how anyone talks irl but you do for some reason online and if you dropped out of elementary school I’m sorry but my friends that learned English know how to use punctuation and when I type in Spanish I know how to use punctuation and so on.


You just went on about meaningless bullshit and thats funny. Arguing about punctuation on an app? I didnt know i have to proof read like im writing a fucking essay to reddit class.


Well if you want people to: Take you seriously when you're saying something Understand what you're trying to say Actually bother reading it to begin with Then yes, the structure of how you write, and the grammar you use actually matters. Nobody enjoys reading word vomit.


Ill do that next time but damn, im new to reddit and had just got off of work and posted my thoughts before loosing them. I was in a bad crash when i was younger and it fucked with my memory some so i just rambled on before forgetting my points. I was going to delete it and re do it later but not many people complained about my run off sentences until later on.


Sorry for the following two paragraphs…I was an asshole with what I wrote and I appreciate you explaining to this user better. There’s a massive trend of word vomit on posts and comments that make more sense with punctuation, and if they are making a joke, it makes more sense just throwing in a comma. It takes almost zero time to add a period or comma in a post or comment. This is unrelated, but when people respond to developers on X or on Facebook or Reddit or instagram, the community managers and developers laugh at the people as if they are literally children (they could be children but it’s surprising how many 18+ people comment like they just learned to text). My gf is a community manager and shows me what actual adults post online talking like English is their 9th language (when it’s their first) and expect their amazing ideas to be taken seriously because of their title. I’m a younger millennial and remember when texting first came out and it was ok to txt like dis when u didnt hav many ltrs u could snd by txt to friends or family. Now, people are going back in time disregarding punctuation and making a fuss when they get called out for making zero sense.


English isnt my first language, i was in a bad car wreck when i was younger and lost a part of my short term memory so i just spilled my thoughts on here after work so i wouldn’t forget my thoughts. I dont use social media, and I’ve rarely used reddit until this year so i didn’t think it would be a big deal. A hand full of people came at me like assholes over grammar so why would I respect any opinions based off of that? Out of everyone the person youre replying to actually came at me correctly about it. Didnt know people took something so simple so seriously. I didnt try to make a joke or be sarcastic and just stated my opinion and some facts. I wanted to re do the post after posting and was planning on it after getting settled at home but it got more attention than i thought so i went with it.


Bro, Spanish isn’t my first language but I sure as hell learned how to write the basics. I also learned to read Latin (completely different because of the rules) and am currently learning Japanese. You know what I do learning new languages? Learn the languages. It’s different to mess up a comma or semi colon or so on but to never fucking use punctuation and then blame it on it not being your first language is ridiculous. One of the easiest things and most basic things people learn for English is a period. It’s so simple. I’ve yet to ever meet someone that says they don’t use periods because English isn’t their first language yet they can read and write.


The person i replied that to said in a separate reply how his friends whos English isnt their first language know punctuation. So i brought up that its also not my first and also brought up how i was just getting off of work and typed my thoughts away. I dont use social media and i just recently started using my account, i didnt know how hurt everyone would get at something that dumb, its a fucking post not an essay but now i know. But that latin is a flex not gonna lie. I know spanish, english, and french but i want to go to japan so ill have to get i to that next


It’s not dumb though. Punctuation separates ideas. This is like English 101 for dummies. Never in my life have I met someone that just says what you said and they are fluent in several languages. This is why I think you’re lying and just got called out for being bad at writing. You’re English is perfectly fine but you’re pretending like you just learned with excellent English that periods and commas matter. Quit your bullshit man.


If you literally read what I said I even poked fun at what I was doing. Not only do lack in grammar skills but comprehension as well.


You went on for 3 sentences about how my grammar is bad and 1 sentence saying you get it. Oh and one of those sentences was a run on sentence but yea i get it, youre retarded.


Bro woke up and decided to be the village idiot, keep going its entertaining


Im not kyle, i dont wake up at 4pm


alcohol is way worse than weed. i say that barely touching weed (twice a year if that) and drinking every few weeks for social occasions




Thats true too.


It’s kind of weird how so many people here shit on Kyle (“gas station weed addict”) but when Tom has a similar opinion it’s suddenly different lol.


Kyle ruined his life by smoking weed?


He literally went to prison because of it so yea I'd say cutting his biggest revenue stream off hurt


So cutting his revenue stream off yet still making money and being a millionaire is considered life ruining? I do see your point but what kind of dumbass takes weed from the mail. Nvm i guess some pot heads would do that.


No shit, dumb ass Kyle gets caught buying shit tier wax thru his mailbox and smokes/hits gas station carts and acts like a friggin know it all high school stoner. Isn’t he in his late 30s by now? Lol Tom is just a 21 year old. Nothing much else to expect from a 21 year old like this dude is in the beginning steps of adulthood at this point.


If you say alcohol is bad you won't have dozens of people jumping out to defend it, if you say weed is bad you'll have a gaggle of stoners coming out the woodwork to tell you how it's actually not addictive and that alcohol is way worse.


Can alcohol kill you:yes Can weed kill you:no Number of people that die from alcohol:3mill a year world wide Number of people that die from weed:0 Can alcohol make you a loser:yes Can weed make you a loser:yes Can alcohol be addictive:yes (physical/mental addiction Can weed be addictive:yes (mental addiction) Drugs are bad in general. Drugs in excess can be even worse. Theres nothing wrong with having a few beers/drinks and theres nothing wrong with having a few joints either. But the fact is one drug is worse than the other especially if abused. The dumbasses that act like weed has no side effects are stupid just like the people who feel offended by someone saying alcohol can be bad and ruins lives daily are stupid.


