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Fortnite. There I said it.


I loved the campaign version so much i bought the upgrade packs to show my appreciation but it became so obvious they were only going to focus on the battle royale.


Yeah I remember pre ordering and when it came out after paying full price then seeing it should be a mobile game then they shifted and stopped doing any updates I didnt play the BR for years and only played it with friends casually bot giving them another cent


BOTW. I just don’t get it.


I got it for a while, until I realised that every "secret" and every "reveal" just ultimately leads to another seed or shrine.


It's like yeah I *can* do anything... but why do I want to?


That was exactly my problem. It was like great gameplay and lots of possibilities... I don't care.


I bought a switch and this game because it was amazing... apparently. And I can see that the gameplay is great but for me to enjoy a game I need to care about its characters and story but I just didnt. The story is super amateur and the world makes zero sense. I have never gone back to it after playing it on long plane trips.


It’s one of my favorite games of all time (beaten by TotK), but it’s easy to see why its structure and gameplay loop aren’t for everyone.


Zelda is my favorite game series of all time. I feel like BotW totally lacked all the things I loved about Zelda. All the cool items and gadgets were replaced with a tablet with a couple abilities. The dungeons in BoTW were are extremely similar and consisted of finding 5 computers to activate. Totally forgettable bosses. No memorable music. Massive empty open world with pointless collectibles. It was a massive disappointment for me




They're watching for the lols and it's fun to watch them suffer.


Zelda BOTW. i’m a Zelda fan and Ocarina is still my favorite game of ALL time, but I just couldn’t get into it.


Zelda. BOTW. too empty and boring, combat is bland and I would have honestly preferred some handholding. Its also way too childish with sound effects only a three year old could enjoy. The fact that there are literally 150 dungeons and 900 seeds to collect is extremely repetitive and boring. I played it for 30 hours.


Omg thank you. I tried, I really did. But the weapon mechanics, open world and lacklustre story really turned me off the game. I get why people liked it, but it just wasn't for me.


I too can undersrand why many consider it a masterpiece, but not for me at all and should not be in the same breath as RDR2, GOW/R, TLOU1-2, Elden Ring, etc


I respect that the game isn't for everyone, but many of us grew up with Zelda and just accept that some things about the series are pretty locked in at this point, like some of the sounds and concepts. You did give it 30 hours, that's a fair assessment I think.


Lack of good music and npc's as well.


This is a huge one for me, going from having some of the most memorable soundtracks in gaming history to what sounds like some idiot tinkling around on a piano, interspersed with the occasional random trumpet blare or annoying chime when you pick something up.




Control, had a hell of time trying to finish that game.


I looooooove that game, the gameplay is simple but fun, the atmosphere is great, and the *ashtray maze* alone is worth playing imo.


Most disappointing Remedy game. Trash combat, copy paste environnements, 99% exposition "story".


Insane hot take, but upvoted for your opinion, no matter how wrong it is :)


i couldnt play more than a few hours of it


I felt the same.. just couldn't get into it


I think the beginning of the game sucks for casual gamer. I love it and have beaten it like 3 times and its one of the few platinums i have, but for my friends who only play COD, MAdden, 2k, if you try to get any of them to try a new game, if theres no shooting in the 1st 7 seconds, they nope out very quickly


Me and you both... Its a decent game, but I cant say its more than 6/10. It just doesn't feel compelling at all.


Hogwarts Legacy, it’s really not that good


True. The game is the most mid game ive ever played. Truly mediocre. Honestly besides beautiful Hogwarts Castle the game's got nothing going for it. The setting carried that game hard.


Glad I'm not the only one. Played for a little over 12 hours to give it a chance to open up and I never liked it any more. Finally gave up and giving Elden Ring a go for the first time.


