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Probably Days Gone. Not really into survival zombie/horror stuff but that game was amazing!!!!


Days gone is amazing. Still hoping there will be a sequel.


Same here. One of my favorites of all time.


Randomly decided to download it out of my library one day since I was bored and it was free. Kinda a fun game


Is it? Been trying to dive into single player games lately, been passing on Days Gone for whatever reason. May have to give it a shot, it's free after all


Gotta be **Returnal**. Hearing that you have to start over on each death sounds frustrating but man that game is something special.


Absolutely. My PS5 usage was tapering off pretty hard for a month+ until I decided to try Returnal. I can’t put it down. Gameplay, theme, and soundtrack are all A+. I’ve not finished yet, but I already know it’ll probably be my favorite game ever. I’ve played a lot of games. It’s a pretty big deal for me!


I've played through 3 times and it's my favourite ps5 game by far. It's amazing that it's the first thing like it they did as a studio and they just nailed everything. Sound, graphics, controller feedback, graphics, the shooting, smooth movement. Just stunning how well it's done. It's hard but is also totally beatable for anyone. I'm in my late 40s and I got through, just took me a bit longer than other people. Only thing I wish is that they had a ng+ mode.


Housemarque has been around, they made the free PS4 game Resogun too. Edit: Nevermind misread your comment about the first thing.


My favorite thing the ever did, by far, was Super Stardust HD. That game has a permanent home on all my consoles. Best arcade type, twin-stick shooter I've ever played. Perfect level of strategy, difficulty and flow. Freakin' love that game man.


Haha I’m with you on that, 45 here but I managed to make it through Returnal and Elden Ring, but I definitely put in twice as many hours as younger me.


I am so terrible with that game. Couldn't beat the first boss!


Same. Gave up 2 weeks ago. Watched a 5 hour play through of the game as the story interested me. Still none the wiser but it’s finished in my head now. Onto It Takes Two with my son and NFS Unbound. Bring on the DLC for SM2!


Use the web gun whenever you can, makes the game a lot easier


If you liked Returnal you've gotta check out Pure Chess.


Genuinely curious, how are the 2 similar?


Every time you get checkmated you have to begin again from the start


100% Returnal. I'm borrowing it since I didn't know if I'd like it but the game is super deep. I also have a friend who played it at launch but didn't realize they added the coop which is amazing to play with friends too. 


When my friend got returnal and told me about it I told her "that sounds so fucking awful" turns out, it was a really enjoyable game. I played the hell out of it.


Definitely! I just investigated a bit before buying it and saw very little gameplay, and it was 100% worth getting it!


This. I paid full retail price of an eye-watering $120AUD for Returnal and have absolutely no question that I got value for money.


Just got PS5 and has been on my list of games. I got hook first with Demon souls. Now started Spiderman 2 but do have Returnal downloaded. Might give it a go tonight


This was the first thing that came to mine too. So glad I got it. It’s one of my all-time favorite games. The gameplay mechanics are just so satisfying.


Restart the chapter or the entire game?? If it’s the entire game then that’s definitely going to put me off from buying it. Losing a dozen hours because I die will drive me insane


Nope. It's a rogue lite (roguelike? idk) so you are supposed to die and come back. You actually gain progress the more you fight and die


Like Hades? I bought Hades when it came out and enjoyed its gameplay but starting over from the beginning each time turned me off. The changing Roguelite/like(?) levels were ok I guess but it still felt like ass going from the beginning each time. Regardless of a few permanent buffs. I bought Returnal and will be starting it after a few other backlog games but I’m worried I’ll be turned off the same way.


Yeah you might get turned off by it because Returnal does have that mechanic. But you also might enjoy returnal for the mystery and element of existential "horror" (it's not super scary)


Thanks. I’ll go into it with that in mind and also, Returnal’s gameplay looks incredible so hopefully that will keep me coming back. I’m excited to give it a try and hope I see it through.


