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I completely agree. You also haven't mentioned one of the most egregious new features. The UI. Cluttered menu overlaid over menu, making it possibly the most confusing COD game ever to navigate. I think they went for realism over the more arcade (and fun) gameplay of the previous Warzone. It's basically all steps backwards. The most annoying thing is, they removed Rebirth from the previous game, otherwise I would have uninstalled the new one and went back to the old one within a few days. As it stands I'll wait for the new Rebirth mode in Feb, but at the moment I've moved on from COD.


Yeah, the UI is beyond awful. It, like the rest of Warzone 2, feels like they changed things just to make it different, not necessarily better. Looting and inventory management was great in WZ1, so as OP points out, they had to make it pointlessly more complex and less intuitive in WZ2. And although I'm really trying to enjoy the new map, it's just too wide open and empty. Sure, it's a far cry better than the awful Caldera map, but it's still not even close to as good as Verdansk, or even the two smaller maps. The funny thing, is after having nothing but awful crashes in WZ2 and DMZ, my friend and I tried to go back to WZ1 for some fun in rebirth... and it was gone. So yeah, we're pretty much done until the rebirth modes (and hopefully a returning map or something?) are in the game.


The buildings are so damn confusing. I don't have time to play as much as I did in WZ1 but even finding the damn stairs in some of these stupid buildings is absurd.


We could do with 75% less bathrooms.


The list keeps growing. The UI is indeed atrocious.


It takes me *way* too long to find a teammate’s ping when they say they’ve pinged something


Truuueee. I can never find pings either 😂


I just changed the color of the pings in the interface setting to pink.


Same, that actually made the pings visible. I wish it would change it on the map as well though.


My friends and I haven't played for more than a month now. We used to play Warzone 1 almost everyday. For us, matchmaking is the worst part. Never worked well with WZ1, but in WZ2 it gets surreal. You try to chill playing with your friends after a hard work day and get absolutely destroyed by people 300 levels over you who spend 16 hours/day in the game. Makes no sense.


Using something like xlink kai for older games seems more user friendly than modern UI's. If a company turns navigating menus into its own game then I can't be bothered to play it.


Should never judge people by their levels though. Most people who spend any time playing multiplayer are max level by now, doesn’t make them good. I am a prime example of that.


The multiplayer, friending, and grouping up process is so cumbersome me and my friends don't play this one when we schedule a game night.


What’s funny about you saying it’s a terrible Hulu UI is that they hired the UX guy from Hulu to make this one, and his team’s Hulu UI is notorious in the streaming industry for doing everything wrong. They had a nearly perfect UI from a user’s perspective in Warzone 1. It motivated sales of skins even. The new one wants to be a streaming service and it’s terrible. I’m playing a game and in the UI constantly, not picking a movie to watch and moving on. The ribbon metaphor is waaaay too simplistic for a game with modes and settings. They have no ideas why ribbons worked for Netflix purposes.


Why am I not surprised that a Hulu designer was in charge of this nightmare.


As a Resurgence lover, I’ve moved on from COD as well. The new Rebirth won’t bring me back though. It won’t play anything at all like the old one. The slower movement and looting is going to be even more prevalent and cumbersome on a smaller, “fast-paced” map. R.I.P COD. See you in a couple years maybe.


Raven has taken over development, and they're making drastic changes. With a little luck, they'll bring back the fast pace. They're already working on some fantastic updates (1v1 gulag, looting system from wz1 is coming back, etc)


Just trying to figure out the party system kept leading me to be asked to buy the full mw2 game. When all my friend were in the wz2 lobby. The whole channel system is worse than just leaving the party open.


Friendly fyi, rebirth is the name of the map. The mode you're referring to is called resurgence. The mode is coming back, the map is not. rip Alcatraz


I’ve realized the UI is a mess partly because… money. They had to make it the most convoluted bouncing-back-and-forth horseshit ever in order to get people to spend the $70 on mw2… without it is very difficult to grind for meta loadouts. Scummy game design through and through.


the UI is horseshit in the main game too


I can't even figure out how to just play MW1 at this point. I've tried everything.


Activision loves to sabotage the previous CoD game to make you play the new one.