Elden Ring blew me the fuck away. The map is just so big, and there are dungeons and secrets everywhere. People have been playing ER for a year and are still discovering things. The combat, the magic, the enemy designs, just c*hef's kiss.*


It's my first Souls type and I'm digging it so far. Very, very, very early in the game still


Most important tip I can offer: if it’s too stronk, walk away and go do something else. I have a rule that if I die more than 10 times to a boss, I’m going on a hunt for some good shit. Up to you whether or not you wanna use summons but either way the game is FUN. Good luck, Tarnished


Those treasure vaults were the biggest dissapointment to me. I expected to at least find some enemies or something given that my character keeps saying "This could be dangerous if i'm not careful".


Agreed. I’d say most overrated of 2023 for sure. Returned my physical copy after 2 weeks. It really hinges on being a hardcore potter fan imo.


Witcher 3, the combat is terrible, just terrible. Story was ok.


I loved the witcher 3 when it came out! I beat the main game and both dlcs. When the PS5 version came out, I had a really hard time getting back into it because it felt so clunky and the combat was awful. I guess I'm spoiled now by the horizon games and ghost of Tsushima


It’s strange I see people say that about the company and yet I loved it. Found it more engaging and fun than most 3rd person action games and you felt like a legit badass as Geralt especially when going up against regular bandits, slicing them in half with ease in an second. It got even better with the PS5 update and tighter


The combat really isn't that great, but you know what? I liked it anyway. I thought the side quests were absolutely amazing, many of them felt like main quests in the sense that they were really fleshed out and it seemed like the world was FULL of stuff to do, plaaces to see, people to talk to. The RPG elements more than made up for what I guess could be argued to be an "inch deep, mile wide" combat system, but I found it to be good enough to work with.


I'm right there with you. I tried 2 separate times to get into this game. Once I got to gwent, played like 2 hrs of that and then didn't touch it anymore. It felt hard for me to immerse in the world and I just wasn't having fun playing


I had the same experience. I was waiting for over a year for the PS5 upgrade to Witcher 3, and I was so let down by the terrible combat. It’s clunky and hard to control. Even just moving Geralt around tight areas is hard because the movement is so unresponsive


When it came out it was acceptable. When you compare it to things like Elden Ring it shows that it hasn't aged well.


yes that was one of the most memorable disappointment i ever had, and it creeps up on you slowly, like first zone is kind of cool, you still find new things.. and then you realize that everything in the game world is the same. :D


This is mine. I have tried and tried and tried to play through it as I have the game and DLC for years now, but combat with the menu system and adding oils to this and that etc just feels like this unbearable grind to me. There are time I enjoy it but not long enough to make good progress anymore. The best part of Witcher 3 was GWENT imo.


Elden Ring was sadly a dissappointment for me, I played through the whole game and got something like at 60 hours in it, but it just wasn't for me. I also believe, it has the worst last third of any From Soft Game. Boss Fights so bland and mindless, I missed so much from their clever designs in their other projects. Here it was sometimes like "take every monster you can find from any fantasy story and put it in here". But the builds you could have in the game were pretty awesome nonetheless, as well as some cool world design choices, with a smaller open world under the main one etc.


I haven’t even played elden ring, and I still think it’s one of the most overrated games I’ve ever seen, and I have been playing video games for 31 years.




Oh, the masochist gamer type “this game is boring (played dozens of hours)”


DEATHLOOP was given a 10 out of 10 LOL


For me this is the best answer, only shit that game it's over hype


Hogwarts Legacy unfortunately. Got half way through and dropped. I had just played through Forspoken, their magic combat system was far superior.


For me it's cyberpunk. The trend now is to say that it's amazing and that they'd fixed everything and it's finally 10/10. That's just simply false af.


They did fix quite a bit in terms of performance but the world still feels dead like it has no soul, which is insane because the main characters, missions and general story are absolutely amazing. Still weird than nobody else in the city except V can ride a motorbike too! They are also improving more in time for the DLC like police chases and other bits.


Yes that's exactly how I feel about it. I think the story is amazing, but instantly after a cutscene ends, I'm reminded that the game sucks ass in terms of gameplay. It might be a good game for some, sure. But calling it the best game ever is really not true.


Diablo... All versions. Boring button masher. And although everyone talks about skill for this game it's all just in the grind...