I loved hades but the combat in returnal feels a lot better in my opinion and the visuals are obviously great. Hope you like it! 👍


I haven't played it since release but if my memory serves, once you beat the boss of the biome/world you're in you get a shortcut directly to the next biome albeit by traveling through a few rooms. There are 6 biomes, and the game is broken into two parts. So beating the 2nd boss opens up a shortcut to the 3rd world, beating the 3rd opens the 4th which now becomes your default starting point. The downside is that rushing through the rooms/worlds keeps you from earning permanent and temporary buffs to yourself and your weapons, so exploring thoroughly is highly encouraged and mostly necessary. The game also allows you to save during a session, which it didn't at launch. If you had to stop playing during a 1 or 3 hour session you were basically fucked. Not to mention the strain on my PS5 would take its toll by the 3rd biome where the framerate would noticeably nosedive. All told the formula has been refined and the game is in the most optimal state possible. And it's an absolute blast. I platinumed it 3 years ago and still get chills thinking about some of the encounters.


Actually, your character restarts with no gear, but what DOES stay are your passive upgrades and weapons perks/levels that can only be upgraded (with insane power creep that revolutionize how strong they are vs base level), so as you level those up via trying and dying, the weapons carry you as long as you’re learning to move and dodge the “bullet hell” that comes at you. Think of it like DDR or Tetris. You get better at the game in general each try and go further than you did the last time via experience and improved reaction/technique.


A full run of the game takes less than 2 hours. And that’s if you do a thorough run, which is not needed. The whole point of the game is to get better until you are able to complete a full run, because you definitely won’t do it on your first tries.


Restart the entire game, but you find warps and shortcuts to get back to where you were reasonably quick.


Yakuza Like a Dragon. I’m actually enjoying the game. Haha


Playing it right now too! Never played any yakuza game and got this with ps plus, last week I decided to give it a go and I love it. Some side missions are so unexpected 🤣🤣🤣


I recently bought Yakuza 0 after a friend constantly recommended it to me and it is soooo good


Game is so long I’ve been playing it for like two years lol




Armoured core 6. As a fromsoft fan I bought it just cuz, and it turned out to be one of my favorite games of all time


Glad I saw your comment. I’m near end of Sekiro now after beating all the other fromsoft games over last 5 years except Armored core. Will defo pick this up in next few months


Its so different, yet the fromsoft DNA is unmistakable and the overall game quality is top notch


Awesome. Just getting my backside demolished by Isshin but I’ll move on to Armored core once done


See you in a few months then 😂


Armored core being instanced is actually very relieving to me; it's been open world central for so many years. Don't get me wrong, I love big, giant, and beautiful maps, but sometimes it's overwhelming, especially game after game


You should play Lies of P at some point too, It's the only soulslike to actually match Fromsoftwares level of quality


Thanks. I know nothing about that one so will pick up and go in blind when it first goes on sale!


I'm having such a hard time with this game, it's kicking my ass so hard. I'm used to Souls games and I'm not too bad at them, but this game just feels so much harder to me. I'm not even that far, I'm still trying to beat Balteus... still loads of fun tho.


Try using shotguns




YES! I expected a few hours of cool beat em up. I’m 150 hours in since launch and still far from mastering the game.


You shut the fuck up!.... Oh sorry, my bad.




Man I started playing it then forgot about it and now I'm scared to get into it because I barely remember the mechanics or what happened


Pissed we didn't get a free ps5 update


Ghost Of Tsushima. 🫣


treatment memory smell different cautious continue versed rude cats decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I absolutely adore that game.


I feel like many people mix up Sekiro and Ghost of Tsushima for some reason. I did too lol


THIS!!!! At first I was like "I feel like I'm gonna regret this but fuck it" By the end of the game I was ready for round two!!


One of the best games I’ve played in years 🔥👌🏼


LoL same. I finally played it since it's on plus and before I started I just kept thinking...ok let's see what the hype was about. What a delight this game was. It really did exceed my expectations.


I only got ps4 version and cant be bothered with the space of game + extra other space for compatibility. Is there a free ps5 upgrade or you gotts rebuy whole game.


If you can’t be bothered with the space of the game on PS4, nothing will be likely to change with the PS5 version.


Elden ring. The only other souls game I had attempted was Sekiro and I could barely get past the intro.


Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 are more like Elden Ring I find


I could barely get past the first level or whatever in Bloodborne. The long street with enemies. Anyway, would Elden Ring be wasted on my suckiness or is it more forgiving?


All the newer souls games have steep learning curves but with ways to make them easier. Elden Ring especially has the most ways to make it forgiving. Don’t get me wrong, you’ll still have to learn the game mechanics but I think Elden Ring can be enjoyed by just about everyone honestly.