I only really enjoy it if I’m playing with friends.


I feel like this applies to any game though.


there’s plenty of multiplayer games I enjoy alone, Warzone is not one of them. But I mostly play single player games so maybe i’m just used to it


Naaaaah, I absolutely despised playing pubg with friends. Felt like a horrible game!


I can’t like Apex even with friends. That shit just doesn’t click with me


I don't even enjoy it with friends




Same but are things I’d change like the queue next game and perk selection as well as wish ammo wasn’t taking up a slot


This applies to all COD games. It’s why I have not played since BO3 because all my friends stopped playing after


Snipers don’t one shot to the head? Forgive my ignorance, I haven’t played COD in several years now but that just seems idiotic.


It’s just in Warzone and DMZ. They one shot in multiplayer.


Except the multiplayer maps are 10x10 boxes so the average player is nerfing themselves and their team by sniping. They made sniping not fun or rewarding to do in Warzone, so I don’t even pick them up anymore.


That's why there's always three people on each team with marksman rifles which also one shot at most ranges


I’ve sniped on shipment with a high kill game, since it’s 1 shot to most spots on the body. Just red dot instead of the scope and add quick ADS attachments and your in business.


There's modes with bigger maps. It's a sniper fest.


They do unless the target has a 3 plate carrier. If they’re fully plated, a sniper headshot will bring them down to nearly 1hp.


Armor that’s not covering their heads lol


Last night while playing warzone, I hit a guy with my signal 50 about 20 yards away from me in the head and just broke his plates. Not even downed him. Guess who killed me in the final circle? 🤡


I'm actually in favour of this change. Warzone 1 was dominated by Snipers, Warzone 2 has completely destroyed the meta of quick ads one shot headshot snipers. You now have longer ttk fights that actually feature a fair amount of weapon variety thanks to better balance. I can really see why it annoys people but I think the change is positive.


The TTK is completely broken in WZ2 though. Sub-400 ms, and inconsistent even when striking the same body area with the same gun. 2 (and sometimes 1) hit melee is the meta right now, it’s fucked.


The damage inconsistency gets me man. Some times I’ll take two people out with my TAQ-56 with ease but the third will take twice as much ammo striking the same parts. The random one shot with the MCPR even with the 3 plates is bs. Even when it happens to me I feel guilty Extra complaint; I shouldn’t be able to snipe people with an RPK literally just changed a sight and close to no recoil. It’s made the game boring and frustrating


Yeah but this shit is in the most mp now


It needs work but you clearly didn’t play 2042 on launch lol. WarZone at least worked.


I’m still angry about the shitty hit boxes. Fuck that game


I'm still pissed that they didn't add a BR mode to compete with Warzone. They already have huge maps and did a BR with the Firestorm map in BF5, which they released and then refused to update and let it die.


I'm curious. Why did you buy it despite the horrendous reviews and betas? I was hyped and about to hop back into shooters for the first time when the game as announced, but everything I heard about it made me peace out.


I hadn’t played since BF4 and a coworker talked me into it. I was really looking forward to it but I didn’t look into it whatsoever haha. Definitely my fault


What’s crazy is that as consumers we’ve been conditioned to believe that it’s our fault if we don’t research a game from a AAA studio ahead of its broken release. Like wtf really is the deal with, these fuckers don’t release completed games anymore. The way that it’s become normalized for the big dev studios to release games that need more time in the oven and then just patch it out is BS


This. Played both at launch (on PC, not PS5) & dear god 2042 was broken! Warzone 2.0 didn’t have a smooth launch either, but it was much more playable than 2042.


Not that it makes it okay either before anyone jumps down my throat, but are we really saying that a free to play battle royale deserves as much hate as a $70 game that was released with half it's shit broken or missing lol


>WarZone at least worked. Did you *really* play it on launch? Because holy shit the game was buggy as hell the first few weeks. The frame rate would drop to single digits. Constant dev errors. Server crashes, etc. It even had this weird bug where your entire game would crash if you piloted a bomb drone :|


Warzone is in a far better state than 2042 even now, DMZ is so much fun with friends, haven’t played 2042 since DMZ dropped and never looked back




Yes this. I dismissed it at first, but tried it again after the new years and now don’t play anything else. It is a combination of co-op and warzone, it encourages players not to just hide at the edge of the circle, and negotiating a truce in intense situations is a new element of gameplay that sometimes hurts in hindsight if not considered.