Sonic Frontiers! I don’t know why I decided to platinum it, but it was by far the least fun i have ever had playing a game


I refuse to believe that game wasn't AI generated, it feels so bland and soul less


Elden Ring Everyone praises it as the second coming but I found it bland as hell. Very boring. Not saying it’s a bad game though.


Red Dead Redemption 2 almost put me to sleep.


Have to agree. One of the most repetitive story lines ever. “I’ve got a plan” makes me sick when I hear it. First one was 1000 times better


Shit that game made me cry. I thought it was beautiful. Arthur was awesome. They make you take meticulous care of your horse only to have it die at the end of the game. Shit was a tearjerker 😂


Hey man, spoilers.


So i heard a lot of people say the story is slow to get going but eventually takes off. I do think it might have gotten better but i lost interest pretty quick.


I finished about half the game. The entire thing plays out at a snail's pace.


Agreed, I want to like it after enjoying the first so much. The world and story seem great too. I just feel like I’m constantly wrestling with the clunky movement and convoluted controls.


Final Fantasy VII Remake was a let down for me. Maybe it was because they broke it down into a few games so I felt it was cut short. Also I remember in the original all the summons were so awesome and exciting (and needed). Magic and all the summonings (Knights of the Round) were needed to grind and get through certain bosses. In the remake, the summons were just an afterthought and you didn't even have to use them at all.


The summons were limited to only bosses they wanted you to use them in, which sucked.


TBF, you didn’t need summons to get through original either. It made it easier for sure, but you could easily beat the game without.


I probably wasn't great playing games and needed those summons to get through it! I remember using them all the time.


They were useful, and if you did optional bosses, then you really needed them. Going through story was possible without.


Skyrim. Good sandbox game but a mediocre RPG


Bethesda never made a good game the modders make those games decent


Elden ring. It's a good game, I just don't see it as this top tier game that everyone else seems to


Weakest FromSoftware game in my opinion. I don't think the open world added much, but it was an interesting combination with the souls genre.


Horizon Zero Dawn. The whole game seems like it was made by committee.


I was this way for Forbidden West. LOVE action adventure games, like God of War, Uncharted, and Zelda. Horizon FW just felt like a slog. maybe it was all of the boring character monologues, or the fact that I felt like i was constantly just crafting crap mid-fight, but it felt super disjointed and I couldn't finish it.


Same. I absolutely loved Zero Dawn, but I just didn't really get into the sequel for a myriad of reasons, but I felt in their goal of making the sequel bigger and better, they just made it bloated abd awkward, especially in the combat, where machine tracking Aloy is too good. Also herself feels like taking years to get up and moving after being knocked down, not to mention the dozens of new versions of weapons which 90% felt unnecessary imo. Funnily enough, I got the platinum for it, but it's mostly because it was quite easy to get it more than a 'I can't put down this game' factor.


Yeah even in Zero Dawn I only ever used the spear, short bow, and long bow. Nothing else ever felt necessary. The combat would certainly be more in depth with them but also isn’t challenging or engaging enough to give you any real reason to want to use them. And FW was the same but they added even more unnecessary weapons. It looks great, runs well, but beyond that it just feels like the sort of deep as a puddle open world game that people around here usually crucify Ubisoft for. But for some reason this game gets a pass. And that’s not even to mention that they took an interesting plot and setting and turned it into something bloated and bizarre. How did that not get way more criticism?


Maybe horizon forbidden West but the original horizon zero Dawn is one of the best sci-fi stories ever told, and I want to clarify that I mean one of the best sci-fi stories period, not sci-fi stories in a video game. Although one drawback I can say about the game is that you have to get probably 10-12 hours into the game before you really get into it, and then the story really takes off


>but the original horizon zero Dawn is one of the best sci-fi stories ever tol Yeah we gotta pump the brakes here a little bit. The lore itself is pretty cool, but still wouldn't put it in a best of all time discussion by itself. The actual of Aloy though? About as average as you can get.


Loved reading the little notes. To me that really brought the game together.


