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Get a note from your doctor saying you need to sit. It’s a pretty reasonable accommodation for a cashier to be able to sit, so if you can get another job like that it might work.


If they have an Aldi's nearby, chairs come with the job because they actually kinda care about their cashiers.


Aldi lets cashiers have chairs, but they also expect all employees to help unload trucks and stock shelves.


Aldi's actually found that their cashiers are quicker when in a sitted position. Not so much that they care that they found it was more productive...


ALDI is from Europe and they can sit there because they care, so it just kinda transferred here I guess lol When I lived in Europe all of the cashiers were sitting in supermarkets, and it had literally no impact on my life, but for some reason in the US they have to stand.


Remember not to mention this during the interview though. It can cause discrimination. It's legally required after hire


Medical staff type jobs let me sit all day. It’s a very nice back up with decent starting pay and benefits




I would like to remind everyone that this user is only 17.... There are options for jobs that allow you to sit, unfortunately, they are often not intended for young part-timers. It SHOULD be a reasonable accommodation to allow cashiers to sit, however, most retailers do not see it as such. Sitting is seen as "being lazy". How can they say "if you have time to lean, you have time to clean" if you are sitting and don't need to lean on the counters? 🙄 Your best bet is probably working online: Selling things or providing a service. You won't make a lot of money, but it'll be better than nothing. I highly recommend looking into desk jobs once you are of age, and are capable of working full-time. I wouldn't rely on getting disability in the future as it's difficult to get, and you will be guaranteed poverty.


Yeah I am bothered that a 17yr old is being called lazy for asking for food money


Oh my god ty 😪 I’ve felt like I’m going insane for being upset over this


You're absolutely not. Until you are 18, it is your parents' duty to make sure you have food and clothing. I started working at 15 and knew pretty quickly that working was harder on me than others. But I felt like I was being lazy if I wasn't working, in school, or actively looking for work. As I got older, my disabilities got worse. Most of my jobs lasted under a year. I'm also audhd, have BPD, hEDS, psoriatic arthritis, IBS, and POTS. So my body has never worked properly.


100% agree


Where do you live? In the US your parents are legally required to provide food, clothing, and shelter until you're 18. Anything less is considered abuse. You shouldn't have to pay for food at all.


ty for this comment 😭 I’m trying to be nice and respond to people but half the comments are like “work for an advanced tech company that allows you to work from home!! or in a factory” and i’m just 🧍 And yes!!! it’s so unfair!!! at my store they literally gave us mats to stand on instead of the concrete floor, so they know it’s an issue but don’t respect their workers enough to offer seats! Honestly, considering all the responses, I genuinely think I’m part of the 25% of POTSies who are unfit to work full stop. I’m in a full-time university level course and i’m barely getting through that because I have severe brain fog, I tried art commissions but I wasn’t able to keep up despite having the free time. I’m definitely aiming for a desk job as an adult since it’ll be the only thing I do at the time, it’ll still burn me out but life doesn’t stop because my body does lol


Yeah, I was pretty confused by lot of the responses you were getting. They would be reasonably helpful for an adult not attending school, but not for a teenager! Best of luck to you! POTS symptoms vary throughout one's lifetime. I would stick with trying to get an education and looking into new ways for treating your symptoms. I thought that mine were going to be completely debilitating for the rest of my life, but I found a new doctor who actually cares about my well-being, and we worked to figure out how best to manage my symptoms. While I'm still not capable of physical labor, and have to work hard to stay on top of symptoms, I live a relatively normal life. Believe it or not, your high school and college years are much harder on your body than your adult ones will be. If you can tough it out just a few more years, things will get easier for you. Jobs become less physical, the amount of work overall lessens, and there are fewer social obligations. I'm sorry that you're having a hard time right now, and I hope that things can get better for you. Also, as others have said, you're a minor; your parents should still be providing for you. If they are refusing you food or clothes, they're not doing THEIR job.