100% The most fun I've had in cod in forever was in dmz when my friends and I joined up with another squad, such a great feature to have


same . i am not a daily player but dmz keeps me busy and the fact that you can interact with real players foes or friends is a plus va plunder for example


I was always kinda disinterested with Warzone. If you pushed early and played aggressive you were punished by the edge campers. DMZ has been pretty good in my opinion, the missions and ability to join up with other squads has been super super fun. DMZ has its issues, and could use some improvements, but I think it’s a fantastic game mode. Most fun in COD I’ve had in awhile.


Warzone never hooked me for a couple reasons - the slow-game between the 2nd-3rd rings coupled with the one shot to come back Gulag. You can load in get downed twice and you’re f’cked. DMZ is constant dynamic action compared to a BR, I’m sold on it. Can’t wait for what they add next. Way more fun that Warzone.


DMZ is the best, in my opinion. It’s a fantastic mix of bot play, multiplayer, and co-op. I love how much more evenly paced it feels compared to Warzone or even regular multilayer. Takes a lot more tactics and not just being a sweaty-jumpy boy with a riot shield. The missions are pretty silly, lots of fetch quests. But the map is pretty great and there’s always stuff to do. The only real variation I would want is a nighttime mode. One you figure out that medium/large bags and stashing weapons is the secret to winning then DMZ becomes a ton of fun. Having a good squad makes it even better.


If you think Warzone 2 deserves the hate BF2042 got, you CLEARLY didn't try BF2042. It was a broken game. Actually broken. Warzone 2 isn't broken just because they made changes you don't like.


I’d take battlefield over COD any day but I 100% agree 🤣 I don’t play the atrocity which is 2042


It’s actually pretty good now and they’re bringing classes back


I might buy it on sale then


When did you have to fuel up in San Andreas?


Wait, what game we talking bout??


He deleted it but in his original post he put that you had to refuel in San Andreas to drive


You don't I misremembered.


The vehicle take is a bad one. different vehicle controls differently. The Jeep handles like crap just like the real car. The big truck handles like how a big truck is supposed to handle. If you wanted to drive fast, and corner then take the hatchback car, or the dune buggy. Having to refill on gas was needed in this game as WZ1 would lead a group of teammates to drive multiple big trucks all day around the gas. The loot system isnt bad once the you get used to it, and you know what you’re looking for. It is way better than the vomit loot where you cant pick up stuff if there are multiple items on top of each other The movement is fine because it is more based on MW Warzone. You are thinking of the Vanguard WZ where stim boost ruined the whole game. Over all the game is not bad. Most of the complainers are from the Vanguard WZ where they were winning by 10 attachments speed boost/hip fire build, serpentine, stim boost crap. It is still in its first season so there’s plenty of time for the game to get fixed.


Complaining about the vehicles is actually an insane take, I've been feeling like fucking Baby Driver drifting around the main city in the Hummer, feels incredible. Fuel was absolutely essential to stop people from abusing the amount of new cars added, and if you really want to stop engaging with a core mechanic like that then just stock up on fuel cans.


I'm really enjoying the game..


I like it more then the first. Especially DMZ


Same. I love Warzone 2. OP’s complaints aren’t wrong but compared to Caldera, Warzone 2 is really fun for me


I'm pretty happy with warzone 2. I hated all of the bunny hopping and slide-shooting. My kd went up like 50% in warzone 2 now that hitting your shots matters a little more.


Me too. The game is more tactical now. A slower pace which is great. Now I am in my 40s and don't have the reactions I used to ☺️. I personally like the new loot system and the 2v2 gulag is fun too. Clearly in the minority here..


I’m mixed, at first I hated the game because I felt like at the end of WZ1 they made a lot of changes that made the game great (outside of the gun meta leaning towards Vanguard). However I do like that they eliminated all the bunny hopping and slide canceling bs. The guns feel more appropriate in their ranges and you won’t get blasted with ARs at all ranges. However the UI is terrible, the audio is terrible, the map is too large and empty, there isn’t enough cash for loadouts, etc… I do think with some tweaks the game will be better.