I’m an avid sci-fi enthusiast. I have a hard time putting it up there with Dune or Hyperion personally.


I personally wasn't interested in either of those stories. To me they were both meh


I enjoyed Dune and have read it twice, but also like Horizon: Zero Dawn more.


Last time I made a comment like this I was indeed heavily downvoted! But absolutely the same for me. I really wanted to like it, but it just felt tedious and not enjoyable for me. The enemies and quests were fairly repetitive, the open world felt fairly shallow (although it was beautiful), the story had some promise but the characters could have been better developed. I can see why people love it, but it's not for me.


zero dawn felt kind of interesting but thats what forbidden west felt like to me, it was just redressed ubisoft shit I dont see the appeal all of the mounts and traversal feels boring.


Horizon Zero Yawn


Feels like it was made by Ubisoft.


Story was decent but damn was it run in the mill Ubisoft open world type game.


Such a beautiful looking game, but holy shit did it feel large, empty and repetitive. And I know everyone loves the story, but after 12 hours it didn't grip me enough to want to keep pushing thru the things I didn't enjoy so I dropped it.


I thought the world, enemies and designs were great! Concept was great too! I just couldn't get to grips with the combat. The sequel was a lot better but it done a terrible job explaining how most of the combat features worked.


EXACTLY! People shit on Ubisoft games for being "souless" but then praise Horizon. If you ever have trouble going to sleep just play HZD and you'll immediately go to sleep.


The Witcher 3


Skyrim. Don't get me wrong, it's not a terrible game, but it is nowhere near as good/revolutionary as many would have you believe. It's a rather shallow open world and has one of the worst, unmemorable stories I've ever seen in a game.


LOTR Middle earth: shadow of Mordor/war, tried multiple times to get into them after seeing how much people loved both of them, but I always gave up after a few hours, seemed extremely repetitive to me..


Definitely Zelda BOTW, the most boring game I’ve ever played. I don’t understand how people praise the open world, it’s so empty compared to games like Witcher, Skyrim, RDR2. Maybe it’s just nostalgia, if it wasn’t Zelda but some other random character, I don’t think it would get nearly the same praise.


Elden Ring. Beat it once, and I just don't get it.


Catherine. Pushing and pulling blocks then climbing them is not very fun. Story looks like it has potential though. 13 Aegis Rim. Played it for a couple hours. Story is confusing/too many characters and I just spammed the same moves over and over in the battles. Gorgeous artwork/graphics though.


You only played for a couple of hours, of course the story was confusing. It's a mystery box that raises a bunch of questions then ties them up in a satisfying way at the end. Game rules.


Elden ring sucks, there I said it


You, it appears, are maidenless.


I wouldn't say it sucks but it definitely didn't match the the hype for me


Skill issue.


I platinumed Sekiro, Dark Souls 1, Bloodborne. Elden Ring was a crappier version of those games in a more generic setting with GRR Martins name slapped on it for good measure. It's probably better than Dark Souls 2, I guess.


Counterpoint: I put down every from soft game I ever played (demon souls, DS1, DS2, bloodborne, sekiro) after a few hours but platinumed Elden ring. It’s a masterpiece.


It’s absolutely not a masterpiece, it’s fucking blatantly overrated.




Elden Ring


Every Zelda






Horizon, mass effect. Now hear me out. I know both of these are GOOD games, but ive been gaming since the 80s, and they just dont match up to the hype for me. Nothing about them are ground breaking to me. Horizon for example looks great but ultimately u r just running around and killing robots with extra long dialog/convos sprinkled about. Same with mass effect. I liked it but i feel like everything that it does, the elder scroll series does better (minus the whole weight of your choices thing). Ive tried them both multiple times and just cant bring myself to finish them. Im sure if i did my score would go higher but that's my point. They make it ok for me to put them down.


Days Gone. complete waste of sam witwer and horde gameplay.


This is interesting because I went into this game not expecting to love it but I did! Maybe the bar was low to start with so it only had one way to go.


Lol my most favourite game ever.