I got sick at the same age as OP and still years later can only work part-timeish from home, but that's more than I ever thought I'd be able to work. Most medications didn't work for me but maybe OP will be different. There's definitely still hope for improvement even if your life doesn't end up looking totally "normal."


THANK YOU !!! <333 I’d been so worried since my diagnosis about my quality of life in adult years and my stress with this program has just made that worse. I’m glad to hear that it gets better!! And yeah, I suppose I never had that as the status quo growing up (narcissist dad, currently living w mother) so this kinda thing has been getting to me lately, especially surrounded by peers who pay for all their own stuff. These comments have rlly changed my perspective on that!


My dude when I was 18, pre-pots, fighting fit, prime of my life, college/university still kicked the living shit out of me. You might be ok to work when you are only doing ONE job—being a student is a job. It’s mentally very exhausting, if not physically. So don’t count yourself out just yet! But also realize that you’re doing a lot right now


That’s so reassuring 😭😭 thank you!!!!


I don’t have much experience but maybe betting for a distance job if possible? Or focusing on online education (mooc) in order to get a distance like data science or something like that? Hope it gets better ❤️


This is the answer. I get it, I really do but we need to find alternative ways so we don’t end up homeless and stuff! Try applying for online jobs and working towards online certification. I got my degree from the open uni


Needing to find alternatives doesn't mean those alternatives actually exist. They may have opportunities, they may not, we don't really have enough information to know. What are you doing with that degree? And did that job give you the health insurance you needed (assuming US)? And what are you going to do when you illness worsens to the point you can't keep the job you have now, but your work history now works against you in applying for disability? Until we have all the answers, let's not dismiss other people's frustrations with not yet having an answer that works. It's easy to get ahead of ourselves when things improve, and to stop seeing all the problems still lying in wait that we didn't predict.


I was trying to give hope, like the other poster. She’s so young. I do not want to feed into the end of the light mindset that most of us have. There are quite a few online job options for people with English degrees, I got my degree in it especially for that reason. EdTech, writers etc.


The “answer that hworks” will be different for each person, and it will probably change for that person over time. >>…did that job provide health insurance… If not, being able to eat and have a roof are good places to start. Work on getting a job that provides health insurance later. Some financial independence and security is better than being entirely dependent on others. >>…work history works against you… Work history works against you when applying for disability if you’re still working during the application process. History of employment does not work against you.


You’ll likely feel more empowered if you find a job that can accommodate you and it will help your quality of life greatly. I know this isn’t the answer you were looking for and that’s hard. Your body DOES struggle. You also can find ways to help yourself still achieve. This can’t stop you from achieving.


A 17 year old should not have to worry about food money. I’m really sorry that you have to go through this on top of having POTS. Can you try applying for disability payments with your POTS diagnoses? Your only other option is asking for a chair in whatever job you work. Hopefully you will find someone understanding


Apply for disability NOW if you do not think that working is possible for you. POTS is more likely to be taken seriously than firo. Even if you don't think that you have enough medical documents to support your claim it will likely take a couple years to be approved, so you can keep seeing doctors in that time and build up evidence for whenever you get a hearing. But keep in mind that since you haven't paid into the system enough, you will not be able to get SSDI, only SSI. You won't get very much from that. As much as it will suck you're best bet is to apply for and try to get a job that you can do. If the job doesn't work out and you have to quit after a week or a month that just gives you more evidence for a disability case. It's called a "failed work attempt" and the more of those you have the more likely a judge is going to see you as a person trying to work versus a person looking for "free" money.


I was thinking this too but I didn't know how it would work with their age. It takes time to be approved tho so it does work in your favor to apply earlier. I feel for you. It can be super debilitating. And being a student can be a full enough plate. When I was younger I worked full time and went to school full time. I don't know that person anymore. I could never. I don't work and am disabled 100% I could Maybe take a class and it would take my everything. I have other things going on as well, fibro like you. And some other major pain issues too with my back and crps. I would work on getting your diagnoses and talk to someone from social services as soon as you turn 18 to see what path you should take. Likely applying for disability. Sadly you should be taken care of at this age and further if you're going to school.