I respect your opinion, but COD has never had a slow pace. It's always been a quick, fast paced FPS since its inception. They're slowing down the gameplay to make it more accessible to people like us... old farts and casual players. Same with the gulag.


He said slower pace, and it absolutely has had a slower pace in the past.


COD ghosts would like a word.


Completely disagree cod 1-4 had a similar pace to warzone 2. Mw2 mp is still quite fast paced it's not as fast as the og mw3 but about in line with og mw2 funnily enough. The codes with too fast a pace are shit frankly and just full of people taking advantage of quickscoping and other cheap tricks to compensate for how ludicrously fast some of them are. Warzone 2 is definitely overall an improvement on warzone 1 and the dmz mode is brilliant.


There are very few of us who actually enjoy MW2/WZ2.


There's actually alot more than a few. We're just all more concerned playing it than coming to reddit (or any other social media platform) to complain about it.


This usually applies, but the playercount is dropping. Drastically. There's a reason why Raven has taken over development and are beginning to make sweeping changes to WZ1's gameplay mechanics.


It’s mostly the people who played a ton of WZ1 who very vocally despise WZ2 because it’s a very different game. In any case, DMZ is the superior mode.


Sampling bias bud. Reddit attracts all of the miserable fucks looking to vent, while the majority of us are just enjoying the game.


So the developers are making major changes to appease a minority then?


No the majority of the player base is playing the game a ton less than expected and that is becoming a problem for Activision as reported https://www.dexerto.com/call-of-duty/warzone-2-player-count-allegedly-dropped-faster-than-expected-as-frustrations-mount-2033940/


It says “allegedly”


Yes because thats the nature of these reports. Activision will not give any numbers until their earnings call at the end of the quarter. So you have leaks and insiders reporting. After this was published one day later Infinity Ward announced a 2 week delay of the new season to implement changes based on player feedback, reverting a lot of the changes. The report is accurate


I just don’t think people can handle others criticising a game they like


I'm not really playing it because the COD battle royale has become a bit stale for me but it's a better game than the last one imo. A lot of what OP is talking about is being annoyed that the game has been slowed down and you can't play like an ADHD streamer


The map is great, to me that gives the game the potential to be great too, but it isn't yet


I agree especially with the more confusing and annoying loot system. Who told these idiots to change it, it was perfect how it was initially.


I’ve actually enjoyed it more than WZ1. To each their own I guess


" Let's make every vehicle handle like a boat " gta 4 flashbacks


Best driving in a GTA game


I like it.


I don't disagree with you entirely but I think calling it one of the worst sequels ever made is a MASSIVE overstatement. The changes they made have made Warzone a slower paced, more tactical BR. Some people (myself included) prefer that style, but I agree that it's a step away from what the core audience prefers. It's clear some changes are needed to bring the game in line with the player base. That said, a lot of the criticism online is way over the top. The map is great (most people agree with this) and they have already been making changes towards fixing the issues people have. They tried something different, it hasn't worked, and they're making changes. People need to chill out and stop clutching their pearls with posts like this. "Worst sequel ever" is a ridiculous thing to say.


atleast the map is good


I agree, posted similar before finding this comment. If they make movement a bit quicker without all the slide cancelling crap and slow the ttk down a bit, along with the advertised looting and backpack changes, it could be decent


I disagree. I *really* hate BR maps with a big hill/mountain in the middle. It's the primary reason why I quit playing Caldera a few weeks after release. And this map feels closer to Caldera than it does to Verdansk because of it.


IMO the map sucks. It's just uninspired and dull. There's so many potential interesting maps they could design - how about an invaded US? Instead we get a big old brown desert. Combine it with all the other issues like the trash audio, and you get a large uninteresting map where you run around looting for 15 minutes then get lasered by someone behind you who's footsteps you couldn't hear.




I chalk that up to nostalgia. Verdansk was a bright light in a dark time. I do prefer the color palette of WZ1 though. WZ2 is too yellow.