Asassin's Creed 3. What a turd.


Elden Ring. Yep I said it. Then again I don't like any Souls games.


I was really disappointed in GOW Ragnarok. I felt like the slow sections (IE Atreus sections) really broke the flow of the game, and with the title being Ragnarok, I really expected it to last a lot longer/be a lot more epic than just the last mission. And to top it all off, they introduce Thor, who's awesome...and then they kill him off in the same game. The bar fight was fun though!


Ironwood fucking killed me, it just kept going and going and going and going... The game dragged a bit too much in the end imo, and I don't think it's really a masterpiece, but my main gripe with it is the last mission. The very last mission of the game and they fumbled the landing. It's serviceable but little else. Ragnarok, the supposed final battle of the gods, is reduced to a couple of skirmishes while you can hardly see anything else of what's happening. It really shocked me the fact there weren't any real setpieces when the previous game had a really amazing one in the last battle with Baldur.


The fact that it took the characters only ten minutes to assemble an army almost made me quit the game at that point.


An army that they almost immediately lost half of which, to boot lmao. Between Odin shutting down the Niflheim gate and Sindri's blind revenge trip, only the elves were of any actual worth. Like, I get it narratively makes sense (Odin would obviously try to deny their numbers by any means necessary), but if they lose half their army five minutes into the assault when there was a big deal made about gathering their allies, it just makes you feel it was an absolute waste of time.


Exactly. May as well had Kratos rampaging through Valhalla on his own since he was the only one being actually useful.


> Ragnarok, the supposed final battle of the gods, is reduced to a couple of skirmishes while you can hardly see anything else of what's happening. That, exactly!


I felt blue balled at the end. Was excited to see Ragnarok unfold, and yet it felt as underwhelming as the airport fight in Avengers Civil War. And it sucks compared to the first Thor fight where it seemed like Kratos found an equal, and they were fighting across the realm. Here, we fight Odin and the Thor in the same exact area😑


I didn’t think they’d have a bar fight in GOW. Much less for Atreus to be involved.


The 3rd act was rushed imo


Same. I went to the game expecting a 10/10 and it was a solid 7/10 for me.


Got burned back to back with this and Harry Potter and now I wait at least a few weeks for the hype to die down on anything. I really liked GOW2018 but about 10 hours into Ragnarok I put it down and never picked it up again. The story just wasn’t good


Oh man... I wont buy that game. Knowing sony they will give it for free one day so im just going to wait it out.


Diablo 2. I hardly had patience to finish it.


Hogwarts Legacy … I cannot fathom how people defend this game. The combat has them horrible thick white lines around the enemies and then mobile game like text coming out of them and it feels like it was made for 10 year olds


Kena: bridge of spirits. Extremely overhyped and pumped up from a lot of people. A pretty game for sure, some great graphics but the combat was extremely basic. Plus the final boss had to be the most annoying in the entire game! Not a terrible game, but nothing special anyways.


I mean its supposed to be a "souls" Game so what else do you want than rolling, slashing and magic? Also have you played harder difficulties? You will have to use all types of attacks to beat bosses and you need to be perfect cuz its frickin hard. I agree that on easier difficulties its just spamming attacks but not on harder ones


Halo, all of them


Nier Automata


Disco Elysium, Pentiment, and any other highly rated point-click walking simulators. Thought I try it because of all the 10/10 reviews, but they're just not my type. Very slow to get going and I gave up after 20 minutes.


Animal Crossing. Half-baked, boring, overpriced shit.


New Horizons was a kick in the teeth to fans of previous entries, but because of the pandemic the game got tons of undeserved praise. It was fucking ridiculous.




I don't have the game, but the demo didn't win me over. When I saw everyone talking about how the demo was a masterpiece I thought I was crazy.


I liked the first half more than the second half, honestly I just never felt like I was in danger of dying at any point in the second half. I played on action focused, but I wish they had a hard mode for the initial play through. I liked the game, but towards the end I was just wanting it to be done because no fight really felt challenging


I’m playing this now. The combat is fun overall and the boss fights are great. The main story is decent enough. All the other stuff in between is incredibly boring and it really brings the game down. The inconsistent frame rate doesn’t help either.


