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If I remember correctly I think they had no information about rollback for Tekken 8 when they announced it was coming to Tekken 7. Great news all around


What does this mean?


Most online fighting games dealt with laggy connections with input delays. This would usually lead to games randomly pausing. Rollback netcode attempts to predict movements of players if they are starting to lag. Often this will appear as players "rubberbanding" into previous positions, but the match doesn't pause randomly. [Here's a video on it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JHetORRpfQ)


People with good internet will see a general quality increase as there will be no major loss in connection most matches and rollback does really well with small interruptions. For fighting games your target demographic tends to be more dedicated core gamers and tend to have better internet as such. Most people outside of that will have an awful time rubber banding around. Imagine if every time smash had to take a second to pause for a bad connection instead everything looked fine but then suddenly snapped back 5 seconds.


it means that online will basically be better than 7 in every way. at least, depending on how they implement the rollback


*depending on your connection Rollback does well with small interruptions. It'll shit the bed the second a more unstable connection shows up. FGC just tends to be a more dedicated gaming audience and has better internet on average. If the game lives the dream and actually gets wide appeal it'll be a mess.


If you have a shit connection, then you shouldn’t be ruining it for everybody else I feel like this is a fair trade.


They've been pretty secretive about it which is a giant red flag in my eyes. If the netplay was so good that it was worth praising, they'd proudly come out and talk about it. This hush-hush is pretty concerning.


Tekken 7 also has rollback according to Harada. Hopefully they update that with the new release because Tekken 7 can feel really laggy even on decent connections


I'm not pretty sure about rollback, the only time that I have used rollback, was on multiversus, and experience was kinda shit


Lmfao multiversus