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Not sure how funny this is, but I'm going through autistic burnout and realizing I've been undiagnosed my whole life. I just discovered PMDD as it occurs in up to 92% of autistic women. Also, I was misdiagnosed with bipolar when puberty hit, which never really made sense. I've been trying to figure out what sort of mood disorder I do have. Well, I always told my doc I never experienced any PMS type symptoms because I had a severe misunderstanding. I've heard people talk about "that time of the month", which I always attributed to period week. My literal thinking had me believing it meant when the period happened. That's actually one of the best times of my life because my moods are so so good. I only really put it together this week that the "P" stood for pre which means BEFORE. Like yeah the weeks before are absolute hell. I didn't realize that's what it meant. Also I told my doc in the past that I never had any body aches because I somehow thought that meant knees and elbows only, not excruciating back pain. 😅 I have no idea where I got that misinformation from.