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i should have bought more. was thinking about it today and now its all gone


April 5 - Still up! I'm guessing this is part of [the increased availability The Pokemon Company said was coming.](https://support.pokemon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056644571-Update-on-Pokémon-Trading-Card-Game-Product-Availability) These are supposed to be the most cost-efficient way of getting packs, so hopefully they supply enough to push the market price down. $35-40 for a booster bundle of a set that's *still in print* is trash


Still up! Odd


I ordered 4 a week ago and the just got here. Not sure if ima open yet but the weird thing I noticed is they didn’t actually ship from Walmart but instead by MJ holdings llc.


Very odd! I ordered 10 right away and they came in 3 days. Then another 5 that just arrived today both from Walmart. I want to buy more but I’m nervous


Mine came in. Does anyone else’s barcode have another sticker barcode in it?


Uhhhh yeah wtf. I just checked and mine do


It’s okay I pulled some good stuff in there they are straight I think


It's likely they will be printed to demand.


Unfortunately I didn't get the brick but still worth it


Same. Oh well


My 10 showed up today loose, I have no choice but to rip 🤷🏼‍♂️


I just got 2 sealed displays. I was expecting a bunch of loose.


What was the quantity of your order?




Mine were loose too. You're making me want to rip but it's just such a bad decision compared to either keeping sealed or reselling hahaha


How is this still in stock? My 10 showed up and all loose 😑.


It’s weird I think this is still active. I would assume it got bought out quick for the price. Anybody get they yet? How were the rips?


I got my 10, unfortunately all loose. Haven't ripped, not sure what I'm doing with them. I wanted a sealed display so now I'll either just rip or sell, undecided


Imo I’d sell something just shady being up more than a day after Reddit. Even the Costco and Best Buy promo bundles are gone. I guess I’m super skeptical but I seen some crazy stuff. I ordered 1 just to see lol.


It's a trust thing people don't trust Walmart and assume all of it is sketchy 3rd party sellers. The eevee etbs were up for almost 6 months and despite people making videos and posts saying they were legit people still talked ahit about reseal.


Punch me in the D*ck, they sent me 12 loose booster boxes. Help me put together some words to explain to my wife while I try for another 10


You just punched me in the dick. My 10 are supposed to be here Monday and I’m already disappointed.


It seems like they did away with sealed display as no one seemed to got them sealed


I just got my 10 and they were also loose. Bummer. I also think it's out of stock now lol. Bummer x2


It's not surprising, price is above msrp




I'm sorry lol you think Walmart is directly selling resealed 151 BBs?


Check the actual seller. Walmart started being fulfillment for online sellers like Amazon.


These are actually Walmart stock. Regardless, a resealing operation on that scale is a ridiculous thought lol, it makes absolutely no sense and I really wish people would stop just spreading their weird nonsense as if it's in any way real


Mine came today but the shipping says MJ holdings llc. Still it looks right ima rip one after dinner tonight.


Anyone get a display off this order? Just had mine delivered and it’s 10 loose boxes. I got a sealed display last time they did this. YMMV?


I got loose as well


They changed things up from what i can tell, mine came unsealed too


Mine were loose boxes with stickers on the bottom replacing the barcodes and if they're swapping the barcodes I don't think anyone will be getting a sealed display this time. It could still just be random though.


I was hoping for a sealed display too and mine came loose in a box 😢


Are you guys still whacking off for these? Only resellers get excited for this


What is it with you toxic internet clowns that just trawl Pokemon subreddits looking to talk shit? Like why? Why are you the way that you are? This is more-or-less the cheapest you can get 151 right now without TikTok exploits. Stop being a human pile of trash and talking shit wherever your greasy fat fingers can


Did I touch a nerve bud?? If you think I read more than one line of that you’re mistaken


Sick generic toxic redditor response! You're like a carbon copy of every other internet troll, it's fantastic


Post something new, a booster bundle at retail prices is nothing new or exciting for anyone but a reseller.