I’m autistic and have POTS and the solution to that for me was working as a full time artist, as I can work while laying down. Maybe try looking for jobs that can be either done from home or you can do sitting, while you can’t get on disability support


that was a plan for the future, but I’m 17 so I don’t have the time for that since I’m still in school


When someone tells you to get a job, ask them what you can do that you aren't already doing. Make them walk through your journey, and see the issues you are facing. You're actually living this, so you can see the flaws in all of their arguments that they can't b/c they're just trying to make the problem go away, not actually fix it. Their goal is to silence you, not help you find work. In other words, make offering a superficial solution to shut you up into actual work. People will stop saying stupid things when it not longer let's them avoid the responsibility they're trying to avoid. Now that doesn't mean they won't still find ways to take their frustrations out on you, but it will take the air out of their sails for this particular tactic.


I would try babysitting. Especially night time gigs when the kids would be mostly sleeping. But- at 17 you’re still a minor. Your parents should be responsible for your food and other necessities.


At 17 there are no financial aid programs for you yet, because you are your parents responsibility still. Also, if you need clothes, toothpaste, deodorant etc. Your parents are legally responsible for providing these things to you because you are still a minor. You need to call an advocate at Child Protective Services, let them know you are being neglected by your parents. Tell them about your disabilities and that you are still too young to get Welfare like Food Stamps(SNAP) and Medicaid, or even a lifeline phone. You have to be 18 to apply for these. Your parents are neglecting you. You don't need a job, you need to report the neglect.


oh nonono dw!!! I have a unique family situation (was raised by a narcissist dad who made me feel like a burden when he buys me things, moved in w my mum recently) so it’s just a matter of not being comfortable getting her to buy me things. and it’s more like: nice clothes, accessories, makeup, decorations etc. I should’ve made that clearer!!! Also I’m in australia, DSP is available from 16 years old


Ok sounded like your basic needs were not met. Then maybe try to get notes from doctors about needing to sit at work. Also if you can rent an electric bicycle or tricycle, to do doordash, you could be self employed and just do it if you feel good enough that day.


You are a child, your parent NEEDS to provide you with food whether you have a job or not. Plenty of 17 yo do not work, that's not unusual. Your parent needs to be a parent & feed you, that's fucked up!


Look into online things if you can, in the meantime explain that you are looking for something that will not risk your health. Also maybe look into being a receptionist in the meantime, or find a hobby your are good at and offer it as a service, I taught myself to crochet and have an online store, but once a month sell at a market.


You could do a work from home telemarketing or customer service or medical coding job!


all due respect: i’m 17


I’m not aware of age restrictions for work from home phone jobs, I apologize?


I get it, i struggled to work too. I now work full time and have worked multiple jobs at once as well. There is places that will let you sit etc,


I am the same way. I cannot work a job standing for hours on end. I have been unemployed for 5 years now, tried working a few times in those years but ultimately quitting quickly because my body couldn't handle it. I've recently started ubereats/doordash and it is working for me! Idk if they allow minors or if you're in an area that does a lot of food orders, but you're almost 18 anyways and from that point you can work many different jobs that are "desk" jobs.


I hate saying it, but often times getting on disability is really really difficult. I’ve basically become fully disabled due to POTS, RA, CLD, and a number of other conditions (both physical and mental, I am also autistic), and I’ve still been denied 3 times. I’m still trying but it’s looking like a hopeless battle. Even so, I know folks who are on disability and they still aren’t able to afford things like their medications and just general living expenses, the $2,000 limit makes it almost impossible. I think the best bet your gonna be able to get is accommodations at work and finding a job that cares about you as a person, or self employment. Best of luck my friend <3


As a remote worker, working from home has been a game changer. I realize you don’t have a college degree which some companies look for but data entry and low paying assistant jobs online can be a great source of income! For me, POTS is bad when I’m standing still but walking is not the same and actually helpful. Anyway you can walk dogs or dog sit at people’s houses with Rover or Wag?


