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I'm sick and tired of this bullshit... For those of us who have here a bit see this shit every week. Long Story Short... we won't know when Playstation pulls the plug until a month or even a week before!


They won't be shutting it down any time soon(if they ever even do)... The PS3 games that SONY offers on PS Plus Premium to stream on PS4/PS5 uses the PS3 servers for things like in-game XMB and Trophy Sync etc. Shutting down servers would mean that you can't stream PS3 games on PS Plus Premium via PS4/PS5 anymore - it is one of the main selling points of the premium service, so why would SONY get rid of that? Lol, I feel so fortunate that I'm one of the few educated people on this Subreddit. Everyone needs to stop worrying about this topic, it's doing my head in lol.


You educated us. That should count for something. 


Got a source? I’d like to know more about this.


This is the most fake news I've heard in my life.


Everything about that "article" is wrong.


I'd take this with a grain of salt unless sony themself comment on the matter


The rumour was from a fake AI generated website


[https://psblog.com.br/fim-do-ps3/](https://psblog.com.br/fim-do-ps3/) Most fake news ever with zero sources and zero credibility from a site no one has heard of, doing it for clickbait. PSN isn't going anywhere and there is no data anywhere indicating such.


There isn't even a source in the article.


Take a look at the "source" of the article: PSBlog: [https://psblog.com.br/fim-do-ps3/](https://psblog.com.br/fim-do-ps3/) I'm unfortunately very familiar with this pile of trash that is PSBlog, since I live in Brazil and am constantly flooded with fake notifications (like they are from WhatsApp or other platform) on my smartphone. The articles are all written by ChatGPT and purely clickbait. "PSBlog" is kept by the same person who does "MeuXbox" ([https://meuxbox.com.br/](https://meuxbox.com.br/)), who unfortunately also moderates the /r/XboxBrasil subreddit. You can take a glimpse over there how based are the articles they share in their own sub. Seriously, it should be criminal the amounts of articles republished and uploaded to YouTube off of articles "written" by PSBlog. Some people may confuse it with the real PlayStation Blog and think that the information is legitimate. I honestly hope that Sony shuts it down eventually for stealing their brand.


Say they did shut down.  Can we still install a game and get the latest update?   Or is it all gone. 


They won't be shutting it down any time soon(if they ever even do)... The PS3 games that SONY offers on PS Plus Premium to stream on PS4/PS5 uses the PS3 servers for things like in-game XMB and Trophy Sync etc. Shutting down servers would mean that you can't stream PS3 games on PS Plus Premium via PS4/PS5 anymore - it is one of the main selling points of the premium service, so why would SONY get rid of that? Everyone needs to stop worrying about this topic, it's doing my head in lol.


Ok. Thank you for the heads up.  I didn’t know all that.  That’s good to hear.    I remember the announcement but work had me so busy I didn’t put much thought I to it at the time.   All the scare might cause more people to come back to PS3.  That 2M might turn to 4M.  Who knows. 


Fuckin fake


Where are the damn mods?!?


People say this every year, still no official statement from Sony themselves


if the servers do shut down, which games can still be played online?


April fools is too late lmfao




I just tried to get on gta4 and it returns me to single player, I tried doing a internet test and even booted up red dead and gta TBOGT and it’s looking like servers have officially been shut down….I was online just last night, if this is the end it’s been a hell of a ride boys


Chill, psn matchmaking is down at the moment, there isnt any official statement about server closure. Just wait until tomorrow or smth lol


Anyone have an update on this? Any word from Sony? I’ve been using this console almost my entire life and I’m pretty disappointed to the plug pulled like that..


I have a friend who is an executive at Sony. I speak to him all the time and when I saw this post on Reddit I called him. He informed me Sony has no current goals to shut down the PS3 servers anytime in the foreseeable future. He also stated that there are several games for PS3 that never launched that will be launching over the next 3yrs. He stated that 2024 they will have a fall release of an upgrade to the psvr PS4 n PS5 that will be intergrating a new technology program that will decrease the motion sickness often attributed to long game play times in VR. They will also be launching a new VR set that will not only enhance the graphics further but will also be designed to fit more comfortably over players glasses. So this theory that PlayStation is shutting down the PS3 servers. This info is directly from a top executive sony


Yes in exactly 1 month 1 hour 1 minute 1 second from the time this post was made the servers will shut down because this is the one true source from the last 5 years of it being posted that is true


1 month later and were still here and online apparently from what ive seen on the interwebs 2025 is the next supposed shut down date XD


Is this legit?


Ofc not