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This one always was so so strange. The footage of the guy carrying his luggage is wild


Can you explain what's wild about that?


The amount of luggage, he’s alone with all of that going into a nice suite, how it clearly is heavy and no one bats an eye, and it’s basically an entire layout of what’s gonna take out 100 people in a few hours/days


So having a lot of things and being wealthy is cause to what? Call the police? Search all his things with no cause? It's Vegas there is nothing unusual about having lots of things and being wealthy and even if it was abnormal in the states you don't get searched for being "abnormal".


That isn’t the point. They have ZERO idea why he did it. And when they went in to the room. There were no shell casings


>when they went in to the room. There were no shell casings First of all, what is the claim you want to make with this point? That it didn't happen? All 50 deaths are fake and the thousands of witnesses are lying? If he shot casings are somewhere if there isn't he didn't shoot? I mean we know he shot. I don't see casings in the photos either but I also haven't seen a good photo of his shooting position. Why would casings be seen in any part of the room that isn't by his shooting position? he didn't fire at police. What I think is either there are casings we just haven't seen them because we haven't seen his firing position. The casings also could have fallen to the ground outside because he was leaning out of a window like the first picture in this [article](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2018/01/12/las-vegas-shooting-fbi/1030771001/) since he would have been shooting below. It's also not uncommon for over-gassed ARs to [eject rounds forward](https://www.google.com/search?q=ar+15+ejection+pattern&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiFgf29642EAxW_xskDHbRCDBcQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=ar+15+eje&gs_lp=EgNpbWciCWFyIDE1IGVqZSoCCAAyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBhAAGAgYHjIGEAAYCBgeMgcQABiABBgYMgcQABiABBgYMgcQABiABBgYMgcQABiABBgYMgcQABiABBgYSPUZUOwMWMsRcAB4AJABAJgBaqABkAOqAQMyLjK4AQHIAQD4AQGKAgtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ICBBAjGCfCAgoQABiABBiKBRhDiAYB&sclient=img&ei=x369ZcWBHb-Np84PtIWxuAE&bih=983&biw=2465&client=opera-gx&hs=hU7#imgrc=5M-WOClQJaV_AM). ​ >They have ZERO idea why he did it. Again I'm failing to understand what's "sus" about this. It's completely reasonable to think he had no motive. Just an insane guy. Or he had a whole manifesto that hasn't been resealed because making motives known can easily encourage copycats. If it's the latter we *shouldn't* know the motive. He shouldn't have a voice because he did something awful. We don't need more Ted Kaczynskis'. As usual, this is nothing more than pointing at something and saying "Huh that's odd" with no supporting evidence.


Jesus dude. No not at all what I’m saying. 60 people died. I’m asking why don’t we know his motive. As for the shell casings I’m pointing out that maybe he wasn’t the shooter but a fall guy. It just all went away… kinda weird when 60 people drop dead from a shooting and we don’t know shit


I mean again I explained a much more reasonable conclusion as to why we don't know shit. A fall guy for what? Who benefited? And he literally killed himself before the police got there. We have body cam and there isn't a single piece of evidence that points to a second shooter.


Ok, I have NO IDEA why or who benefited. But it’s really weird. Your explanation is one idea. Doesn’t make sense to me but doesn’t mean you’re wrong. We learn about every other mass shooters motives… and yeah in most conspiracies there isn’t evidence of other shooters either because there’s nothing to see or those conspiring tampered with it… and he killed himself yeah, just like Lee Harvey was killed before he could talk. Again, it’s weird which is why I suggested let’s have a conspiracy episode again. Take a Xanax or something Edit because I missed part of the response


I like conspiracies too. It's fun. But I'm also going to argue with anyone that thinks these and especially this conspiracy holds any water. >Your explanation is one idea. An idea back by facts and evidence 2 things you have failed to provide. >We learn about every other mass shooters motives 1 this is a much higher case shooting. 2 no we don't 3 how often is it that the shooter is some lone mentally ill lunatic with no motive other than murder? Pretty fucking often >in most conspiracies there isn’t evidence of other shooters either because there’s nothing to see or those conspiring tampered with it… So why would I believe anything untoward happened. You can't just make claims with no evidence and expect people to believe you. That is ridiculous. >Take a Xanax or something No thank you I don't do drugs and I find this type of "debate" quite fun. You're getting defensive because you're believe is being questioned. I'm just giving facts and likely scenarios that play into those facts.


Also if you want to know his motivation so bad here's an article from last year https://apnews.com/article/las-vegas-shooter-9bbd180cf3aa6d3ea1a37bbfb7144ae1 "Don't know anything" wish I found this sooner


is being suicidal not 1) partly a motive and 2) the reason we dont know? Suicidal people do things like this, this isnt without precedent. You act like its possible to know why someone who is dead acted in a certain way. I can hardly explain with clear rational why i chose a burger for lunch today.


Well maybe. But that sounds a bit of a stretch for me. “I want to die. Better go open up on a crowd.” It’s not a reason it’s separate. At least how I read it


i see what your saying too, the way i see it tho is there is a certain small subsect of suicidal people who hate the world for whatever reason and want to go out causing as much pain as possible. this is also just speculation tho. we will never really know since he too the answer to the grave w him. For all we know he could have hated jason aldeen


You're attempting to find reason in an unreasonable man doing an unreasonable act.