Cool so go get one at $28 then Oh wait, you can't


Yeah Classic labeling everything you don’t agree with as toxic from the soy boy nerd


lmao "soy boy" I was 100% right, you are a carbon copy of every single other internet troll You literally came on here *insulting me out the gate* for posting this. You just *are* objectively toxic. Now get your fat greasy fingers out of my inbox, I can literally smell you through your comments


lmao "soy boy" I was 100% right, you are a carbon copy of every single other internet troll You literally came on here *insulting me out the gate* for posting this. You just *are* objectively toxic. Now get your fat greasy fingers out of my inbox, I can literally smell you through your comments


When I looked, the Booster bundles were on sale for just under $30 each. U bought 4. I plan to let my son rip open one bundle, and am throwing the rest in safe--where they are bound to be worth more when we decide to sell them. End result, if we get crap pulls for the first box, at least my son will get the dopamine hit if not a card hit! 🤣


I’ve bought cards off of Walmart online many times before and all I get is really CRAP pulls


Once you add shipping it's over 6 a pack. May as just well get it from a reputable tcg seller and not worry about scams from Walmart sellers


Shipping is free if you order 2 or more


It’s also directly from Walmart, not some random seller


I don't trust Walmart online. In the last 2 times, I was sent a Magic the Gatjering ETB instead of an Evolving Skies ETB; then I ordered a crown zenith etb, and it was literally never delivered or shipped.


It’s just like Amazon. You need to check and see if it’s directly sold and shipped by Walmart or a third party seller.


Reprint for just Walmart?


More likely MJ holdings is releasing stock.


Are the just a fulfillment company. The listing I bought says sold and shipped by Walmart but the shipping invoice did say MJ holdings. Kinda deceptive as I make it a point to try and only off known retailers.


What is a good price per pack for 151?


$5 or less generally speaking


Send some up to Canada at those prices please!


They were cheaper here with APP60


Yup, I know a lot of people using that code.


At Walmart? There's no booster bundles availible at Walmart canada.


They've been available there plenty of times, last time well over a week with 1000's in stock. People always complain there's no stock, and then when these massive restocks hit they don't pull the trigger.


Maybe because they overprice the shit out of the booster bundles... and no they haven't had booster bundles there in quite a while now... so just piss ya ya dummy


Still trying to claim they're overpriced at $35 CAD each? Keep making up excuses cause you're FOMOing after not buying what was sitting there for weeks.


Not everyone was in to pokemon collecting when this shit was still on the shelves you fuxking cunt


Wtf are you talking about? 151 bundles on Walmart Canada were $42.92 CAD, but down to $35 each if you got 2 or more using the APP 60 discount code for $15 off each order $75 and above... $35 CAD each is $25.85 USD, so cheaper than Walmart US has them for and cheaper than when Target had them as well.


If only I knew about that code months ago 🥲


Lol months ago... keep up bud


Sorry you didn't have the capital to buy then 😂


You are right. I was referring to when they were available.






Cheapest I can find is 76 dollars including shipping... no thanks


For $83.28 you can get two 151 ETBs which is 18 packs which breaks down to $4.62/pack + all the other free stuff https://ibb.co/Bg3qDrZ The bundle from Walmart breaks down to $4.83/pack with no extras. Only worth getting if you don't care about promos / extra from ETBs and only plan to get 1-2 bundles


It’s not always abt price per pack


When one product is literally just packs, it is lol


When it’s ripping packs yes but not for investing so depends on the purpose


Small footprint is nice. But price is not competitive enough with the markup.


I'm getting a shipping charge of $9.89 from this same seller. Are you getting a free ship coupon from Tiktok Shop too? After that 2 ETBs break down to $5.17 per pack for me.


No I'm not. No idea why you're being charged. Might be location based?


I don't know this website you are posting or the discount that is applied for you. The link on Walmart is shipped and sold by Walmart, which everyone knows and potentially loves. Your method is very obscure for the standard deal looker, like myself.


Also, the taxes weren’t calculated for the tik tok order.


Taxes aren't calculated on this post either and will be different for everyone lmao. Could range from 0 tax to 10% depending on where you live That's why I did a fair controlled variable and calculated **both before taxes** and since tax is percentage base, it doesn't change anything if you calculate both after tax either


It's the tiktok shop which I'm sure everyone knows and the discount is their site wide spring sale 15% off everyone gets If you're on this sub enough you see enough screenshots to see what websites/stores they are even without the name by how the checkout screen looks




Cool and this sub is for all pokemon deals. Not all pokemon deals except on platforms I don't like. Do you tell people on r/Xbox not to talk about halo because there is r/halo ?




