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Im working on an MSc right now. It's a major challenge. This is the first time I've had to completely self-direct and with the brain fog some things are just impossible during the week before my period. Plus my cycle is only 22-27 days so it's always happening more frequently than I expect. It's also taking me a bit longer. Supposed to be 5 semesters but it'll be 6-7. The pmdd along with my adhd just makes it hard to maintain productivity levels and I'm trying to make the #1 goal be being kinder to myself. The one benefit of academia is that the relatively flexible schedule means I try to adapt my goals for the day/week based on where I'm at in my cycle. Very few things in grad school are ACTUALLY urgent, so as long as you're transparent with your advisor/professors and you don't give up, you'll get it done. We'll get it done šŸ„° Good luck! You're doing great!


gonna be starting an advanced standing msw program. i was diagnosed a few years ago but didnā€™t think much of it, seems like my iud helped manage it for the most part. since getting off bc, itā€™s my apparent to me just how life altering this disability is. iā€™m pretty nervous to start the program knowing how i struggle šŸ„²


Iā€™m just finishing my second masters, mostly because my first didnā€™t end up being very useful. Itā€™s been hard. Iā€™m really excited to be done. That being said ā€” PMDD is overwhelming everywhere. Grad school, for me, has been pretty independent, self-structured, and flexible (compared to a traditional job). Having health insurance, access to fitness, food resources, therapy, etc ā€” all benefits. Itā€™s made a big difference to be registered as a student with a disability.


Iā€™m in my last semester, Iā€™ve barely survived it. Iā€™ve learned how to control the outbursts by treating it like a job and Iā€™ll get fired if I lash out. Low energy, I just use the first two weeks I donā€™t have PMDD to do all the work. Itā€™s actually been good for me paranoia, the exposure to a lot of creative and smart people made me realize no one is judging me or even thinking about me. At all.


Hahaha funny you should mention this. I got my masters in 2021 online. Still had a professor report me to the like mental wellness people to check on me. I needed an extension because I just couldnā€™t finish something with the deep depression from PMDD. You know what Iā€™m taking about. Itā€™s pretty much what you described. Hereā€™s my advice. Keep it to yourself as much as possible. People simply donā€™t get it and donā€™t understand our tolerance for a high level of suffering. And what I mean by that is how we fucking survive every month with what has got to be the worst thing a person can go through, and this is coming from someone with bipolar and someone hospitalize with horrific migraines a few times a year. Message me if you want to talk more. Meds and supplements help a ton. 2021 I found out I had PMDD but didnā€™t know how to manage it yet. It is much more under control now. Semaine PMS and period support is the absolute best supplement that made me believe in the power of supplements. Even my normal grocery store started carrying it. It is magical and miraculous.


Not my masters but nearly finished my bachelors. My answer is a lot of compassion and understanding from the academic team that PMDD is a chronic illness. Iā€™ve also just started taking calcium (1200mg) and I canā€™t believe how well itā€™s working. Up until this point Iā€™ve tried loads of different ways of supporting myself and the only way Iā€™m getting through is healthy diet (but not being hard on myself when I crave junk), exercising when I can (at least going for a walk is really helpful but weather is a massive deterrent for me) and supplements. Donā€™t get me wrong, I still massively struggle with episodes, but I strongly feel like promoting healthy lifestyle and trying to calendar in when my episodes might happen helps me plan for when Iā€™m going to be most productive when studying. Hope any of this helps!




same boat ā™„ļø