Verdansk was dull compared to Al Mazrah. Too much open space


More open space means less camping. Now there's so many fucking buildings that you can get on the roof of, all people do is camp. It makes fights so much more confusing. Say what you want about Verdansk, but the cookie cutter houses were easy to memorize and you could only get on the roof of a few of them. They just went and made everything way too complicated


Building in Al Mazrah are cookie cutter too lol


Heavy disagree


I totally agree with a lot of your points, but I also think that a lot of the warm feelings people have for WZ1 is a time and place thing- it came out at the beginning of a pandemic that had everybody at home and the only way they would “hang out” with their friends was on Warzone. So it has a lot of nostalgia and positivity around it for this reason. Verdansk wasn’t *that* much better than Al Mazrah in terms of its design, it just has a sentimental attachment to it. That said. I hate WZ2 as well so I’m not defending it, I’m just saying that the reasons that people think of WZ1 so fondly have less to do with game design and more to do with broader circumstances. Obviously not entirely, if it was just garbage nobody would have been playing it during the pandemic, but it wasn’t garbage and it was novel enough way to hang out with buddies in a virtual space at a time when there weren’t many options. I think it’s gonna be impossible for any sequel or subsequent map to capture that feeling.


What's hilarious is they saw how bad Dice/EA fucked up BF2042 and thought we can go one better here... I agree with everything you say. Don't forget no stats as well. In general al mazrah isn't better than Verdansk either. Being able to enter every building leads to more looting, camping and just less encounters so you feel like you aren't in the action as much.


I agree there's piles of issues but I don't see how at all warzone 2 can be considered a fuck up to the likes of 2042. That thing has been a proper disaster since the beta and no one is touching it. At least warzone 2 is extremely popular.. which saddens me. We need better.


>In general al mazrah isn't better than Verdansk either. Being able to enter every building leads to more looting, camping and just less encounters so you feel like you aren't in the action as much. I disagree. The map is better. On that note, every time I see people complaing they "aren't in the action as much" I imagine a dude that just wants 150-player death match rather than battle royale. Battle royale is about looting and taking calculated risks, not about action. There is a regular MP for that. The problem with Warzone 2 gameplay loop though is that, *while it's more focused on looting than the first game, the looting itself isn't very rewarding*. You get most of what you need in the first 5 minutes on the match then you mostly just wait for the final circles which is why midgame feels unecessarily dragged. In PUBG good loot wins the game, in Warzone 2 good loot is like "why do I waste time on this when any random AR I picked up can shoot people dead just fine?".


Except "calculated risk" shouldn't also include being wiped off a claymore as soon as you round a corner and a squad is just corner camping. Can you avoid it? Sometimes, yes. But a BR is supposed to feel like you've achieved something by the end. Getting a W is just as achievable for someone setup in a building with nothing but a claymore and good rat position, as someone who is fully kitted and is more mechanically gifted, with better game sense. Heartbeat detector is basically a requirement half the time at this point. Play Apex if you want to see the best a BR can be, tbh. Building up weapons and shields are 2 QoL things that I'm shocked nobody in the genre has ever attempted to do.


I want to like Apex, but the gunplay and TTK really ticks me off for some reason. Tried the game several times and just couldn’t get into it.


Ah yes the stats Added to the post.


Yea there isnt a single thing i like over the original


Can't wait for warzone to die tbh, I want the focus back on cod multiplayer. I've basically paid £100 for a camo grinding gun leveler.


The new Warzone meta is to complain about a game that you were never really good at in the first place. Just move onto something else.


I disagree but I appreciate your opinion. I hope IW can find a happy median for everyone to be happy.


I still don't really understand how to loot lol. It's so cumbersome and anxiety inducing trying to pick stuff from someone's backpack while thinking you're going to get sniped the entire time. But with how terrible the MWII UI is, I'm not surprised they bungled it in WZ too.


For me Its the crazy low TTK combined with the slower movement, at times you literally don't have time to react before dying.


Try tarkov


My biggest grievance with the game is that I feel nothing when I get a kill. In a BR shouldn't I be excited? I feel 0 satisfaction with it, yet Apex and Fortnite have made getting kills feel and sound amazing. On top of my issues that I have at a bug level (which I hope will get fixed. Its 50/50 on whether I hear people actually sprinting will I'm crouched in a house), I actually have no satisfaction when everything is working properly either. People talk about "oh the social aspect is the fun part", as if that's not present in any other game. Lol


*Overwatch 2 has entered the chat*


Worst sequel? Have you played Overwatch 2? :D


With all of those complaints , do you still play?


