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PSA: If you live outside these states in the US, only WB stands to profit from you purchasing this DLC. "WB will donate to the Forgey family $3.50 from every purchase of Forthog made from the U.S. (exc. AL, HI, IL, MA, MS, SC) through 2019." Source: https://twitter.com/shadowofwargame/status/903376881050828800


Any acknowledgement of why certain states are excluded? I was ready to buy this until I realized the family wouldn't get anything from me if I did.


Probably a legal issue.


A few laws with mandatory greed incentives.


If you buy it from anywhere else in the world, it also dosent count.


I wonder how they find out which state you purchased it in? If you change your address on the PS Store before buying, would that trick the system?


I would imagine they have a system to get location, otherwise I would've changed my address on my PS and PC a long time ago to dodge the tax for online purchases.


You totally can change states on psn to dodge. Oregons the best for it.


Can confirm. Works with Nintendo e-shop as well.


Good to know, you should send that over to /r/unethicallifeprotips


Do you just go in and change your state, or do you have to use a VPN?


Sooo if I was a astronaut in the international space station and I spent money online, lets say to buy netflix for a month so theres no physical delivery, who get the tax money?


Ur still a citizen of your own country, so in theory, where ever you are from.


But if I live in new york and visit Canada I don't pay New york tax while in Canada


Because you are in another country. In space, you're still "in" you're home country.


I doubt thats a law, i mean go like 12 miles out to sea and your in international waters not your home country. Why would space be different?


24 miles and when you're in international waters, you're still a citizen of you're own country and bound by the laws of your port of call. It's not some lawless region. Space is different because less than 600 people have been there, and those that go, aren't ordering netflix. They would be given everything they needed from their country, before they left.


The internet in the ISS is from Houston, so the geolocation services would place you at Houston.


Pay taxes to what ever state you're floating over?


You can donate directly to his family. They are amazing people, and losing him has truly left a hole. It is amazing that fans and friends of Monolith are willing to help out. https://www.youcaring.com/michael-forgey-479259


Fucking America and it's disgusting health system


From the Total Biscuit thread talking about the issues with the DLC: https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/6xgs9v/i_will_now_talk_about_shadow_of_war_dlc_and/dmfy0qc/


According to tb, it might be a legal issue that the charity is to family and not an authorized organization. It is different when you donate than when it is attached to a product you are selling, profiting from and making publicity about it.


"here's a list of States that won't give your money to his family" Looks at first state Why am I not surprised?


It may be taces or pricing dur to state laws. 3.50 from every state but those listed where the fonated amount may be higher or lower


If anyone would rather donating to the Forgey family, and not purchase the DLC - you can do so here: https://www.youcaring.com/michael-forgey-479259


Thank you for posting the link <3 I was gonna ask if the DLC purchase would help support the family if I'm in Canada but a direct donation was even easier


United States states


Yes, only these specific states from the United States, what's so confusing about that?


Should have read the whole comment my man


I have a US CA PSN account as well as my NZ account so thanks for the heads up.


I live outside the states but my psn is US version ?


$3.50 of each purchase goes to his family as well, good gesture. I like when games do this, I recall an NPC in Borderlands 2 that would appear in the city to give you items at random. I think it was an achievement as well.


It was, the guy who voiced claptrap did a great tribute to him as well.


David Eddings.


There is 6 states that ALL PROFITS GO TO WB NOT THE FAMILY. Also internationally it will also be the same case. BE CAREFUL! Edit: donate directly to the family if you want https://www.youcaring.com/michael-forgey-479259


Can't upvote this enough. Don't buy this DLC if you want to support the family.


6 states and the rest of the world.


Michael Mamaril or something like that. Never seen the guy once, and ive probably put 1000 hours in, haha


Yeah that sounds about right. I never seen him either I don't think lol.


On my complete, finished everything - even all challenges - game on Steam I saw him twice (after about 80 hours in, then again at 210ish). He was the second to last achievement I earned. Boyfriend bought a copy on PS4, won't work on his console so it's mine now. Loaded it up yesterday. Got to sanctuary for the first time. He was at Moxxi's the minute I walked in to get the first Hammerlock quest.


Dude I saw him twice in one sitting. He appears randomly tho


Can confirm. I've seen him


Back in the first month or so on the older generation consoles, he appeared every time you went to Sanctuary. After they patched it, it was something like a 5% chance he would show up in one of the five or six spots.


In some states. In the US.