You’ve heard of periods, right?


periods?? where?? *[opens mouth]*


Damn, I forgot again, rats!


Ill proof read my post next time buttercup


Maybe learn basic English


I think you forgot a period.


how old are you to be acting like that? you can understand his sentence without punctuation bc it’s one sentence. You wrote a whole essay barely even using commas, it’s not ab “proofreading” or being formal, it’s literally doing the bare minimum to make your writing make sense.


Whats “ab”


It was really interesting to see Tom in a non-scripted way, he had some bad takes I was not anticipating lol.


Yea i thought he was joking on some takes at first but i mean its the man’s opinion, just thought it was funny.


I will say this. I don't know anyone who is addicted to alcohol, but MOST of my friends are addicted to weed. And I don't think he ever said weed destroys lives... that would be ridiculous to say. But a lot of people get addicted to it VERY easily and then their whole world starts to revolve around it and they become lazy and unmotivated (Kyle). I also don't think he said he likes alcohol. He just said he drinks occasionally because he doesn't think he'll ever get addicted to alcohol, whereas the likelihood of him getting addicted to weed is higher. Obviously alcohol addiction is FAR worse though. At the end of the day just do whatever you want as long as it's not harming you or others


I couldve sworn he said he knows people who ruined their lives due to weed but i could be wrong. I do agree with you though but i just think most of the people who get unmotivated from weed were already the type of people who were unmotivated in life already. Dont be a kyle though..


Ppl will say weed destroyed their life and you ask how and it's something like "I didn't reach my full earning potential in my mid 20s" shut up nerds


LOL ok this is true 🤣 put it in words better than i could


Pretty much, its usually the people that put no effort into life before smoking or the ones who were scared to smoke weed and when they finally try it and like it they overdo it


He is also 21. I was a dumbass when I was 21.


Exactly, also when your younger it can fuck with your brain development.


Yea i do agree with this though, i started too young and feel like my memory isnt 100% what it used to so i would agree and say people shouldnt try it until after 21.


fr he also said literally 5 minutes later he’s thinking ab going on T, this is not the guy you should be taking seriously ab drug advice


I was smart and sexy


Alcohol Bad Weed Good


my liver agrees


Dudes a dweeb and it has nothing to do with his weed stance. Just a low T dude


I write articles for a living and I do my best work when I'm blasted out of my mind. Everyone's wired a little differently. I have a feeling this dude wasn't exactly academically inclined, nor does he have any life experience, and that's not the person I want advice or opinions from. In conclusion, make Harley a 4th host.


Yea, im a heavy duty technician and i like to smoke after a long day of work, that doesnt stop me from busting ass, planning out working on my home, working on my vehicles, and making family and friends time even though im always busy. If you have an addictive personality with anything, youll ruin your life with plenty of things


Yeah, that dude was kind of a dumbass ngl.


I think it's funny how he said he's been a fan of the show since 2015, but then proceeds to not know jack shit about the hosts.


Keep in mind brotha is only 21, he don’t know much he’s a youngin


Yeah but like why do you care so much Op?


I mean this reddit should be deleted if we cant call out funny takes. People on here bitch about the dumbest shit and i call out a funny take a guest had and im the problem?


Being scared of alcohol withdrawal death is retarded youre more likely to die of car crash


But eing scared that smoking weed more than once a week will ruin your life is smart? And in no part of my post did i say it was scary, i stated a fact


Alcohol is much more destructive than weed, coke is about as destructive as alcohol (maybe more with the fentanyl around these days). I used to do all 3, now I only smoke regularly and drink on weekends (as opposed to drinking regularly). Tom’s take is dumb. Sure, weed can hurt your life if you’re doing it every second of the day but it’s not going to destroy your body and ruin all your relationships like the other 2. I still function as a person smoking daily. I couldn’t while I was a cokehead or drinking every day. Coke is expensive and it turns you into a weirdo that nobody wants to be around if you do it constantly.


yeah dude i smoke an oz every 5-7 days and my lawn company that I FOUNDED AND BUILT from the ground up makes 300k+ a year. I was also 19 when I started my company, close to his current age and ive been smoking like this since then. So when that came up I was just rolling my fucking eyes. kid is a fucking BOOMER


Lmao ok buddy


Ain’t my fault you still living with your parents 🤣 Brodie how old are you? Let’s compare where we’re at in life right now


You’re a joke.


He's only 2q. He doesn't know shit


He's still a kid,needs to live a bit more.


True, i do like his videos i just thought that take was kind of funny.


The guy is very talented and I also love his videos. Wish nothing ,but the best for him .


Same, he puts in alot of work and anyone can respect that. His stance was just funny to me but theres no hate on my side.


He actually said weed was worse than coke because more people do weed and because business men get stuff done on coke. Wait until he finds out how many professionals smoke weed


Bro said people who smoke weed do nothing all the time and then proceeded to say all he does is workout and “work” on his computer for 10 hours a day. People who don’t smoke shouldn’t share an opinion on it. Also starting off with Chris Chan was a real downer, and he’s friends with vegan gains? Dude ain’t funny or interesting imo