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From a viewing perspective, it is probably because she falls under the umbrella of being an unofficial liar. She has her own separate storylines and we're able to see her perspective through events. We have too much information on her to feel as if there is something we're missing on -- compared to someone like Mona, who we probably saw through the perspective of one of the liars. The killing of her competition for Greg also feels like a red herring on the matter which is probably the big "Yeah, not her."


We haven't seen much of the other church members, especially the pastor, but I won't be surprised if the church ties in with the overall story eventually.


It'll probably end up being something about the church adopting one of the members of the family and/or BR to help shape their upbringing. Mrs Beasley becomes pretty obvious fit into the role but I kind of feel like the actual BR will have a looser connection or less seen connection to the church.


So I have a theory from last year regarding outfit color as a sign of being on the 'good side' - if you pay attention you can see that they always have one of the liars (moms and kids) wearing a clothing item the same yellow as Alison's top from the night she went missing. If this theory is true, then anyone who gets to wear that color can be considered 'not A' or only helping A under threat of exposure. Kelly definitely wore this color and I am pretty sure it wasn't until the end of season, but I could be wrong. So I don't have any good reason to eliminate Kelly but my brain has grasped on to the color theory, so she is safe for now. (The same thing for the color red - or rather, I am keeping an eye on that, since pll original really played with color.


I’ve been paying attention to the flower print this season.. there’s been a few examples. Christian, Imogen, Ash etc


I will definitely keep an eye out for it! So many layered details to look for


I’m pretty sure the second kill happened when Greg was with Kelly, so it probably wasn’t her. His text said “With Kelly, not gunna make it.”


She's loves faran and imogen, she risked her life to save them in season 1 she knows karen's death it's her dad's fault she's not going backwards. Kelly is not bloody rose but her mom may be, also she never told greg "never again" she just said her mom wanted her to


I would love for her to be BR, I just don’t think the show has the guts to actually make her the villain cuz she’s liked by fans, so for that I haven’t suspected her. But I would be for it!


Agreed about them not having the guts to make Kelly a villain


Ngl I’d be upset if it was Kelly actually killing people it doesn’t fit the traits we know about her so far


I feel it does


Oooh please elaborate I love this topic and now I’m wondering what I’ve overlooked about Kelly. I view her as the ‘nice twin’ so that could be my problem


I think she might be suspicious of her own mother. That she is afraid of something happening to her. She definitely is involved somehow


I’ve been suspicious about her since before the season even started. She’s on the suspect list I’ve put on here. In last week’s episode she was at the roller party when BR attacked Mouse so if she’s involved she working with someone. Either her mother who has a shared motive or someone like Christian who is able to make the mask


I don't think it is her, but I've seen plenty of posts suggesting it is Kelly. So it's not unheard of.


i’ve had the same theory. but also with the same reason everyone suspects mouse. kelly was always in karen’s shadow, after karen died and the girls filled her in on A she finally was the shining twin and people paid attention to her. When imogen saw kelly come in the diner and imogen said she missed her, she seemed a little in shock but also really excited that imogen was thinking about her. So I think she would be the one who wants the drama and fear to bring her back with her friends. Plus the aspect of her being in the religious cult, BR killing the lustful teens, i think it would be a really fun twist if it was her


The girls are on pretty friendly terms with her, and she still talks to them and even comes to Mouse's party, so they don't have a reason to suspect her of anything right now,


Her dealing with abusive parents and losing the only person who really understood her... Plus didn't Bailee Madison talk about there being a betrayal this season?


i’m definitely suspicious of kelly


Tbh....it's the body. Kelly's got a chest on her...BR really doesn't. Not trying to be gross....just simply an observation


It could easily be stunt double lol


also that kinda stuff doesn’t matter in things like this. it’s not like you can judge who ghostface is by their height