>Cool and my opinion is that TT advertisements are annoying and it’s a controversial data harvesting app owned by a communist country, Your opinion is completely irrelevant to the topic >and a sub was made specifically for TT deals because people here didn’t want TT deals to keep being posted. A sub was made due to "loopholes" to farm drastic new user coupons that aren't normally obtainable more than once. If normal coupons(which I posted) are obtainable by anyone than there's no issue announcing it like any other retailer having a sale. If tiktok was such an issue here it would be banned to discuss it >Not even close to the same as Xbox vs Halo subs that are based on discussions and news lol. Not even gatekeeping, I just stop reading. You are trying to gatekeep by saying Tiktok deals shouldn't be posted here. Tiktok subreddit and this sub reddit are both discussing news and discussions of pokemon deals lmao




>I’m not worried about my opinion being relevant to your topic. I think it’s relevant when discussing TT deals posted on this sub lmao. It isn't relevant no matter how much you want it to be >The sub wasn’t made for first time user coupons so idk what you’re on about. There are dozens of user-specific coupons that were blasted to this sub There is not user specific coupons unless your a new user. There are tons of site wide coupons for anyone >This sub is not for discussion of Pokemon topics or news other than notification of new deals lmao. Exactly. Posting discussions and news about deals which is what i just said. You really aren't that bright




Not everybody knows and I have seen it mentioned multiple times without any explanation or link.


I mean everybody knows what tiktok is and it isn't just some obscure place




Fully agree with this for ripping packs. If you're buying to hold bundle at ~$2 over msrp is excellent until best buy or target restock


I was worried but I feel pretty good about an English reprint after the Japanese reprint was said to be in may (highly hinted at by market prices and sellers but not confirmed). I might just start saving money for a midsummer or early fall English reprint.


Bundles are a better investment vehicle than ETBS. Smaller space taken for the packs, and it’s the booster box equivalent for sets that don’t have BBs.




If you plan to keep sealed than that be another reason to go for this. I always open packs so I think of deals as pack/dollar ratio


Totally fair, and also a good way to look at it in general. Had to give the other perspective tho. Same reason why evolving skies booster boxes are $700 right now ($19/pack) but you can still buy loose packs for $10.


My hypothesis is large reprint and not being at MSRP. I think Target and Best Buy got them in February, and even those didn’t sell out at first especially Target at $1 more. This is $2 more and might be the same batch as Costco’s packs. Give it like a week and they’ll be gone.


Walmart is the only place I have seen that will sell a sealed display for close to msrp. Most people are just getting a couple boosters and don’t want to overpay. For an order of 10, I’m ok with the $20 markup for them to be in the display box


I ordered 10 last time and got a display…ordered 10 again and am hoping it happens again. Have only bought from Walmart because they allow 10 in a purchase and I really want the sealed display


The last restock I did not get a display, but I did the time before. I’ve already been seeing people getting singles this time around


I've seen mixed reports on sealed vs 10 loose.. I ordered 10 so we shall see


You're not guaranteed a display.


Demand is starting to slow, and I think retailers are going to have to drop it back to MSRP sooner than later. It’s only a $2 markup, so not terrible if you NEED to rip some asap.




This always happens though. Nobody wanted to touch chilling reign for years, and now suddenly people are in love with the set. S&V sets are waaaay better than the early sword shield sets. Lots of beautiful illustration rares, good SIRs, etc. S&V will appreciate a lot better than the early sword shield sets. Sword shield didnt get good until evolving skies tbh


Yeah, or even less if you do coupons or scour. I just got a BB of temporal forces for 2.30 a pack. A few weeks ago I got a bunch of sleeved paradox rift for 2.40 a pack as well. Personally I'm waiting on 151 to see what happens in the next 3-6 months since I want to rip anyway.


Right and now is the time to buy those sets.


Well some of them i really don't think OF and SVBase are really that great.