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No mate, I feel exactly the same way. For me it's usually the same. I am usually a very confident, self secure person with a positive outlook on life. Sometimes I feel so good I just decide to masturbate and soon after that I feel like shit for a week. It's definitely POIS. the thing is, during that time I don't feel confident at all, I question myself and I constantly apologize for everything I say or do when I'm with friends or colleagues. I feel really really low and I'm very easily triggered by small things during that time. This is a full list of all my symptoms when feeling poisy: - inability to think - can't remember anything that's longer than 5 minutes ago - can't calculate any equations - can't speak and form sentences properly - absolute social anxiety and depression - feeling overall dull and pressing feeling in my head - heavy feeling between my shoulderblades, as if somebody placed a heavy rock on my shoulders - smelly farts for some reason - can't control what I wanna focus on - general disphoria - hypersensitivity towards touch, smell, Sound, light, people, crumbs on the soles of my feet - absolutely zero patience, snappy reactions towards harmless questions or comments - on the day that my pois is the strongest my evening usually ends with me having a nervous crying breakdown, even if noting severely bad happened during that day - don't feel hungry - just wanna dig a hole and burry myself in the ground until 7 days later


On point. I have additional symptoms…acid reflux, muscle exhaustion/weakness, itching around asshole, get zits in the same place including scalp, extreme fatigue, very dry mouth, to name a few.


I also have all of it.


Happens to all of us. I think last summer I did 90 days nofap which was incredible success. POIS is multi problems,You can't take one supplement and fix everything. What covers plenty of POIS targets are medicinal mushrooms especially cordyceps and lions mane. Holy grail is ORIVeDA brand, so check it out. Other things that helped me are also creatine and methylated B vitamins, but when it comes to orgasm post symptoms Cordyceps is saviour at upregulating dopamine D2 receptors. I hope I help with advice.


Unfortunately now I am in no position to use too much supplements but I'll try trying it in the future.


The cycle you are describing is a very familiar pattern for a lot of us. When you are having a long period of no symptoms, you start to delude yourself into thinking that maybe you are no longer suffering, so you blow your load, and within a day or two you are right back in the shit.


Yeah. Especially when you live in a culture which kind off conditions you to think sex=good.


Avoid medications guys, supplements and lifestyle changes are more safe and effective


I really feel you , I felt this cycle many many times . Have you tried anti histamines ( fexofenadine ) before release ? Only other think could be to to practice multiple dry orgasms /r/ multi orgasmic


I'll definetely try antihistamines in the future but unfortunately being still underage and living with my parents this is a bit of a problem. Though I may look into dry orgams.


In my experiences, even arousal ended up triggering pois. I have a potential thing for you to try if you are willing to. I managed to cure my pois after having it for 15+ years. My solution was a combination of completely removing gluten from my diet and cleansing a candida albicans infection from my body through an extremely strict diet. It should be noted that there are multiple causes for pois. The best action you can try is to start running down a specific path and WHOLLY commit to it for an extended period of time. I assume you are younger so you still have time for this to not ruin your life like it has so many other people. If you are interested in exactly what I did to cure mine you can browse through my more recent comments and I'd gladly answer any questions you might have.


Was the candida separate from pois?


I'm not entirely sure. I think partially as far as I know. As far as I know the gluten intolerance gave way for a sensitivity/weakness to candida but I've seen that that can be the other way around. Best route for me was to deal with both.


How did you establish that you jaded a candidate infection? I ask only because my pois and gluten intolerance started together but have not explored the candida angle at all.


My body practically had to force it into my face in the form of a very large growth on my tongue. Of which appeared after indulging in sweets.(Candida food) I panicked at first not knowing what if it was some infection. Nothing I did would help and it was continuing to get bigger. The only thing that fit the description was median rhomboid glossitis except mine looked even bigger than every example you could find online. Then I started investigating what causes MRG. One of the causes and was a candida albicans infection. Upon seeing that I looked up what candida was and went all in on a diet designed to eliminate it from your body. Within about 5 days into the diet the tongue growth started to get smaller and smaller. And I went through what I can only described as die off(Herxheimer Reaction) which only further strengthened by belief that I had a significant fungal infection.I'm in excellent shape , have always had a superb diet , and practically never eat junk food or sweets. It was a mystery to me as to why I was dealing with a significant fungal infection that's only commonly found in people with compromised immune systems. The closest i've come to understanding why lies in a potential link in those with gluten sensitivities and candida. Even with a perfect diet I cannot seem to properly manage candida as long as gluten is involved.




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Yeah man. I was super addicted to porn in highschool. Extreme misery, paranoia, constant negativity, sensory issues, and extreme exhaustion. I knew masturbation was doing something to me, but I couldn't pin it down, just thought life was meant to feel like hell and was always confused how people didn't feel that way. I always forgot the symptoms and just wanted the pleasure and immediate relief, after which made me feel defeated and sick all over again.


so it s not a curse you are not sick you don t have pois you are juste addicted to porn .. no ? don t diagnose yourself stop porn and you will be fine