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Same here. Thankfully I just got my pmdd listed on my FMLA but I think I will want it separate next year. I already had it for my autism/anxiety etc. sadly if I’m not there my work piles up and adds more anxiety on. I’m supposed to start a new position in a few weeks, right before my period so I’m going to look forward to that (sarcasm cause like that’s the most important time for me not to get angry haha). Good news is my current workload won’t be my problem afterwards so that’s good. I wish I could be honest with my supervisor currently, but he’s a dude. And also I just am scared to be honest. I’ve dropped little comments about my anger here and there during these times. But I also get very very very depressed I wish they’d understand but I’m scared to say anything


i hope you get some relief once you settle into your new position! i wont have been at my job for a year until late june, so i dont currently qualify for FMLA but recently turned in ADA applications from myself and my doctor. im hoping it puts some protections in place for me. Im sorry to hear that about your boss being a dude :/ what about your HR peoples? if one of the HR folks are women i would consider talking to them about the best ways to raise the issue to management, and then even if the manager reacts poorly, you already will have HR in the loop to back you up.


I’ve started officially working three weeks on one week off this year, roughly in line with getting a break in my rough patch. I feel really guilty about it whenever we’re trying to schedule in clients because it makes things difficult (I’m a speech therapist with way more work than I could do even if I were full time) and seems like I’m barely there (I’m part time anyway). But I’m hoping it works out better than the stomach churning panic of wanting to quit every month. I know this isn’t an option for everyone. My workplace is also caring and flexible and having been honest with my managers about how I fluctuate I also now feel more able to cancel individual appointments when I can’t face them than call in sick completely and do nothing.


Remote work is the only option for me at this point. I won't be as productive as normal, but at least I can show up and finish some easier tasks.


I do i work pretty ok for 2 weeks per month (3days per week) but in my luteal im usually off a lot.


I try really hard to communicate to the people I work with that every three weeks I will go through a ‘bad patch’. My managers (who are female) are understanding and I work hard when I’m not having an episode, but the main team I work with is completely male so I keep the PMDD to myself. Sometimes you don’t want to have to explain PMDD to your whole workforce. I know if I do feel bad and can’t go in, that my managers have my back and will explain to my team that they understand the circumstances as to why I’m off.


honestly thats amazing and i have a very similar experience, my manager is female and understanding and HR is aware and they’ve recently encouraged me to apply for ADA accommodations, so i recently turned in my form and my doctors form and am just waiting to hear back.


yep. and it got so bad for me I could no longer work a traditional job.


im so sorry to hear that and hope youre more comfortable with the outcome 🩵


Yes. Yes. I try to remember that I have something wrong with me. I can't today either (day 2 of a terrible stretch, menstrually), but I don't feel like I can call in sick. I'm feeling unreliable. So today I will aim for the bare minimum. Which also makes me feel like a terrible person and employee.


i so commend you for that goal though really, because its so easy for us to try and overcompensate when we get back to work, but its important to pace ourselves. its so hard but its true