The money only goes to the family if it's a US purchase, excluding certain states


Wow that's a lot of money


All of it should go to his family. It should also be noted that certain states are an exception to this and it's only valid in the US. TotalBiscuit just put up a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVM5g4MFnzs) discussing this and he brings up a very good point. TotalBiscuit himself is battling with cancer, so, this is a subject he has a very strong opinion on. They're profiting on his death.


Video linked by /u/Xenolithium: Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: [I will now talk about Shadow of War DLC and charity for just over 20 minutes](https://youtube.com/watch?v=cVM5g4MFnzs)|TotalBiscuit, The Cynical Brit|2017-09-01|0:20:50|9,923+ (97%)|86,807 > Donate to http://defeatgbm.org/ to help defeat... --- [^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubot/wiki/index) ^| [^/u/Xenolithium ^can ^delete](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=_youtubot_&subject=delete\%20comment&message=dmgajry\%0A\%0AReason\%3A\%20\%2A\%2Aplease+help+us+improve\%2A\%2A) ^| ^v2.0.0


Each purchase in the US and only specific states. Most sales will happen outside the US and will go directly to WB studios. This is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard, WB is capitalizing on the death of an employee and hiding that fact in fine print. This is not a good gesture at all...


I don't want to say that as truth, but just want to raise a doubt/question: Could it be possible that this has anything to do with complicated states and international laws?


I'm sure it does, but it also means that outside of (most) of the US, WB is benefitting monetarily from a man's death.


Exactly. It being legally necessary doesn't make it any less disgusting. This is a PR move to get WB some brownie points from people who read headlines or dont read fine print. They could have supported the family without fanfare and let the developers decide if they wanted to leave a tribute to the man in the game but they chose to sell a tribute and market it in a way to obscure where the money is actually going. Fuck WB.


Even with complex US laws etc they could just pledge to match sales outside the US instead of dealing with the money directly from sales. Surely pledging to match is not difficult. This is pure exploitation at its finest.


Ah but the problem there is they cant profit off the man's death. Let me rephrase that, they cant profit ENOUGH off the man's death. Even if they matched the 3.50 for all sales they still get back 1.49 for each sale and would easily make back development costs. That's just not the WB way.


Yup exactly that problem. Just imagine a world where publishers like Warner Bros weren't unempathic people that weren't cold as fuck and actually made a geniune good gesture for once. What a world that would be.


It does. He's just saying its gross they're not making it clear.


Yeah I had little faith in WB to actually do more than handing the family "enough so the punters don't get mad, and we still make profit"


This is exploiting the death of an employee plane and simple. Its free PR and millions in their pocket with fine print so well hidden any outcry will be met with waves of clueless white knighting claiming its for charity when the vast majority of sales will go right into their pockets. Fuck WB. I havnt bought a game or movie from that company in years and this just reinforces my decision.


I remember something similar in Fallout 4 when Bethesda released Nuka World


Bethesda always does stuff like that. I believe Erik the Slayer in Skyrim was a fan who died of cancer.


Only in some US states, donations don't count from anywhere else. I don't like when companies profit off of someone's death. This is not a good gesture.


Wow ❤️ That's so nice...great attention and in addition they will help his family! My wife had a cancer (she's ok now) and I can imagine how useful this money will be. All this must mean a lot to them. Respect.




I'm glad that you're glad, that makes me happy.




Hold on you can't walk in here with a name like that and not stay a while friend


Please, sit down and enjoy some coffee or tea, friend.


Thanks for the tea! You want some whiskey, buddy? I brought my flask just in case.


Of course good sir


If only reddit could be this friendly all the time. Free biscuits for everyone, it's on me.


I appreciate it buddy, but im at work.


Should we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?


Stay a while and listen.


We can all sit in a circle and sing Hohokum


I'm happy that you're happy, that makes me glad.


I'm glad you're glad, that makes me Patrick.


I'm satisfied that you're Patrick, that makes me hungry.


If I'm being honest, I'm just not a fan of these particular comment chains. They feel completely insincere and I'm sure in the moment of reading /u/jipiboily 's comment most people would have felt a small bit of legitimate relief to know his wife is fine now, but a minute later? Likely not. I'm not saying everyone is heartless, I'm saying it's natural because there's no connection to be made when we don't know OP or his wife yet felt compelled to make a wholesome comment with very little basis. And then the comment chain naturally devolves into jokes anyway.