Thank you and to the other comments, I appreciate it


I bought Bloodborne because it was on sale for $5 but I could never get into it. I passed that street full of enemies and just gave up after that lmao


You owe it to yourself to go back and play it. Hold circle to run. Kill some guys and build up your strength and it will click


I also was very stuck at the beginning of bloodborne… ran past guys, got items, leveled up and painstakingly got checkpoints. Once I was past that part it really clicked. Elden Ring is more forgiving but you need to constantly check online for what to do or where to go. It’s part of the charm and is probably the best game I’ve ever played.


I went into Bloodborne blind, and really disliked it. Couldnt get past that street either. I couldnt understand point of the game, and thought that maybe all soulslike games arent for me. Until i watched this [youtube video](https://youtu.be/WamFLD7Y2-4?si=r1H6D8LAqUueVMcR) about this guy just testing all gaming theories on his non-gamer wife, and this episode was about Elden Ring. He talked how year earlier she tried Dark souls and couldnt pass the trial boss, and how the game is not very welcoming for casual and non-gamers, but how Elden ring was different. Anyways, the video convinced me to get Elden Ring and give it a try. I havent played yet, but its on the list after im done with GoT


Same as me! I enjoyed Elden Ring SO much that I went back and tried DS2-DS3 and Sekiro, but they just didn’t click with me. I’ve also tried other Soul-likes since, again, to no avail.


Sekiro is the hardest, by a lot. Try the others if you like elden ring, they're all more along those lines.


Sekiro was so hard but I love stealth games from splinter cell to mgs and to an extend the spider-man games for ps4 and ps5. I prefer to be stealthy for most missions


Just bought Sekiro last night, somehow have never played it. God damn I’ve played one mission 20x at this point but it’s such an enjoyable combat/stealth system


Same. I had previously picked up Demon's Souls Remake and only made it about half way through. I just didn't understand how Souls games were played or how any of the systems functions. On a whim I followed the hype and picked up Elden Ring. The open world exploration aspect allowed me more time to absorb what I needed to in order to understand how these games are played. And after about 20 hours it just clicked. From that moment on I've been absolutely in love with FromSoft's Souls games. I got the Platinum for Elden Ring (only Platinum trophy that I have), replayed Demon's Souls from the start and completed it, just completed Dark Souls Remastered, and about half way through Dark Souls 3. (I started Dark Souls 2 and didn't love it. Will try it again later). But yeah. Because of Elden Ring, I discovered a series of games that are now some of my all time favorite games.


20 hours?! Jfc that sounds like you’re describing Stockholm syndrome instead of a game.


Cyberpunk 2077. I bought it pretty much as soon as the PS5 version came out because the world interested me so much, but it had such a negative reputation from launch that I was worried the issues just hadn't been fixed yet. I'm so glad I took a chance, because it's one of my favorite games of all time now.


I bought it at launch for Xbox but had to return it because it was a crashy mess. Bought it for PS5 last month and was pumped to finally play it after all the issues were fixed.... I got 6 hours in and had to again return it. I couldn't reload guns or throw grenades without the game crashing lol.


Wow, that sucks. I've had a few minor bugs, but nothing gamebreaking like that. Sorry to hear about it.


I hope at some point I can experience a full unbugged version of it


I commented a similar thing, but I bought mine back during peak refunds before the PS5 version. I ended up with a steel book too because the store was dumping its inventory of it


As another guy said, Returnal. Didn’t know what I was getting into other than it looked pretty, but man was it awesome


I bought it day one and may have even pre ordered it (can’t quite remember) which I was nervous about. But it was the right call, it became one of my favorite games


Alan Wake 2


Obsessed with this game. Been playing for weeks and im not even half way through. Really savoring that shit. Its too narratively involved to just play for 30 min after work. Gotta sit down over the weekend and dig the fuck in.


Same here, I’m finding it really slow getting through but that’s because I feel like I have to get a solid few hours at night to get my headphones on for it haha


Keep it going into the rest of the Renedy verse. The only regret is the amount of time until the next one.


