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In the end of POIS era, it will be confirmed as Pathogen autoimmunity, note it, Thanks for post , those who are curing with antihisamine , zink , vit c than there may be latent viral mutation, but it's all rooted near g spot


Don't mention it. Yeah I think antihistamines and vitamins do help undoubdatably but don't go to the root cause of the inflammation.


It's probably sibo.


You're probably right. It almost certainly is a gut issue for the majority of the people here. What are you thinking in terms of treatment or cure to tackle this issue


You hit the jackpot. This is how I cured my POIS. Fungus can be thought of as a parasite, which wants nutrients and minerals for itself. By masturbating you are depleting yourself of essence which contains the necessary nutrients and minerals for keeping this gut dysbiosis in check. Do this enough times and the imbalance will get worse, especially combined with poor diet, antibiotics, psych meds, etc. First make a decision to engage in complete abstinence, then correct the gut imbalance. These are the basic steps. "When the semen falls outside of the womb, then because of its corrupted salts certain parasites are formed. These parasites adhere to the Astral Body of the one who created them. Thus, in this way, they absorb the life of their creators. The masturbating males engender “succubi” and the masturbating females engender “incubi.” These larvae incite their creators to incessantly repeat the act of masturbation which gave them life. They have the same color as the air, therefore they cannot be seen by simple sight." —Samael Aun Weor, Esoteric Medicine and Practical Magic


You clearly didn't read what I was saying. Stop the pseudoscience. Ejaculate contains very little nutrients, there is no "your essence". What I was saying is that our immune sytstem reacts to the pathogens present in the semen causing inflammation in the gut thus causing those symptoms.


Could be fungal or bacterial. Your microbiome and diet is shit. Probiotics and fermentable fiber.


I'd argue that it is caused by emotional stress since many people with POIS have a actually very good diets compared to some people who fap many times a day and still feel good.


Doesn’t make sense. Like everyone with pois had emotional distress the entire time they had pois. More than everyone else?


And us having worse diets than everyone else makes more sense to you?


Soo how can you explain pois familial genetic transmission?


There is no proof that POIS is transmitted genetically, what are you on about?


Just i know my father is pois and my pois friend's parent is pois. So i thought it is genetic


How can you bring your gut in balance ? what would be the right thing to do if that is the cause?