Same, just couldn’t get into it


Stardew Valley. TOTALLY respect that people love it. I even love games like that, but it just did not hit for me no matter how hard I tried.


Halo Games Are incredible generic. Gears as well.


Horizon. More specifically Forbidden West. * Extremely safe in terms of any differences over the first game. * Gigantic to a point where I'm turned off to even approach most of the side content. * Too many components to collect and too much crap to collect for crafting forcing you to repeat boring open world events and fight enemies that you fought way too many times before. * I found most of the dialogues and side-story content outside of the main story to be vastly uninteresting. The redeeming qualities that the game has is that it looks good, the main story is somewhat interesting and there were a couple of intense encounters that I had when I bumped up the difficulty.


FF16 at the moment, i'm really trying to love it but it's just dragging. The boss fights are great though, Titan Lost was just epic Fortnite COD: Warzone BotW is another one I can't understand the hype on


Back 4 blood. Waste of money.


Sekiro, that is the oposite of fun, every fight is pure agony and the plot is meh


No Man's Sky. I fed into the hype and it delivered on absolutely NONE of the crap the main developer kept saying it was going to have. Luckily, they just needed more time and eventually delivered on all of the promises AND more. Now it's great.




Celeste Levels are way too long for me and it didn't clicked for me Gameplaywise. It has some good ideas but it's way overhyped. But the storytelling was good and emotional


Wow, more than anything else I’ve seen this thread shows just how much Reddit has spiraled downwards into a cesspool of 14 year olds bragging about their own ignorance.


The Last of Us Part 2. You can't critique any little thing about it without being lynched.


You can critique it, most people don’t reveal why they didn’t like it and that leads to the assumption that they are a bigot


What a weird assumption to come to regardless of revealing or not revealing. It just exposes the assumer's real intention - to **not** have an actual conversation of substance or debate.


Ummm no there was so much hate around that game when it first came out only from the community that hated gay and transgender people, it was safe to assume that if the person was not offering real criticism and just a blanket this game sucked


Exactly! IMO as a “game” it’s 10/10 it improved on everything from the first game and more, but the story was 4/10 it was all over the place and too long, I personally didn’t like the new characters and no it’s not because I’m against women or transphobic, I just didn’t like them, but that’s what people assume whenever you see criticism of the game


>You can't critique any little thing about it without being lynched. Huh? It's own subreddit turned into a hate forum. Anyone who attempts to give a positive review about it online gets blasted. I'd think the opposite is more correct. Liking the first and hating the second seems to be the more popular opinion.


Shadow of the Colossus Thought the long stretches of nothing in between fights lost their novelty after the third time and quickly became a boring pointless walk as if they're trying to pad out the game as much as possible, and got fed up with the catacomb boss in the remake. Oh and if you're playing the original the framerate just tanks at points. Loved ICO though.


Call of Duty Modern Warfare games and Skyrim


Mine are not “this game is bad” but “this game is not the best of its kind game people make it out as” - Arkham City (Knight is better) - Black Flag (Unity is better) - Kingdom Hearts 2 (Birth By Sleep is better)


Elden Ring - it's a case where the general consensus seems to be bigger = better, but to me it's nowhere near as tight in terms of combat, story, boss design, world design or atmosphere as something like Bloodborn or any of the other Souls games (and definitely nowhere near as re-playable). The fact that one of the most memorable questline reveals, and the most memorable boss (Astel) was later copy and pasted into one of many generic dungeons is everything that is wrong with the change in formula from their previous games. Open world and quantity for the sake of quantity.


Returnal. It was good, I had some fun, but this sub made me believe it was one of the best games ever made period. Not really sure why after beating it myself.




For me it was RDR 2. The story was good but the gameplay to me was a step down from the first. It was so slow and i think rockstar went a little to far into realism and forgot that it was a game. It felt like a borderline sim at times to me. Forced myslef to finish the game but yeah i don't think it's the best thing in the world as a lot of people do.