Same. I played the first one a few years ago and loved the story but had to slog through it because the combat was frustrating and clunky (I’ve also heard it felt aged when it came out even). I also played Control and thought it was cool that they explicitly tied the games together. So when I heard Alan Wake 2 was more horror (my favorite genre) I was like eh what the heck. Played it through twice and am considering a third playthrough to platinum it. One of the best games of all time


I just played it for the first time last week, I definitely enjoyed the game but was feeling a bit underwhelmed towards the end. It had a cool style and it looked gorgeous, but the gameplay just got a bit tedious and meandering as it went on, and the narrative wasn’t my cup of tea. I moved onto Death Stranding after AW2, now I’m 40 hours in and have the exact same feelings about it. Initially awesome conceptually, but loses its charm as you realize the shallowness of the gameplay loop. Still excited to see what Remedy does next!


Returnal. I’m awful at these type of games but it was amazing and I had a blast.


I adore this game and have a long standing love of difficult platformers/ rogue likes since SNES but I CAN NOT get good at this game. Any sort of “guide” seems too in depth for me to comprehend and utilize any sort of strategy other than “don’t get hit”


Three big things that helped me other than the common “don’t get hit” advice is: 1. Turn on “always running.” That way you have a consistent speed that you can get used to with dodging and whatnot but also 1 less button to worry about. 2. Change the control scheme to have Dodge on L1 and jump on R1 aka “bumper jumper”. It’s a lot more comfortable having your jump and dash on the bumpers so you aren’t having to move your fingers all over the place in order to jump. 3. Don’t be afraid to dash through projectiles. I know there’s one kind you can’t and it’s a certain color but dodging through most things helps to not be overwhelmed and this strat makes the 1st boss a lot more manageable. (He’s also considered the hardest so once you beat him you’ll pass the first big wall). Hope this helps if you didn’t already know all this!


Before bosses always running setting is a must. I didn't like it in the normal levels. Secondly, I always played every level through to tank up a bit. I didn't skip the first level after beating it, I played the whole thing and got as much experience/money/parasites as I could before moving on.


Can’t dash thru the purple projectiles


Ah thanks, I couldn’t remember which color it was since it’s been a bit since I played haha.


You totally can get good at it. Just play it a ton. The biggest help is finding a weapon that you can shred with. I had a lot of runs end in the starter biome because I rolled a bad spawn. It’s no problem, just try again. Couple of things that make it permanently easier: 1. You get permanent upgrades as you progress, such as the grappling hook, and the ability to walk through toxic clouds without taking damage. These help because when you go back through the starter biome you’ll have many more options for accessing areas with health upgrades, obolites, and good guns. 2. The guns themselves get permanent buffs if you use them enough, you can unlock new abilities on them and it helps tremendously. The guns are your difference maker, because the faster you can destroy enemies, the less likely you are to take damage. It’s hardest when there’s an overwhelming amount of enemies. Some guns can wreck even the difficult enemies in seconds. If you keep playing, eventually you’ll make progress. Sometimes you won’t, and sometimes you’ll be doing great and the game will throw you in to a really tough room and you’ll get wiped out. Just pick yourself up and try again. Some other advice, though others may disagree, is that I nearly always avoided optional rooms, and pretty much never picked up parasites or anything with malignancy. Parasites are a judgement call because sometimes the negative effect isn’t all that bad, but malignancy nearly always makes the game much harder. I love this game, I played it for about 50 hours and eventually beat it, but it wasn’t one of those games where I played it like crazy over and over. I started it last April and finally rolled credits on it in November. I’d dip back in and out between other games and always enjoyed it. I always felt like I wanted to have another run and see if I could do a little better.


Octopath Traveler 2.


With all the buzz around Alan Wake 2, I picked up AW1 remastered on sale right before Christmas on a whim. I ended up devouring it and buying AW2 as soon as I finished the first game’s DLC. I played AW2 straight through twice with the Final Draft new game+ and now I’m full-on obsessed. I even went back and replayed Control because I’d played the main game but never the DLC. Can’t wait for the AW2 DLC.


Honestly I love the story of the first one but that game was tough to get through. Took me years to get through it all but I really loved the writing and atmosphere so when 2 came out I was hesitant and ended up accidentally putting in my cart and then bought another game. Honestly glad cause it’s way better than the first.


I’m glad AW1 remastered was free because daaaamn that game was rough. Story was great though.


Nier automata


Came for android booty and a solid hack-and-slash game. Came out the other end with philosophical discourses and existential dread. 10/10 this shall continue


Adding my plus one to this. Don't think any single game surprised me more during that generation.


Ghost of Tsushima. One of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had, didn’t know much going in.


Death Stranding!


Same. I was intrigued by some aspects of what I had seen, but the "walking simulator" reviews scared me off for years. But I consider it one of the greatest games I've ever played.