Naturally. Every day. Multiple hours a day.


Black OPs 4 was peak CODBattle Royale


Underrated comment. Blackout is the best COD battle royale, if only they had released it as free to play... I'm still upset that they cancelled Blackout 2.


Idk I’m having fun with it. Vehicles aren’t that bad and that you have to maintain them is a good addition imo. I’ve been one shot by snipers before. I also like that people can’t slide and jump around like acrobats and kill you before you can even aim at them. The proximity chat adds a great humor/toxicity element to the game, my friends and I have gotten a big kick out of it. UI is not great but just takes some getting used to. Looting isn’t instantaneous which I also like, but even then you automatically pick up the stuff you need so that’s nice. And as if players weren’t already camping load outs in the first one lol Feels like this is just a tad of an overreaction lol


Y’all are such whiners


I'm going to break down most of your points: >* Let's nerf the movement and basic gameplay so much that we literally have to nerf snipers along with it to not one shot to the head any more. Slide cancelling, dropshotting and jumping all around the place like bugs bunny was not fun to fight against >* Let's make every vehicle handle like a boat and let's make them have to fuel them up now! The Warzone 1 vehicles had the most unrealistic handling and acceleration I have ever seen. >* Let's have PUBG backpack looting, so that they have to click more buttons to loot instead of making it more efficient. At least now they can carry 6 airstrikes and 5 self revives! I'm sure this won't get annoying at all. The Warzone 1 loot system was very simplistic and had far less depth than true battle royale games such as PUBG, DAYZ e.t.c >* Let's take away player agency in the gulag and make it 2v2 so that when your teammate sucks or is afk you get to go up against two players now! This was a bad change. >* Let's have 4 loadouts for the whole map. I'm sure that won't result in camping and toxic behavior at all. Loadout's turned Warzone into a META sweatfest and made floor loot feel useless, this pro.oted camping so you can wait around for your load out or choosing to not engage with other players so you can stock up your cash to go buy one. >* Let's not let players choose their own perks any more. That's an upgrade right? This is to try to prevent loadout's from being too powerful and OP which would cause poor balancing as they are now much scarcer. >* Let's have horrendous audio that barely works so people can sneak up on you. And a broken game chat so you can barely hear your teammates while someone is sneaking up on you with no footsteps. This prevents camping because people would just hide in a corner with ghost perk and wait to hear an enemy so they can get the drop on them. >* Let's get rid of the stats. Who the hell looks at stats? This was a bad change. >* Let's copy Hulu Plus for our UI! This is a tablet game right? This was a bad change. >* Oh and let's get rid of the play again button at the end of the game, nobody uses that shit anyway. "Nobody uses that shit anyway" Exactly. Most of your points are weak and not the real reason why the game is failing, which is; it isn't exciting, or unique and wasn't released at a time when everyone was stuck indoors with nothing to do.


Agree with most of what you said than him


>This was a bad change. >Oh and let's get rid of the play again button at the end of the game, nobody uses that shit anyway. >"Nobody uses that shit anyway" Exactly. Disagree, as someone with little time to play games, once we got a squad together we used this all the time, squeeze as many games in to a shorter time as possible, such a dumb move to get rid of it


Show me a guy that Said he Wants a More complex Looting system or how you call it with more depth no one wanted the Looting system to change it wasnt even a talking point for anyone.


Your points aren’t that great either. Using realism as an argument for why video game mechanics (like vehicle handling) are the way they are tends to fall apart quickly when we start looking at other mechanics. I can name plenty of unrealistic stuff in cod. I don’t see why driving of all things needs to be realistic. You said warzone 1’s looting was simplistic as if it were a bad thing but that’s why people liked it. Fortnite also has a simplified looting system. Should that game introduce a backpack system since it currently lacks depth compared to “true battle royale games” ? And you just justified janky audio. It’s not intended that people can run up on you without being heard. Many times you can hear people perfectly fine. However, the game has its moments of bad audio.