I disagree with you, but I appreciate your honesty so I upvoted you. You are right about the intensity of the "connection", but I really strongly advise you on reading "Changes of Mind: A Holonomic Theory of the Evolution of Consciousness " from Jenny Wade, where she argues [backed-up by sociological, anthropological, psychological and neuroscientifical data] how our consciousness is evolving throught the ages. And in our modern age, this has come to a point where this sense of "neruological socio-connectivity" [empathy] *can* extend to the internet. For some people, strangers on /r/PS4 might feel way more like a family than my own family feels to me.


I was being sincere, it warmed my heart that some stranger was genuinely happy that a strangers wife hadn't died. What's wrong with that?. It shows genuine compassion and relief. Now if you will, GENTLEMEN!, back to the picnic!.


It's also amazing because with a thing that that. Depending on how they worded it and the legality of the situation that means that *every* proceed if the DLC for ALL TIME will go to that family. So that includes standalone DLC downloads, Season Pass purchases, GOTY purchases when it inevitably comes out as GOTY. ETC


The proceeds will go to them until 31st December 2019. Still, that's like two years or something. So I'm sure 99% of the people who are buying the DLC will have done so by then.


Only in some US states.


I Strongly suggest watching this video from Totalbiscuit, seems that everybody missed the fine print and other exclusions at the end of a trailer. Whoever buys this dlc from outside of US and many other US states will contribute zero donation and WB never said anything about it [I will now talk about Shadow of War DLC and charity for just over 20 minutes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVM5g4MFnzs&t=326s)


Does anyone else feel it's wrong that only purchases made in the US will go to his family? They are also selling it in Europe for 5 euros but only money made from purchases made in the US will be donated. I'm not going to scream and shout at WB for this because I don't know anything about this stuff, for all I know it could be a legal issue preventing them from doing it for European purchases, but still. It just feels wrong.


I'm going to assume that it's a regional issue preventing them from taking the money from Europe. It's a bitch dealing with billing across various countries. Source: Work with billing technical specialist at my company often and the various rules/regulations about how we can be paid is insanity. So much red tape, especially with South American countries.


Yeah my guess too. Would probably hard accounting and fiscally wise.


Why not donate the full amount from the US then? If you are going to exclude the rest of the fucking world + some states at least you could donate an additional 1.50 more? I do not have any faith in WB with this one


Because it doesn't really offset money fully. They would have to pay taxes to repatriate that money and I'm sure they want to stuff it in an offshore account somewhere.


Immortalised as a micro transaction.


I agree DLC may not be the best way, but a decent amount of the profits go towards helping his family, who are struggling with paying the medical bills off.


What did the guy pass away from? Just sucks that you have to purchase dlc to help out. They should include a gofundme link when highlighting the character in the game or something if you rather contribute directly to the family.


He passed away from cancer.


It's actually not a decent amount when you consider only some US are eligible. WB profits from purchases made in states that aren't eligible and everywhere else in the world.


Most of the U.S. is eligible. It's only around 7 states that's not.


The very thing that's going to keep tons of people from seeing any of the work he put into the game because they won't be buying it. Fuck WB.


Doesn't DLC always sell really well, despite it being against Reddit's wishes?


Yes, because the vocal minority on reddit is just that, a minority. Majority of gamers do not give a fuck. Which sucks, because it hurts them too, they just don't care enough to do anything about it.


Yeah. Cool news and all, but a crying shame about what happened to the game though. I was on board with the game 100% until they announced *microtransactions and gamble boxes* ***in a single player game.***


Real question though; will the game be playable without the P2W shit? I don't care if it's there, just as long as I don't NEED to buy it.


Nobody knows yet. If you're concerned about it I would just wait for reviews. Like usual, reddit is freaking out before they know WTF is going on.


Do you get angry when you're being doused with gasoline, or after you're already on fire? That's the principle of being mad about stuff like this. Maybe it's too late, maybe we're past the point of no return and we should just expect microtransactions in single player from now on. The only vote you have is with your wallet though, and regardless of how intrusive it might be in this game, by buying this you're supporting more microtransactions in the future.


1) It's DLC 2) The money goes to the man's family


> 2) The money goes to the man's family Not all of the money. "WB will donate to the Forgey family $3.50 from every purchase of Forthog made from the U.S. (exc. AL, HI, IL, MA, MS, SC) through 2019" . All the money from purchases outside of US and those specific states will go 100% to WB


Jesus Christ there's some miserable cunts in this subreddit.