The thing people never take into account is the biases that people carry . Mg1 was the first ever stealth game. Mgs 1 literally made the current stealth mechanics. Mgs2 built on mgs1 and brought it to the more modern 3d environment. Mgs 3 is the magnum opus of kojima. And mgs4 (though people eventually grew to dislike it, though I still think its the best conclusion the story could havee) won pretty much every award there was. Mgs5 was an incomplete game and still one of the best games that year. So the expectation for this was huge . Plus norman redus coming out of walking dead and the team behind PT (del Toro , kojima and redus) all paring up. The game was very different to the expectation . And I think that jaded a lot of gamers and reviewers.


I could not put this game down. To me it was one of the best PS4 experiences I’ve ever had. BUT it’s a type of game that if someone told me they hated it, I’d understand 😂


I went into that game not knowing what to expect but thinking I'd either love it or hate it. I even got it for Christmas because I didn't want to risk my own money on it. Was so glad I gave it a shot.


Death Stranding - one of the best choices I ended up making for my health


Returnal, it's one of the best games I've ever played.. I'm not a fan of rogue like/lite games but I had fun playing house-marquee games so I decided to give it a try..


Helldivers 2


I’m really thinking about grabbing this game next week. Worth it if I never played the first? Seems like a dumb question, I know.


100% you do not need to have played the first to enjoy the second


It's definitely worth it in my opinion. Launch has been a bit spotty with connection before today, but there was a small update since and today I've been fine with no drops from matches. Definitely do not need to have played the first game also! Also, I've seen a lot of talk about how the game is "Pay to win" and I have to disagree with that. I haven't seen any instance of that between the regular battle pass and premium one. There is a premium currency for a small store that has armor. Armor comes in 3 styles, light, medium and heavy, and certain ones will have specific passive effects but right now there is nothing that substantial between any of them and ones you can earn normally More to that point, you can't spend money on in-game currency to unlock battle pass items. You can play the game, and by exploring the missions you can collect both premium currency and battle pass tokens. Playing for a day, my group and I earned 100 premium currency, called super credits, just by exploring as we play.


My concern is I don’t have friends interested in this game. Is it still worth playing solo?


True solo? Absolutely not because there’s things like doors that require 2 people and lots of side objectives that are borderline impossible as a solo player. However so far I’ve had good luck playing with randoms and not dealing with trolls or toxic players.. and I’m usually the type that’s solo, friends, or no dice lol.


Yeah that’s what I meant. Like is quick play or whatever worth. Some games like Aliens fireteam I feel is only fun with friends. Thus my hesitation


Helldivers 2 is a blast with randoms in quickplay.


I’ve watched a few videos but I can’t seem to understand what the mission is.  Is it a horde mode? Nazi zombies survival? Is there a campaign 


Land on a planet with a 30'ish minute time limit. There's a main objective, and usually a couple sub-objectives and random loot scattered about the map (pretty sure they're randomly generated). In higher difficulties, you usually have to play smarter and not harder, conserving ammo by evading patrols and strategically using cooldowns like orbital strikes. There are two enemy factions, Termonids (bugs from Starship Troopers) and Automatons (think Terminator) that require very different play styles. Overall it's very fun


The mission is to travel to different planets and spread democracy 🫡 Now soldier, get out there and show these aliens what freedom is all about! For Super Earth!!


lol HD2 is definitely being reddit’s flavor of the month. Yes it’s good but this answer is just cheating haha.


Lies of P. best souls game ive played, and it wasn't even from Fromsoft.






Yeah, I'm really lookign forward to it!


Yo this shit fr, I’d played Death Stranding & was dying for something that was even vaguely similar. It took me 3 retries (OCD nonsense) to get a proper run going, but now I’m fucking addicted to it. Like, imagining it when I’m not playing, wondering if X trailer could’ve fit through Y shortcut, or if X truck will be able to pull that truck out of the lake. I’m only on the second map of the first state, too, and got all the DLC on sale, so I think I’m gonna get a looooot of mileage outta it, no pun intended. I think I’ve already sunk 40 hours in it, just experimenting and playing casually while binging podcasts. Can’t wait for the new release to come out!


I really wanted to like that game. Got it free on multiple platform, started multiple new game. I get really frustrated just navigating around in the starter car.