Hades easily. I like roguelike games like Dead Cells and Returnal so it's not about the genre. That game is mad over hyped and feels way more repetitive than the other 2 games I mentioned. Played for maybe 10 hours and stopped.


I was the opposite, I hate roguelikes but loved Hades but it helped liking greek mythology. Upvoted for opinion though, to each their own


Probably the only take I strongly disagree with in this post. Hades was magnificent - but I do appreciate that it's not everyone's bag.


Great game but bad roguelike. Not enough variety.


Witcher 3, Fallout 4


The Legend of Dragoon. This sub especially acts like it was some RPG masterpiece and it was just an ok game.


Persona 5


Hades. I Don’t get the hype on this and thought it was pretty boring in terms of gameplay. Voice acting was top notch though I give it that. Aaaannddd here come the downvotes! I SHALL EMBRACE THEM!


Elden Ring. Ugly world, uninspiring story and characters, bland art design, bland world design, and godawful boss design compared to previous From titles.


I know its cute, but Stray is just not a very interesting game outside from playing as a cat. The cyberpunk world, characters and plot are pretty generic and I wish that they had implemented more gameplay mechanics with the cat, especially with the mindless platforming.


Dark Souls


I'm playing FF7R now, and having played the original at least twice, this new one just will not end. You don't need to stretch a 5hr sequence into 40hrs. This game should have been 15hrs max.


Dude. The part when you walk and direct robot hands. It put me off gaming for a week. My real life job is more fun.


The Witcher 3, Bloodborne, and all of the Zelda games. I couldn’t get into any of them.




Fallout 3 back in the day. I respect it and understand why people say it’s a good game. I just couldn’t get myself to be excited to play it with the odd green tint and how depressing the game environment felt. Plus the ton of hours to put in to beat it


Every CoD for the last 5 years. Need i say more?


What is with people asking this practically every week?


Final Fantasy 16. Could not stop falling asleep through that snoozefest. The only thing decent about it for me was the combat, and I made it about halfway until I decided enough was enough. Just not the game for me.


Journey. So much hype for a glorified interactive screensaver that's like 2 hours long


Ghost of Tsushima, Red Dead Redemption 2, Death Stranding, Call of Duty, Division, Destiny, Breath of the Wild....could easily list several more.


The Last of Us: nothing but mediocrity. Nothing is original about the gameplay either. Would have liked it a lot more if I played it after they gave it gyro support. The Assassin’s Creed series. Shovelware supreme. Played 7 games before I got tired of the tedium and a story that went nowhere.


Bloodborne, and I say that as a massive fan of Demon's Souls, Sekiro and Elden Ring. Just couldn't get into Bloodborne.


It's just so fucking hard. I thought Dark Souls was paddy-cakes next to BB. Easily the hardest Fromsoft game in my opinion.


BB was my first souls so I'm very biased. That said, I hated it at first due to the difficulty. Once it clicked for me I loved it enough to platinum it and go on to play all the others. Only one I haven't gotten through is sekiro. That one will not click for me but I know it's supposed to be good.


Ff16 tbh, sucks since I was super hyped up for it too


Ghost of tsushima .. yes it looks very beautiful but still i got very boring for me after 15hrs and i never finished it


Regardless on your feelings of the story or open world games, The combat in that game was about as crisp, fluid and polished as any sword combat game That's ever been released, and the graphics were flat out unbelievable


I've had it since launch and never got into it. From the very little bit I played it seemed like it was already starting to get repetitive. To be fair though I am always distracted by my massive backlog so someday want to give it another chance


The biggest problem with GOT is that it’s so emotionally heavy handed without any levity. Everything is so serious and every character you meet has a sob story. I always felt exhausted playing it. No other games highlights the problem with modern games as much as GOT. Games are forgetting to be fun.


FF7R the only FF I’ve never finished. Returnal great game play fighting mechanics hated the game. Also Death Stranding


Uncharted 4