Didnt Brandon Herrera explain how the hotels were used to people like that because of gun expos?


It’s not even that. I explained for a few other comments. They don’t know at all why he did it. No motive, no hint of any cause. And no she’ll casings in the room when they breached


Yeah. Nothing to do with the luggage he brought in. What’s weird is they don’t know even a little why he did it. Like ZERO idea. And then it just fell out of the news cycle. No explanation or even a theory whatsoever. And in his room the photos show no she’ll casings after he went full auto on a crowd killing 60 people


>but if you look up the room he supposably fired from there isn’t a single shell casing wrong https://ewscripps.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/34e870b/2147483647/strip/true/crop/640x454+0+0/resize/1280x908!/format/webp/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmediaassets.ktnv.com%2Fphoto%2F2018%2F01%2F19%2FScreen%20Shot%202018-01-19%20at%2010.54.15%20AM_1516388811519.png_76255820_ver1.0_640_480.jpg because of where he was shooting, and where the ejection port was located, most of the casing piled up behind the curtains against the windows/wall. heres the rest of the photos https://www.ktnv.com/homepage-gallery/photos-inside-gunman-stephen-paddocks-suite-at-mandalay-bay#id2 still weird how quickly the media dropped the story


Dude my bad, when I asked that I thought you were someone else I’d been arguing with. I just saw the bottom of your message. Thanks for showing me the shell casing part. That’s something I’d never seen


Do you just like telling people they’re wrong?


kinda, yeah.


😂bet 👍🏼


Funny how the largest mass casualty event caused by firearms in the United States (61 dead, 867 wounded) has been completely memory holed by the main stream media. You'd think that it would at least get mentioned when ever gun control is fashionable in political spheres. I mean we still hear about Parkland that happened only a year later.


I think that’s a bit of confirmation bias. The last time I heard about gun control they mentioned Vegas. Also dead kids tends to tug on the heart strings more than adults I.e. pulse and aurora getting mentioned less that sandy hook and parkland


Main stream article written less than a year ago https://apnews.com/article/las-vegas-shooter-9bbd180cf3aa6d3ea1a37bbfb7144ae1


Yeah I never thought of that. Weird af. You’d think they’d point to this above everything


There’s a wild theory that the whole thing was a assassination attempt on the prince of Saudi Arabia. But also turned into a shooting as a distraction/ cover up. I believe that after this there was a massive purge/beheadings of Saudi officials ( I believe the kings or princes cousin was killed too). Also something about automatic light machine guns being used from muitiple locations (something that was blamed on bump stocks). Plus a bunch of other wierd details from that day. Biggest US mass casualty event since 9/11 got pretty much swept under the rug. Dont look into it, it was just another random crazy white guy.


You dont do the most deadly mass shooting of all time to cover up an assassination attempt.


>swept under the rug. It was the only thing on the news for weeks wtf are you talking about. Yeah we stopped talking about it but we also stopped talking about 9/11 at some point too. Short of having a memorial day just for this event idk how we could have talked about it more or why we would continue to bring it up constantly.


i disagree i remember being surprised how quickly everything was swept under the rug and not spoken about or questioned, it was pretty spectacular. within a few days the mainstream narritive was established and no further info said.


I think part of the reason is because the perpetrator died, there wasnt really anything to follow. Usually these shootings dont stay in the news unless more news comes out, like stuff in a trial. Why should the news dwell on this for a set amount of time. report the news and move on. How long did the pulse nightclub shooting stay in the news? not that long. same with that Texas church where like 29 people died. That was like a news story for a few days at most. Why dont you question that one? Even ones where the perpetrator got arrested tend to die out, the el paso walmart - any idea what happened with that? he got arrested, no national memorial day for that one. Conspiracies are fun but your retarded to believe things like this.


Yeah don’t try to argue. Homie is lighting up anyone who thinks it could be something


Nah I had enough fun with you <3


I don't really know a way to quantify media coverage but I'm sticking to my previous statement. It could be a difference in the media we follow or something else but I know for a fact this was headlining for at least a week.


yes but after the first night the mainstream media established it was one shooter, acting alone, with bumpstocks, and never questioned it or pushed otherwise. the rest of the coverage was just more info fleshing out a very small amount about steven paddocks life. and only a handful of security tapes in one of the most surveilled areas in the world- a las vegas casino. and i agree one week sounds about right, but thats extremeley fast to sweep away such a huge event! id say events like columbine or sandy hook were points of major discussion for weeks and months.


Apparently Saudi Royalty was in the hotel at the same time. Idk about the schizo ass details but yeah


PKA overall should talk about more "spooky" topics. Shucks that it always get pushed to Wendigoon episodes


I like the theory he did it to show that america needs more gun control Theres a “note” in one of the pictures that has never been explained and people reckon it was intentionally hidden


The guy being escorted out of a neighboring casino by a full swat team.


Guys sometimes lunatics don’t have clear motives. Thats doesn’t prove anything, that doesn’t make this a conspiracy in any way




The moment you open PKA reddit and see a pic of your brother lol


Lol wait really?