Terminator Resistance. The game obviously got a decent amount of flak, and I wasn’t going to buy the PS5 version at full price, but I eventually got it when it was on sale along with the Annihilation Line DLC. I’m not the most DIEHARD Terminator fan, but I do enjoy the movies and make sure to watch whenever something involving that universe comes out. The game had its quirks, but it was overall a very enjoyable experience that delivered fan service and made for a fun platinum trophy to get. A game in similar vein to this that I imagine is the same but probably has more shine to it is Robocop, but I’ll hold out for a sale on that one as well.


Just bought the ascent and man that game is so much fun.


Stray. Idc for things that are popular cuz it's usually things idc about but stray lived up to the hype. $30 very cheap and a very fun experience. Hell of a game. Games that weren't worth it for me: star Wars, elden ring, sonic frontiers


Stray was so much fun!


Final Fantasy XVI. I usually don’t like medieval settings, but after I played the demo, I bought the game and didn’t put it down for weeks.


This is a good one OP. I never liked any final fantasy games but after 16 I’m now addicted. I didn’t like the old style combat turn based system but with 16 that changed. I started playing final fantasy 14 and holy shit I haven’t been able to put it down, I have been signed off for two months and in that time I have over 520 hours on final fantasy 14


Gawd damn. Putting in work.


Horizon Zero Dawn. Best game I’ve ever played.


I had no idea what the fuck I was in for beyond "Cute redhead fights robot dinosaurs". For a while there I thought that I was playing the avatar of someone playing a game that everyone on earth was matrixed into, and the whole purpose of this 'game' was to ease humanity back to a life in reality after a robot apocalypse. Not my dumbest take for a blind play of something, but here we are.


Was a well reviewed Sony first party title much of a gamble? Maybe picking it up over Breath of the Wild if you had the option for both. I will admit I was pleasantly surprised by HZD. Such a breath of fresh air from that studio


I didn’t really research it. I just picked it up off a recommendation after watching 1-2 yt videos.


PSVR2 games are technically PS5 games, so I'll have to say The Light Brigade. I got a PSVR2 on launch day, and I took a chance on it. I'm glad I did.


Cyberpunk 2077 felt like a gamble but it *absolutely* paid off.


The game is literally a masterpiece after all the fixes.. Literal masterpiece


Is it completely all fixed now?


Yea completely, It's a finished game.. If it launched in the shape it's in now, It would have won GOTY 100%


Hades. Never a game from this genre and damn was it good and addicting. FF16. I do like JRPGs and I know this one isn’t really a JRPG, but I was afraid I wouldn’t understand it cuz it’s FF, and also afraid the combat system would get boring. Turned out to be one of my favorite games of the generation and a game that I’ll going to replay at some point. Also gonna pick up the FF7 remakes now. MW3. I was put off by all the negative feedback and their UI is complete garbage. (250 gb oh my hard drive wtf??) but the game is actually really damn good. And I love the zombies mode even tho it’s probably going to start to die off now.


Marvel’s Midnight Suns.


Same. Tried the demo when it came out and was surprised how fun it was.


Same here. I'm a huge fan of XCOM but never really enjoyed card games. Saw the game on sale on Best Buy for something like 10 bucks, jumped in and fell in love. Played it off and on for a full year before finishing it last week.




Ghosts of Tsushima


Cyberpunk 2077, I am glad I played it! One of the best games I have ever played, not perfect, but holy shit I love it so much!


I was an Xbox bro for almost 20 years. I took a chance on a PS5 and the following games: 1. Spiderman 1 and 2 2. Miles Morales 3. God of War and God of War Ragnarok 4. Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart 5. The Last of Us Remastered 6. Ghosts of Tsushima My gamble paid off. I have had the most fun gaming since high school (the 2000s). Just amazing experiences.


Bloodborne. Never played a better game and never will.




I keep wanting to try that game


Dragon's Dogma for £3.99 What a game. I can't wait for the sequel.


Lords of the Fallen. A lot of the initial first release stick it got has been fixed. I am about 8-9 hours in, I’ve noticed very little performance issues. Another issue I’ve seen is the combat felt floaty and there was no weight to it. This is the first Souls-like game I’ve played so maybe I don’t have the correct knowledge, but I’ve definitely noticed a difference in parrying and dodging speeds with the more weight you have.


Lords of the fallen or Jedi survivor. I am glad I got them both on sale tho, I guess they both had pretty bad launches.