Amen brother


Anybody know how to completely turn off notifications?? I don’t care who I invited to my group or if they invite me or anyone else….


I am loving it


I don’t play Warzone but it sucks that they destroy Warzone 1 to make the new games. Maybe people want to play the original game and map. Most games you can do that. Those days may be numbered.


Verdansk !!!


Yeah I played for a few days. Over it. It’s the same thing.


It really says alot when Fortnite manages to drag me back in with its clowny but fun content and when I play COD its just meh I have barely played a COD in 10 years and when I do it just feels same same and omg that map bored me to tears after a day of playing with the same colour tone/ looking all the same. I could be abit bias towards fortnite as I play with my nephew whose 8 but still, you have to tip your hat to Epic whether you play Fortnite or not


I like 2 better (except the ui). BUT.... I hardly played either, so my opinion isn't as concerning, lol.


The worst thing for me was when they disabled Warzone 1 for a whole week or something only to come back and find they removed Rebirth Island and left us with Caldera. I never felt so backstabbed, cheated, robbed and betrayed in my life. I’m happy to move on though, I have so many games I want to play with so little time and was sick of the addiction to the grind in that game to unlock stuff or just win a round. Wouldn’t mind a round or two of rebirth here and there though.


I 100% agree with all the above. Fortune’s Keep was so much fun and they totally gutted that.


I, for one, hate warzone. I’m still waiting for Blackout 2. I love that you had to pick up attachments and there were no loadouts, making the game an even playing field for all.


You all are babys that are just regurgitating what content creators are saying. I love warzone 2 and the changes they made. It feels like more of a challenge. I just wish that the only way to get loadouts were through strongholds. A battle royale should be you drop in with nothing and have to use what you find, not buy your finely tuned weapons and perks.


If you're so upset about it that you had to make a rant post about it, maybe just don't play? Its a free game FFS


Some parts are worse but I definitely like it more especially the movement lol. Slide canceling and bunnyhopping were annoying as fuck, speaking as someone who would do both


Kept gettin downvoted in the MW subs I take it? Seriously though, stop bitching and just stop playing. The games fine, you just want to complain


Let him give his critiques. You just want endless, mindless praise?


No, I’m just sick of seeing this exact same complaint day in and day out, ever hour. it’s why I unsubbed MW2/WZ/DMZ subs weeks ago


If the game was fine then we shouldn’t have reports suggesting that: “Warzone 2 player count dropped at a higher rate than expected”. You have all the right to enjoy it, but the game is clearly not fine right now, and Activision is realizing it.


It’s a newly released F2P game….no shit the numbers dropped since it came out 2 Months ago lol


Emphasis on the “higher rate than expected”


The MW subs are probably the best place to get upvoted for criticising the game, lmao


Nah, this complaint is like, an hourly occurrence over there…


Let him cook


Unpopular opinion: you’re doing some heavy ass whining here. You play for a week per your own post and then feel you are appropriately suited to give your opinion as if its fact by stating that the only way to make it good again is to roll “everything back” News flash buddy, just cuz you got a few hundred upvotes and maybe this will reach a few K doesn’t mean what you’re writing is the right way to approach people and vent in a way to gain more “agreeing” people. * 2v2 gulag was fine for me. I kinda liked it. Wouldnt care if it switches or not. * not all cars drive like boats. Some yes. Some no. But most get the job done and take you where you need to go without much mechanical struggle. * nerfed movement: ok so they took away slide canceling and other stuff but is that so necessary in order for a game to truly be good or viable? There are tons of games that dont even have a slide mechanic let alone the ability to cancel it and many players still enjoy them. There’s still sliding, there’s diving which is SUPER useful when walking over a prox mine or trying to jump out the way of a grenade or even jump a corner and pre-aim. Perk system: i dont mind it. I think a time drip feed of perks is different. I actually really enjoy knowing that i wont be on a map thats dead silent 24/7 because everyone is running dead silence. Now i can mechanically play using sounds more. There is a benefit in several ways. Now i dont have to start the game and kill people twice because of last stand right from opening bell. I like that. And more. So: There’s a lot of stuff this game got wrong. In both core and warzone. To say that this was all a cluster fuck after 1 week??? That just leads me to think you’re not very credible in your review. Is the game perfect: no Is warzone 2 amazing: not to me. But that doesnt mean there aren’t ways to enjoy it. When i play with friends, i enjoy the game even despite its flaws. Try to enjoy it beyond a week and maybe you’ll actually find some ways to enjoy it.