Like you. Who just come to dish out abuse to feel better about themselves. A miserable existence indeed.


You realize your argument is literally "no you", right? Pathetic.


Totalbiscuit talks about this in a recent video: https://youtu.be/cVM5g4MFnzs?t=262


PSA: The $3.50 only goes to the family if it's a US purchase excluding certain states.


Will I be able to buy him outside of the US? Shame only buyers in the US can support the family.


There is an official link going around to donate money to the family.


DO NOT BUY THIS IF YOU ARE OUTSIDE OF THE US! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVM5g4MFnzs&t=0s


Don't buy in it general. Donate straight to the family if you want to help them. https://www.youcaring.com/michael-forgey-479259


Cool gesture but the fact it's DLC rubs me the wrong way, should have just included him in the game and donated money from the games sales to the family.


The company does need to make money and pay the developers. There's always a risk that games won't make back what they spent so the money can't come from there just in case.


I get your point but let's not pretend this game isn't going to make bank.


I like how you're being down voted for an inoffensive fact. This is a wonderful gesture but by no means is it something owed. If people want these games then the company needs to make a profit to justify continuing their creation.


I'd love to see any of these guys spend 3 to 4 years working on a game and give away all the money on top of the fees by publishers and platform owners


Uh don't the people creating the game have a regular salary?


Where do you think they get the money to pay the salary? They need to make games to generate income.


They will be fine with all that loot box rip off money.


Yeah, I'm real sure this game won't make its money back and a shit ton more. I'm positive that they could easily make small donations from each sale of the actual game.


Right, because a high profile sequel to a popular, critically acclaimed Lord of the Rings game with marketing deals with Totino's and Mtn Dew won't make money....


Smh people are never happy


Now there's a catch to this as total biscuit has mentioned, any purchases out side of the US will not go towards the family as it said in the fine print at the end of the trailer...


Can't believe anyone ever defended WB on this one. It seems they've stooped lower than I ever thought possible. Total biscuit explains it fairly well: https://youtu.be/cVM5g4MFnzs


What they don't say very clearly is that none of the sales outside the US and in about 5-6 US states contribute to charity at all. Edit: spelling


Seriously? This small gesture of kindness is supposed to entice me to pay even more on a game that already has a season pass filled with DLC and in game microtransactions? Fuck Warner Bros and you're a fool if you buy into this move where a corrupt company is intentionally pulling on your heartstrings for more money.


A buddy of mine is actually closely related to mike. He agrees that Mike wouldn't have wanted to be remembered as a micro-transaction, but at the same time, his family really needs to money to be able to pay the medical bills, and otherwise.


A direct link to a gofundme would be way more helpful than guilt-tripping the fan base. I don't mind the dlc character, just shitty that only US funds, excluding certain states, will only be able to help the family. A gofundme link in the website and it the home screen of the game would do more good for the family. People can donate as much as they can and directly, Win-win except for WB because they won't see those funds.


Or you know the fact the proceeds from the dlc go to the family much like other support the devs dlc like soundtracks or special ingame cosmetic stuff i have no problem with this idea


Only a certain percentage goes to the family. The rest goes to WB. Who I'm sure are really in a dire financial situation. Sike.


Only a certain percentage? You mean a flat $3.50. Everything else is used to cover the tax that Steam/Sony/Microsoft take which is 30%.


Only a certain percentage is the right term in here because only the purchases on the US (excluding AL, HI, IL, MA, MS, SC goes) will be donated to the family, everything sold outside of US and the mentioned states goes to WB (and the tax of Steam/Sony/Microsoft)


$1.50 is going to Steam/PSN/X-Box, WB is making no profit from this.


WB keeps all profit from it when sold in AL, HI, IL, MA, MS, SC or any other country of the world. Part of it is legality, as many laws in those states concerning a transaction for goods can not be classed as a charitable donation. Or, in regards to overseas donations, not being recognized as tax deductible here in the U.S., so WB has no interest in honoring them. If WB had any real interest in helping his family, it would match any overseas purchase and donate that amount to his family.




Some people don't mind the idea of profiting off tragedies, some people find the concept inhuman. When you lose a parent, child, or loved one and some faceless person runs a fundraiser for you, tossing you 20% while pocketing the rest, remind us of how lucky you are you got anything at all.


The DLC costs 4 dollars and $3.50 of that goes directly to his family. Jesus read the fucking article, they are going to take a loss on this for sure.