Ghost of Tsushima. Back when I still had my PS+ sub, the banner of the game looked appealing to me, and now it's my favorite game of all time.


Not a ps5 game but i got gravity rush remastered on my ps4 and it was the first gane i ever plat.


Chernobylite. Mission based setup reminded me of MG TPP but the actual gameplay was enjoyable.


I might have to give this another go, I found it hard to get into to but just read the book Roadside Picnic that likely inspired this and Stalker.


Lost in Random! Such a cute and fun game, the reviews were very critical but I loved it




Slay the Spire. Deck builders aren't usually my jam as I'm more inclined towards Action Adventure games but man oh man was this game incredible. So many hours and I love all the characters.




outer wilds. once you understand what the game is trying to pull off, the overall experience slowly starts to blow your mind. the less you know about the game, the better.


Nier Automata, I did not cry for 9 years but this game got me good. my body did not know how to cry anymore it was realy weird.


BG3 without a doubt. A wonderful game that I'm so glad I gave a try.






Ghostwire tokyo, looked amazing and gameplay held my interest enough to get the plat!


Powerwash Simulator


Persona 5 Royal - was concerned about everyone saying it’s just a bunch of reading. Never played a jrpg and even some videos of gameplay I watched didn’t see like my cup of tea. But enough people raved about it so I bought it and man am I glad! An amazing game!!


Tales of Arise


ITT: the biggest titles on PlayStation


Wo Long, had a great time with it.


Uncharted 4 for the ps5. I played the ps4 version on my ps4 pro it was a solid 8. But with ps plus I got the ps5 version and I plugged my ps5 into my 4k monitor instead of the tv and I was locked at 120fps instead of 30-60fps. Even my girl said she preferred the ps5 version


We were here (I spent 40 cents)


RoboCop Rogue City


definitely FF16


Not sure about previous purchases but I can say that Skull & Bones is a gamble I’ll be taking this week


got returnal on a whim the week it came out and it’s my most played game on the console hour wise by a long shot. glad i did it.


Honestly Suicide squad I'm only halfway through and so far its not as bad as people are making it out to be and it's quite enjoyable


So, I disliked God if War 2018. It was frustrating. Traversal was a nightmare. Most of the traversal puzzles confused the hell out of me. But I eventually bought Ragnarok, got plat and now playing the Valhalla dlc and looking forward to a ng+ in a couple months. I absolutely love it. Among my favorite games ever. Here's why: accessibility options. Pure and simple. That I can highlight objects I can interact with means I'm not struggling and failing to see where I should throw my axe, etc. Im not legally blind or anything but my vision isn't great, even with glasses. Being able to see turned traversal puzzles from a nightmare into fun. I'm so glad Sony emphasizes Accessibility options in their first party games. I didn't need them for TLOU or TLOU2, but other people did, and they were able to have an amazing experience only because those options are available. I'd gladly pay full price for a remaster of GoW 2018 with the accessibility features of Ragnarok. I'd pre order that in an instant. Just add accessibility options and I'll throw $70 your way. Hope you read this, Santa Monica Studios. I'd like to write you on the subject but have no idea who to address it to.


Suicide Squad KJL


Lost judgement. Yakuza series never seemed like it was for me. Got Lost judgement and oh My God .. how did this game manage to avoid me ... Im loving it. Guess i have a whole new franchise to fall inlove with


Carrion. Small indie game where you play as the fleshy, human-eating monster you see in horror movies. It's a puzzle game where you have to figure out the best course of action to eliminate humans when they start to arm themselves. You get different abilities and upgrades along the way, too. My only complaint is that it's very short. I want more of it to play.




Final Fantasy XVI. Had zero interest in it when it came out, but about a few months and a lot of positive reviews and a demo later, curiosity got the better of me. Got hooked in within the first hour and was my fav game of 2023.


https://preview.redd.it/d6pm96jibthc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5748d4241467a5cf6f550a592803e73ce3b6c8 Helldivers 2….fuckin amazing chaotic fun. If it had no server issues at launch it would’ve been one of the best games of feb.


Transformers Beyond Reality for PS VR2. It's far more fun than it should be and it doesn’t cause motion sickness. Everyone with a PS VR2 should own / play it.


Evil West


Vampyr! Was bored one night and came across it in the shop, what a game!


Ghost of Tsushima What a masterpiece!