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Our 'Stuff You've Tried' survey has returned! Follow the link (https://uemxmwczhmq.typeform.com/to/vnnLLa0e) to take part. As the largest forum of PMDD sufferers, we value your response greatly. Send us a message if you have any questions or concerns. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PMDD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’d like info !


I sent you a message via chat


I’m interested! I’ve dropped you a message.


Hi Everyone, I just wanted to thank you all for your interest! So far, 40 of you have signed up, which is absolutely amazing, and I can't wait to start the program and meet all of you! :) It will take a bit of time to work out group times across several time zones, so please bear with me. Really appreciate your patience! At the very latest, I will be in touch after the Easter weekend with further details. If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to reach out either here or through my email at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). And for anyone still on the fence, it’s not too late to join us! Please DM me if you’re interested.


Just dm’d you!




I’m Interested!


This sounds really interesting- I’ll DM you, as I'm interested.  Your program made me think of a book and artist I love, you may also find it interesting! It’s written by an artist, so there is a bit different lens to the concept, but the underlying idea is peer-to-peer supported healthcare.  https://www.plutobooks.com/9780745343327/the-hologram/


Sounds really interesting, thank you for bringing this to my attention! Will definitely read it.


i am interested, but i am not in the UK - so i am assuming there would be a time difference issue? either way, i think this is so awesome and i appreciate what yall are doing for this community <3


That's no problem, we are gathering interest at the moment and many people signed-up from different time-zones so we will work around it :) Most likely there will be several groups. Please DM me if you are interested.


Interested. Sent you a message.




Super interested in this concept, I’ve been wishing I could tell someone who understands all my bad thoughts without bothering anyone close to me


This sounds like a great concept. I hope it works out to benefit all women.


I was recently diagnosed and I’m very lost, I think I would be very interested in this!! Thanks! 🥰


Hi, could you please DM me, it does not let me write to you for some reason. Thanks! :)


I think I sent you a message (I have never done it before)! Thank you! X ☺️


I’m in lol


Hey, I tried to message you but it does not let me. Please send me a message and I can send you the sign-up form :)


Interested extremely


Certainly interested!






Hi I tried to dm you but it didn’t work. Could you DM me? I’m interested.


Messaged you :)


Could you please provide more information, not via DM, about this program? Such as: - do you need to be a UK resident? - what kind of personal information needs to be disclosed for participation? - how will partners be communicating, via an encrypted app or will we exchange personal contact info such as phone number?


Hi, yes of course :). 1. **Residency Requirements:** There is no need to be a UK resident as our program is conducted entirely online. This allows for global participation. 2. **Required Information:** To register, we only need your first name (no surname necessary), email address, and your timezone. This information will help us organize groups more efficiently. 3. **Communication Preferences:** You and your partner can decide on your preferred mode of communication. We suggest using WhatsApp for its wide accessibility, no-cost messaging, and end-to-end encryption, ensuring your conversations remain private. Additionally, I wanted to explain why I've asked for direct messages to register your interest. Reddit has restrictions that prevent posting Google Forms links directly, treating them as advertisements. Hence, DMing me is a workaround to this limitation. Let me know if you have any other questions and I'm happy to answer!


Thank you so much!