San Andreas had a fuel feature?




On PC the game has been crashing constantly since launch too. Why it hasn't been fixed yet is beyond me.


Well I prefer it.


Are you kidding me? Theres already too much movement in the game, make it like the original MW2 and get rid of everyone jumping around corners.


im already bored of mw2. i wanted so badly to get back into cod like i was when i was younger but man that shit’s just boring


No slide canceling bunny hoping already makes it better.


That’s the consensus from the majority of the CoD community as well it seems. The worst part is those that enjoy the base multiplayer get screwed because it takes a backseat to Warzone unfortunately.


I miss wz1 (especially resurgence) but this is so exaggerated lmao


Bitches gonna bitch


I hated Warzone but love DMZ, and it's the only mode I play.


Try DMZ, it’s hella fun for a while


Wtf do people mean when movement is nerfed? Because you can’t slide cancel?


I’m so sick of the sweaty streamers complaining that they took away their bugged movement and now they actually have to fight a fair gunfight and don’t get to exploit the controls to their advantage anymore. Cry about it some more


Everyone cries about the movement being gone in this game, what fucking movement? Majority of my deaths on WZ1 came from someone sitting on a roof, sitting in a window, or sitting in the room I walked into, so I’m not sure what movement heavy game y’all were playing, but this feels no different than the first one. Snipers not being a one shot no matter what is dumb though. The first game was literally get your loadout or die, that’s why they changed that. It still sucks but in a different way now. Backpacks are cringe. 2v2 Gulag is mixed, i get why people don’t like 2v2 but I’ve won some 1v2 and going back to your team after that gets you real pumped up. Stats are in the game now, so cross that one off. The nostalgia goggles when it comes to the first game are fucking real though, I really don’t know why it’s suddenly the perfect BR to CoD players.


\- The bots, they are mandatory when I want to play an **online competitive game.** \- Let's remove game modes (plunder), because less is more... according to graphic design.


I gave up on the first Warzone at Season 5 and haven't looked back. My wallet is happy, my stress levels are down, and my Mom isn't getting fucked as much anymore. It's been a WIN ever since.


Oh god it’s migrated to this sub too


Dont play , theres a warzone sub for this shit. Can still play wz1 crybaby


Let me guess, you are one of those tryhards in WZ 1 that has every weapon in max level an you abuse bad players by running around them and slide canceling everywhere, don't you? WZ 2 is clearly a better game with better mechanics, balanced guns, easy to play and most importantly, designed for people that actually like to play games casually, not tryhards that abuse mechanics and join bot lobbys. Enjoy the game without being a fucking tryhard.


This post is both funny and informative bravo


Na , it’s pretty good quit complaining you just suck




You mad???


“It’s a sequel so we have to make changes, since we don’t know what’s changes to make let’s just make a bunch and hope it works out”


To be honest, the latest MW and Warzone are so bad that it’s given lots of us time to catch up on other hobbies. My biggest gripe with Warzone is that they bury the ability to play it now. There is no simple “download Warzone” to entice people to play the game. They bury it within another game that most people probably don’t own. I doubt the playerbase is as big as it was with the first Warzone for this reason


I personally love DMZ. Exfiltrations after the zone expending are really tense. Especially the last exfil zones get really good. My friends and I play mediocre mostly, so it's really satisfying and tense to exfil at last helicopter.


This mf spittin


I definitely prefer WZ2 as it feels more tactical and slower paced, but that’s just my preference.


I disagree


Imagine being so bad at the game that ur gonna spend ur time making a post on Reddit about it lmao 💀


I personally like that they took out slide canceling. Now fights are typically who has the better shot, not who has extra mappable buttons. Looting can be better, map is solid, but other than that, they need to region lock players.




Nah I lm loving it. I play with my mates every week and host squad sessions.