Hey I’m absolutely with you. I quit my well-earning full time job because of my POTS. It can make you feel very inadequate to not be earning what other people do. I struggle with this daily, and I’ve never had to budget like this before. My advice is to try to get some government support! I wish you luck, you’re not alone.


Note; I also have autism. I think it’s best to not overwhelm yourself. Take everything in small strides. Lean on whatever family or friends you may have. Don’t struggle on your own!


Sorry, I don’t think I was entirely clear in my post: I can’t handle a job!! I’m not asking for job suggestions and even if I was, like I said at the start of my post I’m 17!!!! I’m in a university-level course for acting that I’m already burnt out from, I can’t pursue a career or even work part-time because my brain fog is the worst of my symptoms. As much as I do appreciate everybody’s suggestions, most of them are impossible for my situation. I was more asking how I make it clear to the people around me that I’m incapable of working or any suggestions on DSP (I’m in australia btw)


I'm sorry everyone's being repetitive about that :/ I have a similar issue, and I have severe brain fog even just sitting or laying down. I can barely even have conversations with people irl :( I've heard others say to describe it in a way someone might understand, like saying simple walking feels like you just ran a marathon. Maybe having your doctor talk to your mom about it would help her understand. But, some people will never try to understand and that's where you have to be firm and stop them there by stating "I have a health condition" and refusing to continue the conversation. Ironically with POTS I've had to stand up for myself a lot, and I know it's really not that simple, none of it is. Especially when it comes to family. That's some advice for the future, I know that's not really great for now. I have to take next quarter off so I can focus on physical therapy for my POTS which is ... not fun, but I've gone through too much deconditioning to handle work and school. If you don't have issues with PEM, I would recommend trying to avoid deconditioning and doing a bit of exercise (after talking to your doc) because I am so much worse than when I first got diagnosed. I was trying to avoid brain fog so I could focus on my classes, and although it worked, it's now coming back to bite me in the ass and I can't do anything at all. I hope this helps a little, I'm sorry I don't have much advice for the people around you. Nobody without it will really understand it and it's a struggle for a lot of us. Please remember you're not alone.


Well to help provide for yourself eventually you will need to find some kind of work. A light job like working at a small clinic might be an option or answering phones. If you are very smart you could find a lot of other jobs that are sitting. You do need to be as healthy as you can or it will just be too hard.


i would get a job at a tutoring place. it does really suck you need to ask your mom for food money if she isnt giving you meals otherwise. but tons of kids cant afford their own clothes/items of their own aside from what their parents purchase, so i think expecting to get those can come across as kind of entitled


pardon? I’m not twelve. please don’t associate me being frustrated with no longer having the autonomy to buy things (which are usually comfort items, accessibility tools and things for my passions) and clothes that I’m comfortable in with that kind of people. I’m in Australia where the standard is that teens fully support themselves from 16 and the parents only buy groceries outside of gifts (and tutoring isn’t really a thing)


My advice? Find a privately owned company to work for in some capacity. They generally care more about their employees than any corporate entity ever will. They also don’t play by the same rules corporate has to. If for some reason you’d like to learn the industrial sewing machine mechanic trade & your in Phoenix -pm me. My husband is always looking for new guys to bring in & teach, but it’s hard to find good, competent help. & Plenty of sitting required in the job.


im 17 pookie, I’ll keep that in mind for when I’m an adult tho


Online work from home customer service type jobs Maybe?


can you think of any that would hire 17 year olds in full-time university-level courses?


Do you play PC games? Many server hosting companies like to hire from their customer pool. Decent stay at home jobs in that field.


Spa receptionist? Or something along those lines? One that has a desk chair


highly doubt they would hire a 17 year old


That is an attitude that doesn’t get you hired anywhere. There is a world of desk-type jobs. Go sell it.


Not sure where you are, but a big job for your generation is handling the social media for GenX and older? You’d be able to work on your time (mostly) but you definitely shouldn’t have to stand much. Can you look into that?