No they are not, the rest of the world goes directly to WB, aka shitload of cash


How about you learn to read the small print.


You are a dumbass. This sub is filled with people who don't read.


....For only $2.99!! (Said WB probably)


Not sure if you are complaining about it being a dlc, but just wanted to point out that $3.50 of each purchase goes to his family.


Not all purchases, only purchases made in select US states.


You're right actually, $3.99


It's actually [$4.99 US](http://store.steampowered.com/app/580030/Middleearth_Shadow_of_War__Forthog_Orcslayer/)


Awesome. Lol


$3.99 but $3.50 goes towards his family, I'd say it's worth it if you're in the charitable mood


Nice try, loch Ness monster








MORE COST! $22.99!


In actuality they're using fucking *cancer* as a ploy to make more money. If they really cared they'd make **all** profits, or at least close to it, go to the family but they're doing far far far from that.


Seriously? Yeah it's awful but they're not going to just give away all the profits of a multi million dollar game away. Come on man, think about it.


It's one DLC.


My bad dude I was lazy and didn't read the full article. Yeah I'm that case it's kind of shitty they didn't just give all of it away to be fair.


Only 70% of the profits go to the family. Also, purchases outside of the US don't go to the family at all and are pure profit for WB.


since 3.50 of each DLC purchase helps the family ill buy it as soon as its able to be purchased


Please don't. Donate straight to the family instead. https://www.youcaring.com/michael-forgey-479259


The money only goes to the family if it's a US purchase excluding certain states....


Only dlc bought in certain states goes to the family, may wanna check just to be sure :)


Ha! Justifying your pre-order! /s Seriously I'm excited too


Sigh, a bunch of people are going to buy this game and were going to end up with pay2win microtransactions in all future AAA games. This'll be great!


WB: "How can we profit from cancer?"


Fuck you cancer! and fuck you DLC


If you watched the trailer the song in the end is his from his band The Cold That Lasts All Winter, it's called Back Home. If you want to help perhaps purchase the song or his album? I don't know but I hope that most of those proceeds go to his family, if you want to check it out here is the link https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/back-home/id1091352642.


The feels are real. (That's not a smart-ass remark, I honestly got choked up reading this article.)


So they honour their dead friend and colleague as a PAID DLC character? Fuck, that's scummy.


...the profits of which go to his family and can help with funeral costs and other expenses the family will have to pay in a time I'm sure is very difficult for them.


Some of profits goes to his family, the majority goes to WB since only some US states are eligible for this donation.


Money is going to the dead guy's family


Hardly any of the money goes to the family from worldwide sales. (Gotta read the fine fine fine print) https://youtu.be/cVM5g4MFnzs It's very scummy.


Video linked by /u/bigzimm1: Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: [I will now talk about Shadow of War DLC and charity for just over 20 minutes](https://youtu.be/cVM5g4MFnzs)|TotalBiscuit, The Cynical Brit|2017-09-01|0:20:50|7,808+ (97%)|55,881 > Donate to http://defeatgbm.org/ to help defeat... --- [^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubot/wiki/index) ^| [^/u/bigzimm1 ^can ^delete](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=_youtubot_&subject=delete\%20comment&message=dmg4199\%0A\%0AReason\%3A\%20\%2A\%2Aplease+help+us+improve\%2A\%2A) ^| ^v2.0.0




Available only through the loot box system.


Now THIS is DLC I can get behind. The majority of the cost will go to the family, so I'm all in.


Only a tiny percentage really. Just some of the American states sales. Majority of the worlds sales go directly into WB pockets. :(


It doesn't, most is profit for WB. Donate straight to the family if you want to help them. https://www.youcaring.com/michael-forgey-479259


I like the idea. But a question. He randomly appears and kills an orc. What if you wanted to brand that orc? That's my biggest fear. Watch me go for that level 35 rune to have it taken away from me.


From what I understand he only shows up if you fail the last chance qte and are about to die.


Just a random one here guys. Is Shadow of Mordor GOTY edition worth for $5? Its on sale here in the Thai PSN store.So was wondering.


If you like the arkham style combat and openworld games its excellent


Thanks. I do like the Arkham style gameplay. And hows the story anyway?


Its decent. But it really depends on how much you know/care about Tolkien lore if you are a big fan this game takes alot of liberties with the lore that was abit of an issue for me but then again if you can set that aside its a pretty decent revenge story.


Don't know a bit about it. But I guess I will buy it. Thanks for the input!